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International Journal on Architectural Science, Volume 1, Number 4, p.

193-213, 2000


L. Bellia, P. Mazzei, F. Minichiello and D. Palma
DETEC - University of Naples “Federico II”, P.le Tecchio, 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy

(Received 25 October 2000; Accepted 15 January 2001)


Hybrid air conditioning systems based on chemical dehumidification are characterised by high energy efficiency
and low environmental impact. They can result profitable if compared to traditional air conditioning systems
and allow to obtain better indoor thermal comfort and air quality.

In this paper, different hybrid air conditioning system configurations with desiccant wheel are examined; later, a
first evaluation of operating costs is carried on, for Italian climates. For this purpose, a commercial computer
program, DesiCalcTM, has been employed: from the European file known as TRY, hourly climatic data have
been derived and adequately processed. For retail store application, for four Italian sites, maximum saving of
about 22% has been obtained, while for theatre obtainable saving is greater and has been evaluated between
23% and 38%. For both the applications, the required comprehensive electric power is reduced (up to about
55%), and also the hours during which the system does not well control indoor relative humidity are strongly

1. INTRODUCTION ventilation, in Italy stated by the UNI 10339 [13]

and, in the international field, stated by various
It is well known that a considerable part of the codes and standards [14-21]. The increase of
primary energy is used for air conditioning required external airflow rates implies, for summer
purposes. Besides, it is worthwhile observing that: Italian climates, a corresponding latent loads
a) the most recent standards regarding increase that must be removed in order to maintain
environmental comfort and Indoor Air Quality acceptable indoor R.H. values. With the purpose to
(IAQ) impose both more restrictive limits to indoor balance such additional latent loads [22], external
R.H. values, and a considerable increase of outdoor air pre-treatment technologies, such as chemical
airflow rates; b) CFC and HCFC refrigerant fluids dehumidification, to couple with traditional air
are destined to disappearance; c) electric power conditioning systems, are regarded with increasing
peaks should be reduced. Therefore it seems interest; the correct equipment component sizing is
necessary to develop new approaches to air strictly joined to the external air design conditions
conditioning techniques. definition [21].

Hybrid air conditioning systems based on chemical The desiccant material may be solid or liquid. Solid
dehumidification are characterised by high energy desiccants inserted in a rotary heat exchanger [23],
efficiency and low environmental impact. Besides, called desiccant wheel (DW), are particularly
they can result profitable if compared to traditional utilised, especially in HVAC applications: they are
air conditioning systems [1-3]. examined in this paper.

The moist air chemical dehumidification has been In the following, different hybrid air system with
adopted for long time, mostly in the U.S.A., in the desiccant wheel (DWHS) configurations are
industrial and military fields, in ice arenas and, examined and then a first evaluation of operating
within the commercial fields, in high latent load costs of such systems, with respect to traditional
environments, like supermarkets [4-7]. However, ones, is provided for Italian climates; for this
the trend to extend this technique to other purpose a commercially available computer
applications is evident, such as commercial and program, DesiCalcTM [24], has been employed:
residential fields, integrating it with traditional and hourly climatic data have been derived from the
innovative systems [8-12], in order to obtain European file known as TRY (Test Reference Year)
energy saving and to get the best thermal and [25] and adequately processed [26,27].
moisture indoor conditions (in particular regarding
R.H. values). Such trend is also justified by the
required external airflow rates increase for indoor
required external airflow rates increase for indoor 2. BASIC CONCEPTS

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The main concepts about chemical Chemical desiccant – typically chemical

dehumidification, successively employed during compounds such as synthetic polymers, silica gel,
the analysis, are herein synthetically presented [28- titanium silicates, natural or synthetic zeolites,
32]. activated alumina, “silica +”, etc… [8,33-38] –
must be periodically regenerated using thermal
Air that has to be treated before supplying in indoor energy obtained by combustion process (generally
ambient is called “process air”. direct or indirect gas fired heaters) or thermal
wastes (hot water from solar panels, condensation
The moisture contained in humid air partially heat from refrigeration plant, cogeneration systems,
condenses in the chemical desiccant: it is adsorbed etc.).
because of the vapour partial pressure difference
between process air and desiccant surface. So the In Fig. 2 a typical desiccant wheel is shown [30].
process air temperature increases because of the The device rotates slowly (6-30 r.p.h.) between
conversion in sensible heat of both condensation process and reactivation air streams: moisture is
heat and heat due to the adsorption chemical removed from process air stream by means of the
process. Therefore, process air specific humidity desiccant material; after a partial rotation, the
decreases while temperature increases (Fig. 1). For sector of saturated wheel is regenerated by hot and
this reason, before supplying to the space, process dry air (reactivation air stream) to be utilised again.
air must be cooled (Fig. 1b) by means of one or The desiccant wheel structure is very similar to that
more of the following components: direct of a rotary heat recuperator.
expansion or chilled liquid cooling coil (CC);
indirect evaporative cooling (IEC); rotary or static
heat recuperator (HTX).

