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At Lower pH, the contact period
required for chlorination is
a) Lower
b) Higher
c) Same
d) None
1. The total water requirement of a city is
generally assessed on the basis of:
(a) Maximum daily demand + fire demand
(b) Maximum daily demand + fire demand
(c) Average daily demand + fire demand
(d) Greater of (a) and (b)
2. The population of a town as per census records
were 2,00,000; 2,10,000 and 2,30,000 for the year
1981, 1991 and 2001 respectively. Find the
population of the town in the year 2011. Using
arithmetic mean method. The answer is
(a) 250000
(b) 255000
(c) 240000
(d) 245000
3. The population of a town ass per census rewards
were 2,00,00; 2,10,000 and 2,30,000 for the year
1981,1991 and 2001 respectively. The population of
the town ass per geometric mean method in the
year 2009 is:
(a) 277872
(b) 245872
(c) 246820
(d) None of the above
4. The rain is called as acid rain, when its
pH is less than _____.
(a) 3
(b) 4.5
(c) 7
(d) 8.5
5. On which scale the turbidity is measured?
(a) Platinum scale
(b) Silica Cobalt scale
(c) Silica platinum scale
(d) Standard silica scale
Classic Question:
The Percentage of Chlorine in
fresh bleaching Powder is about
a) 10 to 20
b) 20 to 25
c) 30 to 35
d) 40 to 45
6. Temporary hardness in water is caused
by the presence of:
(a) Bicarbonate of Ca and Mg
(b) Sulphate of Ca and Mg
(c) Chlorides of Ca and Mg
(d) Nitrates of Ca and Mg
7. Filter alum, used as coagulant is:
(a) Ferrous sulphate
(b) Chlorinated copperas
(c) Sodium aluminate
(d) Aluminium sulphate
8. EDTA test is used for determine:
(a) Hardness of water
(b) Turbidity
(c) Bacteria content
(d) pH
9. Permanent hardness of water can be
removed by:
(a) Adding alum
(b) Adding lime
(c) Adding chlorine
(d) Zeolite process
Classic Question:
10.The alum added as coagulant in water
treatment functions better when the raw water is
(a) Acidic with high turbidity
(b) Alkaline with high turbidity
(c) Neutral with low turbidity
(d) Acidic with low turbidity
11. Which one of the following sequences is the
most suitable for treating raw surface water to
make it suitable for drinking purpose?
(a) Screening-filtration-sedimentation-
(b) Screening-disinfection-sedimentation-
(c) Screening-sedimentation-disinfection-
(d) Screening-sedimentation-filtration-
12. Which of the following is n the result of
disinfection of water
(a) Complete grits
(b) Killing of bacteria
(c) Reducing turbidity up to zero
(d) Improve pH value
13. What is the surface area (m2) of settling
tank used for design discharge of 1.5 m3/s?
(Assume depth overflow rate for tank as 40
(a) 2045.32
(b) 3240.44
(c) 4525.33
(d) 5076.13
14. An air vessel is provided at the summit
in syphon to:
(a) Increase velocity
(b) Maintain pressure difference
(c) Avoid interruption in the flow
(d) Increase discharge
15. The ratio of 5 day BOD to ultimate BOD
is about
(a) 1/3
(b) 2/3
(c) ¾
(d) 1.0
16.The appropriate percentage of water in
sewage is
(a) 90%
(b) 99%
(c) 99.90%
(d) 99.99%
17. A stream has flow of 20 cumec and BOD
concentration of 10 mg/L receives the industrial
waste water having flow of 1.5 cumecs and BOD
concentration (mg/L) of 250mg/L What is the BOD
concentration(mg/L) of stream at downstream
point of meeting of stream with industrial waste?
(a) 2.67
(b) 12.09
(c) 13
(d) 26.74
Classic Question:
What is the theoretical oxygen demand (mg/L) of a
glucose solution of concentration 500 (mg/L).
(a) 250.33
(b) 380.65
(c) 533.33
(d) 650.21
18. The main gas liberated from an
anaerobic sludge digester is:
(a) NH3
(b) CO
(c) CO2
(d) CH4
19. The height of the sink of wash basin
above floor level is kept
(a) 60 cm
(b) 70 cm
(c) 75 cm
(d) 80 cm
20. The diameter of a domestic pipe laid at
gradient 1 in 100 is recommended to be
(a) 100 mm
(b) 150 mm
(c) 200 mm
(d) 175 mm
21. Which of the following is responsible for
the corrosion of concrete sewers?
(a) Chlorine
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Septic conditions

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