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Business Communications

Personal and Professional Development

Executive Summary

This is the report about my own personal and professional development over the last year.
This report encompasses my achievements and my achievement and my failure in the
recent year. At an overall this report will be showcasing my experience and all that I have
gone through in this consecutive year. My journey since the last year was very amazing,
taught full, and surprising as this was the first time i have come to a foreign country and that
too for studying purposes. My journey has been amazing as i met new friends every day,
international exposure, and the problems that come across in the day to day life in the
journey of an international student. In this last year I have also gained professional
experience studying in the university and getting the right environment for business and
professional development.

During this last year and with study i have been through helped me to achieve knowledge to
function at the best of the level in the market and the real time situations and problems that
could come across in the business. I learned the use of marketing in promotion of business
and its importance, i had the knowledge about the value of marketing as it is necessary for
the companies to be competitive and have a fair and healthy competition in the market
attracting the customers. Since the last year till now i fell myself as a totally changed person
in academics and professionalism as now i have the knowledge about the brand
management, international marketing, communication model in the business and e-business
done over the web and which is most popular and easy form of business.

In this last year i have also achieved the behavioural qualities in me like leadership quality,
punctuality, effective use of time and its management, etc. I have become professional in
this last year and have learned the practical and well implication of these qualities. Also
generating the social relationship and the qualities of interaction within myself. I can also be
a good strategic marketing solution provider now to the real time business issues and have
developed the skills to deal with most of the general problems and issues related to brand
management and international business marketing. During my last year’s journey the most
important and significant quality that i developed in me which can help me in my professional
and personal carrier as well was the recognition or identification of how the cultural and
social differences between the people belonging to different caste, colour, creed , region and
religion affect the buyer’s behaviour. This report highlights my journey and my learning
proving them through different theories like SOAR, MAP, etc. for self analysis and the tests
that i have been developed in the last year.

I am persuading the course of MSc in Business and Management from the University of
Bedfordshire. I joined this university last year before that i was working in the field of
hospitality and management serving as the assistant manager the very famous hotels and a
chain of hospitality services in India. I also own the bachelors degree of hospitality and hotel
administration from India and the good experience in the respected field. I have also worked
and have experience as a general manager in the hotels and have the expertise over the
hotel management which include food and beverage operations, vendor relations,
accountancy, guest services, etc and the skills required for administration of any hospotality
serving organisation. I am also proven to be a successful manager as i have taken the
restaurants to the profit generating their revenues and coping them up to cover up their
losses. I am also a good team player and leader.

In the last successive year after i have joined the course and came abroad i have learned
many new things and have shown growth at the personal level. As coming to a foriegn
country teaches the tough lessons of life and being an international student and managing
your studies with the part time work is the most important lesson and achievement that any
student can have studying abroad, i have generated good skills in communication and
marketing. I also have a good command over english after coming over here as while having
the discussion sessions and study lessons i have developed my skills in these.

Since my last year i have been working hard on my studies and have developed some
qualities like leadership, time management, team play, and decision making. I have also
generated the skills of analyzing the problems logically and implementing the knowledge to
achieve the feasible and resonable marketing skills. I feel like i have gone through the
experience of both of the private and public sector studying the practical and working on the
projects in my university.

I consider myself to have achieved the personal qualities like leadership, decision making,
team play and professional qualities like time management, puntuality, international
marketing strategies, brand management, financial strategies, managing people and digital
business management in the last year.

Opportunities: On the successful completition of this degree i will be having an opportunity of

getting a decent job in the field of marketing and business management or most probably in
my own specialized field which is hospitality and could come out as with the position of a
manager in a popular hotel. Also on finishing my degree i will be having these qualities in

 The role of marketing in business and management.

 Have good communication and interaction skills as i have the opportunity of
interacting with the people from all round the world in a distinct and dynamic
 Practical analysis and attending of big and high profile business programs and
events organised by the university for the sake of experience and exposure of thier
students to the international companies and business people.
 Experience of had been taught from a range highly qualified and academic
professors specialized in their fields the lessons of marketing.
 Having worked in any of the marketing compnay having a tie up with the university
providing internship or the work experience to the students with the real time
business issues and problems.


In the last year i have developed my professional and analytical skills over business
marketing and my stratigical and critical thinking over the issues and the problems that a
company might cope with having the real tiem experience of working with a compnay
dealing in management and hospitality. I have been developed with the skills required for
marketing and aware of the value and the correct use of marketing in the bussiness. In the
year passed i analysed myself as a professionally trained and developed person as the i
know the use and the knowledge of using the terms like brand management, merchandizing,
international marketing, e-business, etc.