(a) (b)
Fig. 1: Air dehumidification by (a) cooling coil and (b) chemical dehumidification

Fig. 2: Typical desiccant wheel

International Journal on Architectural Science

In the field of summer air conditioning for non- • Since in hybrid systems the CC task is only
industrial application, chemical dehumidification sensible cooling of the air stream, the cooling
could represent a valid alternative to the traditional fluid temperature can be higher (for example,
cooling and dehumidification coil; hybrid HVAC the typical 7°C of the chilled water can be
systems with chemical dehumidification changed up to 14°C and over), with a
distinguish themselves essentially for the following consequent increase of the refrigeration plant
reasons. COP. Often, hybrid systems can reduce the
vapour compression refrigeration plant power
• Traditional refrigeration plants are not because latent load is already balanced by the
suitable to control separately latent and desiccant system. The smaller size can reduce
sensible thermal loads. Often, in order to energy consumption, required electric power
adequately control ambient relative humidity, and starting investment capital.
it is necessary to cool air up to low
temperatures and then to reheat. Consequently • The technology based on chemical
COP reduction and high energy consumption dehumidification, reducing electric power and
take place. Handling sensible loads by means energy requirements and the CFC and HCFC
of a traditional refrigeration plant and latent refrigerant fluids consumption, is
loads by means of chemical desiccant, characterised by a low environmental impact.
especially in the presence of a low
sensible/latent load ratio, can significantly • The desiccant wheel can be applied also to
enhance the system efficiency. With this kind existing traditional HVAC systems which are
of hybrid system re-heating is never necessary. not able to balance latent load, for example
This advantage is particularly evident in when outdoor air percentage is increased in
partial-load conditions [39], when ventilation order to conform the plant to the present
sensible load reduces, while the latent one standards.
keeps high. From Table 1 it can be noticed
how climate conditions with Te < Tr and ωe > • Installing cost of an hybrid system with
ωr are frequent in Italy. chemical dehumidification is generally higher
than a traditional system, but it can be
• Systems based on chemical dehumidification balanced, in some applications, by lower
can reduce humidity even when the required operating costs [6,7,44-48] due to lack of re-
dew point temperature is very low, so heating and increase of COP.
allowing an easier balance of high latent loads.
On the contrary, conventional systems can • It is possible to use available thermal energy
dehumidify air stream generally only for [49,50] to reactivate the desiccant.
required dew point temperatures higher than
4°C (in order to avoid frost on evaporator, The main disadvantages connected to hybrid
with consequent performance reduction). HVAC systems with chemical dehumidification are
the following:
• In operating conditions, hybrid systems based
on chemical dehumidification can control • it is possible that, in the presence of solid
separately both temperature and humidity (the adsorbent materials, solid particles could be
DW is connected to a humidity sensor, the CC dragged by the air stream, but such
to a temperature sensor). On the contrary, in inconvenience is decreasing while technology
traditional cooling systems only temperature improves;
is generally directly controlled, while
humidity can vary. • a considerable amount of thermal energy is
necessary for the reactivation process and it
• Since humidity can be accurately controlled, increases with the dehumidification
hybrid systems assure better thermal comfort requirements and with the reactivation
and also better air quality. In fact, the absence temperature. Only the last generation of
of condensed water strongly reduces the desiccant materials can obtain regeneration
presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, temperatures between 40°C and 80°C, so it is
viruses and fungi [40-43]. So these systems possible to satisfy the reactivation needs with
are particularly recommended in applications low temperature thermal recoveries. However,
in which severe hygienic conditions must be the payback not always attains acceptable
maintained (medical facilities and values [51];

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• the scarce familiarity with such technology even if today chemical dehumidification
and the lack of information about technology can compete with conventional
performances and cost/benefit ratio hamper systems also for residential and commercial
the spreading of hybrid desiccant systems [52], applications.

