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Menrado Valle-Corpuz*

INTRODUCTION of the Peace Courts to the Supreme Court;

Act No. 2709, regarding the exclusion of
The criminal justice system, essentially,
an accused to be utilized as a government
is the system or process in the community
witness; and Act No. 2886, changing the
by which crimes are investigated, and the
name of the party who should prosecute
persons suspected thereof are taken into
the criminal action from that of “The
custody, prosecuted in court and punished,
United States” to “The People of the
if found guilty, provisions being made for
their correction and rehabilitation.
The Philippine criminal justice system
Prior to the advent of American
is composed of five parts or pillars, namely,
sovereignty in the country, we had the
law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary,
Spanish law on criminal procedure. The
penology, and the community.
Royal Decree of September 4, 1884, by
virtue of which the Penal Code in force in
the archipelago, as amended in accordance
with the recommendations of the Code The law enforcement consists of the
Committee, and its accompanying law— officers and men of the Philippine National
the Provisional Law on Criminal Police (PNP), the National Bureau of
Procedure—were published and applied in Investigation (NBI), and other agencies.
the Philippines pursuant to the Royal When they learn of the commission of
Decree of December 17, 1884. It became crimes or discover them, their duty is to:
effective four months after its publication
in the Gaceta de Manila. In addition, the a. Investigate the crime which may take
compilation of the Laws of Criminal the form of surveillance and observation
Procedure of 1879 and the Law of Criminal of suspects, other persons and premises;
Procedure of 1882 also formed part of our interviewing persons with knowledge of
law on the subject. facts directly or indirectly connected with
During the American occupation, the offense; taking photographs
General Otis issued General Orders No. 58 (surreptitiously or otherwise); arranging
on April 23, 1990, which was amended at for entrapment; searching premises and
various times. Some of the amendments persons subject to constitutional and
were: Act No. 194, providing for statutory safeguards; and examining public
preliminary investigations; Act No. 440, and other available records pertaining to
relating to counsels de officio; Act No. 590, the persons involved and getting copies of
providing for preliminary investigations by pertinent entries.
Justices of the Peace of provincial capitals; The police officers, in other words, collect
Act No. 2677, prescribing the procedure of evidence for use in the prosecution of the
appeals of cases originating in the Justice suspects in the court. This may consist of
the testimony of witnesses, including
invited suspects, which are invariably
* State Prosecutor II, National Prosecution Service,
taken down in question-and-answer form;
Department of Justice, Philippines.


writings and objects, e.g., gun, knife, other places, solitary, in communicado or
weapons used in the commission of the other similar forms of detention are
crime, clothing of the victim, etc. prohibited; and
3) Any confession or admission obtained
b. Arrest suspects by virtue of a warrant in violation of the foregoing shall be
of arrest issued by a judge on the basis of inadmissible in evidence against him.
evidence submitted by them or under
circumstances justifying a warrantees c. Refer the case and the suspects to
arrest. the Office of the Public Prosecutor or
The instances when an arrest without Municipal Trial Court for preliminary
warrant may be lawfully effected by a peace investigation or directly to the Municipal
officer or a private person are as follows: Trial Court for trial and judgment.
(1) When in his presence, the person to
be arrested has committed, is II. PROSECUTION PROCESS
actually committing or is attempting
The investigation and prosecution of all
to commit an offense;
cases involving violations of penal laws are
(2) When an offense has in fact just been
lodged with the Department of Justice
committed, and he has personal
(DOJ) through its National Prosecution
knowledge of facts indicating that the
Service (NAPROSS).
person to be arrested has committed
The DOJ is headed by the Secretary of
it; and
Justice with three Undersecretaries
(3) When the person to be arrested is a
assisting him.
prisoner who has escaped from a
Aside from being the prosecution arm of
penal establishment or place where
the government, the DOJ shall have the
he is serving final judgment or
following powers and functions:
temporarily confined while his case
in pending or has escaped while being
a. Act as principal law agency of the
transferred from one confinement to
government and as legal counsel and
representative thereof, whenever so
Any person who—while in custody or required;
otherwise deprived of liberty—is under
investigation for the commission of an b. Administer the probation and
offense, has the following constitutional correction system;
rights, among others:
1) He must be informed of his right to c. Extend free legal assistance/
remain silent and to have competent representation to indigents and poor
and independent counsel preferably litigants in criminal cases and non-
of his own choice. If the person commercial civil disputes;
cannot afford the services of counsel,
he must be provided with one. These d. Preserve the integrity of land titles
rights cannot be waived except in through proper registration;
writing and in the presence of
counsel; e. Investigate and arbitrate untitled
2) No torture, force, violence, threat, land disputes involving small landowners
indimidation or any other means and members of indigenous cultural
which vitiate the free will shall be communities;
used against him; secret detention


