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1. Mention and explain the characteristics of assets?

a) Economic benefits
To be referred to as an asset an object must contain definite future economic benefits. This implies that these
benefits are measurable and can be attributed to their ability to bring future cash flow or income through
economic activities
b) Is controlled by an entity
To be called an asset an object does not have to be owned by an entity but is sufficiently controlled by the
entity. Mastery here means the entity's ability to obtain, maintain / hold, exchange, use economic benefits
and prevent other parties' access to these benefits
c) As a result of past transactions or events
This criterion actually perfects the mastery criteria and at the same time as a criterion or the first test of
object recognition as an asset but it is not enough to officially recognize it in the accounting system. That
assets must arise from transactions or past events is to meet the definition but not the criteria for

2. Mention and explain the supporting characteristics of the asset. Why does the characteristic not prevent an
economic source from being called an asset?
a. Involving boarding
Obtaining assets generally involves boarding as an appreciation for football. If the boarding occurs because
the acquisition of an object occurs due to exchange or purchase, then the object is stronger to enter as an
b. Manifest
If an economic source can be observed physically, it is stronger to be called an asset. However, realization is
not a criterion for defining assets.
c. Exchange
Some writers put forward the idea or argument that to qualify as an asset, an economic source must be
exchanged with other economic sources.
d. Integral
These conditions are submitted in relation to exchange. To be able to exchange another economic source or
stand alone.
e. Legal strength
Mastery or rights over assets do not have to be legally supported. Claims such as trade receivables do not
have to be supported by documents that have legal force to meet the asset definition.
Because these supporting characteristics reinforce or convince the existence of assets but the absence of
supporting characteristics does not prevent an object from being qualified as an asset.

3. Why to be called an asset of an object does not have to be owned but sufficiently controlled by the
business unit? What are the ways to get control of assets?
Because the owner (ownership) has a legal or legal meaning. That is, to have an object is needed a process called
property transfer (transfer of titie). If ownership becomes an asset criterion, many items will not be included as
assets and therefore cannot be reported on the balance sheet. In other words, ownership as a criterion will result
in many items being reported outside the balance sheet (off-balance sheet). Therefore, the concept of mastery
(control) is more important than the concept of ownership. Ways to gain control of assets, namely:
1. By purchase
2. By gif
3. By discovery
4. By Agreement
5. By production / transformation
6. By sale
7. and many others like; by barter, by loan, by bailment, etc

4. An entity may use a road or ground water that provides economic benefits for the entity. Does the highway
or groundwater meet the definition of an entity's assets?
Roads or ground water are owned and controlled by the state, therefore it is not feasible if the entity recognizes it
as an asset, even though the entity feels the economic benefits from the public facility. And if the entity
recognizes it, this will cause overstatement of the company's assets and make it unreasonable. Roads or ground
water cannot be capitalized, in using both entities should pay taxes to the state and instead recognize it as a tax
burden, not an asset.

5. Why is soccer award the basis of determining the cost of the asset?
Because the acquisition of an object occurs due to an exchange or purchase, the object is stronger to enter as an
asset but the absence of a boarding house does not invalidate an object as an asset. In this basic concept is what
the buyer is willing to surrender and the seller is willing to accept as an exchange of goods or assets handed over
by the seller regardless of the amount of rupiah. In general, the award is in the form of cash or cash so that the
amount of appreciation rupiah will be the same as the amount of cash rupiah or cash handed over by the
business entity as a buyer.

6. What is meant by capital expenditure and revenue expenditure?

Capital expenditure is an expenditure of economic resources that measures the cost of an object recorded as an
asset. While Revenue expenditures are an economic source expenditure that measures the cost of an object
recorded as costs.