Table 1: Number of hours during which Te < Tr and ωe > ωr for three Italian localities

Tdb,r = 25°C; R.H.r = 50 % ; ωr = 9.9 g/kg

Site: Crotone Period: 1 June – 30 September Total hours: 2,928

Tdb [°C] 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 23.5 N.
ω [g/kg] hours
18.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 2
17.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 5
16.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11
11 23
15.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 22 24
13 62
14.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 30 30
21 91
13.5 0 0 0 0 0 4 23 36 34 37
24 158
12.5 0 0 0 0 2 45 46 52 49 41
27 262
11.5 0 0 2 10 41 42 54 34 47 40
37 307
10.5 0 2 10 23 26 35 40 41 41 36
42 296
9.5 4 9 12 14 27 16 22 33 30 29
37 233
total 1,439
percentage on total 49.1 %
Site: Rome Period: 1 June – 30 September Total hours: 2,928
Tdb [°C] 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 23.5 N.
ω [g/kg] hours
18.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
16.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 6 17
15.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 12 9 30
14.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 17 26 25 13 83
13.5 0 0 0 0 0 5 32 51 38 21 31 178
12.5 0 0 0 0 16 54 71 75 61 35 33 345
11.5 0 0 1 32 93 94 81 60 43 34 32 470
10.5 0 5 35 75 42 44 47 36 39 28 32 383
9.5 7 32 46 24 31 21 17 16 15 25 26 260
total 1,768
percentage on total 60.4 %
Site: Milan Period: 1 June – 30 September Total hours: 2,928
Tdb [°C] 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 23.5 N.
ω [g/kg] hours
18.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
16.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 9
15.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 14 15 43
14.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 31 32 31 12 118
13.5 0 0 0 0 0 12 44 59 52 40 25 232
12.5 0 0 0 0 37 68 76 57 33 33 24 328
11.5 0 0 12 89 102 62 43 47 37 36 21 449
10.5 0 48 83 75 32 40 30 26 21 24 23 402
9.5 86 82 34 17 22 18 13 12 11 6 14 315
total 1,898
percentage on total 64.8 %

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3. AIR CONDITIONING HYBRID more often utilised for their realisation are herein
• Process air cooling: CC; HTX (sensible or
In the technical literature various hybrid system latent), usually rotating; direct (DEC) or
with desiccant wheel configurations are proposed. indirect (IEC) evaporative cooling.
Sometimes, in the presence of HTX,
Referring to summer conditions, systems can be secondary air is cooled by means of DEC or
distinguished [39] between “active” and “passive” IEC before entering the recuperator.
ones. In the former, desiccant material is • Dehumidification: CC; DW.
reactivated by heated air, in the latter the desiccant • Heating: HC; HTX.
is reactivated by air drier than outdoor air, which is • Humidification: with vapour or liquid water
usually the building exhaust air. Passive desiccant (DEC).
systems require no energy different from what is • Desiccant reactivation:
contained in the exhaust air stream, so the - return air or outside air;
operating costs are considerably lower than for - thermal energy from heaters using fuels, from
active systems. However passive systems only solar panels and heat wastes.
moderate indoor humidity, but are not able to
control it. In the following only active systems are The following cases, referring to process air, can be
considered. distinguished:

In the technical literature many different hybrid 1) All recirculation air systems (“recirculation
system configurations, with one or more [53-57] mode” or “recirculation cycle”)
steps of chemical dehumidification, are presented;
It is a very rare case, only for applications without
in this paper one stage hybrid systems will be
occupancy, for example stores with high latent load.
A possible configuration is shown in Fig. 3, while
in Table 2 some features of the main configurations
In order to classify the main hybrid system
presented in literature are reported1. The
configurations presented in the literature, the
configuration proposed by Collier [58] can work
typical air-conditioning processes and the devices
also in “ventilation mode” and “make-up mode”,
successively defined.

Fig. 3: All recirculation air hybrid system

Table 2: Mean characteristics of some all recirculation air hybrid systems reported in literature
DEC - Regeneration Particular
Source HTX CC HC- IEC – DEC – secondary Regeneration thermal character-
proc. process process side of HTX air energy istics
Http…[66], Rotary Yes No Optional No No Outdoor air Gas -
case a
Collier [58] Rotary No No alternative Yes Yes Outdoor air Gas -
to HTX
Jurinak [50], Rotary No No No Yes Yes Outdoor air Solar energy – -
case 2 gas
1 Even if not reported in Tables 2, 3 and 4, DW is always present in described systems.

