Cot - DLP English 6 - Summarizing Informations Heard by Master Teacher Eva M. Corvera

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Grades 6 School MAYA ES Grade Level VI


Teaching Dates and Time FEBRUARY, 2019, 8:30-9:20 AM Quarter 4

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of text types for
B. Performance Standards Identifies story perspective of text elements.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Knowledge: Summarize the information from a text heard, PPST MODULE 7
Write the LC code for each. (ENGLC-IVf-2.23) KRA 3, OBJ. # 7
-Define what is a summary MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 5
-Create a summary from a given informational text -Plans, manages and implements
Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair and by developmentally sequenced teaching and
group following the given house rules/standards/guidelines. learning processes to meet curriculum
Attitude: Observe politeness at all times, (ENGA-IId-16) requirements through various contexts.
MOV--- Knowledge, skill and attitude or KSA is
applied in lesson planning objectives in order
to meet curriculum requirements based on the
Curriculum Guide/CG. Parts of the DLP are
based on the PPST Modules.
II. CONTENT/TOPIC Summarizing an Information From a Text Heard


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages English CG for Grade 6 page 138-139
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Essential English Work text 6 pages 356
Essential English Teacher’s Resource Material 6 pages 254-255
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures PPST MODULE 9
Smart TV, laptop, power point presentation, activity cards, KRA 3, OBJ. # 9
meta cards, cartolina, realia, video clip -Selects, develops, organizes and uses
appropriate teaching and learning resources,
Video clip-A Visit To The Farm including ICT, to address learning goals. MOV---The difficult words and their meanings,
pictures, video and selections are presented
clearly through power point presentation.
MOV---Realia and printed materials like activity
cards are given on clear sheets of cartolina and
meta cards for the pupils to see and read
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the *Giving of Classroom Rules ( tacked on the board) PPST MODULE 5
new lesson * The 5 P’s: KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
2. Be Productive -Manages learner behaviour constructively by
3. Be Polite applying positive and non-violent discipline to
4. Be Prepared ensure learning-focused environment.
5. Be ResPectful MOV---To avoid and prevent misbehaviour,
house rules/ standards/guidelines are set
1. Be on time at the beginning of the day and after lunch before the class starts or before doing an
or recess breaks. activity.
2. Come prepared with supplies and completed
assignments. PPST MODULE 2
3. Be kind, polite and courteous to others. MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. -Applies a range of teaching strategies that
5. Be respectful of classmates, teachers and property. enhance learner achievement in literacy and
6. Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow numeracy skills.
directions. MOV---Literacy in giving and understanding
7. Work hard and always do your best. the meaning of words is shown during the
8. Be safe. Unlocking of Difficulties.
9. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class
or if you need to leave the classroom for any reason.

*Review: What is an Informational Text?

-Show through power point presentation.

*Unlocking of Difficulties: PPST Module1

--What is a summary? KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
(Power Point Presentation) MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1
-Applies knowledge of content within and
*Identify the meaning of the underlined words from the across curriculum teaching areas.
choices given: MOV---Science context is integrated in the
1. The country’s climate is ideal for growing grapes. Unlocking of Difficulties.
2. An ecosystem is comprised of all the non-living
elements and living species in a specific local
3. Corn production is a large part of the agricultural
industry in Cebu.
4. The flowers depend on bees for pollination.
5. Irrigation provides water to plants.

