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WEEK 3 Turato, Kathleen Ysiel B.

Cultivating Inner 1. Know your higher self.

a. Differentiate between yourself

Peace versus your mind, ego, need or

past. Taking time to understand
who you are and what your values,
goals, joys, passions, your integrity
Achieving True Inner Peace that define you and make you
The path taken to find inner peace is as hard or authentic.
simple as a person makes the journey of self- 2. Unhinge from adrenaline.
acceptance to be. a. Adrenaline gives us a jolt of
superhuman energy when faced
Unflappable: a wonderful descriptive phrase for
with a threat. An adrenaline
inner peace; marked by assurance and self-
control. lifestyle can do sould damaging
things: overworking, being greedy,
insistence on getting ahead or
How to find inner peace? winning even at the expense of
relationships. Let go of adrenaline
dependency or risk losing your
1. Have nothing unresolved
health, your relationships and your
Clear up the larger unresolved issues
peace of mind.
personally and professionally that sap
your energy and create other problems in 3. Know what rattles your cage.
your life. a. There’s a reason you react and
understanding the truth behind
2. Surrender and accept what is
those feelings is the first step in
Stop struggling. Unhook yourself from the
addressing the problem or letting it
situation or person and view it from a
go. Asking yourself why you feel
detached perspective.
3. Take full responsibility for how you the way you do, until you know the
react to others real answer. Then deal with the
answer directly.
You choose your behavior. Choose who 4. Step over nothing, even the small stuff.
you want to be in all circumstances.
a. Don’t ignore even the little
Mentally prepare yourself and plan for a
tolerations or imbalance in your
calm, unflappable response even during
trying times. life. You may not be able to change
everything, but awareness and the
4. Become aware of and sensitive to ability to manage tolderations in a
feelings rather than ignoring them healthy way can bring you peace.
This means your own feelings as well as 5. Prioritize peace ahead of performance.
others. Don’t shove away feelings because a. Most profound impact of inner
peace is the peace it spreads to the
they are uncomfortable. Take time to
world outside of us. Peace
poke around those feelings to discover
between families, communities,
what is behind them.
and countries begins with each
5. Tell the entire truth individual. Inner peace is
contagious. As you find your inner
Be real. Lay it on the table in a gentle and peace for yourself, you become a
authentic way to yourself and others.
model for others and spreads the
seeds of peace everywhere you go. 4)Compassion
REYES, KATE ROIZ E. Compassion arises from a sense of
oneness and seeing ourselves in
another. Once we see ourself different
5 Spiritual Practices to and separated from everyone else this
Cultivating Inner Peace: causes suffering. Compassion, love,
kind and empathy to everyone created
1)Meditation peace and harmony within ourselves.
Peace of mind and inner harmony is This brings us closer to our true selves
obtain through meditation . Through this and we are more inclined to the truth as
we can silent our minds and void out all we are at peace.
the unnecessary thoughts. By
meditating more we start to become
more calm and relaxed both physically 5)Forgiveness
and mentally. This practice enhances The fundamental to our inner peace is
our awareness and allows us to fully through forgiveness as it frees us from
access a deeper meaning within all the bad ties and bondages. It sets
ourselves which can be fully at the state our soul free and let go the grudges that
peace. we hold for so long. Holding grudges
block off the flow of peace and we
continue to suffer. Forgiveness is
2)Surrender needed to find peace as we let go hate
The means of surrender is to let go of and anger. It also includes self-
the judgements, expectations or forgiveness and letting go of our guilt
emotions. Accepting the present for Nathaniel B. Geguillan
what it is and trust the universe for
whatever happens next without the
need for an outcome. In result, we allow
ourselves to open the possibilities life Despair
has to give and offer. We slowly change - A feeling of total loss of hope. It is a deep
in a way we see ourselves and our dejection and loss of faith about one's ability to find
perspective about the world. meaning, fulfillment and happiness.