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2) All outdoor air systems also for some all-recirculation air [59] and
partial recirculation air [61] systems;
Sometimes all outdoor air is supplied in ambient
for the following reasons: a) to obtain better indoor
e) the system proposed in [62] combines radiant
air quality, b) due to the particular application, c)
cooling system (chilled ceiling) and desiccant
because recirculation air is treated by traditional
dehumidification, in order to achieve
systems (for example, fan-coil), d) because the
independent humidity and temperature control,
potential saving due to thermal and moisture
as suggested in [63]. The plant is composed
conditions of the return air is estimated to be
by two systems: a primary air system, with a
greater with an HTX on exhaust air rather than with
DW, which guarantees the required outdoor
recirculation. In Fig. 4 two possible system
air flow, balances the latent load and part of
configurations are shown, while in Table 3 some
the sensible load, and a chilled ceiling system
features of the main configurations presented in
which balances the remaining sensible load;
literature are reported. The following can be
f) the configurations proposed by Schibuola
[51,59,64,65] refer only to the primary air
a) for the reactivation, some systems use return
treatment in air-and-water systems; the
air stream (“ventilation mode” or “ventilation
regulation system is also indicated: regulation
cycle” or “Pennington cycle”, Fig. 4a), while
with by-pass on process air and on
others use outdoor air (“make-up mode”, Fig.
reactivation air [59,64], regulation of
reactivation air temperature [51,65].
b) some configurations employ energy recovery
3) Partial recirculation air systems
systems (rotating or static heat recuperator,
heat wastes); In Fig. 5 a possible system configuration is shown,
while in Table 4 some features of the main
c) some configurations [24-Fig.63,30,59] present configurations reported in literature are presented.
a pre-cooling coil upstream the desiccant It can be noticed that it is possible to further
wheel, so it is possible to obtain a first classify partial recirculation air systems based on
dehumidification of the outdoor air, even for different criteria: according to whether outdoor air
coil surface temperature values not too low or return air is used for regeneration; according to
(for example, with chilled water at 10-15°C), the energy recovery system chosen (rotating or
to improve the wheel performance and to static heat recuperator, recovery of thermal wastes,
reduce the outlet process air temperature; no thermal recovery); according to whether DW
dehumidifies the whole mixture of outdoor air and
d) sometimes a humidifier on process side is recirculation air (“closed cycle”) or only outdoor
downstream the desiccant wheel [51,60]: this air fraction (“open cycle”) [57], so it is possible to
apparent contradiction is explained by the fact use a smaller DW. We speak of “mixed mode” [66]
that in some conditions the wheel could when both reactivation air and process air are
dehumidify too much with respect to the composed by a mixing of outdoor and indoor air.
actual needs, despite the presence of a
regulation system; such observation is valid

Fig. 4: All outside hybrid system: (a) ventilation mode, (b) make-up mode

2 Considerations reported in b), c), d) are substantially valid also for all and partial recirculation air systems (points 1
and 3).

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Relief air to Evaporative
outdoors cooler
Return from Return fan
ro rg xl r space
Supply fan space
e dw hx m - +
s r
Outdoor air
(ventilation air)
- +
Desiccant Sensible heat
recovery CC HC Humidifier
Outdoor air wheel

