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Food Safety & Risk

(Reaction Paper)

Clarisse P. Gozon
Submitted to: Ms. Gerashid Legazpi
As a student of Bachelor of Science tourism management we are required to attend the food
safety and risk management seminar, the venue was in Sti College Rosario and held by three
teachers in the school and one fourth year student of BSTM, before we head in the room they
give us a cupcake and a bottle of water in case that we get hungry during the event, a lot of
student attended the said event including the HRS section. Before the event started we did a
prayer and sang the Philippine national anthem, And After that the main speaker Chef Jonathan
Vargas introduced his self to us and started the discussion of the seminar. The first thing he did
was to let us watch videos, and as far as I can remember the first video was about the chef test,
the video includes 7 things you should pass before becoming a chef. Number one is called “Chef
Knife” you will pass if you consistently cut item, and fail if you provide a wide variety of sizes or
the same sizes. Number two is called “Oil smoke point” you will pass is you observe convection
of the oil; you will fail if there is no reaction to pan oil smokes. Number three is “Develop Color”
You will pass this test if you provide a brown caramel color that retains the moisture; you will
fail if the item you provided is pale, shrunken and over cooked. Number four is “Thicken a
liquid” You will pass this test if you have thickened the sauce, made it shiny, velvety and no
lumps, ; you fail if you over thickened and the sauce you made is Plop-able not pourable.
Number five is “Poach an Egg” you will pass this test if the egg is in-tact and bright yolk sits
high; you fail if you busted up the egg or the egg had a dull color. Number six is “Roast delicate
item” You will pass this test if your roasting item is not dried out and not browned; you fail if it
is brown and dry, smaller and stiff. Number seven is “Tell Doneness” you will pass this test if the
item has attractive grill marks, equally browned and has different internal temps; you fail if
there is no difference in temps and there is lack of control. Those seven are the methods
behind cooking. He also discuss about the 7 Principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and critical
control point) In order to enhance food safety, every stage of the food production (from
purchasing, receiving, transportation, storage, preparation, handling, cooking to serving) should
be carried out and monitored scrupulously. The HACCP system is a scientific and systematic
approach to identify, assess and control of hazards in the food production process. With the
HACCP system, food safety control is integrated into the design of the process rather than
relied on end-product testing. Therefore HACCP system provides a preventive and thus cost-
effective approach in food safety. Principle 1 Analysis hazards - A food safety hazard is any
biological, chemical or physical property that may cause a food to be unsafe for human
consumption. We analyze hazards to identify any hazardous biological, chemical, or physical
property in raw materials and processing steps, and to assess their likeliness of occurrence and
potential to render food unsafe for consumption. Principle 2 Determine critical control points -
A critical control point is a point, a step or a procedure in a food manufacture process at which
control can be applied and, as a result, a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated, or
reduced to an acceptable level. Not every point identified with hazards and preventive
measures will become a critical control point. A logical decision-making process is applied to
determine whether or not the process is a critical control point. Principle 3 Establish limits for
critical control points- Limit for critical control point is a criterion which separates acceptability
from unacceptability. It is the maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological, or
chemical hazard must be controlled at a critical control point to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to
an acceptable level the occurrence of the identified food safety hazard. Examples of limits for
critical control point are time, temperature, humidity, water activity and pH value. The limits
should be measurable. In some cases, more than one critical limit is needed to control a
particular hazard. Principle 4 Establish monitoring procedures for critical control points -
Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether a critical
control point is under control and to produce an accurate record for future use in verification.
Monitoring is very important for a HACCP system. Monitoring can warn the plant if there is a
trend towards loss of control so that it can take action to bring the process back into control
before the limit is exceeded.
The employee responsible for the monitoring procedure should be clearly identified and
adequately trained. Principle 5 Establish corrective actions - Corrective action is an action taken
when the results of monitoring at the critical control point indicate that the limit is exceeded,
