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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Students

Foreign Literature

Climate fiction is not right now. Whether you call this "clifi" "eco-fiction" or even "eco

- fabulism " writers within and outside science fiction are making a more focused effort

to address the possible effects of climate change critics can point back at least to J.G

Ballards 1962 novel " The drowned world " as an early example of the subgenre and

during the 60s and 70s the science fiction field produced a number of notable books

with environmental themes including john Brunner's " the sheeplock up " ( Air and Water

Pollution ). " The new Atlantis " by ursula K. Leguin ( rising seas ) and harry Harrison's.

This definition defined the climate fiction how its related to the climate change. Now

as California deals with devastating drought. New jersey continues to recover from

hurricane study. And every photo from the Arctic seems to reveal more brown than

white. There is a growing sense of urgency among novelists and short story writers to

address climate change. In every year the science fiction field produced a number of

notable books with environmental themes about climate change.

This article provides an overview of climate change in literature focusing on the

representation of climate change in Anglophone fiction. It then evaluates the way in

which these fictional representation are critiqued in literary studies and consider the

extent to which the methods and tools that are currently employed are a regrate to this
new critical task. We how the complexity of climate change as both scientific and

cultural phenomenon demands a corresponding degree of complexity in fiction

representation. For example when authors represent climate change as a global

networked and controversial phenomenon.

In this article summaries about the literature of climate change. And evaluates how

every methods about climate change are important many tools that are currently

employed are are grate to this new critical task. They explore how the complexity of

climate change as both scientific and cultural phenomenon. Many authors that have a

presentation in climate change in every article are different places different people

different perspective that they are encountered so for the sake of many people need this

information for their living they can't affect by the climate change.

How to write about we're doing to the planet? In what genre what form? I grew up

outside of a small town in northwestern colorado and in recent years spruce and pine

beetles have devastated forests throughout the Rockies turning ever green slopes a

dead maroon. Beetles have always attacked and killed the trees there just as the

Atlantic ocean has always breed hurricanes and droughts have scorred California. The

difference which we give the bland name climate change lies in the new frequency and

intensity of these events. A 2013 study from the university of colorados found that

drought and warmer sea surface temperature best explain the trees increased

susceptibility to the beetles.

Many question in your mind how did earth form? Simple as that. In research of lost

weather there's the satire of contemporary life. Complete with hand wringing rumination

on the environment from the driver's seat of a electric car. And there are the work of

science or climate science fiction. Set in the too distant future in which the coniferous

forest of the west are no more. University of Colorado's found that drought and warmer

sea surface temperature best explain the trees increased susceptibility to the beetles.

Climate change is happening and its happening faster than expected in many

ways. We're already seeing sea levels rise and floods occurring with alarming frequency

across the united states and abroad. And communities are grappling with the all to real

effects of a rapidly warming climate. The impacts of climate change particularly the

relationship to flooding along our rivers and coast lies my " Best of 2016 " reading list

does as well it includes academic articles policy papers and even works of fiction from

the increasingly popular climates fiction sub genre so here it is in no particular order.

According this definition state that climate change are challenging time to time

where ever you are or who you are you are affected by the climate change but faster

than you expect in many ways. Many particular events like sea level increase and flash

flood in every nation. Many communities are still suffering with the effects of a climate

change. Until now they can't move or after the disaster challenge than to keep alive.

And with the flood along our rivers and cost lies are effect of climate change many

people are suffering to this disaster but those people that have a good heart help many

people on their needs. To keep their life longer for better future someday after this

Climate change and variation impacts every sector environment and resident of

Newfoundland and Labrador. This review is an attempt to list and relevant to

Newfoundland and Labrador as March 2010. The literature review is divided sectorally.

References of general applicability are listed in the introduction successive sections

discuss the terrestrial ecosystem marine and fisheries coastal zone. Water agriculture

forestry transportation energy and tourism sectors. The following two sections include

references relevant to human health and communities in addition.

