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Saint Michael College of Caraga

Atupan Street, Nasipit Agusan del Norte

College of Teacher Education

(In partial fulfillment of the course
Reading Remediation)

Submitted by:

Stephany S. Corciega


Submitted to:

Melisa C. Maloloy on


Today there is an ever increasing special importance or giving attention to something on

information that must be read, particularly for our children as they grow up in a high
technology. Unfortunately, the world’s most common learning disability is those children
who have dyslexia that is having a difficulty with reading and spelling. Here comes
Remedial Reading which helps those readers struggling in reading words even if it is
too easy to identify.

Remedial Reading refers to the instruction in reading aimed at increasing speed and
comprehension by correcting poor reading habits. Remedial reading programs should
be research-based and implemented with commitment by teachers or us student
teachers who have the background on what is reading remediation. The instruction
should be clear and should move successively from the simplest concepts to the more
complex. Instruction should be consistent and intensive with teacher modeling, guided
practice, and independent practice.

The term remedial refers to correcting or improving deficient skills in a specific subject.
Thus, remedial reading is a change in instruction that helps preparation a weakness in
the area of reading. In this study then, we sought to provide preliminary information on
the nature of remedial reading instruction. We were particularly interested in examining
the focus of remedial instruction and the relationships of this instruction to the
classroom reading program. In addition, I gathered information on what instructional
activities remedial students missed when' they left their classroom. I provided
instructional materials such as a copy of the basic sight words , flashcards, activity
sheets, story book which is not that too difficult to comprehend.

In these field notes, the first thing I did is get the name of the learner and trace where
the learner is living and told the parents or the guardian that I am the one who is being
assign to conduct a remedial reading. Next on the following day in addition to my
observational data I also interviewed the learner’s teacher about his performance at
school if he reads often or even sometimes or not. I also give an approval sheet to both
sides, parents and the learner’s teacher enable them to know why did I conduct this
certain program.

Assessment is a condition first step to helping struggling readers. It is particularly

important that you have a broad overview of each student’s strengths and weaknesses
at the very beginning of the session. Pre-assessments give our students a preview of
what will be expected of them. Pre-assessments allow us to see if what is being
covered in the lesson or unit is already mastered.

Pre-assessments help measure true learning, we are able to see what our students
actually learned from the lessons that he already developed. With this assessment, we
can make changes to future lessons or even create new lessons to include further
instruction and review.

The day I conducted a pre-assessment remedial reading he actually participate when I

told him to read. Meanwhile, at the middle of the session he said that he wants to go
home, maybe because he is tired enough to read those words I gave. Unfortunately he
attains the said assessment. And as I observed the learner is not fun of reading stories
because whenever I told him to read another short story he refuses. Actually his
guardian told me already that Arabian people couldn’t
Date: August 25, 2016

Time: 1:00-2:15

Session # 1

I. Objectives:
1. recognize the cvc words;
2. pronounce the words correctly;
3. appreciate the value of pronunciation.
II. Topic:

Word Recognition
III. Materials:


IV. Activities:

I let the pupil read the words in the flashcards, and when he reads
the cvc words I observe that whenever we in countered “d”, “b”
letter and “p” letter he reads it not properly. For example “dop” in
becomes “pod” “dob”.

V. Recommendation:

The assign teacher or student teacher must keep on correcting the

pronunciation of the pupil so that it will be corrected.
Date: August 30, 2016

Time: 2:00-3:30

Session # 2

VI. Objectives:
1. recognize the cvc words;
2. pronounce the words correctly;
3. appreciate the value of pronunciation.
VII. Topic:

Word Recognition
VIII. Materials:

Flashcards and chart

IX. Activities:

I let the pupil read the cvc words again and again and the words I
have formulated for him. I also have a chart, I let him to read what’s
in the chart.

X. Recommendation:

The assign teacher or student teacher must keep on eye to the

pupil because the pupil always refuses to read because I think the
pupil get tired on reading, he keeps telling me to go home early.
History of Nasipit

A thriving settlement of natives known as Manobo inhabited a fertile plateau and its
swampy low-lying areas. These people were feared by the early settlers, because they
sometimes run amok and became headhunters. In that case, they were said to be

The shoreline of Nasipit assumes a claw-like form, from which the word Nasipit was
derived. The earliest records mention Nasipit as a barrio of Butuan in 1867. Butuan then
was a politico military commandancio of the Province of Surigao. Nasipit was then
called, a pueblo.

In 1883, Jose Canudas and his fellow Jesuit Missionaries arrived to convert the
Manobos to Christianity.

