SYLLABUS Reaccreditation

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Unit 1 Stress and Strain: Tension, compression, shearing stress and strain, Poisson’s ratio,
stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s law, equations of static equilibrium for 2D and 3D cases,
elastic constants and their relations for an isotropic Hookean material, anisotropy and
orthotropic, thermal stresses, composite bars, simple elastic, plastic and visco-elastic behavior of
common materials in tension and compression test, stress- strain curves, concept of factor of
safety and permissible stress, conditions for equilibrium, concept of free body diagram,
introduction to mechanics of deformable bodies.

Unit 2 Members Subjected to Flexural Loads: Theory of simple bending, bending moment
and shear force diagrams for different types of static loading and support conditions on beams,
bending stresses, section modulus and transverse shear stress distribution in circular, hollow
circular, I, Box, T, angle sections etc.

Unit 3 Principal Planes, Stresses and Strains: Members subjected to combined axial, bending
and torsional loads, maximum normal and shear stresses, concept of equivalent bending and
equivalent twisting moments, Mohr's circle of stress and strain. Theories of Elastic Failures: The
necessity for a theory, different theories, significance and comparison, applications.

Unit 4 Torsion: Torsional shear stress in solid, hollow and stepped circular shafts, angular
deflection and power transmission capacity. Stability of Equilibrium: Instability and elastic
stability, long and short columns, ideal strut, Euler's formula for crippling load for columns of
different ends, concept of equivalent length, eccentric loading, Rankine formulae and other
empirical relations.

Unit 5 Transverse Deflection of Beams: Relation between deflection, bending moment, shear
force and load, transverse deflection of beams and shaft under static loading, area moment
method, direct integration method, method of superposition and conjugate beam method,
variational approach to determine deflection and stresses in beam. Elastic Strain Energy: Strain
energy due to axial, bending and torsional loads, stresses due to suddenly applied loads, use of
energy theorems to determine deflections of beams and twist of shafts, Castigliano's theorem,
Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal deflections.
List of Recommended Books

1. Mechanics of Materials, James M. Gere, Cengage Learning (Brooks\Cole).

2. Mechanics of Material, Pytel and Kiusalaas, Thomson (Brooks\Cole).

3. An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, Crandall, Dahl and Lardner, Tata McGraw Hill.

4. Mechanics of Materials, Beer, Johnston, Dewolf and Mazurek, Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Strength of Materials, Ryder G.H., Macmillan India.

6. Strength of Materials, Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publishers.

7. Mechanics of Material, Punmia, Jain and Jain, Laxmi Publications.


Concept of stress, normal and shearing stresses in axially loaded members, factor of safety and
introduction to design for strength - concept of strain, normal and shearing strains - stress-strain
relationship - generalized Hook's Law - strain compatibility in two dimensions and application to
isotropic materials - plane stress and plane strain - Poisson's ratio - stress strain diagrams for
uniaxial loading - strain measurements - strain energy - relationship between elastic constants -
deformation of axially loaded members and statically indeterminate problems - thermal stresses;
Torsion of circular shafts - stress and deflections in close coiled helical springs subjected to axial
forces; Members subjected to flexural loads - reactions for statically determinate beams -
relationships between load, shear force and bending moment - shear force and bending moment
diagrams - singularity functions - application of Dirac Delta functions in beam bending
problems; Elastic curve - theory of simple bending - bending stresses in beams - members
subjected to combined loads - stresses in short struts with eccentric loading - kern of rectangular
and circular sections - composite beams - built up beams, shear flow and shear center;
Transformation of plane stresses and strains - principal stresses and principal planes - principal
strains - Mohr's Circle of stresses and strains - principal stresses in 3 D - strain rosettes, principal
stresses for strain measurements; compounding of stresses - combined bending and torsion -
investigation of stress at a point - thin walled pressure vessels - Hoop's stress - biaxial stresses -
yield theories - principles of design for strength; deflection of beams - direct integration method,
moment area method - buckling of columns - Euler's theory - critical loads and critical stresses
for different types of constants - statically indeterminate structures - theorem of three moments -
strain energy due to pure bending and shearing stresses - deflection by energy method.


1. Engineering Mechanics of Solids by E.P. Popov, Prentice Hall/ Pearson Education

2. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by I.H. Shames, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall/ Pearson Education

3. Mechanics of Solids, Singh, Pearson Education

4. Strength of Materials Vols - I & II by S.P. Timoshenko, CBS Publishers

5. Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids by S. H. Crandall, N. C. Dahl and T. J. Lardner, 2nd

ed., McGraw Hill International.

Stresses and Strains, Impact Loading, Allowable Stresses and Allowable Loads, Thermal
Stresses, Elastic Constants and their relationships, Stresses in Composite Sections, Axially
Loaded Members.

Stress – Strain Diagrams and Mechanical Properties of Materials. Stresses on Inclined Sections,
Stress Transformation, Strain Transformation, Principal Stresses and Principal Strains. Strain
Energy in Tension, Compression, Shear and due to Principal Stresses.

Torsion of Shafts of Circular Cross Section, Simple Torsion Theory, Solid and Hollow Shafts,
Non – uniform Torsion, Power Transmission through Circular Shafts, Strain Energy in Torsion
and Pure Shear, Compound Shafts. Stresses in Beams, Relationship Between Loads, Shear
Forces and Bending Moments, Pure Bending and Non- uniform Bending, Curvature of Beams,
Longitudinal Strains in Beams, Normal Stresses and Strains in Beams, Design of Beams for
Bending Stresses. Deflection of Beams, Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve, Method
of Integration, Macaulay‘s Method, Method of Superposition, Moment - Area Method, Strain
Energy of Bending, Castigliano’s Theorem and its application, Maxwell‘s Reciprocal Theorem.
Springs, Close Coiled Helical Springs, Spiral and Leaf Springs. Columns and Struts, Buckling
and Stability, Columns with Pinned Ends and with Other Support Conditions, Design Formulas
for Columns. Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Pressure Vessels.


1. Strength of Materials; G. H. Ryder

2. Strength of Materials; Rajput

3. Mechanics of Materials, James M. Gere, Cengage Learning (Brooks\Cole).

4. Mechanics of Material, Pytel and Kiusalaas, Thomson (Brooks\Cole).

5. An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, Crandall, Dahl and Lardner, Tata McGraw Hill.

6. Mechanics of Materials, Beer, Johnston, Dewolf and Mazurek, Tata McGraw Hill.

7. Strength of Materials, Ryder G.H., Macmillan India.

8. Strength of Materials, Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publishers.

9. Mechanics of Material, Punmia, Jain and Jain, Laxmi Publications.

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