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that honour, don't hesitate as the spanish say, it is all yours, 'he waved a hand

to the surroundings. 'no, it is all yours,'she said, reflectively,

he r eyes slowly roaming about her. 'it is all you. iam glad to have been here, to
be as near as this to your real life. real
life is so comforting after the mock kind so many of us live, which singers and
actors live anyhow, 'she looked round the room again. 'i feel--
i don't know why it is, but i feel that when i m in trouble i shall always want to
come to his room. yes, and i
will surely come; for i know there"s much trouble in store fo me. you must let me
come. you are the only man i would go to
like this and you can think what it ,means to me -- to feel that iam not
misunderstood, and that it seems absolutely right to come.
that s beacuse any women could trust you -- as i do good-bye.' in another moment
she had gone, and he stood besid ethe table with the envelope
she had left with him. presently he opened it, and unfolded the cheque which was in
it. then he gave an exclamatian of astonishment.'seven thousand pounds!' he
exclamied, 'that s a better estimate of krugerism than i thought she had, it will
take much more than that, through, if it is done at all;
but she certainly has sense. it is seven thousand times too much for blantyre,'he
added, with an exclamation of disgust. 'blantyre--that outsider!'' then he fell to
thinking of all she had told him. 'poor girl--poor girl' he said aloud."but she
must not come here, just the same she doesn't see
that it's not the thing, just beacuase she thinks i masir galahad -- me!' he
glanced at the picture of his mother, and nodded toward
it tenderly. 'so did she always, i might have turned kurd and robbed caravans, or
become a turk and kept concubines, and she had never have seen that
it was so. but al mah must come here any more, for her own sake...... i'd find it
hard to explain if ever, by any chance
--' he fell to thinking of jasmine, and looked at the clock, it was only ten, and
he would not see jasmine till six; but if he
had gone to south africa he would not have seen her at all fate and wahlen barry
looked at him curiously, then, as through satisifed, he said, 'early morning
visitor, eh? i
just met her coming away, card of thanks for kind services au theatre, eh?' 'well,
it is n't any business of yours what it is, barry,'came the
reply in tones which congealed. 'no, perhaps not,'answered his visitor, tescity,
for he had had anight of much excitement and after all, this was no way
to speak to a friend, to a aprtner who had followed his lead always friendship
should be allowed some lattitude, and he had said hundreds of things less
carefully to by ng in the past, the past--he was suddenly conscious that by ng had
changed within the past few days, and that he seemed to have
but restraint on himself. well, he would get back at him just the same for the
snub,'it's none of my business, he retorted but it s
a good deal of adrian fellowes business--"what is a good deal of adrian fellowes
business?" al mah coming to your rooms. fellowes is her man.
going to marry her, i suppose,'he added, cynically. by ng s law set and his eyes
became cold. 'still, id suggest your minding your own business, barry.
your tongue will get you into trouble some day.... you've seen wallstein this
morning-- and fleming?'barry replied sullenly, and the day s pressing work began,
with the wires busy under the seas, at a few moments before six o clock by ng was
shown into jasmine s sitting-room, as he entered. the man who
sat at the end of the front row of stalls the first night of'manassa' rose to his
feet. it was adrian fellowes,slim, well groomed, with the
colour of an apple in his cheeks, and his gold-brown hair waving harmoniously over
his unintellectual head. 'but, adrian, you are the most sellfish man i ve ever
known, 'jasmine was saying as by ng entered, either jasmine did not hear the
servant announce by ng, or she pretended not to do so, and the words were said
so distinctly that by ng heard them as he came forward. 'well, he is selfish, 'she
added to by ng, as she shook hands. i've known him since i
was a child, and he has always had the best of everything and given nothing foe it.
'turning again to fellowes, she continued: 'yes, it's true.

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