Reviewer HRM

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The Constitutional and Legal Framework o The State shall regulate the relations between

 Managing human resources is often times workers and employers, recognizing the right of
fraught with legal implications. labor to its just share in the fruits of production
 One cannot just ignore the protection of the and the right of enterprises to reasonable
rights of labor that are enshrined in our returns to investments, and to expansion and
Constitution and statutes principally the Labor growth.
The Labor Code - 6 Major Parts
 Ignoring the legal aspects of human resources
1. Book One - deals with Pre-Employment
can result in legal suits that could cost a lot of
2. Book Two - Human Resources Development
money to your company and to your company's
3. Book Three - Conditions of Employment
 It is important for all managers to have some
4. Book Four - Health, Safety, and Social Welfare
basic knowledge of pertinent provisions of the
Constitution and labor and social legislations.
5. Book Five - Labor Relations
 The Constitutional and statutory provisions
6. Book Six - Post-Employment
protecting labor are derived from the "Police
Power" of the state the right of the state to Functions of Human Resource
regulate labor relations for the general welfare Management:
and to maintain industrial peace. 1. Recruitment, selection and placement
 lt is also based on social justice - to ensure 2. Training and Development
protection of the weaker social partner - labor. 3. Performance Evaluation and Management
4. Promotions
The Constitutional Basis
5. Redundancy
o The State affirms labor as a primary socio-
6. Industrial and Employee Relations
economic force. It shall protect the right of
7. Record Keeping of all Personal Data
workers and promote their welfare. (Article I1,
8. Compensation, Retirement, Incentive Programs
Section 18)
9. Confidential advice to internal 'customers' in
o Along this line, the Constitution protects the right
9. Relation to problems at work
of employees to form unions, association or
10. Career development
societies for purposes not contrary to law.
o Also pursuant to this Declaration of Principles, List of critical skills and attributes for HR
Article XII1, Section 3 expands its labor policy practitioners:
by providing that: 1. Human relations or Interpersonal
o The State shall afford full protection to labor, 2. Multitasking
local and overseas, organized and unorganized, 3. Organization
and promote full employment and equality of 4. Ability for dual focus
employment opportunities for all. 5. Trust and confidence
o It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to 6. Dedication to continuous improvement
self-organization, collective bargaining and 7. Negotiating and problem-solving
negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, 8. Team-oriented
including the right to strike in accordance with 9. Honesty and integrity
law. They shall be entitled to security of tenure,
humane conditions of work, and a living wage. o Human resource planning is the critical initial
They shall also participate in policy and step in getting the right people in the right place
decision-making processes affecting their rights at the right time.
and benefits as may be provided by law. o It links HR management to the strategic plan of
o The State shall promote the principle of shared the organization.
responsibility between workers and employers o A good human resource plan will allow you to
and the preferential use of voluntary modes in make management decisions to support the
settling disputes, including conciliation, and shall future direction of the organization.
enforce their mutual compliance therewith to o It is also important from the budgetary point of
foster industrial peace. view so that you can factor the costs of
recruitment, training, management,
restructuring, rightsizing, among others, into NOTE:
your departmental budget. o According to experts, there is no single
o Effective HR planning will also save the approach in human resource planning.
organization unnecessary costs. o It varies from organization to organization,
o The firm cannot afford to be overstaffed nor can depending upon their style, positioning in the
I afford to be understaffed. market place, market demands, the industry
o Without accurate human resource planning, the they are in and the competitive environment.
organization may not be in a position to o But if the plan focuses in addressing the given
compete in the market place. questions, it meets the basic objectives of the
o It is important to anticipate future staffing needs planning process.
by forecasting the supply and demand of the
