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We want to help you get the greatest The general layout of the manual is
possible driving pleasure from your provided in the Table ol Contents. A A mnnlruc
vehicle. Your Ownefs Manual can good place to start is the index; it has A WARNING indicates a situation
assist you in many ways. We strongly an alphabetical listing of all informa- in which serious bodily injury or
recommend that you read the entire tion in your manual. death could result il the warning is
manual. Especially, in order to pre- ignored.
Sections: This manual has eight sec-
vent death or injury, at the very least, tions plus an index. Each section
you must read the WARNING and
CAUTION sections spread through-
begins with a brief list of contents so
you can tell at a glance il that section
oul the manual, which are easily rec- A CAUTION indicates a situation in
has the information you want. which personal injury, perhaps
ognized by their special markings list-
ed. severe, could result it the caution
You'll find various WARNING's, is ignored.
lllustrations complement the words in CAUTION's, and NOTICE's in this
this manual to best explain how to manual. These WARNING's,
enjoy your vehicle. By reading your
manual, you learn about features,
CAUTION's and NOTICE's were pre- * NOTICE
important salety information, and
pared to enhance your personal safe- A NOTICE indicates a situation in
ty and continued satislaction with Kia which damage to your vehicle could
driving tips under various road condi- vehicle.You should carefully read and result if the notice is ignored.
tions. lollow ALL procedures and recom-
mendations provided in these
No special break-in period is needed.
pV following a few si.mple precautions
for the first 600 miles (1,000 km) you
may add to the perlormance, econo-
my and life of your vehicle.
. Do not race the engine.
. Do not maintain a single speed lor
n long periods ol time, either fast or
3 slow. Varying engine speed is
n needed to properly break-in the
. Avoid hard stops, except in emer-
gencies, to allow the brakes to seat
. Avoid full-throttle starts.


lnteriorand ExteriorOverview ......2-2

lnstrument Panel Ovenriew... ......2-3


1. Outside rearview mirror

2. lnstrument cluster
3. Steering wheel
4. Seat
5. Rear hatch
6. Door
7. Power window switches
8. Rear door child safetY lock
9. Lights






1. Light control / Turn signals

2. lnstrument cluster
3. WiperMasher
4. Climate control system (if equipped)
5. Radio (if equipped)
6. Passenger's Air Bag {if equipped)
7. Air vent
8. Hood release lever
9. Driver's Air Bag (if equipped)
10. Steerinq wheel
1 1. Shift lever (Automatic)
12. Parking brake lever
'13. Glove box

13 12 ll_L ill 11 '10 I 8





te lf you depress the corresponding
. The keyless entry system does not
button on the transmitter, all foul operate when;
doors and rear hatch will lock and
the hazard lamp willflash once.
- the ignition key is in the ignition
te switch.
. UNLOCK: - you exceed the operating distance
er lf you depress the corresponding limit (Sm/l5feet).
to button on the transmitter, all foul
doors and rear halch will unlock
- the trattery in the transmitter is
and the hazard lamp will flash
twice the dome light and/or rear - other vehicles or objects may be
cargo area light will come on during blocking the signal. Check the loca-
30 seconds if their switches are tion.
l{ your vehicle has this feature, you
can lock and unlock your doors and placed in the centre position. - the weather is very cold.
rear hatch from up t-o Sm (15 feet) - the transmitter is close to a radio
away using the key chain transmitter transmitter such as a radio station
supplied with your vehicle. or an airport which can interfere
with normal operation of the trans-
. lf you have a protrlem with the key-
less entry systemo contact an
Authorized Kia Dealer as soon as


+ tr.-


Using the wmng battery can cause
the transmitter to malfunction. Be
sune to use the correct battery.
To avoid damaging the transmitter,
don't drop it get it wet or expose it
to heat or sunlighL

Battery neptaoement
1" lnsert a coin into the slot and gen-
tly pry open the transmitter.
2. Remove and replace a new 3-volt
battery with the (+) lacing down.
3. Reassemble the transmitter.
4. Check the transmitter operation.
(rF EOUTPPED) To deactivate the immobilizer sys-
Your vehicle is equipped with an elec- A tra_nsponder equipped in your igni-
tronic engine immobilizer system to lnsert the ignition key into the key tion key is very important part to
prevent the risk ol theft. your immobi- cylinder and turn it to the ON posi deactivate the immobilizer sysiem. So
lizer system is comprised with a tion. you must not give any shock on it. It
transponder which equipped in the could cause the failure of your immo-
ignition key, an antenndioil equipped To activate the immobilizer system: bilizer system and your vehicle's start-
in the key cylinder, and a SmCrtra Turn lhe ignition key to the OFF posi- mg.
Unit. lf you insert your ignition key tion. ln this.condition, il anybody iry to
into the key cytindeiand rrjrn ft to th6
ON position, the antenna coil
lorce to drive without original ilnifion * NOTICE
key, the engine is imposs-ible td start. Do not change, alter or adjust
receives the signals from the the
transponder and then sends it to the immobilizer system at your diicretion.
rr NoTtcE It could cause the malfunction of your
Smarlra Unit. The ECU checks the
signal received from the Smartra Unit If you want to change the secret code immobilizer system. The malfunction
whether it true or not. ln case of true, of Vehicle Immobilizer System, contact resulted from the changing, altering
the engine will be started, and in an Authorized Kia Daealer. After and./or adjusting by other than
case of false, the engine will not be change, you and your dealer have to Authorized Kia Dealer does not to be
started. keep the secret code in a safe place. covered by Kia Warranty.




'o"* Q )


Automatic Door Locks Operating door locks'without keY Operating door locks from inside
When you leave Your vehicle unat- the vehicle
Operating door locka'wtth keY . To lock a door, push the door lock
lended, depressing the drive/s door
. Turn the key toward front of vehicle lock button and then closing the door button to the "LOCK'Position'
to unlock and toward rear of vehicle enables the door to lock without a . To unlock a door, pull the door lock
to lock. key. button to the "UNLOCK" position.
. Once the doors are unlocked, theY . To open a door, Pull the door han-
may be opened bY Pulling the door * NOTICE dle outward.

Always remove the ignition k"Y' . ll vou oull the driver's door handle,
All lour doors and rear hatch can be engage the parking brake, close all tn6 drivefs door is automaticallY
locked and unlocked lrom the front windows and lock all doors when leav' unlocked and oPened.
door with the key. ing your vehicle unattended.



* iloncE !r NoTtcE
Whfn r*c door is locked, the rcd mark
c &c but3ol ls not visible. lith O9 door,lockedn when the airbag
inflates in collisions, the
door may bi
Z CAUTION @. unlocked.

TIte doors should atways be tully

rjmed and locked whife the vehi-
de ls in motion to prevent accl-
&ntal opening ol thC door. Locked
&orc will also discourage poten-
tlal lntruders when th6 iehicte
stops or slowe.
Central Door Locks
ll you locUunlock the driver door or
A mnUNG - unattended front passenger door with a key or
Chitdren door lock button, all the doors'and
l{ever leave children or animals rear hatch will lock/unlock automati-
unattended ln the vehicle. An cally.
enclosed vehlcle can become
extremely hot, causing death or
severe lnlury to children who can-
not eecape the vehicle, or to ani-

. To lock a rear door so that it cannot
be opened from the inside, push
the child salety lock located on the
WAnUNG - Rear Door Locks
children accidentally open the
rear doors while the vehicle is in

tr> rear edge ol the door to the motion, they could fall out and be I
"LOCKED" position (toward rear ol severely iniured or killed. To pre- I
LOCKED vehicle) belore closing the door. vent children from opening the :
. To open a rear door while the child rear doors from the inside, the rear I

salety lock is engaged, push the door salety locks should be used
door lock button to the "UNLOCK" whenever children are in the vehi-
position (red mark is visible) then cle.
pullthe outside door handle.
Rear Door Child Safety Lock
The child salety lock is provide to
help prevent children from acciden-
tally opening the rear doors from
inside the vehicle. lt should be used
whenever children are in the vehicle.


ks PowerWindows Driver's window automaticdown
h€ The ignition switch must be in the ON window swltch
in position for porrer windows to oper- The driver's window has an
be ate. Each door has a power window "Automatic-Down" feature. To activate
lF switch that controls that door's win- the express-down feature, momen-
he dow. However, the driver has a power tarily depress the front of the switch
ar window lock switch which can block lo the second detent position. To can-
d the operalion of a passenger window. cel this feature, pull up on the front ol
ri- the switch and then release it or
* NOTICE momentarily depress the front ol the
switch to the first detent position.
To prevent the power window system
from the possibility of damage, do not Driver's door power window
open or close two windows at the same controls Power window timer (lt equipped)
time. This will also ensure the longevi- Allwindows can be opened or closed The power windows can be operated
ty of the fuse. using the power window master con- lor approximately 30 seconds after
trol on the driver's door. To open a the ignition key is turned to the ACC
window, press down on the corre- or LOCK position. However, il the
sponding power window switch. To front doors are opened, the power
close a window, pull up on the corre- windows cannot be operated without
sponding power window switch. ignition switch ON.



Drlver's power window gwitch * NOTICE

The driver's power window switch If you notice buffetingand pulsation
provides two (2) separate window- (wind shock) with either side window
down funclions. open, you should open the opposite
. Depressing the drive/s power win-
window slightty to reduce the symp-
dow switch completely lowers the
driver's window automatically
(Automatic-Down). To cancel this A wnnnlNc - PowerWindows
function, pull up on the front of the . Keep the power window lock
switch and release it or momentari- switch in the driver's door in the
ly depress the lront ol the switch to ON (depressed) position, except
the lirst detent position. Power window lock switch feature when someone is operating a
The driver can disable the power win- passenger door window. Serious
. Depressing the drive/s power win- dow switches on a passenger door bY iniury can result (especiallY to
dow switch partially (to the first depressing the power window lock children) from unintentional win-
detenl) provides precise control ol switch located on the driver's door to dow operation.
the window-down position. To ON. When the power window lock . Always double check to make
raise/close the driver's window pull switch is ON, the drivefs master con- sure all arms, hands, and other
up on the power window switch. trol can not operate the passenger obstructions are safely out of the
door power windows either. way before closing a window.