-the watering of land by artificial means to foster plant

growth and production.
-the transfer of pollen from a male part of a plant to a
female part of a plant
-the process of making or growing something for sale
or use
-the complex of a community of organisms and its
environment functioning as an ecological unit
-the usual weather conditions in a particular place or
B. Establishing a purpose for the *Ask: Who has a farm? Have you visited a farm? What can PPST Module1
lesson/Motivation/Motive Questions you see in the farm? KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
*Show a video clip entitled, “A Visit To The Farm”. MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1 -Applies knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
I have here a video clip showing how a good climate MOV--- Contextualization, localization, gender
contributes to healthy production of animals and plants in the fair and integrations across learning areas like
farm. Take note of the key points so we can give a summary at Science and Araling Panlipunan and within
the end. learning area like predicting outcomes are
Ask: What do you see in the video?
Are the animals and plants healthy? Why?
Why is it important to have healthy plants and animals?
Do you think there are enough food for the farmer’s PPST MODULE 3
family? Why? KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
Do they need to buy food from the market? Why? MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
Who can save more money, the one with a farm or the -Applies a range of teaching strategies to
one without a farm? Why? develop critical and creative thinking, as well
What food do you think is healthier to eat, the one you as higher-order thinking skills.
grow or the one you buy from the market? Why? MOV---The questions presented are arranged
What do you think is the climate of the place? Is it from lower level to higher level thinking skills.
hot/dry or rainy/wet? Too hot/too rainy? Or just Pupils are challenge to think creatively.
What do you think will happen to the farmer’s farm if
the climate is not favourable for his plants and
What will happen to his farm if the climate is too hot or
too wet?
What is the video about? Who will try to give the
summary of the video?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new *Show a picture of a farm destroyed by a drought or a PPST Module1
lesson storm. KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
-Applies knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
MOV--- Contextualization, localization, gender
fair and integrations across learning areas like
Science and Araling Panlipunan and within
learning area like predicting outcomes are

-What will happen to the plants and animals in a long
dry season or El Niño? What will happen to the plants
and animals in a long rainy season or La Niña?
-What could be the solution of this kind of problem?
-In what way does the government help in coping with
this kind of climate? Are there government programs
and projects that provide answers and solutions to
these problems?
-Why is there a need to prevent climate change? Why do
all living things need to adopt to climate change?
-What title can you give to these pictures?
-Giving the title is one way of summarizing the main
idea of the information given.

*Present pictures of climate change in slides.

Ask: How does climate change affect plants? Animals?
People? Food production? On availability of water? Health?
Ask: How will you summarize the information given through
these pictures? Can you give a title to these pictures or a
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new *Presenting the informational text through power point. PPST Module1
skills #1 *We have tried giving summaries to information through KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
pictures and videos; now let us go to the main lesson which is MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1
giving a summary to the informational text heard. -Applies knowledge of content within and
*Listen carefully, I will read to you an informational text across curriculum teaching areas.
about climate change. Be ready to give the summary of the MOV---Science concept like climate change
text. and noting details are integrated.

Climate includes patterns of temperature, precipitation,

humidity, wind, and seasons.
Climate change affects more than just a change in the
weather; it refers to seasonal changes over a long period of
time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in
shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and
cultures that depend on them. Because so many systems are
tied to climate, a change in climate can affect many related
aspects of where and how people, plants and animals live,
such as food production, availability and use of water, and
health risks. For example, a change in the usual timing of rains
or temperatures can affect when plants bloom and set fruit,
when insects hatch or when streams are at their fullest. This PPST MODULE 3
can affect historically synchronized pollination of crops, food KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
for migrating birds, spawning of fish, water supplies for MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 2
drinking and irrigation, forest health and more. -Applies a range of teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative thinking, as well
*Noting the significant details of the informational text . as higher-order thinking skills.
*Giving the summary of the selection heard. MOV---The questions presented to check
pupils’ comprehension are arranged from
1. What is the selection about? lower level to higher level thinking skills.
2. In your own words, what is climate change?
3. Base on the information given, what are the effects of
climate change?
4. How does climate change affect plants? people?
Animals? Food production? Health?
5. How can you as an individual adopt to climate
6. Why does climate change happen?
7. How are we, people including all living things survive
from climate change?
8. What can you do as individual to control climate
9. What is the summary of the selection?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new *Independent Practice: PPST Module1
skills #2 KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
*Listen to your teacher as he/she reads the following MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1
passage and then answer the question. -Applies knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
*Special Reminders: MOV---Values like taking care of pets such as
Be polite by listening attentively to the teacher during cats and ants as hard workers are integrated in
the independent practice. the selections given.

*Cats are affectionate, cuddly, and independent. Unlike dogs,

cats can stay on their own if you go away overnight. They do
not need to be walked, and can monitor their own food so
they don’t overeat. Also, cats do not bark, so your neighbors
won’t have any noise to complain about. If someone wants to
have a pet, a cat is a great choice!
Ask: Do you have pets at home? Do you take care of your
pets? Why?