Fig. 5: Post-cool sensible relief air heat exchanger (with or without evaporative cooler)
4. THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS variables are fixed rather than user definable.
FOR A PARTIAL RECIRCULATION Therefore, while DesiCalc™ helps the user to
AIR HYBRID SYSTEM evaluate the competitive position of desiccant
system options versus alternative HVAC systems,
In the technical literature energy comparisons it does not provide results for a specific project, for
between some of the above-mentioned system which the user has to perform a more detailed study,
configurations are reported [7], but none of them using more complex software codes, such as DOE
has resulted strongly better than the others, [59].
depending the comparison on many parameters,
such as the heat exchangers (IEC, DEC, HTX) In order to carry on an energetic comparison
efficiency. However, it can be observed a between the traditional and the hybrid system with
significant energy saving with respect to traditional DW, the following assumptions are considered in
air systems. Therefore, a comparison, only DesiCalcTM:
referring to operating costs, between traditional air
system with CC dehumidification and hybrid air • single-duct and constant air flow system (both
system with DW is presented. traditional and hybrid);
• outdoor air temperature and relative humidity
The comparison has been carried out by means of change each hour, assuming, for Italian sites,
DesiCalcTM software tool [24]. the TRY climatic file values;
• variable total thermal load during systems
DesiCalc™ provides the capability to compare operation;
operating energy costs of a traditional HVAC
system with respect to an hybrid system with DW. • sometimes the latent load is such to require
A total of 11 building templates are provided in the re-heating for traditional system;
software (supermarket, movie theatre, retail store, • desiccant wheel main features:
hospital,…) and a set of 236 U.S. weather data sites - desiccant material: silica gel;
are available to represent a wide range of climatic
locations; the version of DesiCalc™ utilised for - temperature of reactivation air entering
this study was integrated with TRY climatic data desiccant wheel: 250°F ≈ 121°C;
[25] of 10 Italian sites. DesiCalc™ is able to - regulation by variation of regeneration air
evaluate solutions including reheat systems, flow;
enthalpy wheels, heat recovery and, obviously, - variable ratio between process and
desiccant wheels. It is possible to insert energy regeneration air flows;
price data, together with a wide variety of - process air velocity in the wheel: 3.6 ms-1.
parameters relative to occupancy, lights and
equipment thermal loads, with full user access to In Fig. 6 the traditional air system configuration is
customize rates for any location. The tool employs reported: the system has been equipped with
a simple Windows™ interface over the DOE-2.1E; enthalpy heat recuperator on exhaust air (“Base
default input values are available to help the user. system – enthalpy heat recovery”).
It is important to observe that DesiCalc™ Among the hybrid air system configurations
represents a desiccant system screening tool rather implemented in DesiCalcTM, the following are
than a design tool. It is a tool flexible enough to herein considered:
evaluate a variety of commercially available
desiccant systems, so complex design parameters 1) “Pre-cool enthalpy relief air heat exchanger”
are not present in DesiCalc™ ’s user input. As a (Fig. 7);
result, most of the application and equipment

International Journal on Architectural Science

2a) “Post-cool sensible relief air heat exchanger” stream percentage: when outdoor air conditions
(Fig. 5 with disabled evaporative cooler); in allow it, partial recirculation mode gives the place
Fig. 8 qualitative air treatments on the to the temporary more convenient all-external air
psychrometric chart are reported for a typical mode.
Italian site in summer design conditions;
The DesiCalcTM code assumes, both for the
2b) “Post-cool sensible relief air heat exchanger
traditional system and for the hybrid one, that CC
with evaporative cooler” (Fig. 5 with
can be a chilled water or direct expansion coil: in
evaporative cooler, on regeneration side,
the first case the handling air unit is separated from
the refrigeration system (“Central plant”), in the
3a) “Post-cool sensible outdoor air heat second there is a packaged direct expansion unit
exchanger” (Fig. 9 with disabled evaporative (“Roof-top”)3.
cooling); this configuration differs from that
reported in Fig. 5 because outdoor air is used In order to evaluate the possibility to use in Italy a
instead of return air on reactivation side; hybrid air conditioning system with DW, hourly
weather data derived from the European file [25]
3b) “Post-cool sensible outside air heat exchanger TRY (“Test Reference Year”) and opportunely
with evaporative cooler” (Fig. 9 with processed4 [27] have been inserted in DesiCalcTM.
evaporative cooler, on reactivation side, Italy is subdivided into 10 climatic zones
enabled). (considered approximately homogeneous)
identified by the name of a single city, for each of
For the above reported equipment configurations them the hourly data of the main outdoor air
an enthalpic economizer (linked to three coupled thermodynamic properties are provided.
dampers) is enabled, that varies the outdoor air

Return from Return fan

Relief air space

Supply fan space
Outdoor air

CC HC Humidifier

Fig. 6: Base system – Enthalpy heat recovery

Relief air to Outdoor air

outdoors (ventilation) To outdoors Outdoor air

heater Conditioned
Enthalpy space
wheel Supply fan
Return fan - +
Return from
- +
wheel CC HC Humidifier
Outdoor air

Fig. 7: Pre-cool enthaply relief air heat exchanger

3 The term “Roof-top” refers to the position of the unit, generally on the building roof.
4 TRY file properties (TDB, R.H.) have been integrated with specific humidity, enthalpy, wet bulb temperature and
density. Furthermore the file format has been changed to fit DesiCalcTM requirements.