organization's human resources. Human Resource Planning Process
a. Analyzing
Human Resource Planning b. Forecasting
o It is the process by which management ensures c. Planning
that it has the right personnel who are capable d. Implementing
of completing those tasks that help the
organization reach its objectives. Analyzing
o It is development of strategies for matching the o Analyze the environmental factors that impact
size and skills of the workforce to organizational on your firm's labor demand.
needs. o In time of economic recession, for example,
there might be a need to downsize your work
The process involves: force.
1. Carrying out skills analysis of the existing o In times of inflation, when prices of food and
workforce other consumer products are high, there is the
2. Carrying out manpower forecasting tendency for the government to have a new
3. Taking action to ensure that supply meets wage increase order.
demand On the supply side, analyzing the internal
4. Development of training and retraining strategies workforce will answer these questions:
o How many staff do we have?
The plan will provide answers to the following o How are they distributed?
questions: o What is the age profile?
o How many will leave by resignation or
 How many people will be needed for the
retirement in each of the next five years?
organization to meet its objectives?
o What are the present skills of the present
 What jobs will these people need to fill?
 What knowledge, skills, and abilities will new
o What new skills will be required?
hires be required to have?
 What new skills will be required of the current Forecasting
work force? o It is not an exact science.
 Can the new workers be transferred or o It can be subject to certain uncertainties and
promoted from within the firm or do they need to inaccuracies.
be hired from outside? 2 Techniques in Forecasting:
 What type of training is required for workers to 1. Statistical Method
acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities that 2. Judgmental or qualitative approach
are needed?
 What type of training is required for workers to o Statistical method is excellent in extrapolating
acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that labor demand based on historical trends.
are needed? o Under normal conditions, the method gives
 What type of compensation plan is required to more precise predictions than judgmental.
support this talent? o The other technique, judgmental or qualitative
 How will the process alter the career plans of approach avails of the opinion of department
existing employees or potential candidates? managers on their future staffing needs.
o They are supposed to be experts and they o Unemployment in the Philippines is high even
should know how many people they need. under normal economic situation.
o Caution must be taken with this approach o There is therefore an abundance of manpower
because some managers are prone to be in the labor market.
"empire builders" o However, many are eager to be employed, only
o They tend to overstaff their departments under a handful are chosen for lack of the necessary
the mistaken belief that quantity assures skills and competencies required of the job.
o In this case, Delphi technique could be applied. Employing Temporary Workers
 There are several legal constraints in the hiring
Delphi Technique of temporary workers.
o Experts, internal and external, take part in a  Caution must be applied in availing of temporary
round robin-type decision making sessions until workers as this is always subject to abuse by
they arrive at a consensus for the human some employers.
resource needs.  Perhaps an ideal ratio should be considered that
temporary workers must not exceed that of
Internal Supply Considerations regular employees.
o Turnover rate is a very important factor to be
considered in your internal manpower supply. Classification of Temporary Workers:
 Casuals
2 Kinds of Turnover:  Project employees
1. Resignation  Employees for a fixed period or term
 Seasonal employees
2. Dismissal
Kinds of Employees
Resignation can be due to:
1. Employer - includes any person acting in the
o Accepting a job elsewhere.
interest of the employer directly or indirectly.
o Poor health
2. Employee - includes any person in the employ of
o Putting one's own business, taking up further
an employer.
studies or raising a family
 The two definitions seem to give some
o Migrating abroad
confusion because a person can be an
o Accepting a voluntary retrenchment
employee but at the same time can be an
o Relocating to another place
employer if he acts "in the interest of the
Dismissal can be due to: employer directly or indirectly"