According to this sentence climate change and variation are have impact in every

sector of environment and in the resident. This literature is divided sectorally references

of general applicability are listed in the introduction. The successive of these section

discusses the terrestrial ecosystems marine and fisheries coastal zone. In

Newfoundland and Labrador water agriculture forestry transportation energy and

tourism sectors. The following two sections include references relevany to human health

and communities in addition.

Local Literature

Heavily exposed to increasing incidence of extreme weather events the Philippines

is among one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change in the world. Climate

induced disasters in the Philippines frequently disrupt fruit and cash crop production

resulting in income loss and higher food prizes over the past four years weather events

have cost the Philippines economy an annual average of 0.3 % GDP. Typhoon haiyaan

alone caused crop loss of 1.1 million tonnes and destroyed 600,000 hectares of
farmland in 2013 costing the Filipino agriculture industry and small farmers are

estimated US $724 MILLION.

In this study state that in Philippines are have big impact of having a extreme

weather events. So that the case of incidence are increasing in every weather that

coming in Philippines. Many effect of climate change are disrupt fruit and cash crop

production resulting in income less and higher food prizes over the past four years.

Every weather events have cost highly in the fund of Philippines because of structure

are destroyed. So that the government are can give the every needs of citizens that

affect by the climate change weathe or extreme weather. Just because of typhoon

haiyaan many infrastructure are destroyed many lives are waste many life are ruin just

because of climate change.

The agriculture sector plays an important role in the economic development of the

Philippines. A country for over 30 percent of total labor and contributing around 10

percent of the country's total gross domestic product ( GDP ). The Philippines and

particularly its agricultural sector is highly vulnerable to climate risks and disaster which

have caused great damage for the economic development and GDP from the year 2000

and continue to do so. More appropriate and effective adaptation and mitigation

measures will have to be put in place to enhance the economy resilience to climay risks

and disasters.

In accordance to climate the supply and demand of products also affected by it.

Particularly GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT is the existing network of one specific

country when it come to statistics of number of supply. This statement or literature

therefore concluded that risks on economic growth may occur if the climat change take


For more than three decades scientists around the world have warned of

dangerous changes in the atmosphere. Until recently those warnings were regarded as

uncertain predictions of possible problems in the distant future. Not anymore for

instance the ferocity of tropical storm " ondoy " ( international codenamed : Ketsana )

shocked even seasoned experts in the Philippines where an average 20 typhoons hit

every year. But they said it continued a recent pattern of unusually weather. Climate

change is a global challenge that threatens every nation no matter how large or small

wealthy or poor said us secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton. " the threat is serious

it is urgent and it is growing " .

This literature reiterated the threat behind every disaster or hurricane that may be

cause by climate change. As related to one country this disaster also the reason why it

is becoming poor because assesstance to those people who destroy by it may needed

a big found.

With this onset of climate change. Significant developments and measures were

made in addressing the expected impacts and risks related to be phenomenon. The

book discusses the major hazards and risks associated with climate change in the

Philippines as well as some mitigation and adaptation options for different sectors.

Specifically it identifies available scientific evidence and the impacts of these hazards

on water resources ( stress ) agricultural productivity and state of forests marine and
costal areas. It alsi covers some historical trends of methodologies used in the

economic analysis of cliamate change impacts that are being used to date.

According to this topic the introduction of climate change are really significant a

developments and measures. Were made in addressing the expected impacts and risks

related to be phenomenon. Aside from that the resources of our country is majority from

agricultural sectors the climate change is the reason why this sectors is being affected

not only agriculture sectors but also thw people who living inside the country. Its

concluded that if there is no supply food from agriculture sector it may cause for product

to become expensive.

What is climate change and how do we manage it? What is the appropriate action

for the Philippines setting ? These questions though succinct enough harbor a complex

history behind them. And the answers are not at all straight forward any scientists will

acknowledged that earth climate has always been changing as witnessed by the

procession of ice ages and interglacial periods in the recent history of the planet.

However what is at issue how is whether human impact has been so significant as to

influence the rate at which the climate has been changing.