A waRrulNG - passenger,s
Do noi allow children to play with
the powerwindows.They may seri-
ously injure themselves or others.

ksenger Doors Power Window

To open a window, press down on the
tont portion of the power window
yitch. To close a window, pull up on
fie lront portion ol the power window

A WnnrulNG - Driver,s sear . Always ride with your seatback
. Never adjust the driver's seat or upright in the normal seatino
seatback when the vehicle is position and the lap portion oi
moving. Doing so could cause the safety belt, snirg and low
loss of vehicular control and across the hips.
serioue personal injury or death. . ln order to avoid unnecessary
. po not allow anything to inter- aiPgg injuries inctuding the pos- t"\
fere with the normal position of a sibility of severe injury or ddath, "i6
seatback. Such interference mav always sit at least 10 inches (2Sd t?',ff
prevent the seatback lrom lock'- mm) away from the steeiinq silrffi
ing which could result in serious wheel while stiil being abte td il-mfrl
injury or death ln the event of a maintain comfortable control ol rug
sudden stop or collision. your vehicle. Front Seat Adlustment
Moving the tront seat tonvard and '#ltEn
backward :ill(
To move the seat lonrvard or back-
1. Pull the seat slide adjustment lever
under the front edgb of the seat
cushion up and hold it.



2. Slide the seat to the position you

2. Carefully lean back on the seat
and adjust the back of the seat to
3. Release the lever and make sure the position you desire.
the seat is locked in place.
3. Release the lever and make sure
the seatback is locked in place.
Z CAUTION (The lever MUST return to its orig-
Do not place anything under the inal position lor the seatback [o
lront aeats. Loose objects might lock.)
,nbrtere with the seatbtide micn-
anism or roll out from under the
seat. Objects rolling around in the
driver's loot area could interlere Adjusting the tront seatback
with -the operation ol the brake, recliner
clutch or accelerator foot pedals. lt To recline the seatback:
could result in serlous aicident.
1. Lean lorward slighily and lift up on
the seatback recline lever located
on the outside of the seal, toward
the rear.


A wlRttlNc - passengers
To reduce the risk of sliding under
the lap portion of the lap/shoulder
belt, and potentially suffering
sevsre injury or death in the event
of a collision, do not use the front
seatback in a reclined position
while the vehicle is in motion, lf a 6rn\
seat is reclined, the occupant's hip
could slide under or out of the lap
portion of the lap/shoulder belt
V RFJB30l 5

during a collision. Adjusting the height of driver seat Lumbar suppart (For driver's seat)
lf that occurs, the occupant may cushion (if equipped) (if equipped)
no longer be properly restrained, To change the front or rear height of
and the safety belt could apply You can adjust the lumbar suppor.t by
restraint forces to the unprotected
the seat cushion, rotate the knob moving the lever on the side of the
located on the outside of the seat driver's seatback. Pivoting the lever
abdomen resulting in serious per-
sonal injury or death. Therefore, cushion. toward the front of the vehicle
keep the seatbacks in a comfort- . To lower the seat cushion, rotate increases the lumbar support.
ably upright position whenever the the knob toward the front of the Pivoting the lever toward the rear of
vehicle is in motion. vehicle. the vehicle decreases the lumbar
. To raise the seat cushion, rotate the support.
knob toward the rear of the vehicle.



, 11 ',,
The seat warmer will not operate if
ambient temperature is higher than
_.{2 39*3 "C (102.2*5.4"F).
If the seat warmer doesn't works
when ambient temperature is lower
than 34+4 "C (93.2+7.2'F), it must
l be checked by authorized dealer.

Heating The Front Seats Headrest

{lf equipped)
All the seat headrests provide com-
The fronl seats are electrically heat- fort and also help protect your head
ed individually when the switches and and neck in the event of certain kinds
the ignition are ON. The thermostat of collisions.
regulates seat temperature by Hold the headrest and pull up to raise
depressing the corresponding switch
it. lt will lock into position. To lower the
shown as above. To deactivate the
heating system of f ront headrest, push the release lever on
seats, the left side and push down on the
depress the corresponding switch
once again. headrest.


tfthe vehicle is equipped with tilt 1
headrest, the front headrest will be
adiusted forward to 4 Positions bY
oiltina it forward. To adiust the head-
'rest Lacktards,
Pull it forward and
release it.

A WnnUlNG - Headrests
. Adlust the top ol the headrest so
thit at is even with the toP ol Your
ears in order to reduce the
chance ol Possible sever€ iniury
in the event ol a collieion.
. Do not operate the vehicle with
the headrest removed or imProP
orly Posltloned.
. Do not attemPt to adiust the
headreet while driving.



FOLDTNG SEAT (tF EOUTPPED) . To raise the seatback, lift and push
The rear seatbacks fold fonrard to it firmly until it clicks into place.
provide additionalcargo space and to . When you return the seatback to its
provide access to the cargo area. upright position, reposition the rear
safety belts so that they can be
used by rear seat passengers.


To told the 6:4 spllt loldlng seat:

1. Pull up the slrap to litt the rear por-
tion of the seat cushion.


2. Pull the tie-down strap and place

the hook over the headrest pole at
4. To fold the seatback(s), pull the
lolding strap(s) and push the seat-
the next front row seat. When you fold the rear seatback or
back forward and down.
put luggage on the rear seat cush-
3. Remove the headrest and put the ion, you must insert the buckle
headrest poles into the holes on into the pocket in the seatback.
the seat cushion. Doing so can prevent the buckle
from being crushed by the rear
seatback or luggage.



To unfold the rear seat: * NOTICE z GAUT|ON

1. Lift and push the seatback back_ When returning the rcar seatbacks to
ward firmly until it clicks into place. Da not remave the ftoor carpet in
the upright position, remember to your vehicle. Emission c'ontrol
2. Replace to the headrest on the retum the rear shoulder belts to their system components cause high
seatback. pTp". position. Routing the safety exhaust temperatures under the
belt webbing
3. Push down the seat cushion back- !!*ugt the rear safety
belt guides will
ward lirmly. help keep the belts
from being trapped behin-d or under
the seats. A wanNlNG - carso
Cargo should always be secured
to prevent it lrom shifting and
causing injury to the vehicle-occu.




Moving the 2nd Row Seat Forward Split FoldingThe 2nd Row Seat
and Backward (lf equiPPed) (il equipped)
Adiusting the 2nd Row Seatback
Recliner (if equipPed) To move the seat fonrvard or back- The 2nd row seatbacks fold lorward
ward: to provide additionalcargo space and
1. Lean fonruard slightly and lift up on to provide a access to the trunk area.
the seatback recline lever located 1. Pull the seat slide adjustment lever
under the front edge of the seat . To fold the 2nd row seatback(s)
on the outside of the seat, toward down push fonruard the unlock knob
the rear. cushion uP and hold it.
located on the outside ol seatback,
2. Lean back on the seat and adjust 2. Slide the seat to the position you
beneath the armrest.
lhe back of the seat to the Position desire.
you desire. 3. Release the lever and make sure
3. Release the lever and make sure the seat is locked in Place-
the seatback is located in Place. To ensure the seat is locked in posi-
(The lever MUST return lo its orginal tion, try to move the seat.
position lor the seatback to lock.)

. To raise the seatback, lift the seat-

back, and push it firmly until it clicks
into place. Do not nemove the floor carpet ln
. your vehicle. Emisslon control
When you return the seatback to its system components cause high
upright po$ition, reposition the rear exhaust temperatures under {he
salety belts so that they can be floor,
used by rear seat passengers.

A wnnNlNG - carso
Cargo should always be secured
to prevent lt lrom shifting and Type B (lf equipped)
cauelng injury to the vehicle-occu,

Armrest (il equipped)

The lirst rear seats have the armrest.
To use the armrest, pull it downward
lrom the seatback.



Paesengers sitting in the 9rd row
seat must be caretul not to accl-
dentally preal the pedal whlle
vehicle ls in matlon,

Double-folding the 3rd Row Seat

(if equipped)
Exiting from the 3rd Row eeat
To fold the seat;
Depress the foot pedal located at the
back right lower part of the 2nd row l.Slide the 2nd row seat to the for-
seat. Then the seat will be automati- ward position.
cally slid, seatback will be folded for- 2.Remove the headrests, (Refer lo
ward. After exiting, simply slide the Headrest in this section.) and then
2nd row seat backward and push the store them inlo the headrest stor-
seatback backward to be locked in age box.
Make sure that the seat is locked in





3.Fold the 3rd row seatback down, 4.Pull up the folding loop to release
with pushing lonuard the unlock S.Pull the tie-down strap and plabe
the seat cushion, and then lift the the hook over the headrest p6b at
lever. entire folded seat fonrvard. the next lront row seat.



To put the 3rd row seat back to the 'z CAUTION

upright position, unhook the string Do not remove the tloor carpet in
from the 2nd row seat headrest pole. your vehlcle. Emlsslon control
And place it firmly on the seat hook of 't system components ceuse high
the lloor and push the seatback I
exhaust temperatures under the
backward firmly to use. I

* NOTICE A wnnulNc - carso

When returning the rear seatbacks to Cargo should always be secured
the upright position, remember to to prevent it lrom shifting and
causing iniury to the vehicle occu-
return the rear shoulder belts to their
proper position. Routing the safety
Z CAUTION pants.
belt webbing thmugh the rear safety When you lold the rear seatback or
belt guides will help keep the belts put luggage on the rear seat cush-
from being trapped behind or under ion, you must lnsert the buckle
the se.ats. into the pocket. Doing so can pre-
vent the buckle from being
crushed by the rear seatback or


Their locations are shown in the illus-
t tration.
1. SRS airbag warning light.
I 2. Seat belt pre-tensioner assembly.
3. SRS control module.

