Critique On The Enrollment Conforme

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Devela, Bruce C. 01-Mar-20

Critique on the Enrollment Conforme

The Enrolment Confrome comprises of the University of Santo Tomas’s Policy Guidelines
and Conditions. I believe that this is to maintain the positive behaviour in and out of the campus.
Rules instill a sense of discipline towards the students and thus maintaining order. A student of the
university would be responsible of representing the university’s image outside of school and due
to this, he or she should strictly follow the code of conduct of the university. The following are the
University’s Guidelines and Conditions: Honesty, Courtesy, Diligence, Good Grooming, Decency
and Modesty, Peace and Order, Camaraderie, and Care for the Environment. I do agree that these
rules and regulations should be implemented for various reasons which will be expounded on the
following paragraphs.

My thoughts on the policy Honesty, the first policy, is that as students, we should indeed
uphold the university’s Catholic and Dominican teachings which may be seen in the school’s
motto, Caritas in Veritatis, in which translates to Charity in truth.

For the second guideline, Courtesy, students should respect everyone at all times regardless
of their position or rank. Basic respect for one another is a basic human right. For example, a
janitor should not be treated lesser than a CEO or Chairperson.

Diligence is the third guideline which would hone students to be true scholars of the
university by displaying their interest and discipline in their respective fields. The University has
been champions of the PASMETH for the past 2 years. This indicates that there is no lack of
diligent and competent students.

Good Grooming is the fourth guideline which will display the students discipline in
following the rules through their physical appearance. Having a clean and neat look will make a
student more professional. However, I do not think that hairstyles and body piercings should be
limited to the rules and criteria mentioned. As long as an individual maintains a professional and
presentable look, he or she should be free to have his or own style.

The fifth guideline, Decency and Modesty, would also display the student’s discipline but
in this case, it is in terms of their actions in public. Students should be in the path of holiness and
Devela, Bruce C. 01-Mar-20

should not lack decency. The school should not be limited to individuals studying for their interests
but also for individuals who study not for their passion, but for the survival of their family,
especially when we are surrounded by poverty.

Peace and order are the sixth guideline that prevents any issues in the classroom such as
using electronic devices. In addition, brining of items such as drugs or weapons is not only
prohibited in the university but may potentially be illegal due to the danger and harm it may bring.

For the seventh guideline, Camaraderie when joining organizations would not only enable
the student to widen his or her horizons in terms interests, but also with peers with similar interests.
Organizational groups would instill a sense of unity with one another. Success and defeat would
be shared amongst the group.

Lastly, Care for the Environment is essential especially in our current era where climate
change is a serious issue. However, the university should implement stricter rules regarding
littering and proper trash disposals. Furthermore, cafeterias could use composite trash not only to
reduce trash but also to provide nutrient rich soil for plant in the botanical garden.

Overall, I am of the view that all these guidelines are crucial for the students in the
university as it moulds us into god-fearing scholars. Unfortunately, not all individuals follow the
aforementioned guidelines and may soil the images and reputation of the University. In order to
resolve this issue, stricter penalties should be implemented and superiors such as guards or
professors should not be lenient to rulebreakers.

The Code of Discipline consists of the offences and penalties for any violations of the Code
of Conduct. Although I agree with all the punishments and the conditions with it, I believe that the
university would not always bring justice. During my stay in the university, individuals that have
committed serious offenses were not properly punished and this is a great injustice to the victim
and his or her family.

In conclusion, the Code of Conduct and Code of Discipline are essential in maintaining the
royal and pontifical image of the university. I am in agreement with the aforementioned guidelines
and policies with only minor issues where I think the university may improve on.

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