7. Mention the various valuation bases and under what conditions the basis can be applied to obtain valuations
that represent the meaning of asset items.
Basis of Assessment Information or Research Linked posts
Historical Cost Measuring the value of input assets Fixed assets in general
Wise boarding For determining public service Fixed assets / depreciation
Standard Boarding House For control in normal operating Finished goods and process
conditions preparations
Original Boarding House For determining public service Fixed assets / depreciation
Replacement boarding house There is an asset market with the Asset in general
same conditions
Estimated Value For company assets that continue Asset in general
to run
Fair value For determining public service Asset in general
NTB-LKN When input value data is not Ready goods
Kos hope There is an alternative that services Fixed assets in general
can be obtained part by part
Past Selling Prices Cash inflows are quite certain and Trade receivables and a number of
short term. goods
Current selling price Transaction costs or conversions Asset in general
are difficult to determine
Liquidity value If the set becomes obsolete or the Asset in general, especially stocks /
business unit will be dissolved securities

8. What are the three main characteristics of the obligation?

a. Sacrifice for future economic benefits
The sacrifice of economic benefits is realized in the form of transfer or use of business unit assets. Certainly in
the future it means that the amount of sacrifice rupiah can be determined properly. Likewise, the time of
sacrifice of economic benefits can be determined on the basis of certain events or at the request of another

b. The requirement now is to transfer assets

To be called an obligation, a future economic sacrifice must arise from the present necessity. Understanding
now refers to time and existence. This means that time is the reporting date (balance sheet). This means that in
the balance sheet if necessary or if forced the sacrifice of economic resources must be met because the
necessity for it already exists.
c. Arise due to past transactions
This criterion actually perfects the current must criteria and at the same time is the first test of the recognition
of a post as an obligation but it is not sufficient to officially recognize the accounting system. Past transactions
or events are criteria for fulfilling the definition but not criteria for recognition. So the sacrifice of future
economic benefits is not enough to recognize an object into the obligations of a business entity to be reported
via a financial statement.

9. Compare the definition of obligation according to FABS (in conceptual framework) and according to IAI / SAK
(in basic framework)?
The FABS defines obligations in its conceptual framework as follows:
Obligation is the sacrifice of reasonably certain future economic benefits arising from the present necessity of a
business entity to transfer sets or provide / deliver services to other entities in the future as a result of past
transactions or events.

IAI / SAK defines obligations in the basic framework as follows:

Debt is a company's obligation arising from actions or transactions in the past to obtain assets or services, the
repayment of which will only be done in the future, either by handing over cash, certain other assets, services or
by creating new debt.

10. The above events can be said to be transactions or events that can give rise to obligations because
obligations can be recognized based on the following conditions:
1) Based on the law
The legal basis for causing debt is a legal requirement for recognizing debt even though it can ofen occur
because of equitable obligations.
2) The use of the principle of conservatism
The principle of conservatism requires anticipating losses rather than gains. So the loss / debt will be
recognized immediately if there is a possibility. Recording of such debt losses is a generally accepted
3) The economic substance of a transaction
If a transaction in terms of its economic meaning have occurred, the debt can be immediately recognized
and reported in the financial statements. The economic substance is related to the relevance of accounting
4) The ability to measure the value of debt
Relating to information reliability. If the measurement of debt is very subjective / arbiter, then it is better
not to do the measurement and the debt is not recorded in the balance sheet.

In addition, in the incident above there are also CONTINGENT LIABILITIES

Contingent liabilities are:
a) potential obligations arising from past events, and their existence is certain by the occurrence or non-
occurrence of one or more events in the future that are not fully within the control of the government.
b) current obligations arising as a result of past events, but not recognized because:
(i) there is no possibility that (not prohable) the government will issue resources containing economic
benefits to settle its obligations
(ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured reliably.
In the event above the account that must be credited is cash. Because the obligation will reduce the company's

11. What does it mean that liabilities are mirror images of assets?
The definition of liability is a mirror image of assets is the understanding of asset transactions or past events
giving rise to the present mastery of obtaining future economic benefits, for assets while for liabilities they pose
the necessity of now sacrificing economic benefits of future transactions, events, or circumstances that can affect
assets and liabilities together. That is what is meant liability is a mirror image of assets.

