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Non-conventional Free Energy Devices

Examples and Practical Applications

Compiled by Adolf Schneider, Nov. 22, 2009, Update Nov. 26, Update Dec. 7

Patrick J. Kelly, Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices:

Patrick J. Kelly, single chapters:

Complete book (27 MB)

Papers on Hydrogen-Hybrid and other systems:

Breakthrough physics sustains breakthrough power

Borderlands of Science Web Catalogue (english and german links) Geräte, Aufbauten, Experimente
(devices, designs, experiments) Materialsammlungen (material

Panacea University courses, research material
Invention of Valeriy Fyodorovitch Andrus
V.F. Andrus ist he Chief Engineer for one of the major machine-building plants. He is the author of the
Neutron Theory of the Universe, the Neutron Physics and the Neutron Chemistry.
He has created and bench-tested a generator with capacity of one kilowatt. You may ask me why
the capacity is so small. Because it could be handled by one man without any lifting devices and
because making of this generator didn't require any special equipment…But the more people learned
about my invention, the more interest it awakened, mainly from the criminal circles. They inquired
about the principles of operation and asked me all sorts of questions... At the same time the official
science and the corresponding state institutions didn't pay any attention to my appeals and treated me
as another mad inventor of a perpetual motion machine. That is why I decided to destroy the
generator. … for more details read the text in the link!

Stand Alone Flywheel Resonance Systems

Thesis: when a flywheel is driven with a series of pulses , it picks up additional energy from the local
environment. Examples, see: p. 1-14

Jim Watson Bedini like Generator not only powered itself, running standalone, but generated also 12
kilowatts of excess electrical power, see : p. 1-15

Chas Campbell, working quite independently, discovered the same effect. He found that if he used an
AC motor plugged into the mains, that i twas possible to get more work done that the amount it takes
to drive the motor. He used his motor to drive a series of shafts, ohne which has a flywheel mounted
on it. The final shaft drives a standard electrical generator and Chas found that he could power
electrical equipment from that generator, electrical mains equipment which required greater current
that his mains-driven motor did. The system even contuinued to run, after beein switched from
the main wall socket, powering himself and driving other equipment as well. Evidently there is
some excess (space) energy flowing in from the local environment., p. 1-15
and p. 4-1 to 4-6

Another inventor constructed a very flywheel with simple paddles attached around the rim of the
wheel. He then aims a powerful jet of water from a high-powered water pump, directly at the
paddles, driving the wheel round with a rapid series of pulses. The shaft, on which the wheel is
mounted, drives a standard electrical generator which lights an ordinary light bulb. The really
interesting part comes next, because he then unplugs the electrical supply to the water pump and
switches it over to the generator which the wheel is driving. The result is that the pump powers itself
and provides excess electricity which can be used to power other electrical equipment. p. 1-16
See also the video link below tot he self-powered-water pump-generator!

Motor-Generator-Kombinationen in resonance mode, see „NET-Journal“, No. 9/10, 2004, p.31-33 (text in german)

Hector D. Perez Torrez Rotoverter A.R.K. Research p. 2-30
The Rotoverter system has been produce by several independent researchers and it produces a
substantial power gain when driving devices which need an electrical motor to operate.
Foust, John W.: System for Zero Emission Generation of Electricity, US-Patent No.5,804,948

Permanent Magnetic Motors

Marjanovic, Jovan: Basic principles of construction for over unity electro motors and generators,
November 12, 2009,

Valone, Thomas: Permanent Magnet Spiral Motor for Magnetic Gradient Energy Utilization: Axial
Magnetic Field, see :

Shenhe Wang Generator

Shenhe Wang has designed and build an electrical generator of 5 kW capacity. This generator is
powered by permanent magnets and so uses no fuel to run. It has been demonstrated publicly, and
two of this generators have successfully completed the Chinese government^s mandatory six-month
„Reliabilty and Safety“ testing programme in april 2008. One large Chinese consortium has started
buying up coal.fired electricity generating stations in China in order to refurbish them with pollution-
free large versions of Wang‘s generator. Several companies are competing fort he right to
manufacture home-power versions of less than 10 kW capacity,
For more information, see : p. 1-9
Theoretical background and description of rotor/stator design

ZPE-Generator von Arie M. De Geus

Motionless Pulsed Systems

Don Smith is one of most impressive developpers of free-energy devices who has produces many
spectacular thins, generall with major power output. Don says that his understanding comes from the
work of Nikola Tesla. He remarks that you can pick up as many powerful electrical outputs as you
want from the one magnetic disturbance, without depleting the magnetic disturbance in any way. Don
has created nearly fifty different devices based on that understanding. One devices is commercially
produced in Russia. The device operates on a fluctuating magnetic field which is produced by a small
low-power DC motor spinning a plastic disc. Between the holes of the disc is an area which was
covered with glue and then sprinkeld with powdered neodymium magnetic material. It takes very little
power to spin the disc, repeatedly disrupting the magnetic field created by a neodymium magnet in
each oft he sixteen plastic pipes. On such device has an output of 160 kilowatts (8000 volts at 20
amps) from an input of 12 volts 1 amp. This gives a COP of 13‘333 (!)
For more details see: p. 3-22 ff p.5-17 to 5-19

High Efficient Electrolyzers

Dr. Scott Cramton and his team of Laesa Research and Devlopment scientis have been investigating
and advancing Stanley Meyers technology and they have reached an output of 6 litres hydroxy gas
per minute for an electrical input of 12 watts (1 A at 12 V), see p. 10-39. This gives a hydrogen output of 4 litres per
minute which corresponds to an energy amount of 4 l*3 kWh/l or 12 Wh per minute. Compared with
the electrical energy of 12 Wh/60 flowing in we get a COP of 60 :1. That means we need only 1/60 of
electrical energy flowing into the electrolyzer while the rest is coming from the environment. A detailed
explanation is found on p. 1-8


Free Energy - Power Generator

Rotoverter A.R.K. research

Self-Powered Water-pump Generator

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