Job Hopping

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NEW DELHI: Indians are the most ambitious lot in the world with eight out of ten employees in

the country likely to move to another organisation that promises them faster and better
development , says a survey.

According to Ma Foi Randstad Workmonitor survey, India continues to have the highest Global
Mobility Index score of 141 -- which means there is maximum employee mobility in India followed
by China and Mexico.

The Global Mobility Index by International HR Service Provider shows the extent to which
employees are thinking of changing their jobs on a short-term basis when compared to other
countries in the world.

Employees in the age group of 25-34 are most likely to change jobs, the report said, adding
"sustained and increased developmental initiatives will directly help in retention".

"Though the study reflects an increase in the mobility and a focus on promotion in the workforce,
it also brings to light the fact that employees would be satisfied with organisations that are better
equipped to handle their developmental plans," Ma Foi Randstad (India and Sri Lanka) CEO K
Pandia Rajan said.

The findings of the survey are corroborated by the findings of factual job change in the past six
months, where again, India scores are the highest followed by China.

Besides, a significant proportion of employees in India, China and Mexico are confident of finding
another job, the report added.

The survey further said that Indian businesses were more employee-focussed than in China and
world average. Chinese employees have expressed significantly less satisfaction with their
employers (50 per cent) than those in India (73 per cent), while the world weighted average is 68
per cent.

Moreover, Indian employees used the downturn better than their Chinese counterparts to explore
innovative methods for accomplishing their jobs and hence growing professionally. This was
despite the higher training investment in China (71 per cent) than in India (61 per cent), the report

The Ma Foi Randstad Workmonitor is a quarterly review of "mental mobility intent" of employees
and covers 25 countries encompassing Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas.

The effects of job satisfaction and perceived stress on the physical and emotional health
of Missouri physicians.

Williams ES, Hicks LL; Association for Health Services Research. Meeting.

Abstr Book Assoc Health Serv Res Meet. 1999; 16: 318.

Department of Health Management and Informatics, University of Missouri School of

Medicine, Columbia 65211, USA.

REESEARCH OBJECTIVE: As health care organizations continue to employ and contract

with more physicians, they are becoming increasingly interested in their well being. This
is due to the recognition that lack of well-being, manifested in greater dissatisfaction,
absenteeism, turnover, stress, anxiety, and depression, has direct large costs to health
care organizations. These costs are borne by the patients, payors, physicians, and health
care organizations. STUDY DESIGN: An initial three-page (long) survey was mailed to all
primary care physicians (MD and DO) licensed to practice in the state of Missouri in 1997
(n=5651). One month later, a short (1 page) questionnaire was sent to non-respondents.
The long survey received 1040 responses, for a total of 1671 usable responses, yielding a
29.5 percent response rate. A theoretical model relating global job satisfaction
(alpha=.84) and perceived stress (alpha=.76) to the physician outcomes of self-reported
health status, anxiety, depression, and burnout, and intentions to leave their current
position was tested by the use of structural equation modeling (LISREL 8). PRINCIPAL
FINDINGS: The model's fit to the data was superb, with the commonly used goodness of
fit indicators approaching their theoretical maximum value of one. Global satisfaction
most strongly related to perceived burnout and intentions to turnover, while having
smaller effects on perceived anxiety and depression. Perceived stress had particularly
strong effects on perceived healh, depression, anxiety, and burnout. CONCLUSIONS:
Both global job satisfaction and perceived stress have powerful, but different, effects on
important physical and psychological outcomes for physicians. Thus, it is important to
consider them as two distinct, but related constructs. As shown in previous literature, job
satisfaction drives intentions to leave the organization and makes a major contribition to
perceived burnout. Perceived stress also drives burnout and has large effects on
perceptions of anxiety and depression. Interestingly, increased perceived stress also
seems to related to poorer perceptions of overall health. IMPLICATIONS: Given the
movement of physicians and other clinical personnel into increasingly bureaucratic
structures, managers must begin to understand and effectively manage the work
environment of their clinical professionals. This concern should be highlighted for
managers by the relationship that stress and satisfactions have on such outcomes as
patient satisfaction, suing behavior, and turnover, all of which have potentially large
costs for health care organizations. Given the new emphasis on the collection of data
relevant to clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, it would also make sense to pay
attention to the collection of data on the staff of health care organizations, especially
physicians. Such measures could be used, in the manner that financial data is currently
used, to manage more effectively the increasingly valuable human assets of health care
organizations. Such a management information system could be a competitive advantage
in the increasingly competitive marketplace, and help to attract quality medical staff.

Publication Types:
• Meeting Abstracts


• Anxiety
• Attitude of Health Personnel
• Data Collection
• Depression
• Emotions
• Health Personnel
• Humans
• Job Satisfaction
• Mental Health
• Missouri
• Personal Satisfaction
• Personnel Turnover
• Physicians, Family
• Questionnaires
• Stress, Psychological
• Workplace
• hsrmtgs

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