The main reasons that can bring a person to

3)Breathing despair are pessimism, helplessness, lack of willpower,
self-pity and discouragement. It is these factors that
Breathing is uncontrollable and we do it can often lead us to despair, to complete moral
naturally. This is our main life force and
devastation, to a critical point. These causes are like
is subtle to the field of inner energy.
symptoms of the disease. And if we learn to deal with
Through the practice of breathing
them, we will be rid of despair as an unpleasant
exercises may help the calmness of our
mind and release stress. Somehow
inner peace is connected through Prevention is the strategy of dealing with
focusing on our breathing. The outcome conditions that lead to despair. It involves finding a
of this practice may lead to aliveness foundation that gives hope, especially in the midst of
and awareness. With each inhale we go circumstances that produce despair.
deeper within ourselves and through
exhale, we let go all that no longer
serves us. Many people find such a foundation through re-
examining their spiritual roots in order to discover
meaning and purpose beyond themselves.. extended family, your job, your
“It is the greatest good for an individual to discuss responsibilities, staying healthy, etc.
virtue every day...for the unexamined life is not worth ● Set goals for yourself on a daily basis.
living” – Socrates Make sure you have a new challenge
every day. It’s healthy to occasionally
Soldao, Shaira Mae R. tussle with a conflict you may have been
avoiding for years. It’s also healthy to try
new things that may feel scary to you.
Existential Despair: A Deeper Cause of Human ● Stop looking for guarantees in life. It’s ok
Anxiety to live with some uncertainty about the
When you experience this “existential despair,” future.
you are facing your mortal self and the unbearable ● Stop procrastinating. Take action. Make
truth of your finiteness.That’s why our life’s daily decisions and choices in your life
purpose and the responsibilities of each day, no and learn to accept those decisions.
matter how mundane help us survive. They ● Do not isolate. Make an effort to connect
ground us and prevent us from overthinking our with other human beings at least one time
ephemeral, perhaps meaningless existence. per day. Unless you are a monk,
remember that humans do not do well
alone. Socialize, interface, open up a
Self-Absorbed Solipsism conversation with someone, anyone.
Offer a kind word or a smile.
This kind of despair could also inspire a state of
● Avoid universal, big-ticket questions that
solipsism –an obsessed, preoccupation with our
have no immediate answers. It’s not your
own desires, fears and worries to the point of self-
job to figure out the secrets of the
absorption. It’s also the unfounded belief that the
universe. Stay in the inquiry, but, learn to
“self” is the only measure of truth. It’s a
live with the unknowns that you don’t
misguided, self-indulgent gauge of reality.
need to understand today.
● Remind yourself: I am not a victim. I am
not the product of my life’s circumstances.
Tips to avoid existential despair:
I cannot change the world, but I can
change my response to it.
● Don’t make everything that happens to
● Find a life purpose. WHATEVER that may you a commentary about your life. It’s not
be. It doesn’t have to be a high-minded, always about you. You are NOT that
virtuous one. Something you enjoy doing significant in the grand scheme of life.
for yourself or others. Dive into it with Live with that.
supreme tenacity and eagerness. If you
don’t like your current job, keep looking Flores, Ma. Eliza Desiree
for other avenues of employment. Be
open to new careers and projects that fill
your spirit with excitement. Maybe you are
in the wrong line of work.

