9023 English GP 2 PDF

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TIME- 1Hr. M. M.-30

i) This is the question paper cum answer sheet.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Fill all the columns in block letters only.

NAME-……………………………………. CLASS-………. SEC-…………..

NAME OF SCHOOL-………………………………………………………………….


Q1. Correct the word by changing the position of any two consecutive letters. (10x1=10)

a. Erlax ……………………………..
b. Canla ……………………………..
c. Attcak ……………………………..
d. Eretc …………………………….
e. Tatract ……………………………..
f. Dipsatch ……………………………..
g. Xepand ……………………………..
h. Dsitract ……………………………..
i. Defcet ……………………………..
j. Eletc ……………………………..

Q2. Encircle the correctly spelt word: (5x1=5)

a. Surfece / Surface / Sarface

b. Disease / Diseace / Diseese
c. Fortenight / Fortneght/ Fortnight
d. Alreedy / Already / Alreade
e. Breeze / Breaze / Breize
Q3. Fill the missing alphabet: (5x1=5)

a. AMU?E ……………………..
b. ?NFORM …………………….
c. MAJO? …………………….
d. APA?T …………………….
e. MIRR?R …………………….

Q4. Correct the homophones in the given sentences and rewrite the sentence. (5x1=5)

a. This is to difficult for me.

b. I sea a strange dream while sleeping.
c. I read the hole book in one day.
d. I eight an apple in the morning.
e. Would you like a peace of cake?

Q5. Tick the most appropriate plural of the singular nouns in bold: (5x1=5)

a. FISH = Fishs / Fishes / Fishis.

b. OX = Oxen/ Oxes / Oxs.
c. LOAF = Loefs / Loaves / Loafes
d. TOOTH = Tooths / Toothes / Teeth
e. KNIFE = Knives / Knifs / Knifas

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