i.e. a loss of control. Since HACCP is a preventive system to correct problems before they affect
food safety, plant management has to plan in advance to correct potential deviations from
established critical limits. Whenever a limit for critical control point is exceeded, the plant will
need to take corrective actions immediately. The plant management has to determine the
corrective action in advance. The employees monitoring the critical control point should
understand this process and be trained to perform the appropriate corrective actions. Principle
6 Establish verification procedures - Verification is the application of methods, procedures, tests
and other evaluations, in addition to monitoring, to determine compliance with the HACCP
plan. Some examples of verification are the calibration of process monitoring instruments at
specified intervals, direct observation of monitoring activities, and corrective actions. Besides,
sampling of product, monitoring records review and inspections can serve to verify the HACCP
system. The plant management should check that the employees are keeping accurate and
timely HACCP records. Principle 7 Establish a record system - Maintaining proper HACCP
records is an essential part of the HACCP system. Accurate and complete HACCP records can be
very helpful for: documentation of the establishment's compliance with its HACCP plan; tracing
the history of an ingredient, in-process operations, or a finished product, when problem arise;
identifying trends in a particular operation that could result in a deviation if not corrected;
identifying and narrowing a product recall. The record of a HACCP system should include
records for critical control points, establishments of limits, corrective actions, results of
verification activities, and the HACCP plan including hazard analysis. To establish recordkeeping
procedures, plant management may: develop forms to fully record corrective actions taken
when deviations occur; Identify employees responsible for entering monitoring data into the
records and ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities and that are the 7
principles of HACCP. He also shared to us the required temperature ranges for dish machines
like scrapper 110-120°F or 40-50°C, Wash tank 140-165°F or 60-70°C, Power rinse 165-175°F or
74-79°C and then the Final rinse 180-190°F or 82-90°C. And then after watching the videos sir
Jonathan shares us about the different kinds or style of cutting items, then after discussion he is
now open for some questions from us and an hrs student asked Sir Jonathan on what is the
most difficult experience he surpass in being a chef in a ship for a years he told us that the most
difficult encounter he had face was being with the Filipino customer because a Filipino
costumer have a lot of demand rather than the other people in different countries, he also
shared to us how to bake a cake without an oven, and also discussed about the different kinds
of flours which is “All purpose flour” that is a Refined blend of high-gluten hard wheat and low-
gluten soft wheat. Milled with only the endosperm— not bran or germ. Used for baking,
thickening and breading. Usually sold pre-sifted. Some fortified with calcium and vitamins A or
D. “100% whole-wheat flour” that is made from hulled red wheat grain (wheat berries).
Provides more fiber and other nutrients. Used in place of all-purpose flour. Makes heavier
bread; in baked goods, often mixed with all-purpose flour for a lighter texture and better rising.
Has a shorter shelf-life than all-purpose flour. “White whole-wheat flour” that is made from
hulled white spring wheat. Use instead of regular whole-wheat flour in baked goods for a
milder taste and a light color. “Self-rising flour” All-purpose flour with added salt and baking
soda. Convenience product not generally used for yeast breads. Leavening action of baking
soda can diminish if stored too long. “Cake or pastry flour” Fine-textured refined flour made
from soft wheat. High in starch. Used for tender cakes and pastries. “Bread flour” A Refined
flour made from hard wheat and a small amount of barley flour. Very high gluten content. Used
for bread making. “Gluten flour” A Refined flour made from hard wheat with most starch
removed. Significantly higher protein (gluten) content than all-purpose flour. Increases strength
and rising power of dough. Blend with lower-gluten flours for bread. And the last one is
“Semolina flour” A Generally coarsely-milled, refined hard durum wheat flour. Used for pasta,
couscous, gnocchi and puddings. High in gluten. Coarsely-milled other wheat varietals or grains
also may be called semolina, such as corn semolina (grits) and rice semolina. He also shared his
story to us on how he started to become a chef and how he fulfilled his dreams and that he
teaches other people on how to cook properly and how to be a great chef. After the seminar a
certificate was given to Sir Jonathan after being a part of the said seminar and they also gave us
a certificate proved that we were also a part of the seminar, after the distribution of the
certificate we all take a picture on the event and headed our way back home.

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