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Detailed Lesson Plan

in Teaching English III

I. Objectives: After reading a short paragraph in 60 minutes, the pupils should

be able to attain at least 75% level of proficiency on the following
a. identify verbs words in a simple present tense;
b. observe the rules in forming verbs through present tense;
c. construct sentences with the right time experiences for actions
done repeatedly.

II. Subject Matter: Identifying verbs in the Simple Present Tense;

Reference: English Language Power 3, pp. 172-182;
Materials: Charts, real objects;
Competency: Be able to identify verbs in a Simple Present Tense;
Value: Truthfulness, cooperation, participation, attentiveness

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity/ Introductory Phase
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
1. Unfreezing Activity
Good Morning children? Good Morning teacher.
Let us all stand for a prayer. Who will lead
the prayer? Me teacher.
Okay let us pray.
( Saint Michael the Archangel …)
Okay class you may now take your seat.
How are you all today? We’re fine teacher.
Very good!
2. Drill
Children do you want a game? Yes teacher.
Okay very good, I will divide you into 2
groups. This will be the group 1 and
this will be the group 2. All you have to
do is trace the 5 verbs. Did you get it? Yes teacher.
Very good! And the first group who
finish it right away and got the correct
answer will have a prize. Are you ready? Yes teacher.
Okay very good now let’s start.
Direction: Encircle the 5 verbs in the puzzle.





Done! Okay very good. You may now take

your seats.
3. Review
Okay class who can still remember our last
topic, what was it all about? It is all about verbs.
Very good. What do you mean by verb? Verb is an action word.
Okay very good. Who can give me an
examples of a verb? Hug, dance, sing, walk
Okay very good.
B. Developmental Phase/ Interaction
1. Preparation
a. Motivation
( the teacher prepares some questions to know if the pupils do certain activities
often, sometimes or never )
Okay class I have here 5 balloons, each
of them had questions. All you have to
do is answer whatever question we get
from the balloon when I started to popped
it. Did you get? Okay teacher.
Very good! Ok let’s start.
( the teacher start popped the balloon and whenever the teacher got question
from the balloon the teacher ask right away the pupils )
2. Presentation
Ok class this morning we are going to
Identify verbs in the Simple Present
Tense. Are you ready to learn? Yes teacher.
Very good!
a. Setting of Standards
But before we discuss these
things, I have a question what will you
do if the teacher is talking in front of you? Listen teacher.
Okay very good. I have here some
rules and signals that you should keep in
mind. Read those rules and signals.
Rule/signal #1: Keep silent
Rule/signal #2: Sit properly
Rule/signal #3: Raise your right hand if
you want to answer.
Rule/signal #4: Behave
Rule/signal #5: Participate
3. Discussion
Okay class I have here a paragraph.
I want you to read this and study the
underlined words.
Direction: Read the paragraph.
Mang Polding is our school janitor. Every day he comes to school early to
do his chores. He opens the door of the classrooms. He makes sure that the
windows are open before the children come. He sees to it that the corridors are
clean. When there are no more children in the afternoon, he cleans all the
classrooms. He then closes the windows, turns the light off, and closes the door.
Daily, he goes home tired but happy for a job well done.

Okay class what have you observe

from the paragraph you have just read? There are underlined
words teacher.
Very good. The underlined words in the
paragraph, those are Simple Present
Tense that suggest actions done
What else you observe from the
underlined words? It ends with s.
Very good. Okay rule #1 If the subject
is singular we add s or es:
for example:
1. My sister eat(s) a lot of vegetables.
So what is the subject? Sister.
Is it singular or plural? Singular.
Therefore we adds s because the subject
is? Singular.
Very good. Okay another example.
2. Abdul pray(s) five times a day.
So where is the subjects? Abdul.
What is it singular or plural? Singular.
Very good, so we add s. Yes teacher.
Very good.
Did you get it? Yes teacher.
Very good. Now read and compare the
paragraph with the one you have just read.
Direction: Read the paragraph.
Mang Polding and Mang Madeng are our school janitors. Every day they
come to school early to do their chores. They open the door of the classrooms.
They make sure that the windows are open before the children come. They see to
it that the corridors are clean. When the children have left, they clean all the
classrooms. They then close the windows, turn the lights off, and close the doors.
Daily, they go home tired but happy for a job well done.

