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A. Create 3 Rectangles. �����

Step 1. If necessary create a new Mastercam file, click

File Menu > New. ������

Step 2. Click Create Menu > Create Rectangle.

Step 3. Key-in the ribbon bar:

.9 for Width
Fig. 1 Lock Height
.5 for Height
Lock the Height. Click the Height
button to lock. The field turn
red when locked, Fig. 1.

Step 4. Click the down arrow in the Auto Cursor Fig. 2 Fig. 3
ribbon bar and click Origin to place
the rectangle, Fig. 2 and 3.

Step 5. Click Apply button in the ribbon bar. Fig. 4

Step 6. Key-in 2 for Width in the

ribbon bar, Fig. 4. Fig. 5

Step 7. Key-into the AutoCursor ribbon bar:

0 for X (0, .7)
.7 for Y
and press ENTER two times, Fig. 5 and 6.
Fig. 6
Step 8. Click Apply button in the ribbon bar.

Step 9. Key-in .8 for Width in the Fig. 7

ribbon bar, Fig. 7.

Step 10. Key-into the AutoCursor rib- Fig. 8

bon bar:
0 for X
1.4 for Y
(0, 1.4)
and press ENTER two times, Fig. 8 and 9.

Step 11. Press ESC to close the ribbon bar.

Step 12. Click Fit or use Alt-F1 to fit the rectangles on the screen.
Fig. 9


Brookside Middle School Tech Ed
B. Save Your File.
Step 1. Click File Menu > Save As.

Step 2. Key-in sheetmetal patterns for file name and press ENTER.

C. Set Grid And Snap.

Step 1. Change the Grid and Snap to .1. Use Alt-G.

Step 2. Set: X and Y Spacing to .1, Fig. 10.

Step 3. Click OK .

D. Note Each Rectangle.

Step 1. Click Create Menu > Drafting > Create Note. Fig. 10

Step 2. Lock the Caps, key-in: L BRACKET

Step 3. Click Multiple Notes, Fig. 11.

Step 4. Click the Properties Button.

Step 5. Set Text Height .1 and click OK, Fig. 12.

Step 6. Click OK again.

Step 7. Click Position 1 in the bottom rectangle,

Fig. 13. Fig. 11

Step 8. Click the Text button in the ribbon bar.

Step 9. Key-in: SWITCH and click OK.

Step 10. Click Position 2 in the middle rectangle, Fig. Fig. 12


Step 11. Click the Text button in the ribbon bar.


Step 12. Key-in: WEDGE and click OK. Position 3

Step 13. Click Position 3 in the top rectangle, Fig. 13. ������

Position 2
Step 14. Save your drawing. Click File Menu > Save.
Or Alt-F S. ���������

Position 1 Fig. 13


E. Chamfer Corners.
Step 1. Click Create Menu > Chamfer > Chamfer Chains. �����

Step 2. Press ENTER to close the Chain dialog box.

Step 3. Set the Chamfer to .1 in the ribbon bar.

Step 4. Click the Chain button in the ribbon bar. ���������

Step 5. Click a line of each rectangle and press ENTER, Fig. 14.
Fig. 14
Step 6. Press ESC to close the ribbon bar.

Step 7. Save your drawing. Use Alt-F S.

F. Draw 3 Bend Lines.

Step 1. Draw the next lines, the bend lines a different color and style. Click Attributes in the Status
Bar at the bottom of the screen. Click the Color button and click green, number 10
and OK .
Step 2. Click the Line Style down arrow. Select the dashed style,
2nd line style and click OK.
Step 3. Click Create Menu > Line > Create Line Endpoint. Or
click the Line Tool in the toolbar.
Step 4. Draw the 3 lines in Fig. 15. Use the grid to determine the
location of the lines. ���������

Step 5. Press ESC to close the ribbon bar. Fig. 15

G. Holes.
Step 1. Draw the holes red and change line style back to solid. Click Attributes in the Status Bar at
the bottom of the screen. Click the Color button and click red, number 12 and OK

Step 2. Click the Line Style down arrow. Select the solid style, 1st line style and click OK.

Step 3. Click Create Menu > Arc > Create Circle Center Point.

Step 4. Key-in .125 for diameter in the rib-

bon bar. Click the Diameter button
to lock the field. The field turn red when Fig. 16 Lock Diameter
locked, Fig. 16.


Step 5. Key-into the AutoCursor ribbon bar:
.15 for X
.25 for Y
and press ENTER two times, Fig. 17. Fig. 17
1.8 for X
.95 for Y Fig. 18
and press ENTER two times, Fig. 18 and 19.

Step 6. Press ESC to close the ribbon bar.

Step 7. Save your drawing. Click File Menu > Save. (Alt-F S)


(1.8, .95)

(.15, .25) Fig. 19


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