Week 2

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individual or nation can be great if it does

not have a concern for the least of these.

Brief Background 2. Racism - a struggle for genuine equality,

the arrogance and assertion of oneself as

of ACP3FI more entitled than others. This mind set

estranges from peace, it divides people in
body, mind and spirit. It propels harm
- The acronym ACP3FI stands for Angel C.
towards the out group it views to be
Palanca Peace Program Foundation, Inc.
unequal of his own.
- Advocates peace through the promotion
3. Militarism - when a nation becomes
of respect, harmony and unity by means
obsessed with the guns of warm social
of the following tenets: programs inevitably suffer. People
● Cultivating Inner Peace become insensitive to pain and agony in
● Promoting Human Rights their own midst. This way of burning
● Living with Justice and human beings, of filling our nation’s
Compassion homes with orphans and widows, of
● Dismantling the Culture of War injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the
veins of peoples normally humane, of
● Practicing Intercultural Respect
sending men home from dark and bloody
● Reconciliation and Solidarity battlefields physically handicapped,
● Living in Harmony with Earth psychology deranged, cannot be
reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.
Turato, Kathleen Ysiel B.
Six Peace Tenets
Triple Evils
Six Principles of Nonviolence
Poverty PRINCIPLE ONE: Nonviolence is a way of life for
courageous people.
Nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards;
it does resist. For while the nonviolent resister is
Militarism Racism passive in the sense that he is not physically
aggressive towards his opponent, his mind and
The triple evils are forms of violence that exist in a emotions are always active, constantly seeking his
vicious cycle. They stand as barriers to our living in opponent that he is wrong. This method is passive
the Beloved Community. When we work to physically but strongly active spiritually.
remedy one evil, we affect all evils. To work
against the Triple Evils, you must develop a PRINCIPLE TWO: Nonviolence seeks to win
nonviolent frame of mind as described in the “Six friendship and understanding
Principles of Nonviolence” and use the Kingian The nonviolent concept is an overall effort to
model for social action outlined in the “Six Steps achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of
for Nonviolent Social Change” relationships among people to a height where
1. Poverty - we now have the techniques to justice prevails and people attain their full human
get rid of poverty. A great nation has the potential. It does not seek to defeat or humiliate
will to end poverty, unemployment, the opponent, but to win his friendship and
homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, understanding. The aftermath of nonviolence is the
creation of the beloved community, while the
illiteracy, infant mortality, slums.. No
aftermath of violence is tragic bitterness
PRINCIPLE THREE: Nonviolence seeks to defeat any price. The most disadvantageous peace is
injustice not people. better than the most just war. "Peace is more
The nonviolent approach helps one analyze the important than all justice." "I prefer the most
fundamental conditions, policies and practices of unjust peace to the most just war that was ever
the conflict rather than reacting to one’s opponents waged." "There never was a good war or a bad
or their personalities. The attack is directed against peace.
the forces of evil rather than against persons who
happen to be doing evil. It is evil that the nonviolent The meaning of peace varied in differed period in
resister seeks to defeat, not the person victimized history. For example “The Roman poet Tacitus
by evil.
spoke of making a desert and calling it ‘peace’ an
unwanted place of sterility and emptiness.
PRINCIPLE FOUR: Nonviolence holds that
Similarly, although everyone desires “peace of
suffering can educate and transform.
mind”, the temporary “peace” that comes from
Nonviolent resistance is a willingness to accept
drug based with drawl from social reality, the
suffering without retaliation, to accept blows
peacefulness of sleep, or the undesired “peace of
without striking back. "Suffering is infinitely more
a coma or even of death may not seen so
powerful than the law of the jungle for converting
desirable” (Barash and Webel, 2002, p 4).
the opponent and opening his ears which are
otherwise shut to the voice of reason" said Gandhi.
The concept of peace in eastern world claims that
PRINCIPLE FIVE: Nonviolence chooses love “peace may be the most longed for human
instead of hate. condition. The Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu
It avoids not only physical violence but also internal founder of Taoism and author of Tao De Ching,
violence of the spirit. The nonviolent resister not emphasized that military force is not the ‘Tao or
only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also way for human being to follow” (Ibid. p4). His
refuses to hate him. To retaliate would do nothing conception of peace denotes that peace is not an
but intensify the existence of hate in the universe. ultimate human goal and social harmony cannot
At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of bring peace. Instead of this type of views, he
love. valued obedience and order as virtues of peace.

