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Eckman, James P. Biblical Ethics: Choosing Right in a World Gone Wrong. Illinois: Crossway Books, 2004.

Geldard, M. D. “Work,” in Encyclopedia of Biblical & Christian Ethics, rev. ed., ed. R. K. Harrison.
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1992.

Hybels, Bill Christian in the Marketplace. England: Victor book Publications, 1986.

Nelson, Tom Work Matters. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2011.

Preece, Gordon “Work,” in The Complete Book of Everyday Christianity: An A-To-Z Guide to Following
Christ in Every Aspect of Life, ed. Robert J. Banks and R. Paul Stevens (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity
Press, 1997), 1124

Raymond O. Bystrom, “God as Worker: How it Affects Life and Ministry,” Direction 32, no. 2 (Fall 2003):
169, 171n8,

Smith, R. Nancy. Introduction to Workplace Spirituality: A Complete Guide for Business Leaders. Peabody:
Axial Age, 2006.

Stevens, R. Paul. The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 2000.

Volf, Miroslav, “God at Work.” Word & World 25. November Fall 2005.

Wintle, Brian etal, Work Worship Witness. Bangalore: Theological Book Trust, 2003

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