Okay class what have you observe

from the paragraph you have just read? The underlined words
teacher does not end with
Okay very good. Rule #2 if the subject is
plural therefore we don’t need to put s at the
end of the verb. Did you get it? Yes teacher.
Very good. For example:
1. Our parents tell a stories before bedtime.
So what is the subject there? Parents teacher.
Okay very good. Is it singular or plural? Plural teacher.
Yes plural because it is many. So we don’t
need to put s at the end of the verb. Next,
2. Miguel and Carlos dance well.
So what is the subject there? Miguel and Carlos teacher.
Okay very good. Is it singular or plural? Plural teacher.
Yes plural because there are two of them.
So we don’t need to put s at the end of the verb.
Another rule class is Rule#3 if the subject is
singular pronoun and plural pronoun we
don’t need also to put s at the end of the verb. Such
as I, he, she, it, you, we, and they for example:
1. I read the direction.
So what is the subject there? I teacher.
Okay very good. So since the subject is singular
pronoun, we don’t need to put s at the end of the
How about plural pronoun for example:
2. They sing properly.
So what is the subject there? They teacher.
Okay very good. Because the subject there
is plural pronoun. Did you get it class? Yes teacher.
Okay very good.
C. Culminating Phase
4. Generalization
Okay class did you understand the
topic? Yes teacher.
Okay very good. What was it again? It is all about the Simple
Present Tense teacher.
Okay, what do you mean by Simple
Present Tense? Simple Present Tense
teacher is a verb that
suggest an action that is
done regularly.
Okay very good. Who can give me the
first rule in forming verbs through
Simple Present Tense? Rule #1 If the subject
is singular we add s or es.
How about the rule #2? Rule #2 if the subject is
plural therefore we don’t
need to put s at the
end of the verb.
Very good. And the last rule? Rule#3 if the subject is
singular pronoun and
plural pronoun we
don’t need also to put s at
the end of the verb. Such
as I, he, she, it, you, we,
and they.
Okay very good.
a. Valuing
Okay class how did you find our topic?
Is too difficult to understand the topic? A little bit teacher.
Okay, but you understand? Yes teacher.
Okay very good.
5. Application
Okay class lets have an activity.
Direction: Match column A to column B. Draw a line to connect each pair of
Column A Column B
1. Every child want a stories every day.
2. My teachers bark when they strangers.
3. Doctors stops at every station.
4. The train paint.
5. The moon aches.
6. Lola Francisco cure the sick.
7. Children loves to play.
8. Some artists travels around the earth.
9. My tooth comes to school early.
10. Dogs need foods, rest and exercise to grow
and be healthy.
IV. Evaluation
Okay lets have another activity.
Direction: Identify the correct form of the verbs in each sentence by underlining it.
1. Mang Ted ( take, takes ) us to school every morning.
2. Benj ( want, wants ) to join them in tumbang preso.
3. We ( read, reads ) at least one book a week.
4. Dogs ( bite, bites ) when you stamped their foot.
5. The church bell ( ring, rings ) at five-thirty in the morning.

V. Assignment
Okay for your assignment class
Answer this.
Direction: Use the following verbs in a sentence.
1. Plays
2. Dance
3. Sing
4. Prays
5. loves
Good bye grade 3!!! Good bye teacher!
Name: _________________________________ Grade: ___________

Direction: Match column A to column B. Draw a line to connect each pair of

Column A Column B
1. Every child want a stories every day.
2. My teachers bark when they strangers.
3. Doctors stops at every station.
4. The train paint.
5. The moon aches.
6. Lola Francisco cure the sick.
7. Children loves to play.
8. Some artists travels around the earth.
9. My tooth comes to school early.
10. Dogs need foods, rest and exercise to grow
and be healthy.

Name: _________________________________ Grade: ___________

Direction: Identify the correct form of the verbs in each sentence by underlining it.

1. Mang Ted ( take, takes ) us to school every morning.

2. Benj ( want, wants ) to join them in tumbang preso.
3. We ( read, reads ) at least one book a week.
4. Dogs ( bite, bites ) when you stamped their foot.
5. The church bell ( ring, rings ) at five-thirty in the morning.
Did you arrange your things at


Did you fix your bed?

Did you wash the dishes at your


Do you have pets at home? Did you

feed it?

Do you have a baby? Did you look

after it?
Saint Michael College of Caraga
Atupan Street Nasipit Agusan del Norte
College of Teacher Education


Prepared by:
Stephany S. Corciega

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