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Engineering thermodynamics Exercise-1

Assignment questions are #2, #5, #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14

Submission date 18,Nov,2019

1. A cylinder encloses a gas in a piston-cylinder assembly as shown in Figure. The area of

the piston is 0.01 m2. If the piston supports a mass of 50kg (including the mass of the
piston), what is the gas pressure? Will the gas pressure change if the volume is changed,
say, due to heating?

2. A 5-kg piston in a cylinder with diameter of 100 mm is loaded with a linear spring and
the outside atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa, as shown in Figure below. The spring exerts
no force on the piston when it is at the bottom of the cylinder, and for the state shown, the
pressure inside the cylinder is 400 kPa with volume 0.4 L. The valve is opened to let
some air in, causing the piston to raise 2 cm. Find the new pressure.
3. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 50L of liquid water at 25 C and 300kPa. Heat
is added to the water at constant pressure until the entire liquid is vaporized.
a. What is the mass of the water?
b. What is the final temperature?
c. Show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to saturation lines.
4. Two thousand kg of water, initially a saturated liquid at 1500C, is heated in a closed, rigid
tank to a final state where the pressure is 2.5 MPa. Determine the final temperature, in
C, the volume of the tank, in m3, and sketch the process on T–v and p–v diagrams.
5. Steam is contained in a closed rigid container with a volume of 1 m3. Initially, the
pressure and temperature of the steam are 7 bar and 500 0C, respectively. The
temperature drops as a result of heat transfer to the surroundings. Determine the
temperature at which condensation first occurs, in 0C, and the fraction of the total mass
that has condensed when the pressure reaches 0.5 bar. What is the volume, in m3,
occupied by saturated liquid at the final state?
6. A two-phase liquid–vapor mixture of H2O with an initial quality of 25% is contained in a
piston–cylinder assembly as shown in Figure below. The mass of the piston is 40 kg, and
its diameter is 10 cm. The atmospheric pressure of the surroundings is 1 bar. The initial
and final positions of the piston are shown on the diagram. As the water is heated, the
pressure inside the cylinder remains constant until the piston hits the stops. Heat transfer
to the water continues until its pressure is 3 bar. Friction between the piston and the
cylinder wall is negligible. Determine :
a. Total amount of heat transfer, in J. Let g = 9.81 m/s2.
b. Total work done by piston.
7. Water is being heated in a vertical piston–cylinder device. The piston has a mass of 40 kg
and a cross-sectional area of 150 cm2. If the local atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa,
determine the temperature at which the water starts boiling.

8. Two tanks are connected as shown in the figure below. Both containing water, Tank A is
at 200kpa, v=0.5m3/kg, VA=1m3, and tank B contains 3.5kg at 0.5Mpa and 4000C. The
valve is now opened and the two come to a uniform state. Find the final specific volume.

9. A piston–cylinder device contains 0.05 m3 of a gas initially at 200 kPa. At this state, a
linear spring that has a spring constant of 150 kN/m is touching the piston but exerting no
force on it. Now heat is transferred to the gas, causing the piston to rise and to compress
the spring until the volume inside the cylinder doubles. If the cross-sectional area of the
piston is 0.25 m2, determine (a) the final pressure inside the cylinder, (b) the total
work done by the gas, and (c) the fraction of this work done against the spring to
compress it.
10. Horizontal cylinder fined with a sliding piston contains 0.1 m of a gas at a pressure of
1atm. The piston is restrained by a linear spring. In the initial state, the gas pressure
inside the cylinder just balances the atmospheric pressure of 1atm on the outside of the
piston and the spring exerts no force on the piston. The gas is then heated until its volume
and pressure become 0.16 m and 2 atm, respectively.
a. Write the equation for the relation between the pressure and volume of the gas.
b. Calculate the work done by the gas.
c. From the total work done by the gas, how much is done against the atmosphere? And
how much is done against the spring.
11. A system of volume V contains a mass m of gas at pressure p and temperature of T. The
macroscopic properties of the system obey the following relationship:

Where a, b, and R are constants.

a. Obtain an expression for the displacement work done by the system during a constant-
temperature expansion from volume V1 to volume V2.
b. Calculate the work done by a system which contains 10 kg of this gas expanding form 1
3 3
m to 10 m at a temperature of 293 K. Use the values a= 15.7 x 104 Nm4, b= 1.07 x10 -2
m3, and R = 0.278 kJ/kg-K.
12. A piston–cylinder device initially contains air at 150 kPa and 27°C. At this state, the
piston is resting on a pair of stops, as shown in Fig. below, and the enclosed volume is
400 L. The mass of the piston is such that a 350-kPa pressure is required to move it. The
air is now heated until its volume has doubled. Determine (a) the final temperature, (b)
the work done by the air, and (c) the total heat transferred to the air.
13. A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is resting on a set of stops, initially contains 3 kg·
of air at 200 kPa and 27°C. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of 400 kPa is
required to move it. Heat is now transferred to the air until its volume doubled.
Determine work done by the air.
14. A piston enclosed 2kg of saturated water with a quality of 10% initially. The piston
pressure is 1 MPa. The water is heated in the system as shown in the figure until the final
state of the water is saturated vapor. When the piston rests on the stop the additional
volume enclosed is 0.19m3. Determine the work done by the water and the final
temperature and pressure. Neglect the volume occupied by the piston.

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