● Do NOT allow your days to be filled with ➢ It can be conceptualized as a profound
extensive idle time. Structure your days and existential hopelessness,
wisely. Mental stimulation is vital to a
helplessness, powerlessness and
healthy mind. Life doesn’t have a remote
control. Change the channel yourself. No
pessimism about life and the future.
couch potatoes. ➢ It is a deep discouragement and loss of
● Focus on things in your life that you CAN faith about one's ability to find meaning,
make a difference in on a daily basis like, fulfillment and happiness, to create a
your marriage/partnership, kids, your satisfactory future for oneself.
Symptoms of Depression Instead of stillness and peace, you are now
holding onto and thinking about this little
➢ hopelessness
lingering “lie”.
➢ suicidality
When you are about to say anything, make a
➢ anxiety
conscious decision to say the absolute truth, or
➢ apathy
what you actually mean. The absolute truth
➢ anhedonia
doesn’t have to be harsh or hurtful, you can do so
➢ insomnia or hypersomnia
compassionately and authentically, but firmly.
➢ irritability
When you own what you say, no one can reject
➢ emotional lability
it, even if they don’t like what they hear; because
➢ chronic cognitive impairment
you are telling the truth and you mean it.
Francisco, Zyra E.
Part B: Mean what you say.
Sometimes we say things in passing out of
Anxiety obligation or habit that we don’t mean or intend
is a general term for several disorders that cause on following through with. For example, we say,
nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. “I love you” to our parents or significant other
This disorder when we hang up the phone, not because we
affects how we feel and behave and can cause mean it, but out of habit. The words comes so
physical symptoms automatically now, that they start to lose their
. true meaning.
Anxiety can cause people to give up on many of In another example, we will say, “I’ll call you
their beliefs. It can soon“, “let’s chat soon“, or “I’ll call you
cause people to feel like nothing is tomorrow“. Or we offer to help, as parting words
holding them up, and nothing is going right for to a friend, and don’t intend on keeping that
them. It can cause them to question religion, give statement, but say it because it was easy and
up on made the other person feel good.
spiritual practices, and more We may think that these casual comments are
harmless, but we know deep down that they are
not true. They become little lies that we
The 4 Rules to Quiet the Mind internalize, and over time they will develop into a
1. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. guilty conscience that distracts you away from
Part A: Say what you mean. this moment.
Have you found yourself making up excuses to Make a conscious commitment to yourself to
avoid fully dealing with a potentially mean everything that you say, and not to make
uncomfortable situation? empty promises that you cannot, will not, do not
For example, your friend asks you to some social intend to fulfill.
event. You don’t really want to go, but make up 2. Don’t say to anyone unless you can say to
an excuse that “I can’t make it” or “I’m busy”, everyone.
probably so you can quietly avoid something or Whether we admit to this or not, most of us love
someone or some activity. some form of gossiping (myself included). We are
It is not that you cannot do something, as your also quick to notice fault in others, and then talk
excuse suggests. The truth is that you have about them with our trusted allies. Or we find out
chosen not to do something, but the act of about someone’s misfortune and immediately we
creating an excuse or avoiding it initiates a stir in want to tell somebody.
your inner space, and it takes energy to maintain. I’m sure you can interject and include many
examples from your life. But for sake of • Useful or helpful to someone or some
conversation, one example is: Jenny, at work, had situation?
an emotional fit and yelled at a co-worker today, • Kind or compassionate? Such as a
and when we got home, we immediately told our compliment, or an offer of help?
spouse about the drama. Dineros
Make a commitment to yourself, that you will not
say something to one person, unless you can
announce it to the world, to everybody. Make a
commitment to stop the spreading of drama and
bad energy. What is Stress?
3. Don’t say inside, what you cannot say outside.
Most of us are extremely critical of ourselves. - It can be defined as the inability to cope
Because we would never tell the world what we with a perceived threat (real or imagined) to one’s
say to ourselves, in the privacy of our mind, we mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-
believe that we are the only ones affected by being, which results in a series of physiological
negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and anxiety. responses and adaptations.
When something doesn’t go perfectly, we are - or it can be either good or bad.
first to blame ourselves, criticizing what we did
Good stress
wrong, what we didn’t do perfect enough, what
we missed. - It is positively compels people to action
We all have inner chattering, but problems arise (ex. To study for an exam or a baby
when we start to believe in our inner chattering, learning to crawl.)
such that false beliefs about ourselves are Bad stress
formed. These false beliefs become detrimental
to our spirits and future wellbeing, unless we do - It results negative feelings such as
something to unlearn these beliefs. distrust, anger and depression. It can be
The basic premise of the third rule to inner acute or chronic and it may lead to a
cleanse is that, whatever thought you are not serious health problems.
able to say out aloud to people (anyone), don’t Examples of stress include:
even bother entertaining inside your head. Keep
- Financial
your inner space clean.
- Marital
4. Don’t say unless it is true, useful or kind.
- Work
Some people have so much inner chatter that it
- Health
spills out of them in the form of useless speech.
- Academic
Not only is this distracting for those around this
person, it takes an enormous amount of energy Stress has a significant effect on health. Because
for this person to keep talking. Recall the last it can affect the susceptibility to disease. It can
time you talked for a long time about something also affect the progression of disease. One of the
random, and how drained you felt afterwards. example of health stress is chronic stress which
Plus, the more useless things we say, the more has been linked to cancer, diabetes, obesity and
useless things we feed back into our head. alcohol substance abuse. In addition,
Be conscious of what you say and only say it if developmental abnormalities and neuro -
any of the following is true: degeneration can occur because of an overload of
• Is what I’m saying … stress.
• True to me? An authentic statement from With continuous stress the body becomes more
my heart? vulnerable to physical or psychological problems.
Long-term effects of prolonged stress can include interactions, having time for self and
hypertension, headaches, arthritis, adrenal others and communicating and learning
fatigue, decreased immune function, cancer, management skills (ee. Prioritising, time
peptic ulcers, infertility, ageing and reduction of management). In additionally relaxation
quality of life. can also be used to manage the stress
through meditating, praying, massage,
and doing a hobby that you enjoy.
Exposure to stressful situations is one of the most
Lastly it is important to become aware of
common human experiences. These situations
your stressors and your emotional and
can range in our daily annoyances and the
physical reactions. Learn how to
consequences of overstretched, time pressured
moderate your physical reactions to
lifestyles and etc.
stress. Reduce the intensity of your
emotional reactions to stress. To achieve
Why do people develop stress? more balance in their lives and to avoid
- Society has changed greatly in the last
few decades, most noticeable due to the Pangilinan , jamela
technology explosion. Not only is just
about any information available at your
fingertips through the internet, but
Loss/lack of spirituality
communication has become instant (e.g. ● Spirituality is an important aspect of
cellphones, emails, instant messaging). mental health.
● It can interfere with interpersonal
All these factors have not only made our lives relationships, which can contribute to the
easier, but it has subsequently created greater genesis of psychiatric disturbance.
pressures on us which causes of stress. ● Psychiatric symptoms can have a religious
Stress is actually a normal part of life. At For example: the loss of interest in
times, it serves a useful purpose. Stress religious activities is a common symptom
can motivate you to get that promotion of depression.
at work, or run the last mile of a ● Religious and spiritual beliefs are an
marathon. But if you don't get a handle important part of how many people deal
with life’s joys and hardships.
on your stress and it becomes long-
➔ Studies show that religion and faith can
term, it can seriously interfere with your help promote good health and fight
job, family life, and health. More than disease by
half of Americans say they fight with ◆ Offering additional social
friends and loved ones because of supports, such as religious
stress, and more than 70% say they outreach groups
experience real physical and emotional ◆ Improving coping skills through
prayer and a philosophy that all
symptoms from it.
things have a purpose.

How to manage stress? Turato, Kathleen Ysiel B.

It can be managed through

maintaining a healthy body through
exercise, sleep hygiene, healthy diet and
healthy relationships in social

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