According to this sentence climate change are have many question to it what are

the best or appropriate to act for the Philippines setting. These question though succinct

enough harbour a complex history behind them. Many scientists acknowledged that the

earth climate has always been changing as witnessed by the procession of ice ages

and inter glacial periods. If the climate changing are impact in the human was been so

significant as to influence the rate at which the climate relatien changing.

Foreign Study

Paper presented at the world international studies committee third global

international studies conference August 2011. This paper is an exploration of the

broader relationship between Climate Change and International relations theory. A

general assumption holds that the anarchic international system of competing sovereign

states who are unitary rational actors. This view however disregards the fact that the

anarchic system of sovereign States is itself housed within the wider structure of the

earth's biosphere. How then does international relations theory account for the influence

on the international politics BIOS spheric transformation. As is occuring with Climate

Change ? The paper begins with a brief synopsis of the academic treatment of the

environment Climate Change and instructional relations theory. It then summarizes the

Climate Change hazard likely to impact on North east asia as identified in the working

Group II Contribution to the 2007 international panel on climate change ( IPCC ) fourth

assessment report ( cruz et al 2007 ).

In this paper presented are exploring the broader relationship between climate

change and international relations theory. This paper have much academic purposes by

giving to all reader about environment climate change and international relatives to

know what is the impact of experiencing a climate change so this paper will aim to every

people that experiencing a climate change that the climate change are affect the

international relationship the paper concludes that in the absence of an ontological

reassessment of international relations so that every aspect of living in this world are
affected by climate change. We can't keep climate change away from our life because

climate change is actually part of our life now. They summarized what the effect or the

hazard if climate change impact in north east asia.

According to Progress in Development Published in January 6 2015. Pakistan is

recognized as a country with low income along with poor human development indicators

although its contribution to green house gas ( GHG ) emissions is miniscule in

comparison with other countries ( it contributes only about 0.8 percy of the total GHG

emissions ). It is one of the major victims of the advers effects or climate change the

present study is ans attempt to explore the impacts of climate change on the economic

growth of pakistan by conducting a national level analysis for the period 1973 - 2011 it

has been found that temperature ( proxy for climate change ) has a negative and

significant relationship with GDP as well as with productivity in the agricultural

Manufacturing and services sectors the severity of these negative effects is higher for

the agriculture sectors as compared to manufacturing and services.

Base on progress in Development Pakistan is recognized as a country with low

income along with poor human development so that pakistan is tchangebt victim of

climate change because of greenhouse gas. So pakistan conduct a study regarding if

the climate change are affect the economic growth of pakistan they are found out that

temperature has a negative and significant relationship with GDP. And here a negative

and significant in productivity in the agricultural manufacturing and services sectors. So

the severity of these negative effects are higher for the agriculture sector as compared

to manufacturing and services. So even pakistan are affected by the climate change.

Because of climate change their economic growth are low compare to the other country.
Base on international journal of sustainable built environment volume 3 issue 1 june

2014 page 153-165. Water and food security are the key challenges under climate

change as both are highly vulnerable to continuously changing climate patterns studies

have predicted that the average global temperature may increase by 1 4-5 8°c and

there would be substantial reduction in fresh water resources and agricultural yield by

the end of the 21st century approximately 75% of the himalayan glaciers are on retreat

and will dissappear by 2035. Moreover in africa ( sub - saharan asia ) by 2050 the

rainfall could drop by 10% which would reduce drainage by 17% majority of the fresh

water resources has already been depleted and there is reduction in agricultural

production globally with escalation in population and food demand some of the

prominent climate change impacts are growing desserts.

In this study have a key to how we challenges the climate change by the water and

food security. Climate change are highly vulnerable to continuously changing patterns.

They study are predicted that the average of global temperature may increase. So that

the resources of fresh water maybe substantial reduction. And agricultural yield by the

end of 21st century of the himalayan glaciers will disappear by 2035. Moreover in africa

by 2050 the rainfall could drop by 10% which would reduce drainage by 17%. Therefore

freshwater resources has already been depleted. So that freshwater and exact amount

of food are one of people need if the climate change are directly impact in your country

so that you can survive if you have this key to challenge climate change.