12. What is the basis for measuring obligations at first recognition?

The most objective measurement basis for liabilities is cash or implicit cash costs. Because liabilities are a
reflection of assets. then the measurement also follows the measurement of assets. In general, liabilities are
presented in the balance sheet according to their order in line with assets. PSAK No. 1 outlines that current assets
are presented in the order of liquidity while liabilities are presented in order of maturity. PSAK No. I determine
that all liabilities that do not meet the criteria as short-term liabilities are classified as long-term liabilities, the
Criteria are
(a) is estimated to be completed within the normal operating cycle period of the company or
(b) is due within twelve months from the balance sheet date.

13. What are monetary and non monetary obligations? Give a few examples for each of these obligations.
Monetary obligation is the advances that will be compensated by the purchase of goods and services in the
future. Called monetary obligation because if the purchase of goods and services is canceled, the advance must
be returned. Meanwhile, non-monetary obligations are a necessity to provide goods and services with a definite
amount and time that usually arises because of the receipt of payment in advance for the said goods and
14. Name and explain the expectations expected by the user or engineer in the semantic level?
Performance Measurement. Because creditors and investors are the parties to financial reporting, it is assumed
that they have an interest in past information to evaluate the company's prospects in the future. Confirmation of
Investor Expectations Reporting engineering also seeks to provide information to ensure that the expectations of
investors or other users in the past about the performance of the company are realized. Thus, profits can be
interpreted as a means to confirm the expectations of these expectations. Estimator of Economic Profit On the
basis of accruals, recognition and deferment on the basis of the concept of effort and results as well as the
historical cost concept are processes that are very close to determining accounting profit. Accounting engineering
expects that accounting earnings will approach economic earnings or at least is a good estimator of economic

15. What is the difference between accounting profit and Economic Profit?
Accounting profit is based on the concept of business continuity which views assets as a service potential so
historical cost is the basis of measurement. Meanwhile, economic profit is limited by the concept of liquidation
which sees assets as deposits or stocks of value at any time so that present value is the basis of measurement.

16. Does accounting have to calculate and provide economic profits?

Because reliability is the target of accounting, accounting does not have to determine subjective economic
profits. However, accounting must try to present formulating accounting earnings that can assist investors in
determining economic profits in accordance with investors' perceptions

17. What is meant by the concept of capital retention and what are its advantages as a basis for defining profits
compared to the concept of competition?
This concept is based on the idea that an entity has the right to get a return / return and enjoy it afer capital is
maintained intact or recovered as before. The general expectation in business activities is that embedded capital
or investment always develops. This concept has important meaning or consequences in several interrelated
matters as follows:
a) Differentiate the return on investment and return on investment.
b) Separating and differentiating operational transactions in the broadest sense from funding transactions from
the owner.
c) Ensuring that profit that can be distributed does not contain a return on investment. That is, if the profit of a
period must be consumed / distributed entirely, the amount must truly reflect the amount that meets the
definition of profit so that the entity has the same economic ability as the initial ability.
d) Allows the determination of the amount of capital adjustments to maintain the initial economic capability of
the period due to changes in prices and purchasing power so that economic profits will be measured as well.
e) Allows the use of various valuation bases to determine the level of capital at a particular time.
f) Allows the application of the full asset-liability approach in the interpretation of earnings so that the accounting
profit figure will approach the economic profit rate.
Thus, profit is an additional economic capability that is marked by an increase in capital in a period that comes
from productive activities in the broad sense that can be consumed or withdrawn by the ruling entity / owner of
capital without reducing the economic ability of the initial capital". With the concept of capital retention, profit is
a consequence of measuring capital at two different time points. With this concept elements of financial
statements are measured on the basis of the asset-liability approach. So, it can be said that profit is a change or
increase in capital in a period.

18. What theoretical problems are related to earnings at the syntactic level?
This concept must be rationalized in the form of standard and objective accounting procedures so that profit
figures can be measured and presented in financial statements. Measurements in the broadest sense which
include recognition, recognition, and recognition procedures plus disclosure are problems at the syntactic level.
There are two criteria or approaches in measuring earnings, namely:
1) Transaction approach
Profit is measured at the time of the transaction (especially external transactions) which then accumulates
until the end of the period. Recognition of profits on the basis of this approach is the same as the recognition
of income the same as on the basis of the criterion and the same as the recognition of costs on the basis of
the criteria for consumption benefits. With the transaction approach, profits arise and are recognized when a
sale or exchange occurs.