f. Provide immigration and c. Prepare legal opinions on queries

naturalization regulatory services and involving violations of the Revised Penal
implement the laws governing citizenship Code and special penal laws; and
and the admission and stay of aliens;
d. Review appeals from the resolutions
g. Provide legal services to the national of prosecutors and other prosecuting
government and its functionaries, officers in connection with criminal cases
including government owned or controlled handled by them.
corporations and their subsidiaries; and Regional State Prosecutors have the
following functions:
h. Perform such other function as may (1) Implement policies, plans, programs,
be provided by law. It consists of the memoranda, orders, circulars and
following constituent units: rules and regulations of the DOJ
(1) Department proper; relative to the investigation and
(2) Office of the Government Counsel; prosecution of criminal cases in his
(3) National Bureau of Investigation; region;
(4) Public Attorney’s Office; (2) Exercise immediate administrative
(5) Board of Pardons and Parole; supervision over all Provincial and
(6) Parole and Probation Administration; City Prosecutors and other
(7) Bureau of Corrections; prosecuting officers of provinces and
(8) Land Registration Authority; cities comprised within his region;
(9) Bureau of Immigration; and (3) Prosecute any case arising within the
(10) Commission on the Settlement of region.
Land Problems.
Provincial and City Prosecutors have the
The NAPROSS is with the “Department following functions:
Proper” which is under the control and
supervision of the Secretary of Justice. It a. Be the law officer of the province or
is composed of the Prosecution Staff in the city, as the case may be. He shall have
Office of the Secretary of Justice headed charge of the prosecution of all crimes,
by the Chief State Prosecutor, the Regional misdemeanors and violations of city or
State Prosecution Offices headed by municipal ordinances in the courts of such
Regional State Prosecutors, and the province or city and shall therein discharge
Provincial and City Prosecution Offices all the duties incident to the institution of
headed by the Provincial Prosecutor and criminal prosecutions;
City Prosecutor, respectively.
The Prosecution Staff or State b. Investigate and/or cause to be
Prosecutors perform the following investigated all charges of crimes,
functions: misdemeanors and violations of all penal
laws and ordinances within their respective
a. Investigate administrative charges jurisdictions and have the necessary
against prosecutors and other prosecution information or complaint prepared or made
officers; against the persons accused. In the
conduct of such investigations, he or his
b. Conduct the investigation and assistants shall receive the sworn
prosecution of all crimes; statements or take oral evidence of
witnesses summoned by subpoena for the