People from neighboring islands found the place suitable to settle in, so, they came and
built nipa huts and developed farming and fishing communities.

At that time, life was simple. There were no roads, electricity or water system.
Communication and transportation was by banca or by boat.

On August 1, 1929, Acting Governor General Eugene Gilmore issued a Proclamation

and Governor General Leonard Wood then released an Executive Proclamation Order
181 to make Nasipit a municipality separate from Butuan.

Nasipit further sailed into the pages of contemporary history in the latter part of 1943
when USS Narwhal, a US submarine then on a guerilla supply run for the Agusan
guerillas, docked at the old wooden Nasipit Port. This surfacing asserts that Nasipit had
been on the map of the allied strategists at General McArthur’s Australia headquarters.

The administration of the late Hon. Mayor Catalino Atupan in 1935 – 1942 and 1945
saw the beginnings of industrial activity in the once sleepy town. During his seven years
in office, Mayor Atupan strove to increase tax collections and encouraged the
establishment of factories on account of the town’s strategic location and ideal shipping

In 1946, Nasipit Lumber Corporation (NALCO) started its operation. This company was
controlled and owned by the Fernandez Brothers under the able management of
George Edward Charles Mears.

During the management of Mr. Mears of NALCO from 1946 – 1963, the company
experienced a remarkably rapid growth. The Nasipit Lumber Corporation and the
Philippine Wallboard Corporation (PWC) spanned the delta along the eastern side of the
Nasipit cove. The company has provided employment to about 3,000 workers
constituting 3,000 families solely dependent to the operation of NALCO. Its operation
has contributed immensely to the local income.

The Nasipit Lumber Company/Phil. Wallboard Company (NALCO-PWC) boasted of a

complete wood processing equipments and machineries capable of producing lumber
and manufacturing wood-based products of world class quality.

The distinctive “Lawanit” product is suitable for walls, ceilings, floorings and wood
frames. Other products include wood parquets, furniture, placarol doors and pre-
fabricated trusses supplied not only the domestic but also the foreign market. NALCO
was then considered the biggest logging empire in Asia.

NALCO brought about financial prosperity to the people of Nasipit. However, due to
internal problems and decreasing forest resources, NALCO had to close down its
operation in 2002. As seventy-five percent of the male population of the municipality
was employed by these two companies so their decline brought about economic
hardship to the entire town.

The Integrated Seaport in Talisay has helped to save Nasipit from financial difficulty
after the collapse of NALCO. It is currently managed by the Philippine Ports Authority
(PPA). Presently, it has improved its labor and transport operation.

Nasipit is a third class municipality in the province of Agusan del Norte, Philippines.
According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 41,957 people. The Port of Nasipit
is the major seaport or base port in the province of Agusan del Norte.
My Suggestion/s

As far as I have observed to the client I’m assigned with, the pupil is very hard to
handle because he is too difficult to make him follow me though sometimes he obey me
but not that often. Also though I already know that as what he’s grandmother/guardian
told me that Arabian people is quiet difficult to trained of I tried my best to accompany
him but sad to say that he is unstoppable, sometimes I got mad because when I told
him that we have an activity after his class he won’t show up, I have waited lots of times
he actually waste my time. Based on my observation also his grandmother/guardian in
his home tolerated him that much that he couldn’t listen to anyone everytime there was
somebody told him to read. Actually he reads but in the middle of the session he will
surrender and will told you to go home early. There are times time that I want to get
strict from him but I’m afraid that if I will do that his grandmother/guardian will mad at me
so I better keep begging him to read and I even told him that he will read and after I will
give him a chocolate but there is no effect. I got confused because he said he reads lot
of stories at home but when I let him read some stories at the library he won’t or can’t
read it, I don’t know why, maybe he feel ashamed because I am there with his side or I
don’t know what’s the reason. Sometimes I ask myself “teacher Icee can’t handle him
and did not succeed to make the pupil make better in reading how much more me, I am
just a student teacher?” Yes I am a student teacher and I know how to handle him but I
don’t know he would not cooperate, as I’ve said he cooperate but in the middle he
surrender, maybe he really don’t want to read.

My Recommendation/s

I suggest that there is somebody who can trained him very much and lots of time
and I think he/she should have that value of being strict so that the pupil will behave and
listen whatever the tutor will told him to do so. And one more thing his
grandmother/guardian should not always tolerate him not to read or even let him to play
and play. And also his grandmother/guardian will take on eye on him or give some times
or importance to trained him more to read.

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