A wanrurrue
To obtain maximum benefit from a
RFJB3O35 pre-tensioner, safety belt must be
worn correctly.
Pre-tensioner Seat Belt When the vehicle stops suddenly, or
(lf equipped) if the occupant tries to lean fonrvard
too quickly, the seat belt retractor will
Your vehicle is equipped with driver's
lock into position. However, in certain
and lront passenger's pre-tensioner frontal collisions, the pretensioner will
safety belts. The purpose of the pre- also activate and pull the seat belt
tensioner is to pull the safety belt into tighter contact against the occu-
snugly against the occupant's body in pant's body.
certain f rontal. collisions.
The pre-tensioner salety belt system
The pre{ensioner safety belts can be
consists mainly of the following com-
activated together with the airbags, ponents.
where the frontal collision is severe


Z CAUTION . lf the pretensioner seat belt is A WnnnlNG - Pre-tensioner

. When the pretenslaner satety not working propeily, the airbag Repair or Replacement
belte are actlvated, a loud nolse warning light will illumlnate, . Pre-tensioners are designed to
may be heard and tlne powder, since both devlces are on the operate once. After activation,
whlch may appear to be emoke, same electrical circutt.lf the SRS pre-tensioner eafety belts must
may be vlelble In the passenger airbag warning light doee not be replaced.
campartment.The powder is not blink when the ignition key is .
turned to "ON", ar if it remains Do not attempt to inspect, repair
illuminated for more than 6 sec- or replace the pre-tensioner
. The powder may cduse skin irri- onds, or if lt
illuminates while safety belts yourself. You can
tatlon and ehould not be the vehicle is belng driven, permanently damage the sys-
breathed tor prolonged periods. please have an Authorized Kia tem.
Wash your hands and tace thor- Dealer inspect tfie system as
oughly after an accident in which aoon as posslble.
such powder has been released.


Safety Belt Restraint System . The lap belt portion of the safety Since the inertial locks do not require
belt is snug and low on lhe hips
A wanrulNc - safety Berts . The shoulder
a collision in order to lock up, you
may become aware of the safety
The driver and all passengers belt portion of the
n, safety belt is snug against the chest belts locking while braking or goin!
should always use the safety 6elts
provided in order to minimize the . The knees are straight forward around sharp corners.
risk of severe bodily injury. Lap belt, if equipped, does not have
fr To help you remember to fasten your an inertial lock so it is always in a
er locked condition.
We strongly recommend that the safety belt, a warning tight will illumi-
driver and all passengers be properly nate and a chime will sound.
restrained at all times by using th6 All seats (including or except the cen- Whenever possible, use the centre
safety belts provided with the vehicte. tre rear seat) have lap/shoulder belts. rear seat position to install your child
Proper use of the safety belts lnertial locks in the safety belt retrac- restraint. The centre rear seat is the
decreases the risk of severe injury or tors allow all of the lap/shoulder safe- safest position for a child to sit in.
death in accidents or sudden stops. ty belts to remain unlocked during
Safety belts provide lhe best restraint normal vehicle operation. This allows
when :
the occupants some freedom of
. movement and increased comfort
The seatback is adjusted so the while using the safety belts. lf a force
occupant is in a normal seated is applied to the vehicle, such as a
strong stop, a sharp turn, or a colli-
. The occupant is sitting upright (not sion, the safety belt retractors will
reclined or bent over) automatically lock the safety belts.


A mnUNG - Ausrratian . Gare should be taken to avoid . Belts should not be worn with
Design Hules contamination ol the webbing straps twisted.
r Seatbelte are designed to bear with polishee, oils and chemi- . Each belt assembly must only be
upon the bony structure ol the
cals, and particularly battery used by one occupant; it is dan-
body, and should be worn low
acid. Cleaning may safely be car- gerous to put a belt around a
across the front ol the pelvis or
ried out using mild soap and child being carried on the occu-
water. pant's lap.
the pelvis, chest and shoulders,
as applicable; wearing the lap .The belts should be replaced if . No modifications or additions
section ol the belt across the webbing becomes frayed, con- should be made by the user
abdominal area must be avoided. taminated or damaged. which will either prevent the seat
. Seatbelts should be adiusted as .lt is essential to replace the belt adjusting devices lrom
lirmly as posslble, consistent entire assembly after it has been operating to remove slack, or
with comfort, to provide the pro- worn in a severe impact even il prevent the seat belt assembly
tection lor which they have been damage to the assembly is not lrom being adjusted to remove
designed. A slack belt will great- obvious. slack.
ly reduce the protection aflorded
to the wsarer.


A wRnnlNG - sarery Bett A wnnnlNc - safety Bett care 't CAUTION - Damage to
Usage Salety belts should be inspected Salety Belts
1) Never wear the shoulder belt periodically for excessive wear or Never close the doors on any paft
under the outside arm. damage. Pull out each belt tully of the lap or shoulder belt. lt can
2) Never swing the salety belt and look lor excessive fraying, damage the safety belt or buckle
around your neck to put it over cuts, burns or other damage. Make which could increase the risk of
the inside ehoulder. sure that the lap/shoulder belts injury in case of an accident.
3) Never use a belt for more than
return smoothly and easily into the
one person.
retractor. Check the latches to A WnnrutNG - cargo Area
make sure they latch and release
without interlerence or delay. Any Passenger should never be
a wanNlNG - After a Coilision belt not in good condition or in allowed to ride in the cargo area of
Lap/shoulder belt assemblies may good working order should be a vehicle. No safety belts are pro-
be stretched or damaged when promptly replaced. vided lor the cargo area.
sublected to the stress and forces Persons riding ln the vehicle with-
ol a collision. The entire restraint
system should be inspected after
A wanHlNG -rwisted safety out a lastened salety belt are much
more likely to suffer serioue bodlly
any collision. All belts, retractors, injury or death during an accldent.
anchors and hardware damaged Never drive or ride with a twisted
by a collision should be replaced or lammed salety belt. lf you can-
belore the vehicle is operated not untwist or unjam the salety
again. belt, see your Kia dealer immedi-


Restraint of Pregnanl Women Restraint of lnlants and Small '2 CAUTION - not Metal Parts
Children Safety belts andseats can become
Pregnant women should wear
lap/shoulder belt assemblies when- Small children and inlants should be hot in a vehicle that has been
ever possible according to specilic restrained by an approved child- closed durlng warmlhot weather;
recommendations by their doctors. they could burn a child. Check seat
restraint system to help protect them
The lap portion ol the belt should be while riding in a vehicle.
covers and bucklee before you
worn AS SNUGLY AND LOW AS place a child anywhere near them.
POSSIBLE. Never allow a child to stand or kneel
on the seat of a moving vehicle. A mnUNG - chirdren on Laps
Never allow a safety belt to be placed
A WenUNG - Pregnantwomen
around both a child and an adult or
Never hold a child on your lap or in
Pregnant women must never place your arms in a moving vehicle.
around two children at the same time.
the lap portion of the salety belt It is best lor children to be seated in Even a very strong person cannot
over the area ol the abdomen the rear seats.
hold onto a child in the event ol
where the letus ls located or above even a minor collision.
the abdomen where the belt could
crush the letus during an impact.



Many companies manufacture child
restraint systems (often called child
Restraint of Larger Children a wanuNc - shoulder betts
B As children grow, they may need to on Small Children
h seats) for infants and small children. .
use new child-restraint systems, Never allow a shoulder belt to be
tk An acceptable child restraint system
must always satisfy the Safety including larger child seats or booster in contact with a child's neck or
Standards of your country. Make sure seats, which are appropriaie for their face while the vehicle is in
t, increased size. motion.
that any child-restraint system you
use in your vehicle is labeled as com- A child who has outgrown available . lf salety belts are not properly
plying with those salety standards. child-restraint systems should use worn and adjusted, there is a risk
b the belts provided in the vehicle. of death or serious injury to such
The child-restraint system should be
chosen to fit both lhe size of the child When seated in the rear outboard a child.
r and the size of the vehicle seat. Be seats, the child should be restrained
F sure to follow any instructions provid- by the lap/shoulder belt.
il ed by the child-restraint system man- lf the shoulder belt portion slightly
) ufacturer when installing the child- touches the child's neck or face, try
I restraint system. placing the child closer to the centre
t of the vehicle. lf the shoulder belt still
I touches their face or neck they may
I need to be returned to a child
restraint system. ln addition, after-
market devices are available from
I independent manufacturers which
help pull the shoulder belt down and
away from the child's lace or neck.