2) Activity approach
Profit is considered to arise along with the ongoing activity or event not as a result of a transaction at a
particular time. With this concept, income (automatically profit) is stated to have been formed together with
the company's operational activities in a broad sense.
In their application the two approaches above do not stand alone but are complementary. Profit cannot be
recognized only on the basis of one approach.
19. What theoretical problems are the accounting concerns for the profit concept at the pragmatic level?
This level discusses whether earnings information is useful or whether actual earnings information is used.
a. Predictors of Cash Flow to Investors
Cash flow received or expected by investors will be influenced by the company's ability to create sufficient
cash to pay all obligations in due course, fund operating needs, reinvestment, pay interest and pay dividends.
Investors and creditors must predict long-term profitability. For this reason, investors and creditors need
information on past earnings to predict future earnings. That earnings are predictors of cash flow to investors
actually shows that earnings determine stock prices.
b. Efficient Contracting
Efficient contracts are contracts that do not cause much disputes and that encourage contracting parties to
carry out what was promised. The pragmatic aspect of earnings in efficient contracting is based on the idea
that contracts will be efficient if accounting earnings become criteria in the contract regardless of the
semantic aspects of the earnings. Thus, accounting profit has benefits because it can be used pragmatically as
a tool to achieve efficient contracts.
c. Management Control
Profit has an important role in a management control system. This system is designed to mobilize the
behavior of managers so that they maximize their interests or their divisions, but at the same time the
interests of the company as a whole are also achieved. Manager behavior is controlled through earnings by
linking compensation with earnings as a measure of performance.
d. Efficient Market Theory
Capital market reactions to information can be used to measure or test the usefulness of information. The
relationship between information and stock prices is discussed in a context called market efficiency. There are
three forms of efficiency, namely:
• A weak form, if the price of a security reflects fully information on the price and volume of past securities.
• Semi-strong form, if the price of a security fully reflects all publicly available information including financial
statement data.
• Strong form, if the price of a security fully reflects all private information that is not published.
e. Profit as a Signal
Profit is a means to convey signals from management that are not communicated publicly. Thus, profits have
important information content for the capital market.

20. How can we show that the profit figures are indeed beneficial for those intended by the accounting
In financial reporting there are profit figures that can provide information to help investors and creditors and
other users, both current and potential, in assessing the amount, when incurred, and uncertainty about future
cash receipts from dividends or interest and future cash gains from sales, redemption , or maturity of the
For example: For investors to determine the expectations of future stock prices.

21. Explain the notion of entity theory and describe and explain some entity theory?
Entity theory is concerned with determining who is considered most interested in an economic activity so that
the party has the right to enjoy profits. Because it relates to who is entitled to profit, entity theory (unity) is ofen
referred to as the theory of equity (equity theory). Entity theory is associated with participants in economic
activities, namely managers, employees, investors, creditors, government, and other entities involved. They are
the parties that ultimately receive benefits from the additional value arising from economic activities. Unity
theory also has implications about the objectives of financial reporting and the form or composition of the
income statement. Some entity theory:
 enterprise theory
With this point of view, the unit that is the center of attention for accounting is joint business activities that
involve various parties as part of economic activities. All participants bear all aspects of joint activities so
that they are referred to collectively as stake holders consisting of managers, employees, shareholders,
customer creditors, the government, and the community.
 business entity theory
The company is seen as a person or entity that stands alone, acting on its own behalf, and separate from
investors, creditors, and other external parties. So, the company is personified so that it is as if it can carry
out transactions and activities (of course through management and employees). The company is the center
of attention for accounting and is the subject of reporting.
 investor theory
Investors here are investors in a broad sense, namely creditors (long-term) and shareholders (preference
and ordinary). So, investors are the company's main fund providers. With this theory, the focus of
accounting is the two groups and both are seen as management associates not as outsiders as in the view
of business unity. In other words, companies through management act on behalf of investors.
 proprietary / stockholder theory
This entity theory views shareholders (ordinary and special) as the owner (proprietor) and becomes the
center of attention of accounting. Shareholders remain management partners. Assets are privately owned
by shareholders so debt is a must for shareholders. This means that shareholders bear all the risks
associated with debt.
 residual proprietary / stockholder theory
The concept of this entity views ordinary shareholders (residual equity) as the center of accounting
attention. This approach is actually no different from the point of view of the owner (proprietary concept)
described above. Only in this approach, the owner is an ordinary shareholder. Special shareholders are
considered outside parties so dividends for them are seen as expenses.
 commander theory
This concept is not directly related to the meaning of earnings but rather related to the presentation of
accounting data as a whole. This theory emphasizes his views on those who control the company's
economic resources without regard to ownership like the other concepts of unity.
 fund theory
Having two understandings that are designed together. Funds can be interpreted as cash (money), liquid
assets, or financial resources (financial resources) that can be used to fund an activity, program, or project
in order to achieve certain goals (specific). Funds can also mean a unit, container, or center which can be in
the form of activities, programs, or projects funded with such liquid assets.