o Misconduct Specific Classifications of Employees

o Forcible resignation due to poor performance or 1. Managerial Employee
other reasons by paying separation pay.  is one who is vested with powers or
o Authorized causes under the law such as prerogatives to lay down and execute
retrenchment due to losses or to avoid losses, management policies and/or hire, transfer,
automation, retirement, or sickness that will suspend, layoff, recal1, discharge, assign, or
incapacitate the employee for more than 6 discipline employees.
months as certified to by a competent public 2. Supervisory Employee
physician.  is one who, in the interest of the employer,
effectively recommends such managerial
Note: actions if the exercise of such authority is not
 For purposes of "exit interview", to determine merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires
and tally real causes of resignations for remedial the use of independent judgment.
purposes, employees who were dismissed are 3. Rank and File Employee
not subject to exit interview.  is one not falling under any of the preceding
definitions of managerial or supervisory
The External Labor Supply

Types of Employees in terms of Tenure

 The law protects employees in their security of understood to be that which must necessarily
tenure. come, although it may not be known when"
 Regardless of their term of employment,
employees can only be terminated for cause or Health, Safety and Social Welfare Provisions
authorized causes as provided by the Labor  It is the responsibility of the Employer to provide
Code except when the employment is for a fixed safe and healthy working conditions in the
period and the term has already ended workplace.
There are five (5) types of employment  Articles 156 to 161 of the Labor Code require
1. Regular employers to provide medical and dental
 Regardless of the written or oral agreement, "an services.
employment shall be deemed to be regular
Here are some important requirements
where the employee has been engaged to
1. To keep the employer's establishment such first-
perform activities which are usually necessary
aid medicines and equipment as the nature and
or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
conditions of work may require, in accordance with
such regulations at the DOLE shall provide.
2. Project
Employer shall take steps in training of sufficient
 "Where the employment has been fixed for a
number of employees in first-aid treatment.
specific project or undertaking the completion or
termination of which has been determined at the 2. To have services of a full-time registered nurse
time of engagement of the employee or where when number of employees exceeds 50 but not
the work or services to be performed is more than 200. When employer does not maintain
seasonal in nature and the employment is for hazardous workplaces, he can get the services of a
the duration of the season. graduate of first-aid where no registered nurse is
3. Casual available.
 "An employment shall be deemed casual if it is
not covered by the preceding paragraph: 3. When the number of employees exceeds 200 but
Provided that, any employee who has rendered not more than 300, the employer shall get the
at least one year service, whether such service services of a full-time registered nurse, a part-time
is continuous or broken, shall be considered a physician and dentist and an emergency clinic.
regular employee and his employment shall
4. When the number of employees exceeds 300, the
continue while such activity exists."
employer shall obtain the services of a full-time
4. Probationary
physician and dentist and a full-time registered
 As defined in Art.281 which provides
nurse as well as a dental clinic and an infirmary or
"Probationary employment shall not exceed six
emergency hospital with one bed capacity for every
(6) months from the date the employee started
100 employees.
working, unless it is covered by an
apprenticeship agreement stipulating a longer Note:
 The requirement for an emergency hospital or
 His services may be terminated for a just cause
dental clinic shall not be required where there
or when he fails to qualify as a regular employee
is a hospital or dental clinic which is
in accordance with reasonable standards made
accessible from the employers' establishment
known by the employer to the employee at the
time of his engagement.
provided the employer makes arrangement for
 An employee who is allowed to work after a the reservation therein of necessary beds and
probationary period shall be considered a dental facilities for the use of the employees.
regular employee.
5. The physicians, nurses, and dentists employed
5. Fixed Contract Employee as Settled in
shall have the necessary training in industrial
medicine and occupational safety and health.
 An employment with a fixed term, where there's
a day certain agreed upon by the parties for the 6. It shall be the duty of the employer to provide
commencement and termination of their all necessary assistance to ensure the adequate
employment relationship, a day certain being
and immediate medical and dental attendance
and treatment to an injured or sick employee in  lt refers to the relationship between employers
case of emergency. and employees in industry, and the political
decisions and laws that affect it.
Employee Compensation and State Insurance
Fund Sources of Conflicts in Labor Relations:
 The State shall promote and develop a tax- 1. Manner by which hierarchical demands are
exempt employee compensation program made or executed;
whereby employees and their dependents, in
the event of work-connected disability or 2. Clash between Management Prerogatives and
death, may promptly secure adequate income Labor Rights;
benefit, medical or related benefits. 3. Just share in the fruits of production;
 A State Insurance Fund is created out of
monthly contributions by the employer for the 4. Fair return in investments, expansion and
employee. growth.
 The agency in charge of the administration of
this fund is the Employees Compensation The Law on Terminations
Commission which is composed of five ex-  The security of tenure of employees is
oficio members, namely: guaranteed by the Constitution and by law.
 Employers should not be trigger happy in
1. Secretary of Labor and Employment dismissing employees.
2. GSIS General Manager  What is at stake is not only the employee's
3. SSS Administrator livelihood but the ability to support his family
4. Chairman of the Philippine Medical Care in terms of food, clothing, shelter, education,
Commission and health.
5. Executive Director of the ECC secretariat  The state always regards workers with
AND TWO appointee members, one of whom compassion as unemployment can bring
shall be appointed by the President of the untold hardships and sorrow upon the worker
Philippines for a represent the employees and the and his dependents.
other, the employers to term of 6 years.  An employee unjustly dismissed from work
shall be entitled to re instatement without loss
 In case the employee's injury or death was of seniority rights and other privileges and his
due to failure of the employer to comply with full back wages inclusive of allowances, or
any law, or to install and maintain safety other benefits or their monetary equivalent
devices, or take other precautions for the computed from the time his compensation
prevention of injury, said employer shall pay was withheld up to time of reinstatement.
to the State Insurance Fund a penalty of 25%  The law allows terminations due to Just
of the lump sum equivalent of the income Causes or Authorized Causes.
benefit payable by the system to the
employee. Just Causes

