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Mlecchas and yavanas!

Srila Prabhupada sent some American and European disciples to one of his sannyasi godbrothers’ ashram in
India in the late 60s’. However, this sannyasi forbid them to cook or to perform arotika; they were Westerners and
were thus too fallen to perform these services. Prabhupada never forgot this insult to his disciples: half a decade
later, when that sannyasi asked Prabhupada for a contribution, Prabhupada replied as follows.

September 7th, 1975

Dear […] Maharaja:

Please accept my obeisances. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 27, 1975 and have noted the
contents. Yes, it is Bhagavan’s special mercy upon me that I am getting such immense wealth. You will be pleased
to know that my books are selling to the extent of one million of dollars per month. But this money is coming from
the mlecchas and yavanas. That is the difficulty. This money is not coming from the brahmanas. Therefore I am
afraid to contribute to you as you request. How shall I give to you and pollute you?

They are all mlecchas, and you are a rigid brahmana, pukkha. So how will you accept it? If you like, you can hand
over the management charge of your temple, and my devotees will manage.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Yours faithfully,
Bhaktivedanta Swami

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