22. What challenge do historical costs face in conditions of changing prices?

In conditions of price changes, historical cost accounting faces three problems, namely:
1) The Problem of Valuation
The problem of valuation is related to the basis on which to measure the value of the post at a time.
The problem of measuring units in price changes is related to the scale of measurement. The value of
individual or specific assets will change when compared to certain other assets even though the purchasing
power of money does not change. This change is caused by the use of different technologies or the ability
of new products that are higher. People's perception or taste of the benefits or value of certain goods can
also cause changes in value which ultimately affect the price of the goods. Such price changes are called
specific price changes.
2) The Problem of Measurement Unit
The purchasing power of money can change so that the monetary unit as a measure of value is no
longer homogeneous when related to time. This change in the value of the measuring unit occurs because
of changes in the general price level in a country's economy. That is, if the value or benefit of an item does
not change, the number of monetary units that can be used to obtain the same item will differ from time to
time because the purchasing power of money changes. In general, the purchasing power of money
decreases because of inflation. Accounting faces this problem because the nominal cost of the measured
rupiah unit is no longer homogeneous for a number of items, so the sum of vertical or horizontal boarding
costs is no longer meaningful.
3) The Problem of Capital Maintenance
The problem of holding capital in price changes relates to the type of capital that must be maintained,
namely financial or physical. Profit is the increase in capital in a period that can be distributed or enjoyed
afer the initial capital is maintained. To determine profits by maintaining capital, three important things in
measuring capital must be considered, namely the basis of valuation, the scale of measurement, and the
type of capital, especially in the event of changes in price or value. If the effect of price changes as above is
not considered, in a situation of attractive price changes, the calculation of profits on the basis of historical
costs tends to be more presented. This is due to changes due to price increases or to detention attached to
profit figures. The number of profits presented can result in a distribution of profits that exceeds the
amount that can leave profits to maintain capital.

In addition, the historical cost method shows that the financial statements of events that are late have
passed. Accounting is also arranged based on the principle of monetary units, this means that accounting
only provides quantitative and monetary data. Accounting only provides data that is material. While
inflation is an event that will come, which is influenced by previous events. Inflation that occurs in a country
will have an impact on the financial statements presented because the information is irrelevant and not in
accordance with the actual market situation.

To overcome the problems:

To overcome the problems, the model for dealing with this problem is the accounting of present values
whose measurement of value depends on the basis of the valuation adopted, namely the present cost or
the current output value. The difference lies in the presentation and interpretation of the amount of rupiah
to maintain capital in the profit and loss statement.
23. Mention and explain the characteristics of income.
1) Inflows or increases in assets
2) Activities that present a main or ongoing central operation.
3) Repayment, reduction or reduction of liabilities.
4) An entity
5) Company Products
6) Product exchange
7) Bear several names or take several forms. Resulting in an increase in equity.
Some of the above characteristics are said to be derivative / consequence derived from or implicitly contained by
other keywords. The characteristics of the third point to the eighth point is actually a translation or consequences
of the three previous characteristics. Therefore, it can be said that the characteristics of the first and the second
points are the consequences, supporting, or explanatory characteristics.

