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By-Abhilash Kumar Jha (96015000)

International School of Photonics(CUSAT)
Supervised by-Dr. M Kailashnath

By-Abhilash Kumar Jha(96015000)

International School of Photonics(CUSAT)
Supervised by:-Dr. M Kailashnath
 Originally Proposed by Lord Rayleigh during his study of
Acoustic wave propagation at the dome of St. Paul Cathedral
during 1910-1912
 One could always one could always hear the whisper of the others
at anywhere of the gallery if they all stood near the wall .
 First WGM micro-spherical laser resonator was reported by Garrett
in 1961
• Light Propagates through frustrated total internal reflection.
• Self-interference occurs after the light travelling one round.
• For 2-D WGM Cavity, condition for self enhancement:-
mλ=L n
WGM Cavity Over Fabry Perot Cavity

• High Quality Factor

• Low Mode Volume
• Low Lasing Threshold
• Higher Free Spectral Range (FSR)
• More Flexible
Stability Diagram of Fabry Perot Cavity
• Wavelength Modulation
1. Gain Profile Modification
2. Refractive Index Modification
2.1 Tuning of WGM by strain

3. Cavity Shape Modification

• Biological And Chemical Sensing
• Optical Coupling

Biological Sensing Setup


b) Microsphere. c) Microring. d) Microdisk. e) Microtoroid. f) Microtube

g) Microcapillary. h) Microbottle. i) Microbubble. j) Hemisphere. The red
line indicates the main optical path in the microcavity.
• We have done the numerical analysis of the electrical field distribution in Silica
micro-tube as a function of radius by using Matlab.
• Silica Micro-tube can be considered as 3-layer system:-

• For the TE mode in the micro-tube we only need to consider three components:
, and φ. The radial dependent field: can be expressed by Bessel
• The radial components of the electrical field in the TE mode can be
expressed in terms of :-

Parameters used for numerical analysis:-

1.Inner radius R1 = 134 µm
2. Outer radius R2 = 166 µm
3. RI of liquid inside silica microtube,n 1=1.34
4. RI of silica, n2=1.45
5. RI of air,n3=1
6. Azimuthal Mode order, m=700
7. Resonant wavelength, λ= 1.55 µm
• Results
1) The optical field is predominantly guided in the high index region
(silica tube wall)
2) Such a mode is confined in the tube wall by the total internal
reflections from the silica/air and silica/water interfaces
3) Refractive index change transduced is via a typical evanescence wave
sensing mechanism
Polymer Optical Fiber(POF) as WGM microcavity
• They are mechanically more robust and allow for cheaper fiber
optics solution than glass materials.
• Generally made up of poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA).
• PMMA exhibits good biocompatibility, higher flexibility and can
incorporate organic laser dyes compared to inorganic glass optical
• They require less heating temperature for preparation.
• Usually,Cylindrical in shape and thus can support WGM modes.
Dye doped micro-ring embedded hollow Polymer fiber
• Inner dye doped layer of higher refractive index than the outer
• Modified WGM is obtained due to interference of WGM profile
in inner and outer layer.
• Highly modified emission Spectra

• Fabrication
1. A teflon rod is inserted into a glass tube and then glass tube is filled with a
mixture of MMA monomer and required concentrations of benzoyl peroxide
(BPO) and n-butyl mercaptan.

2. After sufficient heat treatments, the Teflon rod from the preform is removed and
the desired hollow PMMA tube is obtained.