The Review states that climate change is the greatest and widest ranging market

failure ever seen presenting a unique challenge for economics. The review provides

prescriptions including environmental taxes to minimise the economic and social

disruption. The stern reviews main conclusion is that the benefits of strong early action

or climate change far outweigh the costs of not acting. The review points to the potential

impacts of climate change on watr resources food production , health and the

environment. According to the review without action the overall costs of climate change

will be equivalent to losing atleast 5% of gpobal gross domestic product each year. How

and forever including a wider range of risks and impacts could increase this to 20% of

GDP or move Also indefinitely. Stern believes that 5.6 degrees of temperature increase

is a real possibility. This study states that climate change are the greatest and widest

ranging market failure ever seen. So climate change have a big impact in economic so

every market in united kingdom are affected by climate change so this type of

phenomena are a big challenge in economics. This review without an action the overall

could increase GDP or more. So climate change impacts on water resources food ,

production , health and the environmental. So in this review are states that every

relation that include in every our lite are affected by the clinate change so every country

are facing a climate change so if you need to be aware you need to be ready in every


Anthropogenic climate change is anticipated to increase severe thunderstorm

potential in north america. But the resulting changes in assoy convective hazards are

not well known. Here using a novel modelling approah we investigate that

spatiotemporal changes in hail frequency and size between the present ( 1971 - 2000 )

and future ( 2040-2070 ) although fever hail days are expected over most areas in the

future an increase in the mean hail size is projected with fever small hail events and a
shift toward a more frequent occurrence of large hail. This leads to an anticipated

increase in hail damage potential over most southern region in spring.

In this sentence climate change defined by anthropogenic that climate change are

increase severe thunderstorm potential. But the anthropogenic are not well knowbabout

convective hazards of climate change. So they investigate changing frequency of these

type of weather. Many report presented that the climate change are small hail events

and a shift toward this leads to an anticipated increase in hail damage most of big

damage in southern region.

Local Study

Developing countries are disproportionately affected by climate change related

disaster. These disaster often results in costly catastrophic levels of destruction which

derails a country development objectives. Using birkmann and von teichman's (2010).

Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation ( CCA ) : key

challenges - scales knowledge and norms sustainability science. Framing concepts of

scale norms and knowledge this article uses the Philippines as a case study to examine

the barriers and opportunities of conjoined CCA and disaster management systems in

developing countries.

This case study demonstrated that the current policy instruments were largely

unsuccessful. As they focus on post disaster impacts rather than mitigating the sources

of vulnerability which amplify disaster risk. So many countries are facing climate change

so every people in every country are aware in this weather so if you are aware you have
an idea to how this weather challenge. Without sustained funding timely information and

community level support implementation on the ground will be difficult to people. So

they conduct a study to how this type of weather adapt by many people.

In light of the most recent devastating natural disaster event of the Philippines

brought upon by typhoon haiyan ( locally known as yolanda ) on november 8 2013 that

displayed and affected million in its wake this thesis attempts to look into the country

status of preparedness and to response to climate related disaster. Amidst the socio

economic challenges facing this impoverished country are the environmental challenges

and proveness to natural hazards that problem , adaptation , recovery and

redevelopment efforts for the country. With a focus on the leyte region of the Philippines

as a local case of exploray.

In recent disaster that produce by typhoon yolanda million people. Structure

environment, health, business are affected because of these typhoon. Many people are

died many people are died in unhealthy water and foods so they can't survive on there

own only so many people are invest there money to help many people that suffering

after the climate to provide there needs to encourage many people to still fight against

these type struggle so this study look now people need to prepared and to response in

climate changes. Many people are having difficulties in recovering about the weather so

they need a big development on their life to stay live go on our life.

Small - island communities in the Philippines prefer local measures to relocation in

response to sea level rise will lend to relocation flooding worsers. Here we identified and

evaluated potential adaptation strategies for adapting to sea level rise. Based on the
experiences four low lying island communities in central Philippines that have

experienced flooding during normal high tides since a 2013 earthquake that included

land subsidence coatal surveys. Interviews and households questionnaires showed that

island residents generally prefer in situ adaptation strategies rather than relocation to

the mainland.