24. What distinguishes profit from income and is this distinction important enough?
1) Increase in net equity
2) Incidental ata peripherals
3) Other than those covered by income or investment by the owner or transactions related to the owner
Of the 3 characteristics above, the most differentiating from revenue is characteristic number 2 as opposed to the
main operation. The main operation in question is more associated or compared with activities that fall into the
category of funding and investment activities. According to IAI / IASC income and profits are included in one
definition of income. So, according to the IAI / IASC it doesn't really matter to these differences. According to the
FASB revenue and profit as stand-alone elements, so it is distinguished by the characteristics of the source and
differentiated from the main operation. So, according to the FASB it becomes important to distinguish
itcharacteristics of the first and the second points are the consequences, supporting, or explanatory

25. What is the relationship between the formation approach and revenue realization?
The relationship to be recognized revenue, revenue must be realized and formed. Revenue is formed by the
occurrence of all company activities. Revenue is realized by changing the form of the product into cash or other
assets through an exchange transaction.

26. Mention and explain the criteria for revenue recognition and what are the concepts underlying them?
The criteria for revenue recognition are as follows;
1. Realized or quite realized (realized or realizable)
Revenues can only be recognized afer the revenue is realized or it is quite certain to be realized.
Revenue can be said to have been realized when a product, merchandise, or other asset has been sold or
exchanged for cash or a claim on cash. Reasonable income is realized when the related assets received or
retained are easily converted into cash or claims for cash that are reasonably certain in amount.
2. Made / earned (earned)
New revenues can be recognized afer they are formed. Revenue can be said to have formed when the
company has done substantially the activities that must be carried out to be able to appreciate the benefits or
value attached to revenue. Compared to income, profit does not arise because of the formation process but
because of certain events so that the criteria are realized or sufficiently realized.
The underlying concept is the concept of homogeneity.

27. When or at what point in the process of forming revenue can an income be recognized?
If at the point where the buyer has signed the contract and has paid off his cash for the entire contract value. At
present, revenue has been realized but there is no revenue formation yet. It is during this sales phase that an
income can be recognized.
28. Is accretion income and can it be recognized?
Accretion can not be recognized as income because there is no realized income from assets (inventory) to new
assets (cash or receivables).

29. Why can't purchase cash discounts be treated as income?

Because cash purchases are included in the cost savings. If the purchase cash discount is classified as income,
then a new company is established and the company buys an item from a remote location and deducts the
purchase / discount, then it can be used as income. That would be awkward.

30. Sebut dan jelakan karakteristik-karakteristik biaya?

a. Outflow of assets, gross decrease in assets, decrease in economic benefits, using up of assets, comsumption of
assets, use of economic services, expired costs, aplicable cost to current period.
b. Ongoing major operations, profit-directed activities, for the purpose of generating revenues, creation of revenues,
earning activities.

31. Sebut dan jelaskan kriteria pengakuan biaya. Kapan kriteria tersebut terpenuhi?
Cost recognition is not distinguished from acknowledgment of loss. Recognition concerns the issue of
recognition criteria, namely what must be met so that the impairment of assets that meet the definition of cost
or loss can be recognized and problems when recognition is an event or event that indicates that the
recognition criteria have been met. Basically, cost has two important positions, namely:
a) As assets (service potential)
b) As revenue expenses (costs)

The process of charging costs is basically a process of cost separation. Therefore, in order for the information
generated to be accurate, the portion of costs that have been recognized as costs in the current period and the
portion of costs to be reported as assets must be clearly determined. There are two problems that arise in
connection with the separation of costs, namely:
a) Criteria used to determine certain costs that must be charged to current period income
b) Criteria used to determine that certain costs are deferred.