c. Investigate commissions of criminal They enjoy a security of tenure because

acts and take an active part in the they can be removed from office only for a
gathering of relevant evidence. For this cause. Their appointments are not
purpose, the National Bureau of coterminous with the appointing authority,
Investigation, Philippine National Police which means that even if the President who
and other offices and agencies of the appointed them is no longer in power, they
government shall extend to him the shall still remain in office.
necessary assistance; In the discharge of their duties,
prosecutors are guided by their “Credo” and
d. Act as legal adviser of the the constitutional mandate that “a public
municipality, and municipal district of the office is a public trust and public officers
provinces or the provincial or city and employees must at all times
government and its officers or of the city. accountable to the people, serve them with
As such, he shall, when so requested, utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
submit his opinion in writing upon any efficiency, act with patriotism and justice
legal question submitted to him by any and lead modest lives.”
such officer or body pertinent to the duties The prosecution process starts the
thereof; and moment the law enforcer, the complainant
or public officer in charge of the
e. Assist the Solicitor General, when so enforcement of the law alleged to have been
deputized in the public interest, in the violated files a case against a suspected
performance of any function or in the criminal. With such filing, preliminary
discharge of any duty incumbent upon the investigation will set in and the second
latter, within the territorial jurisdiction of stage in the life of a criminal action is now
the former, in which cases, he shall be in progress. The first stage is the police
under the control and supervision of the investigation.
Solicitor General with regard to the Preliminary investigation is the stage at
conduct of the proceedings assigned to him which the public prosecutor evaluates the
and render reports thereon. finding of the police or the evidence
submitted directly by a complainant or
The members of the NAPROSS are public officer in charge of the enforcement
selected from among qualified and of the law alleged to have been violated, to
professional trained members of the legal determine if prosecution of the suspect in
profession who are of proven integrity and court is warranted. The Rules of Court
competence and have been in the actual define preliminary investigation as an
practice of the legal profession for at least inquiry on proceeding for the purpose of
five years prior to their appointment or determining whether there is sufficient
have held during like period, any position ground to engender a well founded belief
requiring the qualifications of a lawyer. that a crime cognizable by the Regional
They shall be appointed by the President Trial Court has been committed and that
of the Philippines upon recommendation respondent is probably guilty thereof, and
of the Secretary of Justice. should be held for trial.
Once appointed, prosecutors are A preliminary investigation is an
required to attend seminars, lectures, important substantive right of persons
convention and continuing legal education suspected of crimes, the deprivation of
to enhance their skills in investigation and which is tantamount to a deprivation of due
trial works. process of law. It is designed against hasty
and malicious prosecutions.


Preliminary investigations may be As regards offenses within the

conducted by the public prosecutors or jurisdiction of Municipal Trial Courts, no
judges of the Municipal Circuit Trial preliminary investigation is required by
Courts. law. All that the public prosecutor is
The procedures in the conduct of a required to do is 1) to examine the
preliminary investigation are as follows: complaint and supporting affidavit and 2)
(1) Filing of complaint and affidavits of to personally satisfy himself that the
witnesses by the police, complainant affiants voluntarily executed and
or public officer in charge of the understood their affidavits and that the
enforcement of the law alleged to suspect has probably committed the offense
have been violated; charged. This examination and
(2) Personal examination of affiants by determination he does ex parte, i.e.,
the investigating prosecutor; without notice to and in the absence of the
(3) Preliminary action by investigating suspect. He then files the information
prosecutor: directly with the court.
• Dismiss the complaint if he finds At the preliminary investigation of a
no cause to continue with the crime cognizable by a Regional Trial Court,
inquiry. the respondent has the following rights:
• Issue subpoena to respondent (1) To have notice of the investigation
requiring him to submit a counter- and to have a copy of the complaint,
affidavit. However, if no such affidavits and other supporting
counter-affidavit is submitted, the documents;
investigating prosecutor shall (2) To submit a counter-affidavit and
resolve the case on the basis of the other supporting documents within
evidence submitted by the police, ten days from notice;
public officer or complainant. (3) To examine all other evidence
If a counter-affidavit is submitted but submitted by the complainant;
there are matters which need (4) To be afforded an opportunity to be
clarification, the investigating present at any hearing at which
prosecutor may set a hearing to clarification of certain matters is to
propound clarificatory questions. be made and submit questions to the
(4) Preparation of resolution. Based on investigating officer for the purpose.
the evidence presented, the
It bears emphasis that aside from a
investigating prosecutor may:
preliminary investigation, there is another
• Prepare information if he finds
type of investigation which a prosecutor
cause to hold the respondent for
may conduct, and this is what we call
trial. An information is an
inquest investigation, which is an informal
accusation in writing charging a
and summary investigation conducted by
person with an offense subscribed
a public prosecutor in criminal cases
by the fiscal and filed with the
involving persons arrested and detained
without the benefit of a warrant of arrest
• Otherwise, recommend the
for the purpose of determining whether or
dismissal of the complaint.
not said persons should remain under
However, in both cases, the approval of custody and correspondingly be charged in
the Provincial or City Prosecutor or the court.
Chief State Prosecutor of such A respondent against whom an adverse
recommendation is necessary. resolution was issued by the investigating