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Cats are independent.
B. Dogs are a lot of work.
C. Cats are great pets.
D. Pets are hard work.

*Julie watched the ants as they carried small crumbs down

the trail to the anthill. She thinks ants are very hard working
and industrious little creatures. They always seemed busy,
and you never saw an ant just laying around doing nothing.
They were carrying food, building tunnels, or defending the
anthill. One thing you could say about ants is that they sure
aren't lazy.

Ask: How will you describe of the ants? Do you like the ants?

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Ants carry many things.
B. Some ants may bite you.
C. Ants are hard workers.
D. Some ants help take care of the queen.

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Guided Practice PPST Module1

Assessment 3) Pair Share: KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
(Give activity sheets for each partner for them to read MT I-IV RUBRIC, INDICATOR 1
and answer.) -Applies knowledge of content within and
Listen to your partner as he/she reads the across curriculum teaching areas.
informational text and then answer the question. MOV---Values integration like generosity and
being safe in following directions are
Special Reminders: integrated in the context of the selections
Be polite by listening attentively with each other during given.
the pair share activity.
1. Many people buy lottery tickets, but not many win.
Even fewer give away their prize. Paul Dela Cruz, a
fast food assistant manager, won Ph 5,000,000.00 in
the state lottery and decided to give the money to a
charity that adopts homeless and abandoned
children. The charity director could not believe Paul’s
generosity. Paul didn’t think it was any big deal. “The
kids need it more than I do,” he said.

The Summary of this passage is:

A. The state lottery
B. The dangers of gambling
C. One man’s generosity
D. Pick the winning number

2. Lester was lost. He didn’t know where he was, or how

to get where he was going. He had left the directions
at home and he didn’t have a map. Now, he was in a
strange neighborhood and he was confused. If he
could find a familiar landmark, he might figure things

The Summary of this passage is:

A. Wanting a map
B. Lester was lost
C. Getting directions
D. On his way to the party

*Checking of answers:
*There are 18 pairs,
in passage # 1, how many answered letter A? B? C? D?
-the correct answer is letter C
in passage # 2, how many answered letter A? B? C? D?
-the correct answer is letter B
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and *Differentiated Activity in four groups with 9 to 10 PPST MODULE 5
skills in daily living members, each group will have a leader. KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
House Rules/Standards/Guidelines: -Manages learner behaviour constructively by
(Follow the mnemonic/memory device.) applying positive and non-violent discipline to
G- Give thoughtful feedback ensure learning-focused environment.
R- Respect others & their thoughts MOV---To minimize and prevent misbehaviour,
O- On task all the time house rules/ standards/guidelines are set
U- Use soft voices before doing the activity.
P- Participate actively MOV---Learners are given positive feedback
S- Stay with your group after each group sharing.

Rubrics in Participation/Group Activities: PPST MODULE 6

5 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the -Uses differentiated, developmentally
task, participate actively, do great help to the appropriate learning experiences to address
group learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests
4 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the and experiences.
task, good followers only MOV---The learners are given differentiated
3 -Participated but late, with teacher’s supervision activities according to their strengths and
2 -Activity was done but does not show eagerness interests.
to participate or cooperate MOV---By applying differentiated activities
1 -No interest in participating the activities with rubrics, learners are ensured of their
active participation.
Special Reminders to pupils before doing the activity:
1. Be polite by listening attentively with each other
during group activity.
2. Group planning and sharing is 10 minutes only while
group presentation is 2 minutes or less.

Group 1-Read the selection, then decide among members

what to DRAW to show the summary of the informational text
given. Use the materials provided in the activity. Publish when
done and explain your presentation.

Group 2- Read the selection, then decide among members

what actions to PLAY to show the summary of the
informational text given.

Group 3- Read the selection, then decide among members

what TITLE can best summarize the informational text given.
Write the title in manuscript form observing correct
capitalization on the meta cards provided, and then publish.

Group 4- Read the selection, then decide among members

what SENTENCE can best summarize the informational text
read. Write it on a correct cursive writing on the meta cards
provided, and then publish.

*It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his
stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see the elephants,
which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the
elephants were his favorite. Without much interest, Peter
followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy
swatting flies with their tails. Peter knew he should be having
fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do
was lie down and rest. Even the lions and tigers did not
interest him now.