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Fig. 8: Psychrometric chart relating to the system in Fig. 5 (without evaporative cooler)

Outdoor air

Return from Return fan
To space
Supply fan space
Outdoor air
(ventilation air)

Desiccant Sensible heat

wheel recovery CC HC Humidifier
outdoor air

Fig. 9: Post-cool sensible outside air heat exchanger (with or without evaporative cooler)

5. OBTAINABLE ENERGETIC AND • mean seasonal COP of the refrigeration plant:

ECONOMIC SAVINGS WITH 3 for the traditional system, 4 for the hybrid
CONDITIONING SYSTEM • summer post-heating (for the traditional
system), regeneration air heating (for the
In order to evaluate system operating costs and hybrid system) and winter heating (for both
savings, besides the 5 hypotheses made in section 4, the systems) by means of gas-fired heater with
the following assumptions have been considered: mean seasonal effectiveness equal to 80%;
• gas-powered steam humidifier;
• air-cooled condenser of the refrigeration plant, • presence of an enthalpic economizer, formerly
without condensation heat recovery; described;
• heat-exchanger efficiency: 70%;

International Journal on Architectural Science

• electric energy unitary mean cost refers to the rates). The reported values refer to the retail store
present time-dependent electric energy rates of 4,600 m2 while, in the rows showing the
in force in Italian cities; percentage savings in terms of operating costs or
• gas unitary mean cost refers to the present primary energy, the values relative to 14,000 m2
rates in force in Italian cities; appear in brackets. The greatest annual savings
attainable using the hybrid system are obtained
• primary energy equivalences: for electric
with the “Pre-cool enthalpy relief air heat
energy, 0.23⋅10-3 tep correspond to 1 kWh; for exchanger” configuration (Fig. 7), in the central
gaseous fuel, 0.0232 tep correspond to 1 plant case, reaching values around 22%. For the
MBtu (≅ 1055 MJ); site of Foggia, less humid, the savings are lower
• design outdoor thermal and moisture (maximum about 16%), while for Trapani,
conditions for each site: particularly wet, the number of yearly hours during
- DB 1% - MCWB (Dry Bulb temperature 1% - which the traditional system does not well control
Mean Coincident Wet Bulb temperature) for indoor R.H. is greater. It can be also noted that the
the traditional system, DP 1% - MCDB (Dew hybrid system, unlike the traditional one, perfectly
Point temperature 1% - Mean Coincident Dry controls in every conditions indoor R.H.. Besides,
Bulb temperature) for the hybrid system; the required comprehensive electric power is
• design indoor thermal and moisture conditions: reduced for the hybrid system, up to 30%.
- in winter: Tdb ≈ 20°C, R.H. = minimum 40%;
Table 9 refers to a theatre of 1,200 m2 with climatic
in summer: Tdb ≈ 26°C, R.H. = maximum 60%; conditions of Rome (time-independent electric
• main features of the retail store application: energy rates, gas rates for great tertiary users). The
- lighting and other electric loads: 13 Wm-2 and obtainable savings are greater with respect to retail
9 Wm-2 (optimised values for high energy store, between 23% and 38%. The savings attain
efficiency buildings); about 38% both for “Post-cool sensible relief air
- occupancy level (from Italian standard UNI heat exchanger with evaporative cooler”
10339): 0.25 persons/m2; configuration (Fig. 5 with evaporative cooler, on
- outdoor air flow (from Italian standard UNI regeneration side, enabled), and for “Post-cool
sensible outdoor air heat exchanger with
10339): 6.5 l/(s⋅person);
evaporative cooler” configuration (Fig. 9 with
- infiltrations: 0.3 exchanges/hour; evaporative cooler, on regeneration side, enabled),
• main features of the theatre application: both in roof-top case. Anyway, for all the system
- lighting and other electric loads: 11 Wm-2 and configurations, with roof-top option, savings
22 Wm-2; greater than 35% are attained. Primary energy
- occupancy level (from Italian standard UNI savings are close to those relative to operating costs.
10339): 1.5 persons/m2; Also the reduction of the required comprehensive
- outdoor air flow (from Italian standard UNI electric power is greater, particularly in the case of
central plant (reductions of about 44-50%). With
10339): 5.5 l/(s⋅person);
regard to discomfort hours, conclusions similar to
- infiltrations: 0.1 exchanges/hour. the previous case are valid.
With these assumptions, for retail store and theatre Finally, for the same theatre application, Tables 10
applications, yearly energy consumption and and 11 show how savings obtainable using hybrid
operating total costs for traditional (TS) and hybrid system increase (up to a maximum of about 45%)
systems have been evaluated (Tables 5-11). Also when occupancy level (Table 10) and required
displayed in these tables are: i) the attainable outdoor air flow rates per person (Table 11)
savings (RC), also in terms of primary energy (RE), increase. Referring to the “Roof-top post-cool
expressed as a percentage with respect to the sensible relief air exchanger with evaporative
traditional system; ii) the comprehensive required cooler” system, more detailed results are displayed
electric power (P); iii) the number of yearly hours in Fig. 10. The economic savings RC versus the
during which the system is not able to keep an external air flow rate are plotted in Fig. 10 using
indoor R.H. less or equal to 60%, also expressed in the occupancy level as a parameter. It is
percentage with respect to the yearly total. noteworthy to observe the sharp increase of RC
with the external air flow rate, particularly for the
In particular, for retail store application (Tables 5-8) more common occupancy level. Such trend
4 Italian sites are considered and, for each case, confirms the suitability of the hybrid system in
two different air-conditioned building sizes are handling high latent loads due to the increase of
examined: the tables refer to a retail store of 4,600 required external flow rate and occupancy level.
m2 (case of time-independent electric energy rates)
and to 14,000 m2 (time-dependent electric energy