Child Restraint System Children could be injured or killed in a

{lf equipped) crash if their restraints are not prop-
erly secured. For small children and
For small children and babies, the babies, a child seat or infant seat
use of a child seat or infant seat is must be used. Before buying a partic-
strongly recommended. This child ular child restraint system, make sure
seai or infant seat should be of it fils your car and seat belts, and fits
appropriate size lor the child and your child. Follow all the instructions
should be inslalled in accordance provided by the manufacturer when
with the manulacturer's inslructions. installing the child restraint system.
ll is further recommended thal the
seat be placed in the vehicle's rear
seat since this can make an impor- A wlnmNc
tant contribution to safety. . A child restraint system must be
Children riding in the car should sit placed in the rear seat. Never
on the rear seat and must always be install a child or infant seat on
properly restrained to minimize the the front passenger's seat.
risk ol injury in an accident, sudden Should an accident occur and
stop or sudden maneuver. According cause the passenger airbag to
to accident statistics, children are deploy, it could severely injure or
safer when properly restrained in the kill an infant or child seated in an
rear seats than in the lront seat. infant or child seat. Thus, only
Larger children should use one of the use a child restraint in the rear
seat belts provided. seat of your vehicle.
You are required by law to use safety . Since a safety belt or child
restraints for children. lf small chil- restraint system can become
dren ride in your vehicle you must put very hot if it is left in a closed
i them in a child restraint system (safe- vehicle, be sure to check the seat
t ty seat). cover and buckles before placing
a child there.

t 3-32

. When the child restraint system . lf the seat belt will not properly lnstallation on the rear seats
is not in use, store it in the trunk fit the child, we recommend th6
or fasten it with a safety belt so use of an approved booster seat {c NOTICE
that it will not be thrown forward in the rear seat in order to raise . Before installing the child restraint
in the case of a sudden stop or the child's seating height so that system, read the instructions sup-
an accident. the seat belt will properly fit the plied by the child restraint system
. Children who are too large to be child. manufacturer.
in a child restraint should sit in . Never allow a child to stand up . Ifthe seat belt does not operate as
the rear seat and be restrained or kneel on the seat. described, have the system checked
with the available lap/shoulder . Never use an infant carrier or immediately by your authorized Kia
belts. Never allow children to child safety seat that "hooks,, dealer.
ride in the front passenger seat. over a seatback; it may not pro-
. Always make sure that the shoul- vide adequate security in an
der belt portion of the outboard accident.

lap/shoulder belt is positioned . Never allow a child to be held in
midway over the shoulder, never a person's arms while they are in
across the neck or behind the a moving vehicle, as this could
d back. Moving the child closer to
lo the centre of the vehicle may result in serious injury to the
)r child in the event of an accident
help provide a good shoulder or a sudden stop. Holding a child
rn belt fit.The lap belt portion of the
ty in a moving vehicle does not pro-
lap/shoulder belt or the centre vide the child with any means of
seat lap belt must always be protection during an accident,
positioned as low as possible on
even if the person holding the
d the child's hips and as snug as child is wearing a seat belt.
re possible.


A wRRttttrtc
' system
Do not install any child restraint
in the front passenger
seat. Should an accident occur
and cause the passenger airbag
to deploy, it could severely injure
or kill an infant or child seated in
an infant or child seat.Therefore,
only use a child restraint system
in the rear seat of your vehicle.
. lf the child restraint seat is not
anchored properly, the risk of a lnstalling a child restraint system 3.Floute the lap/shoulder belt through
child being seriously injured or by lap/shoulder belt (on the out- the restraint according to the seat
killed in a collision greatly board rear seat) manufacturer's instructions.
To install a child restraint system on
the outboard rear seats, do lhe fol-
l.Place the child restraint system in
the desired position.
2.Extend the shoulder/lap belt from
its retractor.



3.Route the lap belt through the

restraint according to the seat man-
ufacturer's instructions.
4.Buckle the seat belt and adjust the
lap belt for a snug hold on the child
restraint by pulling on the loose end
of the belt. Atter installation of the
child restraint system, try to move it
in all directions to be sure the child
restraint system is securely
4.Buckle the seat belt and allow the lnstalling a child restraint system
seat belt to take up any slack. After by lap belt (on the centre rear
installation of the child restraint seat)
system, lry to move it in all direc-
tions to be sure lhe child restraint To install a child restraint system on
system is securely installed. the centre rear seats, do lhe follow-
ll you need to tighten the belt, pull ing:
more webbing toward the retractor. l.Place the child restraint system on
When you unbuckle lhe seat belt and the centre rear seat.
allow it to retract, the retractor will 2.Extend the latch plate tongue of the
automatically revert back to its nor- lap belt.
mal seated passenger emergency
locking usage condition.


.(1- Frontotvehicle

Securing a child restraint seat 1.Open the tether anchor cover on Tether Anchor lnstallation
with "Tether Anchor" system the seatback behind the rear seats. (For Australia only)
{lf equipped} 2.Route the child restraint seat strap Anchorage points for the installation
over the seatback. For vehicles with of child restraint anchor fittings are
Child restraint hook holders are locat- adjustable headrest, route the teth-
ed on the seatback behind the rear provided in the locations shown in the
er strap under the headrest and above illustrations.
seats. between the headrest Posts, other-
wise route the tether strap over the
a wRnrulNG - splir Bench seat top of the seatback.
ll your vehicle has a sPlit-bench 3.Connect the tether straP hook to
rear seat, installing a child restraint the belonging child restraint hook
at the middle anchorage fitting is holder and tighten to secure the
dangerous. The child seat tether seat.
may slide down between the sPlit,
making the seat insecure.



To Child Restraint
a wanrulNc - Australian Securing a child restraint system
I Trim Panel // 45mm length Design Rule with "lSOFlX" system and "Tether
L // thread
Child restraint anchorages Anchorage" $ystem
tll ll__ll I
illl Jl--- designed to withstand only those
ISOFIX is a standardised method of
loads imposed by correctly fitted
IU LILI llU mmmL_lH
---1-H child restraints. Under no circum-
fitting child seats that eliminates the
I l0mm"Spacer
1 Bolt
stances are they to be used for
adult seat belts or harnesses or for
need to use the standard adult seat
belt to secure the seat in the vehicle.
This enables a much more secure
attaching other items or equip'

Set Washer
and positive location with the added
<- Front ol Vehicle A528030678 ment to the vehicle. benefit of easier and quicker installa-
The anchor fitting package consists
A wannlNc - chitd Restraint An ISOFIX-seat can only be installed
. Bolt : 5/16-18 unc x 45 mm Check that the child restraint sys- if it has vehicle-specific approval in
n . Spacer : 1Omm thickness x 2EA tem is secure by pushing and accordance with the requirements of
e pulling it in different directions. ECE-R44. For your Kia, the "Kia
. Set washer :0.7mm thickness lncorrectly fitted child restraints ISOFIX GR1 / Kia Duo" and the
. Anchor fitting : Comlorms to ADR may swing, twist, tip or come away "R6mer Duo ISOFIX / Britax Duo
341O1 causing death or injury. lSOFIX" is approved according to the
requirement ECE-R44. This seat has
been tested extensively by Kia and is
recommended for your Kia.


A wanulruc . Attach the tSOFtX or tSOFtX-

. Do not install a child restraint compatible child restraint seat
seat at the centre of the rear seat only to the appropriate locations
using the vehicle,s ISOFIX shown in the illustration.
anchors. The ISOFIX anchors are . Always follow the installation
only provided for the left and and use instructions provided by
right outboard rear seating posi- the manufacturer of the chili
tions. Do not misuse tne iSbflX restraint.
anchors by attempting to attach
a child restraint seat in the mid-
dle of the rear seat to the ISOFIX
To secure the child restraint seat anchors. ln a crash, the child
1.To engage the child restraint seat to
restraint seat ISOFIX attach-

the ISOFIX anchor, insert the chitd ments may-not be strong enough
restraint seat latch into the ISOFIX to secure the child restiainl seat
anchor. Listen for the audible ,,click"
properly in the centre of the rear
sound. sea.t and. may break, causing
senous lnlury or death.
2.Connect the tether strap hook to
the child restraint hook holder and
. Do not mount more than one
tighten to secure the seat. Refer to child restraint to a child restraint
"Securing a child restraint seat with lower anchorage point. the
the "Tether Anchorage" system,'on rmproper increased load may
page 3-36. cause the anchorage points oi
tether anchor to break, causing
serious injury or death.



At present, this seat is the only one An lSOFlX-child'seat can only be
complying with that provision.In case installed if the seat has a vehicle-spe-
that other manufacturers will furnish cific approval according to ECE-R44.
proof of a respective certification, Kia Before using the lSoFlX-child-seat,
is going to evaluate this seat carefully which was bought for other car, ask
and will give a recommendation pro- your Kia-dealer whether this seat-type
vided that seat complies to the law. is approved and recommended for
Please ask your Kia dealer in this your Kia.

On each side of the 2nd row rear

seat, between the cushion and back-
rest, are located a pair of ISOFIX
anchorage points together with a top
tether mounting on seatback behind
the rear seats. During the installing,
the seat has to be engaged at the
anchorage-points in a way you can
hear it clicking (check by pulling!) and
has to be lixed with the Top Tether-
bell on the belonging point on the
seatback behind rear seats. The
installing and the use of a child-seat
has to be done according to the
installing-manual, which is added to
the ISOFIX-seat.


Child seat restraint suitability for . 6 Seats

seat position
Seatine Position
Use child safety seats that have been Age Group Front Rear l$row lear2d ou
officially approved and are appropri- Passenger Outboard ftboard
ate for your children. When using the < l0kg
child safety seats, refer to the follow- x U U
(0 to 9 months)
ing table.
(0 to 24 months)
. 5 Seats 9to l8kg
(9 to 48 months)
Seatins Position
15 to 36 kg
Safety Belt Warning Light and
Age Group Front Rear Rear X UF UF
Passenger Outboard Centre (4 ro 12 years)
< l{) kg l{ the driver's lap/shoulder belt is not
(0 t0 9 months)
X U {.lF
U : Suitable for "universal" category fastened when the key is iurned ON,
restraints approved for use in this the safety belt warning chime sounds
< 13 kg
X TJ I.JF mass group for approximately 6 seconds and the
(0 m 24 months)
UF : Suitable for forward-facing "uni- safety belt warning light illuminate for
9 to ltl kg
versal" category restraints approximately 6 seconds.
X U, LI tiF
i9 tn 48 months) approved for use in this mass
15 to 36 kg
t,l to I 2, years) L1 :Suitable for "Romer ISOFIX
GR1" approved for use in this
mass group (Approval No: E1
R44-03301 133)
i X : Seat position not suitable for chil-
dren in this mass group

I r-oo


Keep as low on hip

bone as possible

LaplShoulder Belt 3. lnsertthe tongue plate into the 4. Position the lap portion of the belt
To fasten the lap/shoulder bett : open end of the buckle until an across your lap as LOW ON THE
audible "click" is heard, indicating HIPS as possible to reduce the risk
1. Grasp the buckle and tongue plate.
buckle. -
the belt is locked in the ol sliding under it during an acci-
2. Slowly pull the tap/shoutder bett dent. Adjust the belt to a SNUG
b out from the retractor.
F FIT by pulling up on the shoutder
portion of the safety belt. The belt
retractor applies tension to the belt
in order to take up excess webbing
automatically and to maintain ten-
sion on the belt. For maximum
safety, do not put any excess slack
into the safety belt.