Rubrics in Participation/Group Activities:

5 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, participate actively, do great help to the
4 -Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the
task, good followers only
3 -Participated but late, with teacher’s supervision
2 -Activity was done but does not show eagerness
to participate or cooperate
1 -No interest in participating the activities

Group Presentations
- not to exceed 2 minutes for each group presentation

(Learners are given utmost recognition in the task they are


H. Making generalizations and abstractions about Ask: PPST MODULE 10

the lesson 1. What is a summary? KRA 4, OBJ. 10
2. How do we summarize an informational text heard? Designs, selects, organizes and uses diagnostic,
3. Did you follow the given house rules when formative and summative assessment
performing the task given to you? strategies consistent with curriculum
4. Did you show politeness by listening attentively with requirements.
your partner and your teacher during the individual MOV—Formative questions are raised to
activity, pair share activity and group activity? Why is learners to diagnose how far they have learned
politeness important? or if the objectives of the lesson are carried.

I. Evaluating learning Evaluation: PPST MODULE 10

Direction: Listen to your teacher as he/she reads the KRA 4, OBJ. 10
following passage and then answer the question. -Designs, selects, organizes and uses
diagnostic, formative and summative
Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to assessment strategies consistent with
pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican food at the curriculum requirements.
Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken MOV---The use of formative assessment
Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She consistent with curriculum requirements is
just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop followed in order to interpret the result of the
with that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? learners’ progress.
Maybe she would just flip a coin.
1. The Summary of this passage is: KRA 4, OBJ. 11
A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday. Monitors and evaluates learners’ progress and
B. Jill loves Mexican food. achievement using learners’ attainment data.
C. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town. MOV—Results of evaluation are monitored
D. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin and reflected on the Learners’ Data in order to
support and assess learners’ progress and
For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow achievement.
paint. She would pick a border that had mostly bright red and
green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had
found some curtains that were sky blue with streaks of red,
blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the
walls. And finally, she had picked a carpet that was mostly
blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she
was done decorating her room. It was really going to look

2. The Summary of this passage is:

A. Jenny likes bright colors.
B. Jenny was going to paint her room.
C. Jenny was picking out colors and materials to decorate her
D. Yellow is a good color to paint your walls.

Right now Jason was playing right field. He really wanted to

play third base. Earlier this year, coach had put him in left field
and second base in a game, but never at third base. Once in
practice, coach let him play third base, but he kept missing
ground balls. When he did stop one, he made a bad throw to
first base. Maybe if he kept practicing, Jason would be good
enough to play third base. That was his dream.

3. The Summary of this passage is:

A. Jason really wanted to play third base.
B. Jason was the best player on his team.
C. Jason had trouble catching ground balls.
D. Jason was too lazy to practice.

The first book Chris read in fifth grade was about a lost kitten.
Then he read a book about a family of bears, and then he
read about a wild kangaroo in Australia. It seems every book
Chris reads is about animals. Last week he found a good book
about snakes and reptiles, and another book about elephants.
Today Chris went to the library, and he checked out a book
about dolphins, whales and other animals that live in the sea.

4. The Summary of this passage is:

A. Chris likes kangaroos.
B. Chris is in the fifth grade.
C. Chris reads a lot of books about animals.
D. Dolphins and whales live in the sea.

*Checking of answer sheets, monitoring the scores and

submission of papers for recording is done right away after
the test to interpret the result of the learners’ progress.
J. Additional activities for application or Assignment:
remediation Look for a passage and then write your own summary of it in
a sheet of paper. Be able to share/read the passage and the
summary in class tomorrow.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 2
Maya ES, Daanbantayan II
Cebu Province
It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see the elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally,
the elephants were his favorite. Without much interest, Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with their tails. Peter knew he should be
having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do was lie down and rest. Even the lions and tigers did not interest him now.

Summarize this passage:

A. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants.
B. The camels were swatting flies with their tails.
C. It was really hot at the zoo.
D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.

To summarize, you must listen to a passage closely, finding the main ideas and supporting ideas. Then you must briefly write down those ideas in phrases, or one or
more sentences.

(Climate change refers to extreme wet and extreme dry weather or climate that could result to imbalance of the ecosystem.)

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