Pogoy Case Study

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I. What is the case/problem all about?

Snoopze’s P.O. PLUS is now seeking a solution to growing and expanding their
business because they found out that it did not provide much opportunity for growth
and expansion. They have three major options on maximizing their profitability. First,
providing education and training for upper mobility that will help them identifying
current and outside employees that will continue to help expand the business
beyond it’s current capacity. As Snoopze’s adds facilities and more store locations,
there will be need for more management and director level positions. An because
of this scenario, the said company are in need of competent employees it they want
to success in expansion but at the same time, identifying and training employees
takes time.
Gradually, second major option of their expansion is their related service, as
stated in the context, the Snoopze’s originally had a service station which sold
gasoline and did minor auto repairs and eventually stopped auto repairs and find
themselves at a crossroad for future expansion which lead them to do things that
beyond the business’s limits and this is to offer some food for the customer as what
reflected in their sales that customers prefer to buy foods. And also think about
many ways of offering services including “to order” on site, M-T-O (Made to Order),
etc. And as expected, this option will cost a lot.
Last major alternative is the on-line ordering with options for pick-up and
delivery, from gasoline based-enterprise that sold snacks and prepare food items to
a food enterprise that also sold gasoline and finally to a wider range of
communicating to customers through online. The executive officers come up with
this idea due to techno-scientific advancement that is happening today that
consumers prefer to buy foods and do it their own house through online and this
option will eventually make the business do some outflow because of the creation of
the website and addition of employees to deliver the item and also the management
of orders.
II. What are the causes of the problem?
Major cause of the problem is their competitors, on the area in where business
is located, there are lot of copycats and also offers almost the same services as what
the said company offers and also the competition was developing from other similar
retailers and gasoline companies and this scenarios did not provide the company to
growth and expansion.
III. SWOT Analysis of the company.
The company begun the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
analysis, in analyzing their business, they had 25 locations scattered throughout
Pennyslavania that sold gasoline, confectionary items, cigarettes and limited offering
take-out food items for breakfast.
On the other hand, their analysis found out that their current business model
did not provide much opportunity for growth and expansion, even though they do
traditional retailing of buying what they sold from wholesaler and distributor that
provide a reasonable profit due to price discount, still the competition was
developing from other similar retailers and some gasoline companies that owned
and operated similar convenience stores.
Due to the result of SWOT analysis, the company needs to reduce their cost,
improve their operational efficiency and change from model base upon gasoline
sales and limited number of other snack and food items.
IV. How are you going to solve the problem?
On the proponents point of view, the first solution of this problem is reducing
the cost of their transactions. For example, the business has no transportation
facility in which they pay for transportation expense in delivering the items that they
want to sell. So the company’s best solution for this situation is to buy a
transportation facility, it can really release a vast cash outflow but eventually, it is
very useful in long run. The company must think of they ways that will provide
benefits not just for today but also for the future.
On addition, the company must also dig into leasing agreement specifically in
leasing a warehouse facility to lower its distribution cost and also for the sake of its
total quality management of the products.
And at last, one of the great solution is the innovation of the business, an idea
that provide services that other companies don’t offer the same. For example,
thinking outside the box, the said company just offers gasoline and foods, they might
also enter the world of E-commerce, an internet based business that have been
proven successful in last decade, it will attract many customers and has important
advantages over more conventional marketplaces, it is likely the concept of selling
low-value, low-margin and bulky items like groceries over the internet.
 Reducing Cost.
 Innovating the business.
 Change of location.
VI. Choose one best alternative course of action
The best alternative course of action is innovating the business. This involves
introducing unique products and services that will eventually exceeds the customers’
expectations. Innovation develops policies and practices to ensure that the products
are of the highest quality and that production and efficient.
This innovation are a result of listening to the needs of customers, making
products right the first time, reducing defective products that must be reworked and
encouraging workers to continuously improve their services. The said innovation will
also lead to process re-engineering that refers to creating a competitive advantage in
which firms reorganizes its operating and management functions, often with the
result that jobs are modified, combined, and eliminated.
VII. Conclusion: How will the case study relate our subject in a logistic perspective?
This case study is indeed helpful because it gives us lot of ideas on how to seek
for a solution on that particular problem and also it gives us knowledge on how to
build or start up a business that the goal is operating its firm in a long run and it
helps us realize to think of the ways about the development, implementation and
maintaining the business.
Consequently, this kind of study will also administer us on managing the
information that we receive that involves quantifying and interpreting its effects on
organization and other economic events, being responsible that includes strategic,
tactical and operating aspects, being able to control internal and external
information pertinent to various segments of organization, and also being able to
have right judgment of implications of events that involve choosing the optimum
course of action.
VII. References

 Businesss 101: Consequences of Trade Finalization by Sienna Kossman

updated January 25, 2019
 Unctad.org: Key Statistics and trends in Trade Policy 2015 by Tristan Nansen
 Internation Trade: International Trade aggrements
 Disadvantage of franchising business by Andra Picincu

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