A wRRtrttxc . Never drive or ride with a twisted

. The seatbacks should always or iammed salety belt. lf You can-
remain in a comfortable, uPright not untwist or uniam the safetY
position while the vehicle is in belt, see the nearest Kia dealer
motion. The safety belt sYstem immediately.
will provide the most Protection . Never use a single belt to
with the seatbacks in an uPright restrain more than one Person at
I position. a time.
. Never wear the shoulder portion Failure to follow these warnings
I ol the safety belt under the out- will increase the risk and severity
side arm or behind the back. of injury in an accident.
5" Adjust the shoulder anchor posi- . Never wear the shoulder portion
tion to your size. To raise the of the salety belt across the neck
anchor position, push the anchor or face.
up. To lower the anchor Position, . Wear the lap portion of the safe-
push the button and slide the ty belt as low on the hiPs as Pos-
I anchor down. After adjustment, sible. Be sure the laP belt fits
make sure the anchor is locked in snugly around the hiPs. Never
I position wear the lap belt over Your waist.


To unfasten the lap/shoulder belt: Lap Belt (lf equipped)

Press the release button on the buck- To fasten the lap belt:
le and allow the belt to slowly retract.
1. Grasp the buckle end and pull it
low over the abdomen.

When th€ rear lap/shoulder belt is not

in use, and to eliminate an unneces-
sary noise, set the webbing in the belt



) high

Keep as low on hip
Adjust to a sung fit bone as possible

2. lnsert the tongue plate into the 3. Grasp the free portion o{ the belt 4. Make sure that the belt is placed
open end of the buckle until an webbing and pull until the belt is as LOW ON THE HIPS as possi-
audible "click" is heard, indicating snug over the hips and lower ble.
the latch is locked. Make sure lhe abdomen. lf it becomes necessary
belt is not twisted. to lengthen or shorten the belt,
hold the latch plate tongue at right
angles to the webbing and pull.


a WARNING - Lap Bett

fr9O9r Use and Care of the Safety
!: syrearound
the lap bett is positioned
the hips,
Belt System
ind not on ensure that the safetv belts
the.waist. Failure tci fostion tne To.
l?-!?tl ",]],sty arou nd'til hip; ilii ."]gg th.g
maximum proreciion, p-tels-e
rn-crease the chance and siveritJ rolow these instructions:
of injury in the event or JcoilGon'. . 9se the belts at all times _ even on
short trips.
. tl9 sgfety bett is twisted, straight_
en it prior to dse.
b unfasten the lap belt: . Keep sharp edges and damaoino
Fress lhe release button on buckle. ob1ects away from the belts.
. Periodically inspect belt webbino.
anchors, buckles and all other paris
for signs of wear anO Oaniaoe.
Reptace damaged, exceJsivErv
worn or questionable parts immedi



. RESTRAINT SYSTEM What your airbag sYstem does not do
To clean the belt webbing, use any
The fr6nt airbag system (for driver and
mild soap solution recommended (rF EOUIPPED) passenger) is designed to supplement
for cleaning upholstery or carpets.
What your airtrag sYstem does br add to the protection provided to
. Do not bleach or dYe on the web- Your vehicle is equipped with a dual orooerlv belted occupants in moderate
bing. This maY weaken the webbing Suoolemental Restraint SYstem io iev6re frontal collisions. The side
and allow it to fail in a collision. (SRb), which includes an airbag {or airbag system is designed to supple-
. Do not make modifications or addi- ine diiver, if equipped, another airbag ment, or-add to the protection provided
tions to the safetY belt. for the front seat Passenger and, if to properly belted occupants in certain
. Do not allow the belt to get caught equipped, side airbags. The airbag side iinpdct collisions. Keep in mind
in the door when You close it. foi tne drtver is in the steering wheel that neiiher airbag is a substitute for
and is designed to help restrain the the driver's or passenge/s safety belt
forward movement of the driver's and it neither provide restraint to the
head and chest in cetain lrontal colli- lower body.
sions. The Passenger airbag is
designed to help restrain the forward
mov6ment of the Passengers head
and chest in certain trontal colli-
sions.The side airbags help to sup-
plement the protection offered by the
bafety belt and side impact beams tn
side collisions.



{} 14-hy didn't my airbag go Off in a col- Remember, airbags are only The importance of using safety belts
and lision? designed to inflate when the impact There are four very important rea-
€nt There are many types of accidents in would throw the occupant into the sons to use safety belts even with an
Ito which the airbag cannot provide addi- airbags - front airbags are inflated in airbag supplemental restraint sys-
ate tional protection. These include side certain lrontal impact collisions gen- tem. They:
;ide or rear impacts, rollovers, and sec- erally from a little to the left to a little
. Help keep you in the proper position
ond or third impacts in multiple- to the right of straight ahead. lf your (away from the airbag) when it
Jed impact accidents, as well as low vehicle is equipped with only front inflates.
tain speed impacts. However, if your vehi- airbags, the airbags may not deploy if
tind cle is equipped with side airbags, the your vehicle is struck from the side or
. Reduce the risk ol harm in rollover,
for side airbag can provide additional is involved in a rollover. Side airbags side or rear impact collisions,
belt protection in certain side impact colli- usually inflate in certain side impact because a front airbag is not
the sions. collisions, generally lrom a little to for- designed to inflate in such situa-
ward to a little to the rear of both tions and even a side airbag is
sides of the vehicle. designed to inflate only in certain
side impact collisions.
ln other words, just because your .
vehicle is damaged and even if it is Fleduce the risk of harm in frontalor
totally unusable, don't be surprised side collisrons which are not severe
that the airbag(s) did not inflate. enough 1o actuate the airbag sup-
plemental restraint system.
. Reduce the risk ol being thrown
from your vehicle.


A WRnNING - Airbass & . Front airbags are designed to Airbag System Components
SafetY Belts inflate only in severe frontal col-
lisions and will generally not The main components of your SRS
. Always wear your safety belt. lt provide protection in side or rear are:
can help keep you away lrom the
impacts, rollovers or less severe . One airbag in the steering wheel for
air bags during heavy braking lrontal collisions. Even the side the driver and another airbag in the
just before a collision. dashboard for the lront passenger
airbags are designed to inflate
. Your vehicles airbags provide only in certain side impact colli- (if equipped). The side airbags (if
the most protection when the sions. They will not provide pro- equipped) are located in each front
vehicle occupants are seated tection from later imPacts in a seat.
away from the front airbags as multi-impact collision. . A diagnostic system that continual-
the collision starts. Your safetY . lf your vehicle has been subject- ly monitors the system oPeration.
belt can help keep your occu- ed to flood conditions (e.9. . An indicator light to warn you of a
pants away from the front soaked carpeti ng/standing water possible problem with the sYstem.
airbags during heavy braking
just before a collision. on the floor of the vehicle, etc.) . Emergency power backup in case
or if your vehicle has become your car's electrical system is dis-
flood damaged in any waY, do connected in a crash.
not attempt to start the vehicle or
put the key in the ignition before
disconnecting the batterY. This
may cause air bag dePloYment,
which could result in serious
persona! injury or death. Have
the vehicle towed to an author-
ized Kia dealer for insPection
and necessary repairs.


To .indicate that your vehicle is How the Airbags System Works

equtpped with airbags, the airbag
covers are marked with "SRS The driver's air bags are stored in the
AIRBAG" or "AtRBAG', as shown steering wheel hub and, if equipped,
above^ in the knee botsrer betow the ;id;ir;
column. The passenger's air oao iE
stored in the dashboard above "the
glove box.
ln certain frontal collisions, your air
b_ags wilt.instanily inflate to fr'efp pro_
tect you from serious physical'inlury
or death.
Tlgrg is. no singte vehicte speed at
which the air bags will 'inflate.
Generatty, atr.bags ire oesigneJ'io
inflate in certain frontal collisio."ns. The
qir bag Supplemental Restraint
System (SRS) reacts to the severitv
S:de airbag (lf equipped) of a collision and its direction. These
two factors determine whether the
sensors send out an electronic
deploymenVinftation signat. Wfreinei
the air bags wiil inftatelepenOs on i
number of {actors including vehicle
speeds, angles of impact -and the
oenstty and stiffness of the vehicles
or objects which your vehicle hits in
the collision


The air bags are designed to inflate ln order to help provide protection in
instantly in the event of a certain a severe collision, the airbags must
frontal collisions in order to help pro- inflale rapidly. However, that speed
tect the driver and passenger from also causes the airbags to exPand
serious physical injury. with a great deal of force. The speed
of this inflation is necessarY to
reduce the likelihood of serious or
The front airbags will comPletelY life-threatening injuries and is thus a
inflate and deflate in less than 1/10 necessary part of airbag design.
of one second. The speed of infla- Thus, airbag inflation could also
tion and deflation protects the driver's cause injuries which normallY can
ability to operate the vehicle. This is include facial abrasions, bruises and
important in crashes where a vehicle broken bones. There are even circumstances
conlinues to move after an imPact under which contact with the
and the driver still has some control steering wheel air bag can cause
ol ihe vehicle's steering, braking, fatal iniuries, esPeciallY if the
throttle and/or transaxle systems. occupant is positioned excessive-
ly close to the steering wheel.
It is virtually impossible for you to
see the lront airbags inllate during
an accident. lt is much more likelY
that you will simply see the deflated
airbags hanging out of their storage
compartments after the collision.