prosecutor is not without any remedy. He written arguments or memoranda after

may file an appeal to the Secretary of which the case is deemed submitted for
Justice within fifteen days from receipt of decision.
the questioned resolution. The law secures to every accused the
following rights during trial:
a. To be presumed innocent until the
If the preliminary investigation results
contrary is proved beyond reasonable
in the finding that a crime has been
committed and the suspect is probably
guilty thereof, the public prosecutor will file
b. To be informed of the nature and
the corresponding information in the
cause of the accusation against him;
proper court; thus, activating the judicial
c. To be present and defend in person
The case shall then be set for
and by counsel at every stage of the
arraignment which is the first stage of a
proceedings, from the arraignment to the
criminal action. It consists of the reading
promulgation of judgment. The accused
of the information or criminal complaint
may, however, waive his presence at the
in court to the accused in open court. The
trial pursuant to the stipulations set forth
accused is then asked how he pleads. The
in his bail bond, unless his presence is
accused may plead guilty or not guilty to
specifically ordered by the court for
the offense charged. If he refuses to plead,
purposes of identification. The absence of
a plea of not guilty will be entered for him.
the accused without any justifiable cause
If the accused pleads guilty, the court shall
at the trial or a particular date of which he
sentence him to the corresponding penalty
had notice shall be considered a waiver of
if it is satisfied of the voluntariness of the
his right to be present during that trial.
plea, and otherwise, of the guilt of the
When an accused under custody had been
accused. If the accused pleads not guilty,
notified of the date of the trial and escapes,
the case is set for pre-trial and/or trial.
he shall be deemed to have waived his right
The pre-trial shall consider the following
to be present on said date and on all
subsequent trial dates until custody is
(1) Plea bargaining;
regained. Upon motion, the accused my
(2) Stipulation of facts;
be allowed to defend himself in person
(3) Marking for identification of evidence
when it sufficiently appears to the court
of the parties;
that he can properly protect his rights
(4) Waiver of objections to admissibility
without the assistance of counsel;
of evidence; and
(5) Such other matters as will promote a
d. To testify as a witness in his own
fair and expeditious trial.
behalf but subject to cross-examination on
No agreement or admission during the matters covered by direct examination. His
pre-trial shall be used in evidence against silence shall not in any manner prejudice
the accused unless reduced in writing and him;
signed by him and his counsel.
After the pre-trial stage, trial follows. e. To be exempted from being compelled
The prosecution commences the to be a witness against himself;
presentation of evidence, followed by the
accused. Prosecution may present rebuttal f. To confront and cross-examine the
evidence. The parties may also present witnesses against him at the trial. Either