PRINCIPLE SIX: Nonviolence believes that the Gandhi’s vision of peace is different from other
universe is on the side of justice. thinkers in many aspects. According to Gandhi,
The believer in nonviolence has deep faith in the peace implies a state of positive and constructive
future, This faith is another reason why the world order where every individual live in co-
nonviolent resister can accept suffering without operation and mutual aid. Peace is a cementing
retaliation. For he knows that in his struggle for force for the society and the world. Gandhi
justice, he has cosmic companionship. There is a viewed that truth is more important than peace
creative force in this universe that works to bring
and peace can be achieved only through truthful
the disconnected aspects of reality into a
means. His vision of peace is based on his
harmonious whole.
philosophy of life that is mutual goodwill and
Soldao, Shaira Mae R. friendship among all the people.

I. II. How To Achieve Peace
Peace has always been among humanity's highest ● Learn to love and appreciate
values--for some, supreme. Consider: "Peace at yourself.
● Respect the environment awful things is like doing the
and see Earth as your only same thing for yourself.
true home. ● Educate yourself about
● Don't make decisions when something you do not
you're angry or sad. understand.
● If it's hard for you to respect ● You think a group of
people because of their religious people are evil,
differences. Then atleast then make friends with
please do not abuse them them. You think people of
physically, mentally or different sexual orientations
emotionally. are sick, sit down and learn
● Do whatever it takes to from them. You don't like
maintain your assertive her feministic values and
behavior. Be reasonable, political view then ask her to
honest, caring and educate you.
empathetic. ● Learn to listen and think 10
● You can spend an enternity seconds before you speak.
killing, raping, abusing and ● Learn to remain calm in
hating but then what? What every situation.
will you achieve? You're
● Love, live, laugh and
creating bad karma for
promote positive energy
wherever you are.
● Learn to forgive because you
deserve unconditional inner
peace. Once you do these steps. Humans will learn
● Technology is good as long to wake up one by one and eventually we will
as it's only bringing reach global world peace and stability.
goodness into your life and
others. Flores, Ma. Eliza Desiree
● Hurting someone online is
as hurtful as hurting
someone in real life.
● You could save someone's
life with your words, you
could also end their lives. PEACE
The decision is yours.
● Don't judge because he or I. Definition
she is religious, gay, black, The Pillars of Peace - it gives a
different. If you don't framework for assessing the positive peace
understand him/her ASK. factors that create peaceful societies.
They will be gladly
explaining you about who Global Peace Index (GPI)
they are. - The world’s leading measure of national
● Society is made of peacefulness.
individuals. Learn to respect
- It gives a rich assemblage of research for
this diversity.
similar investigation.s of peacefulness.
● Judging someone before
yourself and wishing them
regardless of their personal
7 Pillars of Peace characteristics such as their social
position, race, religion or gender.
1. Well-Functioning Government
● Gini Coefficient
–it is based on several factors, from how - It represent the income or a nation's
governments are elected and the political residents.
culture, to the quality of the public ● Inequality
services they deliver and their political - Injustice and powerlessness may emerge,
stability. thereby encouraging social divisions.
a. Government Effectiveness and Governance 4. Acceptance of the Rights of Others
- it represents a comprehensive measure - the societal attitudes towards fellow
of a country’s performance. citizens, minorities, ethnic groups,
b. Rule of Law genders and foreigners are key
characteristics of peaceful countries.
- It describes how power is exercised ● Human Rights
compliant with the legal system. - Rights and freedoms that belong to every
c. Voice and Accountability person in the world, from birth until
- The public is able to influence and
participate in the decision making 5. Good relations with neighbours
processes of government. - A countries with positive external
2. A Sound Business Environment relations are more peaceful and tend to
be more politically stable, and have low
- the productive use of human capital, and
levels of organised internal conflict.
provides the ability for individuals to
access capital. 6. Free flow of information

