Final Demo Lesson Plan

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Instructional Plan (iPlan)

Final Demo
Dumaguete City National High School
Section: Gumamela
Time: 2:10 -3:00 p.m

Name of Teacher Jezreel B. Gepana Grade Level 8

Learning Area MAPEH (HEALTH) Quarter 2nd
Analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood. H8FH-IIg-h-37
Competencies Examines the important roles and responsibilities of parents in child rearing and
care. H8FH-IIg-h-39
iPlan No. _____ Date Sept , 2019 Duration 50 minutes
Explain the importance of responsible parenthood, their duties,
and responsibilities as parents.
Creatively portray different ways on how to be responsible parents
Learning Objectives Skills
through different tasks.
Reflect on the importance of having a family and on responsible
Book, laptop, speaker, video clip, pictures, semi-flip chart, “thumbs logo”, strip
Resources Needed
cards and timer.
Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparation 1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
Introductory Activity 3. Review
4. Proceed to the lesson that will be reviewed.
5. Showing of the objectives.
Presentation The teacher will show a short movie clip about parenting habits. (3 minutes and 25
Activity seconds)

Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed in the video that was shown?
2. Which of the two parents you think is showing the responsible parenthood?
3. How can you relate the video in real life situation today?

After the video was played, the teacher will ask some questions to his students
Analysis about the video clip that was shown to them. The students will share their personal
insights related to the video clip. After the students shared their thoughts, the
teacher will relate those to real life situations. And the teacher shares his own
experience about how he was raised by his parents.

The teacher will introduce the topic using visual aids. The topic will be further
Abstraction discussed by the teacher.
1. Parenthood
-is the state of being a parent
-means being a father or mother of the biological child
-is a great responsibility or task
-is not a role which can be successfully played on the basis of chance
-is a status where responsible couples arrive at after making a decision to have
a family

2. Responsible Parenthood
a. is the will and ability to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family
b. is the series of decisions couples make to ensure the best possible life for the
family and for the community.
c. The ability of the parents to raise children in the Filipino way and to satisfy the
social, economic, and religious responsibilities of a family
3. Duties and Responsibilities of parents
a. Provide physical care and love
b. Provide education and develop social competence
c. Train children to become good citizens and inculcate discipline
d. Teach children to be financially responsible
e. Guide children to grow spiritually

The teacher will show pictures related to the topic and will distribute “thumbs up
and thumbs down” logos randomly. The students will raise the “thumbs up” logo if
what they have seen in the picture is showing good parenthood and the “thumbs
down” if it shows bad parenthood. The teacher will choose one student to explain
why he or she is using which logo.
Practice The teacher will divide the class into four groups. Each group will be given a strip
cards containing the assigned task. They must creatively portray or perform each
Application task on how to be responsible parents. They will be given 5 minutes to meet their
group and practice and another 3 minutes for their presentation.

Creativity 30%
Content 30%
Relevance to the topic 20%
Cooperation 20%
Total: 100%
Assessment The teacher will give 10 items of true or false.

Assignment On a short bond paper, write 3 paragraphs about your Ideal Family.

Checked by: Jorem P. Orcullo

MAPEH Mentor

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