All cost can be deferred as costs if the costs meet the following criteria:
 Meet the definition of assets
 There is a possibility that enough to bring future economic benefits inherent in the assets can be
enjoyed by the controlling entity
 The magnitude of benefits can be measured reliably
From the description above, in general it can be formulated that based on the concept of matching, income
recognition. If the revenue recognition is postponed, the fee is also postponed. In order to overcome various
income differences regarding the recognition of costs, usually the competent authority issues certain rules for
recognizing costs.

32. Sebut dan jelaskan kaidah pengauan baiaya menurut Accounting Principles Board (APB).
This is stated by APB as follows
(APB Statement No. 4, prg.157-160):
1) Associating cause and effect (associating cause and effect).
Some costs are recognized as expenses on the basis of direct association with certain income.
2) Systematic and rational allocation.
If there is no direct way to associate cause and effect, some boarding costs are associated with periods as
costs on an effort basis to systematically and rationally allocate costs to several periods that are expected to
3) Immediate recognition (immediate recognition).
Some boarding costs are associated with current assets as costs because: Boarding costs incurred in the
current period do not provide any significant future benefits (discernible), Kos which are recorded as assets
in previous periods no longer have any real economic benefits, Allocating various good costs to the basis of
association with income or on the basis of the accounting period is seen as having no significant benefit

33. Jelaskan prinsip umum penandingan biaya dan pendapatan.

1) Recognition of income is not directly linked to costs because bookkeeping techniques do not allow this.
In other words, the matching process is not done on one income transaction but it is generally done at
the end of the year.
2) Transactions on revenue are generally not directly related to transactions with costs. For example, the
acquisition and payment of goods and services to produce a product does not always coincide with the sale
and collection of cash. But it could be related to expenses and income.

34. Sebut dan jelaskan berbagai makna depresiasi.

 Depreciation as a Fund Accumulation Process This understanding is based on the idea that to be able to
sustain life, companies must be able to replace physical facilities that are out of date. As a result, the
company must set aside funds from the income obtained. Recognition of depreciation fees does not
have a direct problem with replacement issues.
 Depreciation as a Recovery of Investment Conceptually the same as the above view but it is considered
that physical facilities are funded with debt. In order for a company to be able to repay its investment,
an allowance must be made by reducing the company's income by depreciation.
 Depreciation as an Assessment Process One of the semantic definitions is that depreciation is seen as a
decline in service potential during the operating period due to physical wear, benefit consumption or
technological obsolescence. Thus the decline in service potential during the period can be seen as the
difference in valuation between the initial service potential and the final service potential both
physically and monetary.
 Current Cash Equivalents On this basis, the decrease in the value of physical facilities is determined by
calculating the difference in cash equivalent value at the beginning and end of the period. This value is
the market price of the same assets in the same conditions as the goods. Here it is considered that the
purchasing power of money is stable.
 Discounted net revenue contribution With this valuation, depreciation is determined by calculating the
difference in the value of the discounted net income contribution flow at the beginning and end of the
period. The contribution of net income is the addition of cash inflows (income) due to investment in the
related physical facility. This valuation requires a discounted tariff information which is usually based on
the risk-free rate of return or the prevailing general interest rate.
 Depreciation as a Means of Kos Contribution with the Contribution of Non-Net Revenues Revenue here
is revenue generated by physical facilities reduced by the costs of operating physical facilities. This is
based on the idea that variations in income reflect variations in the absorption of physical facility

35. Jelaskan pengertian atau definisi ekuitas. Mengapa ekuitas didefinisi seperti itu?
In accounting, equity (or owner's equity) is the difference between the value of the assets and the value of the
liabilities of something owned.

36. Secara konseptual, apakah perbedaan anatara kewajiban dan ekuitas?

Liabilities are future economic sources while equity is a residual right to the assets of the company afer
deducting all obligations.

37. Sebutkan komponen-komponen ekuitas pemegang saham dan tunjukan hubungan antara komponen-
komponen tersebut.
Components of shareholder equity are in terms of historical occurrence and sources, shareholder equity is
classified on the basis of two important components, namely paid-in capital and retained earnings. Paid-in
capital is split into share capital as legal capital and additional paid-in capital and other components that reflect
owner's transactions.

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