a. Supporting Institutions & Infrastructures - media which disseminates valid

information in a way that leads to greater
- Structures which provide interactions
openness helps individuals and civil
between businesses, customers and
society work together.
wider society.
● Media
b. Business Sophistication and Innovation - - Driver of community perceptions, where
- it is the ‘depth’ of industry networks and information is presented.
the willingness to innovate. - It can have a powerful impact on
community perceptions of reality.
c. Market Access, Size and Efficiency
7. A high level of human capital
- A stable market will increase
interdependence between communities - Greater levels of human capital, such as
and states. health and education, that will tend to
increase social cohesion, economic
development, and peace.
● Education
3. An Equitable Distribution of Resources - Those countries with better education
outcomes tended to be more peaceful.
- Equity describes the extent to which
And it helps individual to make better
individuals and groups are treated fairly,
use of their skills and talents.
8. Low levels of Corruption ● It is seen as moral rights and intrinsic to
- It can enhance confidence and trust in
● Also it prevents of violent conflicts which
institutions, which in turn helps to create
increase peace.
informal institutions.
● Transparency Guarantees Reyes, Kate Roiz E
- For instance, the absence of defilement
and adequate levels of trust inside and
amongst networks.
A social contract
-voluntary agreement in which mutual benefit
happens between individuals or a community as
Pangilinan, Jamela
a whole according to theories by Hobbes, Locke
and Rouseau

Importance of Pillars of Peace Aristotle – the city state is more important than
the individual
There are many benefits for societies which are
Thomas Hobbes – Man surrenders some basic
the pillars of peace enable to develop. Generally
right to the Leviathan in order to attain security.
all of these factors improve human wellbeing.
Pillars of peace provides an imperative Jean Jacque Rousseau and Henry David Thoreau –
advancement to out literature by providing Man is born free, ergo, a government is, by
quantifiable factors which is essential for the instinct, is not really necessary.
betterment of human interaction. - fundamental basis for the development of
1. Greater social cohesion government and law, especially democratic
● Readiness of an individuals to theory and application.
● Creating open doors for upwards
Social Contract Theory
● It is the glue that holds society
together. -Peace is an essential tool in the community to
promote the construction of a better society.
2. Improved trust
● Trust is the significant in all aspect There are 5 principles :-
because it is the foundation where 1)The Conflict Principle
relationships strengthen. It can be
manifested or it can come naturally. -balancing of powers among interests,
capabilities, and wills to avoid conflict with other
3. Lower business risk
nations. . Conflict behavior, whether hostile
● In low conflicts in business and with good actions, violence, or war, is then a means and
working relationship between staffs it manifestation of this process.
can turn to improve morale and efficient.
-“Si vis pacem, para bellum”=“If you want peace,
4. Resilience prepare for war” meaning peace throughstrength
● Acknowledging the situations, learn from – a powerful nation is being less likely to be
their mistakes, and then move forward. attacked by adversaries.

5. Security
2)The Cooperation Principle -The government embodied the necessity of a
harmonised agreement to achieve peace.
-The mutual adjusting of the wants,needs, and
the will to pursue Intentionality- our behaviour is based on our
-a mutual ability of the parties to predict the
outcome of their behaviour .Such is, for example, Expectation- behaviour depending on the
the major value of a written contract or treaty. expected outcome.
And this structure of expectations depends on a
Peace- agreement between people and their
particular balance of powers.Thus, cooperation
interest which involves the structure of
depends on expectations aligned with power.
expectations and cooperation

Nathaniel B. Geguillan
3)The Gap Principle
8 key Pillars that underpin peace
-A gap between expectations and power causes
● a well functioning government,
conflict. ● a sound business environment,
- balance of powers can change rapidly and ● an equitable distribution of
interests can shift
● an acceptance of the rights of others,
-As the balance of powers changes, a gap ● good relations with neighbors,
between power and expectations can form which ● free flow of information,
can cause associates to lose support ● a high level of human capital,
● low levels of corruption.
-Larger the gap, the greater the tension toward ●
revising expectations in line with the change in ➢ PositivePeace is not just the absence of
power, and thus the more likely some random violence, it is much more. Peace is best
understood through the concepts of
event will trigger conflict over the associated
“positive peace” and “negative peace”.
interests. ➢ Negative peace is the absence of violence
or the fear of violence; it is the definition
of peace that is used in the Global Peace
4)The Helix Principle Index (GPI). Positive peace is the
attitudes, institutions and structures, that
-Conflict and cooperation thus form a helix, when strengthened, lead to peaceful
moving upward on a curve of learning and societies.
adjustments, with the turn through cooperation
being more familistic and durable; that through
conflict shorter and less intense Francisco, Zyra E.
- people will then learn from their past mistake
and revel through a self-rehabilitating scheme of
less intense and shorter conflicts and their
cooperation more familistic and durable.

5)The Psychological Principle

-Social contract is required due to the presence

of conflicts

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