3. For the fabrication of the microring, a teflon rod having an outer diameter lower
than PMMA inner diameter is taken.

4. This gap is then filled with a mixture of MMA monomer and appropriate
concentrations of BPO, n-butyl mercaptan, benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP),
rhodamine B (RhB) dye, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

5. After sufficient heat treatments, the Teflon rod from the preform is removed and
the desired microring embedded hollow polymer preform is obtained.
• Two experimental methods were done to study the WGM lasing behavior inside a
dye doped microring fibre by:
1. varying pump energy, and
2. varying propagation length of fibre

• Major Components Used

1. Microring Fiber
2. Nd-YAG Laser
3. ANDOR SR-500i Spectrometer
1. Mirror is aligned at 45 Degree.
2. Focal length of Cylindrical lens is 13 cm.
3. The pumping is done using a 532 nm frequency doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG
laser with 8 ns pulses at 10 Hz repetition rate.
4. The resolution of Spectrometer is 0.03 nm.
Microring fiber excited with different pump energies
• The Pump Pulse Energy(PPE) is changed over a range from 500uj - to 1200uj and
modulation spectrum was obtained.
• At low PPEs (500uj), the modulated lasing spectra shows clustering of modes and
each cluster has a large width.
• As the PPE increases, the width of the mode clusters decreases due to different
nonlinear interactions in the microcavity
• At high PPEs (1200uJ), strong modulation and enhanced mode selection occurs.

• To obtain the lasing threshold a curve is plotted with emission intensity as a

function of PPE. The threshold is found experimentally to be at 1114.7763uj and
is shown as a dotted line in the figure given in next slide.
Microring fiber excited at different propagation lengths
• Given figure shows a series of lasing spectra collected from RhB doped microring
embedded hollow fiber with different propagation lengths.

• As the propagation length increases from 0 to 5mm, the lasing envelope is shifted
towards higher wavelength region.

• During the propagation, the lasing modes get absorbed and re-emitted by the RhB
molecules (new lasing modes are formed during the re-emission) in the inner ring
portion. Due to this absorption and re-emission, the emission spectrum gets red
We have done the detailed literature review of Whispering Gallery Mode(WGM)
resonator. Micro-cavity has small mode volume and very large Quality (Q) factor .
We had realized it’s applications in different fields such as wavelength tuning
sensing and coupling of microresonator. we did the numerical analysis of electric
field distribution in silica micro-tube resonator. We have seen the evanescent field
in both sides of silica layer and hence, concluded that we could possibly utilize this
property for sensing mechanism. At last, we realized the importance of micro-ring
micro-cavity due to it’s high modulation due to modified WGM mode and hence
analyzed it’s characteristics.
• In a coupled Whispering Gallery Cavity (WGC), certain resonance modes will
be enhanced when fulfilling both resonance conditions of the two isolated
cavities, while other modes will be depressed, and this phenomenon is known as
Vernier effect.
• As a result, we will have modified whispering gallery mode profile with less
number of modes and higher Free spectral Range (FSR) in coupled cavity
comparatively to isolated cavity.
• Coupled cavity shows more red shift in spectrum on external perturbation such
as refractive index change than isolated cavity.
• The modified Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) profile in dye doped micro-
ring fiber is analogous to modified WGM profile that we observed while
coupling two isolated cavities.
• Sensing application can be achieved in micro-ring cavity.
1. Advances and Prospects for Whispering Gallery Mode Micro-cavities,
Shancheng Yang Yue Wang, and Handong Sun (august 2015)
2. A. B. Matsko, V. S. Ilchenko, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 2006, 12,
3. Tuning whispering gallery lasing modes from polymer fibers under tensile
strain C. L.Linslal, M.Kailasnath, S.Mathew, T.K.Nideep, P.Radhakrishnan,
V.P.N. Nampoori, C.P.G.Vallabhan
4. Whispering gallery mode sensors,Matthew R. Foreman, Jon D. Swaim, and
Frank Vollmer (2015)
5. A unique resonance mode observed in a prism coupled micro-tube resonator
sensor with superior index sensitivity, Tao Ling and L. Jay Guo
6. Microring embedded hollow polymer fiber laser C. L. Linslal,a) S. Sebastian,
S. Mathew, P. Radhakrishnan, V. P. N. Nampoori, C. P. Girijavallabhan, and
M. Kailasnath.

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