party may utilize as part of its evidence The motion for reconsideration may be
the testimony of a witness who is deceased, based on the errors of law or fact in
out of or cannot with due diligence be found judgment.
in the Philippines, unavailable or otherwise In lieu of moving for new trial or
unable to testify, given in another case or reconsideration or after denial of such
proceeding (judicial or administrative) motion, the convicted accused may appeal
involving the same parties and subject to the Court of Appeals or the Supreme
matter, the adverse party having had the Court within the time fixed by law. If the
opportunity to cross-examine him; appeal of the convicted accused is
unsuccessful and his conviction is affirmed,
g. To have compulsary process issued to the case will be remanded to the court of
secure the attendance of witnesses and origin for the execution of the judgement.
production of other evidence in his behalf; The latter court will set a date for the
accused to present himself for the
h. To have a speedy, impartial and enforcement of the judgement. At the time
public trial; and thus appointed, the court will issue an
order of commitment and the accused is
i. To have the right of appeal in all cases passed on the next component.
allowed and in the manner prescribed by
After the reception of the contending
Punishment is the isolation of the
parties pieces of evidence, the case is now
convicts by imprisonment for the periods
submitted for decision which the court
laid down by the courts or in extreme cases,
must render within ninety days after trial.
their execution by the method prescribed
If the court acquits the accused because
by law—and correction and rehabilitation
in its view he is innocent or his guilt is not
are functions undertaken by the
proven beyond reasonable doubt, the case
institutions set up by law, e.g., the Bureau
is definitely ended. Appeal by the
of Prisons, Parole and Probation
prosecution is barred by the principle of
double jeopardy.
On the other hand, if it convicts the
accused because in its view his guilt of the
crime charged has been established beyond After the convicts have passed through
reasonable doubt, the latter may move for the correction component—either
a new trial or reconsideration which may unconditionally (as by full service of the
be based on either of the following grounds: term of imprisonment imposed on them),
or by parole or pardon—they go back to the
a. That errors of law or irregularities community and either lead normal lives as
have been committed during the trial law-abiding citizens in their barangays, or,
prejudicial to the substantial rights of the regrettably, commit other crimes and thus,
accused; or go back through the same processes and
stages of the criminal justice system.
b. That new and material evidence has The community at large—through the
been discovered and produced at the trial, appropriate legislative agencies, public and
and which, if introduced and admitted, private educational institutions, parents
would probably change the judgement. and guardians, churches, religious
organizations, civic associations, etc.—


develops and exacts conformity with community. The criminal justice system is
acceptable moral and ethical values, all of these institutions or pillars
creates the environment for the collectively. For it to work efficaciously and
development of civic-spirited citizens, and speedily, it is essential for all these pillars
fosters respect for and observance of the to work efficiently and with dispatch, and
Rule of Law. in cooperation and in coordination with one
In particular, members of the community another.
having knowledge of facts relevant to the
investigation or prosecution of crimes, are REFERENCES
expected to cooperate with law enforcers
1. The Court and the Criminal Justice
and investigators, by reporting crimes and
System by Honorable Chief Justice
giving evidence against the offenders.
Andres Narvasa, Supreme Court of the
Attorneys in legal practice, or pertaining
to associations commited to giving legal aid
2. Rules of Court (Rules 110 to 127).
to indigent or otherwise deserving
3. P r e s i d e n t i a l D e c r e e N o . 1 2 7 5
individuals, should be reckoned as part of
(Reorganizing the Prosecution Staff of
the fifth component of the criminal justice
the Department of Justice and the
system, the community. They participate
Offices of the Provincial and City
directly or indirectly in the criminal justice
Prosecutors, Regionalizing the
system by giving advice to, or representing,
Prosecution service and Creating the
persons involved in criminal actions before
National Prosecution Service).
the proper authorities.
4. The Philippine Constitution.
The community component should also
5. Republic Act 296, as amended by Batas
include government institutions that play a
Pambansa 129, otherwise known as the
role in the criminal justice system, such as
Judiciary Act.
the Bureau of Posts—which delivers court
6. Executive Order No. 292 dated July 25,
notices; the Commission of Immigration and
1987, otherwise known as the
Deportation—which may prevent the
Administrative Code of 1987.
departure of suspects from the country; the
7. DOJ Order No. 223 dated June 30,
Bureau of Telecommunications—which
1993C (Revised Rules on Appeal from
transmits communications by telephone,
Resolutions in Preliminary
telegram or radio; and the government
hospitals and medical centers (like the
National Psychopathic Hospital)—which
furnish experts who may enlighten the
courts on issues involving medical or other
sciences, etc. Private institutions and civic
organizations should also be deemed part
thereof, since they may also have roles to
play in the criminal justice system.

The criminal justice system is not just
the agencies and persons charged with law
enforcement; not just the public
prosecution, nor the courts, nor just the
penal and correctional system, nor just the


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