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The results of Tables 5-11 also show a considerable possible system configurations in order to get
spread of RC with the hybrid system configuration. maximum savings.
Since such RC variations do not exhibit a definite
trend, it is recommended to analyse the different

International Journal on Architectural Science

6. CONCLUSIONS regeneration and of the total required energy, and

permit heat waste exploitation. This subject needs
Referring to operating costs and by means of further investigation, which will be developed also
DesiCalcTM software tool, in this paper traditional utilising both more complex commercially
air system and various hybrid air system with available software tools, such as DOE, and self-
desiccant wheel configurations have been developed software tools.
compared, in order to evaluate attainable annual
savings, for Italian climates and for some typical
applications. With this aim a file containing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
European hourly climatic data, TRY, has been
utilised and opportunely processed. The authors would like to thank Michael Witte for
his information about DesiCalcTM.
For retail store application, for four Italian cities,
the configuration with process air pre-cooling
upstream the desiccant wheel (“Pre-cool enthalpy NOMENCLATURE
relief air heat exchanger”) is the most profitable
and maximum savings of about 22% have been TRY test reference year
obtained with respect to the corresponding IEC indirect evaporative cooling
traditional system. DEC direct evaporative cooling
DW desiccant wheel
For theatre application, for Rome, obtainable DWHS desiccant wheel hybrid system
savings are greater and have been evaluated HTX heat recuperator
between 23% and 43%. CC cooling coil
HC heating coil
For both the applications, the required TS traditional system
comprehensive electric power is reduced (up to TDB dry bulb temperature of the humid air, °C
about 55%) with respect to the traditional air R.H. relative humidity of the humid air, %
system; besides, the number of yearly hours during ω specific humidity of the humid air, gv/kga
which the traditional system does not well control e external air point on psychrometric chart
indoor relative humidity is much greater with r recirculation air point on psychrometric
respect to the hybrid system. chart
s supply air point on psychrometric chart
The following conclusions can be drawn: Ct operating cost of the traditional system, $
Ch operating cost of the hybrid system with
• energy savings obtainable using hybrid DW, $
systems with desiccant wheel depend on: RC = (Ct – Ch)/Ct ⋅100 = economic saving in
- climatic conditions of the considered site; utilising hybrid system with respect to
- system configuration; traditional one, %
RE primary energy saving in utilising hybrid
- latent loads due to external air flow rate and system with respect to traditional one, %
occupancy level; P required electric power, kW
- utilised desiccant wheel performance;
• economic savings significantly depend on the Subscripts
local electric energy and gas fares, strongly r recirculation air
variable from nation to nation and, with e external air
regard to gas, also from city to city. a dry air
v vapour contained in humid air
Starting cost of the hybrid system with desiccant
wheel is generally greater with respect to the
traditional system, so a cost-benefit analysis is
required in order to evaluate the profitability of the
investment. Acceptable pay-back values could be
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