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Assalamu Alikum

Ahmed Zubayerul Huq

Vice President, ICTW
Syllabus for eBanking 205
1. Introduction
2. Database Management System
3. Network and Security Issues
4. Different Approaches to Bank Mechanization
5. Electronic Payment Systems & Funds Transfer Systems
6. Instrument Handling Systems, Additional Banking
7. Applications & Other Aspects
8. Monitoring Security and Auditing of IT Operations
9. Risk Management and Legal Framework in ICT

History of IT in IBBL
1. Manual Ledger
2. BEXI software from Beximco
3. IBBS software from Onus/Millinium
4. eIBS distributed software
5. eIBS centralized software
6. eIBS centralized software and database
Organogram of ICTW
Divisions of ICTW
1. Software
2. Infrastructure Management
3. Implementation & Operations Management
4. MIS (Management Information System)
5. ADD (Alternate Delivery Division)

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Documents maintain by ICTW

1. ICT policy and guideline (Details)

2. BCP & DRP (Details)
3. Self-Assessment Check list for Branch as
per IBBL ICT Policy (Details)
4. Document provide to BB for ICT audit
purpose (Details)
5. Desktop policy of IBBL (Details)
Infrastructure Management
1. Computer basics – Input, output, HD, RAM, ROM
2. Server – Difference with PC
3. UPS – Online and offline
4. Scanner – 3 types (Documents, MICR, Signcard)
5. Network(Intranet, internet, extranet), LAN (Switch, Cable,
Connector, NIC)
6. Online device (Router, Firewall, Switch)
7. Printer (types of printer, network printer, printer sharing, cost
savings methods)
8. Anti Virus – McAfee (Details)
9. WiFi, Wimax, VSAT(very small aperture terminal), CAT 5 & 6
10. Desktop policy of IBBL
11. Restrictions of email and internet uses (Details)
Software Division
1. CBS (core banking system) GB, INV, FEx
2. Middle wire software's like (ATM, mCash etc.)
3. Allied software (HR, FTOD etc.)
4. BEFTN, CPS, Trade processing system, TMS (Tracing &
Monitoring System), compliance issue
5. CASM (Centralized Authentication Service Module),
Centralization, password policy
6. iBanking, TP & KYC, MFS (Mobile Financial Service)
7. Two/Three factors authentication
a) What you know
b) What you have
c) What you are
8. Database (change history)
Implementation & Operations Management
1. UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
2. Implement software to branch
3. Train up to the branch user
4. Maintaining and rectify the software
5. Change Management (requirement analysis)
6. Risk analysis and risk mitigation
7. Verify the reports of external, internal and shariah
8. Provide proper guidelines to branch officials on
monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly basis
9. Implementation team is a bridge between branch
officials and software team
MIS (Management Information
1. Data Checking (mismatch in balancing,
balance remains in closed head etc.)
2. Top lists
3. Comparisons
4. Performance
5. Register
6. KYC & TP
7. Decision making
ADD (Alternate Delivery Division)
1. Card Department (Details)
a) Existing cards (ATM, VISA, Khidma, Hajj, Remittance,
Corporate business card)
b) Switching software
c) Journal & receipt paper
e) Charges and fees of different cards
f) Limit of different cards
2. Call Centre (Details Bangla, English)
a) Support (Details)
b) IP Phone and video conferencing
c) Phone Banking
3. Mobile Banking (Details Cash in, Cash out, Recharge)
4. Security threats ADD
All Security has 2 aspects
Service Level
Back Office, Devices, Merchant . . . .
User Level
Awareness, Practice..

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