A WlnrulNG - Airbag tnjuries Noise and Smoke A WnRrulNG - Hot Metat parts
. You must always sit as far back
from the. steering wheel airbag When the airbags inflate, they make a Wlen the airbags deploy, the
as possible, while still maintain-- loud noise and they leave powder airbag inflators in the steering
ing a comfortable seating posi- which may appear to be smoke in the wheel and/or in the dashboard
tion for good vehicle contrbl, in air inside of the vehicle. This is normal andlor in both sides of the head-
order to reduce the risk of injury and is a result of the ignition of the liners over the rear quarter glass-
or death in a collision. airbag inflator. es are very hot. To prevent injury,
. Never place objects over the After the airbags inflate, you may feel do not touch the airbag storage
substantial discomfort in breathin! due area's internal components immi-
airbag storage compartments or diately after an airbag has inflated.
both to the contact by your chesi with
between the airbags and your-
both the safety belt and the airbag, as
self. Due to the speed and iorce well as from breathing the smoke and
of the airbag inflation, such powder.
gbiects could hit your body at
high speed and cause severe WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO
bodily injury and even death. OPEN YOUH DOORS AND/OR WIN.
. Do not put stickers, ornaments, DOWS AS PROMPTLY AS POSSI-
etc. on the steering wheel cover
and dashboard and both sides VENT PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO
of the headliner.These may inter-
fere with the airbag,s cieploy-


The front passenger should always

move his seat as far back as practical
A WnnUlNG - pre-impact
and sit well back in the seat. lt is
essential that the front passenger Pre-impact braking could throw an
always wear his safety belt, even unbelted passenger toward or
when driving in a parking lot or up a onto the front airbag storage com-
partment. ln the collision, the front
driveway into a garage.
airbag would rapidly inflate and
The reason for this is that in most possibly severely injure or kill the
lrontal impacts there is substantial unbelted occupant.
pre-impact braking which tends to
throw the occupants forward. lf the
The lmportance of The Passenger right front passenger is not using his
Being Properly Seated safety belt, he will be direcily in lront
of or even touching the airbag stor-
The lront seat passenger's airbag is age compartment when inflation
much larger than the driver's airbag occurs. ln that situalion, death or
and inflates with considerably more severe injury is possible.
force. lt can seriously hurt or kill a
passenger who is not in the proper
position and wearing the safety belt


A wnRMNG - rront
. Neyel pl3ce, a ,rear-facing chitd
restraint in the tront seat. a rear-
facing child restraint would be
positioned too close to the air bao.
1l the air bag deploys, it wouid
rmpact the rear-facing child
restraint, causing serious or fatal
. Failure to observe the instructions
provided with the child restraint
system could increase the risk Side Airbag (tf equipped) A wlRnrruc
qncUor severity of injury in an acci- Your vehicle is equipped with a side . For best protection from the side
dent. airbag in each front seat. The pur- airbag system and to avoid beinq
pose of the airbag is to provide'the injured by the deptoying sid6
vehicle's driver and/or the front pas- airbag, both front sdat-occu-
senger with additional protection than pants should sit in an upright
that offered by the seatbelt alone. The position with the seat belt-prop-
side, impact airbags are designed to erly fastened. The driver's trands
deploy only during certairi side- should be placed on the steering
impact collisions, depending on the wheel at the 9:00 and 3:0d
crash severity, angle, speed and o'clock positions. The passen-
point of impact. The air bags are not ger's arms and hands should be
designed to deploy in all side impact placed in their laps.
situations. . Do not use any accessory seat


. Use ol seat covers could reduce A wRnNIHC

the effect of the system. . The side impact airbags are not
. Do not install any accessories designed to deploY during colli- Qt
on the side or near the side sions from the front or rear of the
airbag. vehicle or in most rollover situa-
. Do not uge excessive force on tions.
the side ol the seat. . Never try to open or repair any
. Do not place any objects over components of the side imPact
the airbag or between the airbag airbag system. This should be
and yourself. done only by an Authorized Kia
. Do not place any objects(an dealer.
. Children must never be allowed Airbag Warning Light
umbrella, bag,eic.) between the
lront door and the front seat. in the front passenger seat. The purpose of the airbag warning
$uch objects may become dan- Failure to follow these instruc' light in your instrument panel is to
gerous projectiles attd cause tions can result in iniurY to the alert you of a potential problem with
injury if the side air bag inflates. vehicle occupants in an acci- your Airbag - Supplemental Restraint
. To prevent unexpected deploy- dent. System (SRS).
ment of the side air bag that maY
result in personal iniury, avoid
impact to the side airbag sensor
when the ignition key is "ON".


Have the system checked if: Supplemental Restraint System

. The light does not blink briefly The SRS is virtually maintenance
Service free and there are no parts you can
when you turn the ignition ON. safely service by yourself. The entire
. T.he light stays ON after the engine Your Supplemental Restraint System
is virtually maintenance-free. There SRS system must be inspected by an
slarts. are no parts which you can service. authorized Kia dealer in 10 years
. The light comes ON or flashes You must have the system serviced
after the date that the vehicls was
while you are driving. manufaclured.
under the lollowing circumstances:
. lf an airbag ever inflates, the airbag Any work on the SRS system, such
must be replaced. Do not try to as removing, installing, repairing, or
remove or discard the airbao bv any work on the steering wheel must
yourself. This must be done b! ai be performed by a qualified Kia tech-
authorized Kia dealer or a qualified nlcian. lmproper handling of the
service technician. airbag system may result in serious
. lf.the airbag warning indicator llght personal injury.
alerts you of a problem, have the
airbag system checked as soon as
possible. Otherwise, your airbag
might not inflate when you need itl


A mnNrNG - sRs
. Do not modily your steering
wheel or any other part of the
airbag system. Modification
could make the system ineffec-
. Do not work on the system's
components or wiring. This
could cause the airbags to
inflate inadvertently, possibly
seriously injuring someone.
Working on the system could
also disable the system so that
the airbags do not deploy in a


Note that these warnings focus on

the risk to children, Kia also wants
you to be aware of the risks which
adults are exposed to. Those have
been described in previous pages.


Airbag Warning Label

To remind you of the dangers of the
airbag, airbag warning labels are
adhered to the drivers-and passen-
ger's sunvisors.

The rear hatch swings uPward.
Make sure no obiects or PeaPIe
are near the rear of the vehicle
when opening the hatch.

A WnnUlNG - Rear Hatch

. Check to be sure the rear hatch
is completely closed belore driv-
RFJB3O55 ing. lf the rear hatch is oPen,
exhaust gases can enter the
Opening the Rear Hatch 3. Pull the rear hatch back and uP to vehicle.
open. .
1b open the rear hatch from the out- Occupants should never ride in
Make certain that you close the rear the rear cargo area where no
side: hatch door before driving your vehi-
the door key into the restraints are available. To avoid
1. lnsert keY cle. Possible damage may occur to
. cylinder and turn it to injury in the event of an accident
the the rear hatch lift cYlinders and or sudden stoPs, occuPants
"UNLOCK" position. You can also
unlock the latch (but not release it)
attaching hardware if the rear hatch should alwaYs be ProPerlY
door is not closed prior to driving. restrained.
with the power door lock system.
2. Reach under the license plate light
shield and pull the rear hatch han-
dle to release the latch.



Opening the Hood: 2. Go to the front ol the vehicle, raise 3. Lift the hood and hold it open with
1. Pull the release lever to unlatch the the hood until the secondary latch the support rod by inserting the
hood. catches and then hold the sec- free end of the rod into the slot.
d ondary latch up (located under the
It hood at the centre of the vehicle).
I Always grasp the support rod in
the area wrapped in rubber. The
rubber will help prevent you from
being burned by hot metal when
the engine is hot.


Closing the Hood: Z CAUTION

Check the area under the hood to Before closing the hood, make
make certain all filler caps are in sure that all parts and tools have
place and that all loose items have been removed from the engine
been removed. area and that everyone is clear of
the hood opening.
To close the hood, lower the hood
then push down to properly lock in


lf the fuelfiller lid does not open in
, cold weather because the area
, ,;:
/ |I
around it is frozen, push or lightly
/.ji tap the lid.
I ll::-/, I I
ln special region, the fuel filler
',*t" I neck for gasoline engine is

,, I
designed to prevent lilling the fuel
tank with anything but unleaded
,l" l,,,,l,no RFJ83060
Fuel Filler Lid 2. To remove the cap, turn it counter- . Ifthe fuel filler cap requires replace-
1. Pull up on the release lever (locat- clockwise. ment, use only a genuine Kia cap or
ed on the floor) at the right front 3. Reluel the fuel, the equivalent specified for your
corner of the driver's seat to open 4. To install the cap, place it on the vehicle. An incorrect fuel filler cap
the filler door" fuelfiller neck and turn it clockwise can result in a serious malfunction of
until it "Clicks". This indicates that the fuel system or emission control
the cap is securly tightened. system. Correct replacement caps
are available at Authorized Kia
. Do not spill t'uel on the exterior sur-
faces of the vehicle. Fuel spilled on
painted surfaces may damage the


A WnnUNG - Reruering
. Fuel may be under pressure.
Always remove the fuel cap care-
fully and slowly. lf the cap is
venting fuelor il a hissing sound
is heard, wait until the condition
$tops belore completely remov-
ing the cap. lf these precautions
are not followed, fuel may spray
out and cause serious personal
. Fuel vapor is extremely haz-
ardous and can burn rapidly.
When refueling, always stop the
engine and never allow sparks or
open flames near the liller neck.
Do not gse smoking materials
while refueling.


