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W08 Writing Practice: Quote Integration

Name: Joel Haro

In your Writing Lesson this week, you learned about the importance of avoiding plagiarism
through effective quote integration. You also learned about a simple and effective approach
to quote integration called the ICE method in which you:
● Introduce the source
● Cite the source
● Explain the source
Your Writing Practice last week involved identifying one credible source you could
potentially use in your upcoming Informative Essay (due at the end of Week 10). This
week’s practice will build on last week’s by asking you to take things a step further by
identifying a specific quote you could use and apply the ICE method to.
To complete this week’s practice, please fill in the required information below:
What Prompt Question did you select for this essay?
What are three steps people can take to avoid debt?
Create a quote introduction by indicating the who, where, and when, followed up by
a signal verb. Next, indicate which part of the quote you intend to share via direct
quote, paraphrase, or a combination of both methods.
In an April 2004 general conference, Elder Joseph B Wirthlin talked about Earthly Debts,
heavenly debts, he said “From my earliest recollections, from the days of Brigham Young
until now, I have listened to men standing in the pulpit … urging the people not to run into
debt, and I believe that the great majority of all our troubles today is caused through the
failure to carry out that counsel”.
Follow up your quote with a clear explanation that illustrates the significance of it,
analyzes it, or ties it back to the thesis or topic sentence.
Having debts since ancient times have brought problems to families and individuals that is
why the majority of people have long sought to avoid them, so there are many ways or
steps that we can find but some of these steps we can take are, making a record and classify
expenses, prepare a budget based on expenses and start using cash.

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