I also found myself to be developed over the personal qualities like leadership, time
management, decision making, etc. Which will help me in my future carrier and day to day
life. Also i have been more sensible and organised person now after the things i have gone
through since the last year and have developed the correct use and time when to use these
personal traits. Also i have learned to identify and make the promotions to the people on the
basis of their race and existence. These were some of the qualities which encouraged me to
develop myself on personal and professional level.
Some of the theories which prooves my development over professional and personal stage
are as follows:

SOAR Theory

S (Strengths): My strenths are my strong and long experience of ten years in the field of
hospitality and management of human resources. As i have worked in the hotels as the
assistant manager i have the experience required for the leadership and to be a general
manager of any kind of hotel or a hospitality service organisation. Also i have the good
communication and interaction skills in three languages (including English).

O (Opportunities): My opportunities are working in any of the organisation which deliver the
services in hospitality of which i have the experience practical and after studying from the
university theoritical and accountany as well. My opportunities are, starting form the normal
worker to the general manager of the company or especially a hotel as because of my
experience in the hotels.

A (Aspirations): My aspirations are to be the General Manager in a Five star rated hotel as
like the Hilton in London for that i have to go through the way of the normal waiter to up
higher or to be a successful manager in any of the organisation providing hospitality services
as my work and educational experience could also be used in the profession then. My
aspirations are also to start off with work in London as a normal employee and move upto
the higher position here in London and after a year or two’s experience go back to my
country India and secure the place of a successfull Business manager.

R (Results): As the results to my aspirations i have started on my way for success to

become a successful manager as i am working in a restaurant now at a position of a crew
member but following the manager and affiliation in the manager’s training program i would
be a successful manager some day. And also i have learned the traits of internationla
business and people management since been in UK for studies.
MAP Theory

Motivation: The motivation for my working and trying hard to acquire the position comes
from the kind of the personality i have which is of the DRIVER of the company which gives
me strength and the following the manager and getting attracted by the capabilities and
powers of the manager i get the motivation.

Ability: The ability to do the work is since i used to work back in India, and the need and the
attraction for the money. Which is a very good and a decent package in terms of a manager.
The ability of doing work also comes from the physical appearance of myself and my father
who is a manager himself, so to project an image as of him is the reason behind this ability.

Personality: The kind of personality i have is dominating and bossing over the others as i
have been the manager over some places and companies. I have prooven to be the
DRIVER class of personality from the four available in the classification of the personalities.
In this successive year i have also learned to be more organised and be sensible and caring
towards others and my friends.

USP Theory

(Unique Selling Propositon)

The unique thing about me is my thinking, it is very entreprenuerical as i have brought up

many new ideas which i have used in either personal or professional life and have proven to
be successful in my carrier, i have also given an idea to a company who was going in loss
and following my idea or strategy for marketing it has started making high revenues.
Therefore the uique propositon which is could be valued in me is my smart thinking which i
called to be entrepreneurical becaused i come up with the ideas or the strategies which are
not exestent in the market yet and bringing out such strategy or an idea in the market which
is the loophole of the other companies results to be successful at all times.
Convoy Theory

There have been times when i have moved to a new place or a new location for study or
business purposes in the past as as example my coming here to UK for study is an example
of getting departed from the friends, family or relatives who are the persons who help you in
every aspect of life, and moving to a new location have new people coming through and
making strong bondings and freindships with them is quite difficult as there is alot of trust
problems in the initial stages of the friendship and the money also comes out be the evil in
the friendship , i have always been with a personality who is capable of making new friends
very easily and very quickly as i am more of a socialized person this helps me in getting help
in the day to day tasks and peoblems in life with being friends its easier to solve any
problem, and the person who can make good networking with the people is also a good
manager in professional life and foremost a team leader.

Cash Flow Theory

It is very difficult to maintain the credits and debits of cash running in order and also with
time as the most important thing for any of the organisation is the money or the revenue
which it is generating therefore it is the responsibility of the manager to have the efficient use
of money, as i have already worked as an assistant manager in the hotels in India and
sometimes also served as the manager on his behalf i know the efficient use of the cash and
how to spent it. A good manager sould always try not to outsource things and make the full
use of the available sources with him. The good manager should also know the use of prople
which is their employees for the rates of pay been costed to and make the minimum use of
the labour as required. Also the manager should be aware of where to buy the products from
so as to get the good quality in reasonable price. Me being woking as a manager know the
importance of the cash flow and efficient use of money.

Summing up with the amazing journey that i witnessed during this last year in which i came
across many new aspects of life and i learned many new things since the day one from
when i entered in united kingdom. These learnings will help me in experience to be strong
and stand tall against any king of problem i will have to face during my later personal and
professional life. Of course it was a bit difficult in the initial days in finding up the
accomodation, home sickness, lonliness, and money these were some strong words to call
upon and remember during that times but as the time passed on eveything started to
settledown as the interaction started with the new people and friends started making up. In
this country i almost met one new person every day and some of them came very close and
are still friends with me. Who did helped in every aspect of my journey as respect to the
university and to the job and the problems that we come across in daily life.