In this study many island in the Philippines are experiencing a flood so even there's

so low type of weather many communities are isolated in flashflood. So most

communities that near in sea theres a possibility that they affected by flood if the sea

level are increase so they need to relocate if they house are destroy or everything that

they have are gone they need to be relocate to other place and start a new life for once

and for all.

Unlikely in some parts of the world where the reality of climates change is still being

debated upon and sometimes even questioned. In the Philippines its effect have been

felt more profoundly in different parts of the country. In recent years deaths and

destruction of tropical storm ondoy ( ketsana ) tropical storm sendong ( washi ) ane

typhoon pablo ( bopla ) and super typhoon Yolanda ( Haiyan ) have left trails of lives

and livelihood lost homes shattered and communities forever changed. With unusual

change in weather patterns and disturbances. Experts agree that the threat in the metro

caused by climate change is real.

In yolanda alone non government organization german watch placed the damage

to property and the country's economy to be at least P650 billion that is a side from the

deaths more than 6,000 people. Metro manila was not spored from this destruction
caused by typhoons and habagat. The government estimated the lost cost by typhoon

ondoy which struck the capital in 2009. About P11 billion with this study determined

climate change are a serious weather are need to take this as a challenge. Climate

change are not normal weather because you can determined where it comes so

climates change is real.

The Philippines like many of the world's poor countries will be among the most

vulnerable to the impacts of climates change because of it's limited resources. As

shown by previous studies occurrences of extreme climatic events like droughts and

floods have serious negative implications for major water reservoirs in the country. A

preliminary and limited assessment of the country's water resources was undertaken

through the application of general circulation model ( GCM ) results and climate change

scenarios that incorporate environmental changes in temperature and rainfall and the

use of a hydrological model to simulate the future run off rainfall relationship.

In this study says that Philippines now a days are to affect by the climates change

because of limited resources Philippines are easily effected by flash flood because of

extreme climate. So they need to give an attention in the reservoirs like drainage are

have big effect in having a climate so they need to have an action by cleaning the

drainage to make water easily flow into rivers and seas. Many scenarios of climate

change are have big impact into community. Many of community are have a flood in

every climate that come in our community.



Nicholas sterm . effect of global warming on the world economy : stern review on the

economics of climate change. October 30 2007.


Dr. Benjamin Habib. Climate change and international relations theory : Northeast Asia

as a Case study. August 2011.

Naeem Akram Abdul Hamid. Climate change : A threat to the economic growth of

pakistan. January 2015.

Julian C. Brimelow. The changing hail threat over north america in response to

anthropogenic climate change. June 2011.

E.G De leon. Integrating climate change adaptation and climate - related disaster risk -

reduction policy in developing countries : A Case study in the Philippines. 2017.

Victoria L. Zalameda. Climate change adaptation strategies in the Philippines - A case

study within the leyte region.2015.

Ma. Laurice Janero. Small - island communities in the Philippines prefer local measures

to relocation in response to sea level rise. July 2017.

Cam montesa. Metro already under threat from the effects of clinate change. January

Aida M. Jose. Climate change impacts and responses in the Philippines : water

resources. August 24. 2012.

C. Unpublished Materials

Beatriz Yanga. A literature synthesis on socioeconomics of climate change in the

Philippines. 2016.

Henry D. Tacio. Climate change and effects on the Philippines. July 2010.

Climate change in the Philippines scenarios,policies and instruments in agriculture.

September 2015.

Maria Helena T. Yap. Climate change and disaster science in the Philippines setting.

Alvin Chandra. In Philippines climate change and conflict both conspire against rural

women. July 2017.

Michael Berry. The rise of climate fiction: when literature takes on global warming and

devastating droughts. October 2014.

Adam Trexler. Climate change in literature and literacy criticism. 2011.

Benjamin kunlel. Inventing climate change literature. October 2014.

John Mutter. Climate change literature that made waves in 2016.

Climates change impacts and adaptation in Newfoundland and Labrador 2010.

D. Internet

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