Labor Relations  Art.282 of the Labor Code enumerates the

 Labor-management relations is central to the following just causes of termination:
provisions of the Labor Code.
 The aspect or quality that holds together the 1. Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by
social partners, labor and capital in the the employee of the lawful orders of his employer
attainment of their mutual goal - just and or representative in connection with his work;
equitable (reasonable) pay and treatment and
2. Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of
fair return on investments.
his duties;
 lt is the interaction between a company's
upper management and the rest of its
3. Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the fraction of at least six (6) months shall be
trust reposed on him by his employer or duly considered as one (1) whole year.
authorized representative;
2. The Retirement Pay Law (R.A. 7641),
4. Commission of a crime or offense by the amending Art. 287 of the Labor Code,
employee against the person of his employer or authorizes an employer to terminate services of
any immediate member of his family or his duly employees upon reaching the age of 60 but not
authorized representative; and beyond 65 years of age provided he receives
retirement pay - if the company has no retirement
5. Other causes analogous to the foregoing. plan of its own - equivalent to 22 days pay per
 Can an employer preventively suspend an year of service.
erring employee with pending investigation?  If the company has its own retirement plan
Yes, if there is imminent danger to life of the and its benefits are below that required by
employer or his duty authorized law, it has to pay for the difference. The 22
representative or his property. days is total of 15 days retirement pay plus
Authorized Causes 1/12 of 13th month pay and cash equivalent
 Art. 283 of the Labor Code, employers can of 5 days incentive leave pay per year of
terminate employees due to authorized
causes under the following conditions: Summary of the Salient Points of the Labor
1. Installation of labor saving devices or
 Primacy of free collective bargaining and
redundancy provided the terminated employee is
given one (1) month pay for every year of service.  Free trade unionism for promotion of
negotiations social justice
2. Retrenchment to prevent losses or closing or  Free and voluntary organization of strong and
cessation of operation of the establishment or united labor movement
undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose  Adequate machinery for expeditious
of circumventing the law, provided, that the settlement of disputes
employee to be retrenched is given one-half (1/2)  Workers' participation in decision and policy-
month pay per year of service. making processes affecting their rights, duties
and welfare
 A fraction of at least six months service is  Dynamic and just industrial peace
considered as one whole year for purposes of  Encourage free trade unionism and free
computing the separation pay. collective bargaining
 Right to engage in concerted activities
Other Authorized Causes
including the right to strike
 Art. 284 of the Labor Code allows disease as
 Security of tenure- cannot be terminated
a ground for termination under the following
except for just or authorized causes
 All doubts in implementation and
1. When one suffers a disease wherein his interpretation of the Labor Code provisions
continued employment is prohibited by law or including the implementing rules shall be
prejudicial to his health or to the health of his co- resolved in favour of labor
employees provided there is certification by a
competent public health authority that the disease
is of such nature or stage that it can not be cured
within a period of six months even with proper
medical treatment.

 The terminated employee is entitled to one

half (1/2) month pay per year of service. A

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