On the basis on my journey of last year which was a total dedicated full time mode of study
in the university persuading the course of MSc in Business and management i have the
probability of gettign a decent job in a high level company and merchandising an
organisation providing hospitality services. As my past experience in working and managing
the hotels as the assistant manager i now have more chances of getting the good job of the
general manager in the reputed hotels, arenas, restaurants, cruises or any other field
providing hospitality services.

During the making of report, i came across many of the new findings in myself as i came out
to be a more organised personal and professional person who is deicated and serious
towards life. I found out the generation of the qualities in myself like leadership, puntuality,
decision making and time management during this last year to which the theories like SOAR
and MAP confirm to be positive. At an all the journey of my last year was very delighting and
taught full.
What would you hope to achieve?

On the successfull finishing of my degree from the university and the traits that i had and
learned in the last year i will like to secure a position of a General Manager in one of the
reputed and a five star hotel in India. To which i also have the support of my past education
profile and the work that i have done in here as part time work in restaurants and
management companies from whom i have learned the quality of managing international
people’s. Also before leaving this country i would like to work in any of the organisation
which provides management or the hospitality services in London, so as i can build up a
strong resume and also gain practical experience and skills that are used in the international
management, marketing and revenue generation.

Most preferrablly i would like to join any hotel in London as a basic employee and watch over
and analyze the skills and qualities of a manager. I would like to join up a hotel in London
because most of the hotels there are good star rated and entertains the audience on
international basis as London is the one of the most biggest and busiest cities in the world so
as to gain experience over working with the international people, managing people and also
to work in busy enviornments.
What would be the outcome?

The outcomes of my last year experience that is my university education and my experience
of the part time job that i did will help me in making a strong and powerfull academic record
in the field of business and management especially over the marketing and hospitality, the
one which i have mastered here and the one i have practical experience working over. The
outcome will also be in the form of a successful completition of my degree and securing a
decent job back in my country India. Also the outcomes of my journey will be the impact on
my personal behaviour as well as i have become a more organised person now and started
taking things seriously now which will help me for the rest of my life. It will also help me as
the qualities that i have developed through my experience in the personal and professional
part of my journey. The outcome was also the friends that i made along the journey who did
helped me since the last year.

The outcome was also with generating in me the skills like communication in English and
good interaction skills and having the command over the language also to overcome the
fears like public speaking, stage fear, etc. These traits learned will help me in building a
strong foundation for a international business maker who could deal better with the peoples
from different parts of the world. Also since the last year i met many of the new people’s
coming from the different part of the world and being friends with them was a nice
experience and coming to know about their language culture and living was very
knowledgeable since the last year which will help me in understanding better of my
customers and having a better deals with them as on the basis of their nature.

Paul Wilkins 1997, Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors, Sage

Robert K. Throop, Marion B. Castellucci 2004, Reaching Your Potential, Library of Congress,

Donald A. Schön 1983, The Reflective Practitioner, USA.

Steve Pavlina 2008, Professional Development fo Smart People, Library of Congress, USA.

Theories,, retrieved on 22nd May, 2012.
te_1629-5101-72721.html, retrieved on 22nd May, 2012.
professional-development-plans, retrieved on 22nd May, 2012.
business-management, retrieved on 22nd May, 2012.
Appendix 1

Curriculum Vitae


Appendix 2


An organised, efficient and receptive individual with an enquiring mind and capability
of improved performance. Currently seeking employment that will allow development
and growth and offer the opportunity for exercising excellent skills. An excellent
listener and learner with the ability to work as part of a team or from own initiative. A
keen and hardworking individual who is extremely reliable and loyal. Willing to train
to learn new skills and enhance existing ones

Experienced and skilled general manager with expertise in hotel management , food and
beverage operations , vendor relations , profit and loss management and guests services
operations. Proven background in improving operational turnaround . Recognized as an
efficient manager and team player who generates significant growth in hotel revenue and
effectively motivates personnel to provide superior customer service.

Appendix 3

Elevator’s Pitch

At an overall average and through the findings of the theories and with the knowledge of the
present personalities in the world and the class in which the divided classes fall upon and the class in
which i fall is the Driver category which is the category in which i am a leader kind of a person who
drives or manages the company. Generally the leaders, General Managers and the top class
administration officials or the class A officials fall upon this category which i come as well. Personally
i am a well behavioural person who know how to manage his team without having trouble and
creating issues in between. Also the category of job which i would like to do would be in the field of

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