Outside Rearview Mirror * NOTICE
Be sure to adjust mirror angles Do not scrape ice off the mirror face;
belore driving. this may damage the surface of the
glass. If ice restricts moyement of the
Your vehicle is equipped with both
ieft-hand and right-hand outside mirror, do not force the mirror for
rearview mirrors. The mirrors can adjustment. To remove ice, use a de-

either be adjusted remotely with the icer spray, or a sponge or soft cloth
control levers or remote switch, with very warm water,
depending on ihe type your vehicle
has. The mirror heads can be folded
back to prevent damage when using
an automatic car wash or passing in
. The outside rearview mirrors are
Manual remote control
a narrow street. convex. Objects seen in the mir-
ror are closer than they appear. (if equipped)
. Use your interiar rearview mircor
To adjust an outside mirror, move the
control lever which is located at the
or direct observation to deter- forward inside area of the window
mine'the actual distance of fot-
Iowing vehicles when changing frame.


rr NoTlcE
The mirrors stop moving when they
reach the maximurn adjusting angles,
but the motor continues to operate
\_.., while the switch is depressed. Do not
depress the switch longer than neces-
sary, the motor may be damaged.

Electrie remote control Folding the outside rearview mirror

(if equipped) Manual type
The electric remote control mirror To fold outside rearview mirror, grasp
switch, localed on the driver's door, the housing of mirror and then fold it
allows you to adjust the position of backward.
the left and right outside rearview
mirrors. To adjust the position of
either mirror, move the lever to R or L
to select the right side mirror or the
left side mirror, then press a corre-
sponding point on the mirror adjust-
ment control to position the selected
mirror up, down, left or right.

Outside rearview mirror heater

(if equipped)
The outside rearview mirror heater is
actuated in connection with the rear
window defroster. To heat the outside
rearview mirror glass, push the but-
ton for the rear window defroster.
The outside rearview mirror glass will
be heated for defrosting or dbfogging
and will give you improved rear vision
in inclement weather conditions.
Electric lype (if equipped) Push the button again to turn the Day/Nighl Rearview Mirror
To fold the outside rearview mirror, heater off. The outside rearview mir- (lf Equipped)
depress on the switch. To unfold it, ror heater automatically turns itself
depress on the switch again. off after 20 minutes. (Flefer to Adjust the rearview mirror to centre
Defroster) on the view through the rear window.
Make this adjustment before you start
*r NOTICE driving and while the day/night lever
In case of the electric type of outside is in the day position.
rearview mirror, don't fold it by hand.
It could cause the failure of the motor.


Pull the day/night lever toward you to

reduce glare from the headlights of
vehicles behind you during night driv-
Remember that You lose some
'rearview ctarity in the night position.

Do nat allow obiects in the rear
seat ar carga area ta intertere with
your vision out the rear window.
Day/Night Rearview Mirror
(Electric type) (lf equiPPed)
The electric type day/night inside
rearview mirror controls automatical-
ly the glare of the car behind You.
Adjust the rearview mirror to the
desired position.


Map Light
The lights are turned ON or OFF by
pressing the corresponding switch.

Dome light
The dome light has three buttons:
OFF - The light stays OFF even
when a door is open.
DOOR (lf equipped)
* The light turns ON or OFF
when a door is opened or
ON - The light turns ON and stays
ON even when the doors are
all closed.

The cup holder is located on the cen-
tre console lor holding cups.

Front Cup Holder


A wlnurruc
. Do not place uncovered cups ol
hot liquid in the cup hotder irvhite
the vehicle is in motion. lf the hot
liquid spills, you could be
burned. Such a burn to the driver
could cause a loss of control ol
the vehicle.
. To reduce the risk of personal
injury in the event of a sudden
$op or glasses,
collision, do not place
bottles, cans, etc ih the
ctp holders.


* NOTICE Centre Tray
Do not store cassette tapes, magnetic To access the storage comPartment,
cards and etc as these may be distort' open by releasing the latch.
ed by heat.


To reduce the risk of injury in case
of an accident or suddbn stop,
always keep the glove box dobr
closed while driving.

Do not leave valuables in the glove box
to avoid theft.

Under Tray (lf equipped) Glove Box

The under tray is located under the To open the glove box door, pull the
front passenger's seat. latch out and let the glove box open.
It is opened by pulling lorward.



lf your vehicle is equipped with this
feature, you can slide or iilt your sun-
roof with the sunroof switches located
on the overhead console.


At the overhead console a compart- Sliding the Sunrool

ment is provided for the storage of a
sunglasses. To open the sunglass The sunroof can be opened or closed
holder, press the cover and the hold- when the ignition switch is in the "ON"
I er will slowly open. Place your sun-
glasses in the compartment door with To slide the sunroof, momentarily
press "Open (
- )" on the SLIDE

lhe lenses facing out.

switch. The sunroof will slide all the
{€ NOTICE way open. To stop the sunroof sliding
Please close the sunglass holder while
at any poini, press any sunroof
To close the sunroof, press "Close
( - )" on the SLIDE switch and hold
it until it is closed completely.


. Do not ,lepress the sunroof switch
longer than necessary. It could cause
the failure of the sunroof motor.
xi . Periodically remove any dirt that
))l may accumulate on the guide rail.
. If you try to open the sunroof when
the temperature is below freezing or
when the sunroof is covered with
RFJB3OSO RFJB3O8l snow or. ice, the glass or the motor
Tilting the Sunroof could be damaged.
d To tilt the sunroof, momentarily press The sunshade will be opened with
r "Up"( <5 ) on the T|LT swirah. The
sunroof will tilt all the way up. To stop
the glass panel automatically when
the glass panel is slid.You will have to
the sunroof tilting at any point, press close it manually if you want it closed.
v any sunroof switches.
e To close it, press "Down"( a ) on the
g TILT switch and hold it until it is
}f closed completely.

d The sunroof cannot slide when it is in
the tilt
position nor can it be tilted
while in an open or slide position.


Resetting the Sunroof

ln case ol an Emergency
When your battery happens to be dis-
lf the sunroo{ does not open electri- conne6ted or discharged, or You use
cally: the emergency handle to operate the
1. Open the sunglass holder' sunroof, You have to reset Your sun-
2. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, rool system as follows:
remove the hole cover'
3. lnsert the emergency handle (pro- 1. Turn the ignition keY to the ON
vided with the vehicle) and turn the position.
handle clockwise to open or coun- RF.tB3082
2. ) on the TILT
Press "UP"( ctr
terclockwise to close. switch.
3. Press "UP"( ctr ) on the TILT
(10) seconds,
switch for more than
then the sunroof sYstem will be
reset by automatically acting once
as lollows.
TILT down -+ SLIDE open -| SLIDE close




'z CAUTION . Loading cargo or luggage above
q- . The cross bars should be posi- 75 kg (165 lb) on the roof rack
ie tioned before carrying a load on may damage your vehicle.
te the roof rack. When you carry large objects,
I t- . In case the sunroof is equipped, never let them hang over the rear
do not position roof raek loads or the sides of your vehicle.
that could inbrtere with opening . To prevent damage or loss of
IN of the sunroof. cargo as you are driving, check
. The following specification is frequently to make sure the lug-
gage carrier and cargo are still
t_T maximum weight when loading
securely fastened.
cargo or luggage.
lf the vehicle has a roof rack, you can . Always drive your vehicle at a
load things on top of you vehicle. RooF | 75 ks (165 lb) moderate speed.
RACK I EVENLY DISTRIBUTED . Loading cargo or luggage over
ce specification on the roof rack
may damage stability of your


Cigarette Lighter * NOTICE
To operate the cigarette lighter, press
. Do not hold the lighter in after it is
already heated because it will over-
it in and release it. When it is heated,
it automatically pops out ready for .
use. Only a genuine Kia lighter should be
used in the cigarette lighter socket.
lf the engine is not running, the igni-
tion switch must be in the ACC Posi- The use of plug'in accessories
(shavers, hand-held vacuums, and
tion for the lighter to oPerate.
coffee pots, for examPle) maY dam-
age the socket or cause electrical fail'
. If the lighter does not pop out within
30 seconds, remove it to Prevent





A WnnUNG - Ashtray Use

rtb . Do not use the vehicle's ashtrays
r€r- as waste receptacles.
r Putting lit cigarettes or matches
lbe in an ashtray with other com-
ket. bustible materials may cause a
:ies fire.

hin Ashtrays Rear ashtray

ent Front ashtray You can open the rear ashtray by
To use the ashtray, open the cover. pulling it out by its top edge. To
To remove the ashtray, pull it up and remove the ashtray to empty or
out. clgan, push the tab inside, lift it up
slightly and pull it allthe way out.


. Use when the engine is running.
. Only use the electrie appliances
which are less than l2V and lAA
in electric capaeity.
, Adjust the air-conditioner or
heater to the lowest oPeration
tevel when you have to use the
power socket while using air'
RFJB3O92 eonditioner or heater.
Power Socket
. Close the cover when not ih use.
To use a sunvisor, pull it downward. The power outlets are designed to
To use a sunvisor for a side window, provide power for mobile telephones
pull it downward, unsnaP it from the or other devices designed to operate
bracket and swing it to the side. with vehicle electrical systems. The
devices should draw less than 10
amps with the engine running.

. HOUR: . SET:
Pressing the "H" button with your To clear away minutes, press the
finger will advance the time dis- "S" butlon with your finger, a pencil
played by one hour. or similar object. Then the clock will
be set precisely on the hour.
. MINUTE: For example, if the "S" button is
pressed while the time is between
Pressing the "M" button with your
finger, a pencil or similar object will
9:01 and 9:29, the display will be
reset to 9:00.
advance the time displayed by one
9:0'l - 9:29 => 9:00
9:30 - 9:59 => 10:00
Digital Clock
When the ignition switch is in the
ACC or ON position, the clock but-
tons operate as follows:


Before entering an automatic car
wash, be sure that the antenna is
retracted and stored.

Your car uses a manual stainless
steel antenna to receive both AM and
FM broadcast signals. Pull up the
antenna using your fingers, as shown
in the drawing.



It is designed to help protect the
heads of the occupants by obstruct-
ing objects flying forward in frontal
collisions. \NNJ *
There are four hook holders on both
side of the headlining over the head-
rests for upper side lixation and four
hook holders on the floor behind the
front and rear seats foi lower side fix-
r{our vehicle is equipped with a barri-
To lnstallthe Barrier Net
s net.
When you load some cargoes on the 1. Open the upper side hook holder
rear seal or rear cargo area, you covers located on both side of the
nxst install the barrier net behind headlining by pushing reanryard.
lnont seatback or rear seatback^



2. lnsert.the net upper shaft into the 3. Close the holder covers by pushing 4. Hang the nel strap hooks in the
large hole and then secure bY slid- forward. hook holders on the floor behind
ing into the small hole. the lront or rear seat.

A waRrurnc
. llllake sure that there is no slack .ADowlnrutruc


./l in the barrier net by pulllnq ihe not put passengers in the
rear seat or cargo area behind
-\i I
lllan qeclyety wh6n' instiiling
the net. The strap shoutd b6 . the barrier net.

pulled after confirming tnat the

Do not load cargo in the area
\l hook is inserted into ihe uoo.r. higher than the barrier net's
hook holder securely. r-r-' upper end.

. . Do not load heavy cargo in the

fMake sure that the upper hook

holder covers are cloied wnen area higher than the seitback to
the barrier net is instaled. avoid accident even if the barrier
r the 5. Fasten the straps by pulling down net is installed.
rhind to take up the slack.
. llIake sure that the seatbacks are . Do not load cargo which has
locked securely.
sharp . 9.dgg tnit can p;;
through the barrier net.
. Do not apply excessive force to
the barrier net by hanging on to
11: net or by suspending heavy
cargo and so on.


To Remove the Barrier Net

1. Loosen the straps by pulling up the
strap adjusters' and remove the
strap hooks lrom the hook holders.
2. Open the upper holder covers bY
pushing rearward and remove the
net upper shalt by pulling it through
the large holes.
3. Remove the barrier net and close
the holder covers by Pushing for-
,/ ----.: . Do not place objects on the ton-

// ,'//,/,4tu
neau cover. Such objects may be
ll( thrown about inside the vehicle
rl_# and possibly iniure vehicle occu-
pants during an accident or
when braking.
. Since the tonneau may be dam-
aged or malformed, do not put
the luggage on it when it is uied.
. For better fuel economy, do not
To use the tonneau cover, pull the carry unnecessary weight.
Use the tonneau cover to hide the handle backward and insert the ,
edges into the slots of the slides. Never allow anyone to ride in the
luggage of the cargo area. luggage compartment. lt js
designed for luggage only.
. Try to maintain the balance of
the vehicle and locate the weight
as far torward as possible. -




1. Grasp the handle on the top of the

cover and lift it.
The luggage cenlre box is located 2. Hang the hook on the top edge of
under the floor in cargo area. You can the roof.
place a first aid box, a reflector trian-
gle, tools, etc..
To close the cover, hang the hook on
the bottom of the cover.


lgnition Switch ......4-2

Startingthe Gasoline Engine ......4-4
Starting the Dieset Engine . . .4-l
ManualTransaxle... .......4-g
AutomaticTransaxle .......4-11
Brake System .... . .4-tg
SteeringWheel .....4-24
Traction Control System
lnetrumentcrusteiidasotine Engine) .. :::.: :'.....i-zllr
lnstrument Cluster (Diesel .4-31
Gauges .....4-33
Warningsandlndieators... ......4-35
BackWarning System .....4-41
Lighting ....442
WiperaandWashers ......4-46
Defroster ....4-S0
HazadWarning Flasher ....4-51
Manual Climate Control System . . .4-Sz
Automatic Climate Controlsystem .... . . .4-Sg
Yindshield Defrosting and Defogging (t$anuat rype) . . . . .4€8
Windshield Detrosting and Detogging inutomariC type) . .4-70


lgnition Switch and Anti-Theft ON
Steering Column Lock The warning lights can be checked
belore the engine is started. This is
Ignition switch position the normal running position after the
LOCK engine is started.

r.t@i The steering wheel locks to protect

against theft. The ignition key can be
removed only in the LOCK position.
Do nat leave the ignition switch ON if
the engine is not running to prevent
battery discharge.
When turning the ignition switch to
the LOCK position, push the key
inward at the ACC position and turn START
the key toward the LOCK position. Turn the ignition key to the START
llluminated lgnition Switch position to start the engine. The
Whenever a door is opened, the igni- engine will crank until you release the
ACC (Accessory) key;then it returns to the ON position.
tion switch will be illuminated for your The steering wheel is unlocked and
convenience, provided the ignition The brake warning lamp can be
electrical accessories are operative. checked in this position.
switch is not in the ON position. The
light will go otl approximately 10 sec-
onds after closing the door or when
the ignition switch is turned on.


lf difficulty is experienced in turnino A wanMNG - tgnirion Key . Never

the ignition key to the START pos"i_ reach for the ignition
tion,.turn the steering wheet right and
. Never turn the ignition switch to switch, or any other c6ntrols
left to release the tension aid then LOCK or ACC whib the vehicte is through the steering wheel while
turn the key. moving.This would result in loss the vehicle is in -motion. The
of directional control and brak- presence ol your hand or arm in
ing function, which could cause this area could cause a loss of
an immediate accident. vehicle control, an accident and
. The anti-theft steering column serious bodily injury or death.
lock is not a substitule for the . Do nol put any movable things
parkin_g brake. Before leaving the around the driver's seat as th6v
driver's seat, always make iure can disturb your driving and mair
the shift lever is engaged in lst cause accidents.
g_ea1 .for manual transaxle, or p
(Park) for automatic transaxle;
sgt .tlg parking brake fu[y anci
shut the. engine off. Unexpected
and sudden vehicle movement
may occur if these precautions
are not taken.



ENGINE 3.Turn the ignition switch to START 'z CAUTION
and hold it there until the engine lf the engine stalls while you are in
1. Make sure the parking brake is starts (a maximum of 10 seconds), motion, do not attemPt to move the
applied. then release the key. shift lever to the P (Park) position
2. Manual Transaxle - Depress the 4.ln extremely cold weather (below (Automatic Transaxle). lf trallic and
clutch pedal lully and shilt the 0"F / -18'C) or after the vehicle road conditions permit, you may
transaxle into Neutral. Keep the has not been operated lor several put the shift lever in the N (Neutral)
clutch pedal depressed while days, let the engine warm uP with- position while the vehicle is st/l
cranking the engine. out depressing the accelerator. moving and turn the ignition
Automatic Transaxle - Place the Whether the engine is cold or warm, switch to the S?7lEf position in an
lransaxle shift lever in P (Park). it should be started without depress' attempt to restart the engine.
Depress the brake pedal fully. ing the accelerator.
You can also starl the engine
when the shift lever is in the N
{Neutral) position.


ll the Engine Fails to Start When 3. While fully depressing the acceler- lf the Englne Fails to Start When
the Fngine is Cold: ator, turn the ignition switch to the the Engine is Warm:
SIART position and hold it (a max-
The engine is "cold" when the engine imum of 10 seconds) to discharge A no-start condition, characterized by
coolant temperalure drops below the excess fuel. lailure to restart a warmed engine
32" FIO "C. A no-start condition may despite repeated atlempts may be
be caused by an engine that has lf the engine starts, the engine eliminated by using the lollowing pro-
become flooded {has excessive fuel speed wi.ll increase suddenly; cedure.
in the cylinders). ll this is the case, release the key and the accelera-
tor immediately. 1. Make sure the parking brake is
use th€ lollowing starting procedure. applied.
1. Make sure the parking brake 4. lf the engine has not yet started,
release the accelerator after crank- 2. Manual Transaxle - Depress the
ing the engine. Without depressing clutch pedal fully and shilt the
2. Manual Transaxle - Depress the the acceleralor, crank the engine transaxle into Neutral.
clutch pedal fully and shift the until it starts (a maximum ol 10 Automatic Transaxle - Place the
lransaxle into Neutral. seconds). transaxle shift lever in P {Park) or
Automatic TranEaxle - Place the N (Neulral). Depress the brake
transaxle shift lever in P (Park) or pedalfully.
N {Neutral). Depress the brake 3. While depressing the acceleralor
pedalfully. about halfway, turn the ignition
switch to the START posilion and
hold it (a maximum of '10 seconds).


4. After the engine starts, let it idle lor

about 10 seconds belore driving.
Do not engage the starter for more
than 10 seconds. If the engine stalls or
Excessive engine noise may occur if fails to start wait 5 to 10 seconds
the engine has nat been operated for before re-engaging the starter.
an extended period.The noise should Improper use of the starter may dam-
stop after the engine has reached age iL
normal operating temperature. lf the
noise daes not stop, have the vehicle
inspected by an Authorized Kia

ENGINE Automatic Transaxle - place the
To start the diesel engine when the transaxle shift lever in p(pari). Glow lndicaror Light
engine- is cold, it has t6 be pre_neat- Depress the brake pedalfulf. '
ed before starting the engi; ;;i You can also start the engine
tnen have to be warmed up belore when the shift lever is in"thi
starting the driving. N(neutral) position.
1. Make sure the parking brake is 3 Jgrn.the ignition switch ON posi_
applied. tion to pre-heat the engine. Then
2. Manual Transaxle - Depress the the glow indicator tightiviil iilumi_
clutch pedal lully and'shift the nate.
lransaxle into the Neutral. Keep the
clutch pedal depressed i,nite 4. lf the glow indicator light goes out,
cranking the engine. turn the ignition switch t6 Sfnni
and hold it there until the engine
starts (a maximum of 10 jec_
onds), then release the key.


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