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“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become

like little children, you will never enter the

kingdom of heaven.”


The Mission
found in all the different religions and there are two approaches that I know
A person is not a “Born philosophies or is the truth exclusively to having a relationship with the Deity.
Again Christian” who is embodied in Christianity as we practise There is the horizontal or indirect
it? Can we say with absolute approach which is based on the culture
one only outwardly, nor is confidence that no-one with integrity, of the organisation. These are  the
baptism merely outward sincerity and true devotion to our accepted beliefs and rituals of that
GOD, our creator, will belong in any particular organisation. Then, there is
and physical. No, a person religion other than Christianity? the vertical or direct approach which is
is a “Christian” who is one the awakening in the presence of God
In most religions, especially Christianity, through an inner spiritual experience.
inwardly; and baptism is
baptism of the heart, by
the Spirit, not by doctrines Content:
and dogma. Such a The Mission 1-3
person’s praise is not from
Twelvesprings Foundation and Poverty in Africa 3-4
other people, but from
God.” Supporting Sickle Cell Anaemia Sufferers 4
Our Members and Their Families 4
What is the purpose of life?
Does any one organisation monopolise
the truth? Can the truth about God be

The Twelvesprings Just as I see His majesty in nature, so do I observe His grace in the lives of certain
exemplary and inspirational individuals. There are a few of these, but the one who
Sanctuary embodied most perfectly in his material form the total majesty, love and grace of
the Creator, the one whose life is such a persuasive metaphor for truth and selfless

love, the one who raised my consciousness to experience this spiritual light and
truth is Jesus Christ the Messiah.
What does all these mean in
real spiritual experience, if
they will not be just empty Questions to
sterile gestures?
In humility let us
consider the true
meaning of these:

1. Christ, the Light of the World

Christ, the Light of the world, said we
are the light of the world too. What
does that mean?

2. The Way
Is the Way, the Truth and the Life that
Christ is a spiritual reality that has
been from the beginning with God, or
is it a Christian tradition, solely
embodied in Jesus?

This is the experience that confirms ‘the spiritual experience, if they will not be 3. Who are the Children of God?
just empty sterile words?  14 For those who are led by the Spirit
truth” about God in a personal way to
of God are the children of God.
the devotee. In Christianity, this latter
Romans 8:14. Can you be led by the
approach is through developing an The way to the Father is first and
Spirit of God if you are in other
awareness of the Holy Spirit of God in foremost through the inner spiritual
you. This is the “comforter” that realisation and confirmation of who the
Son is in you and not just a blind belief
accompanies, counsels and reminds the 4. Our Glass House
in doctrines, rituals and other cultural
disciple of the teachings of Jesus Christ Why are we throwing stones at other
activities (see Romans 2:25-29) . In
in every moment of his conscious Matthew 16:13-17 when Peter told people’s faiths when Jesus said: “Do
living, thereby keeping the truly not judge, or you too will be judged.
Jesus that He was the Messiah, His
devoted follower constantly spiritually For in the same way you judge
reply was to declare that blood and
others, you will be judged, and with
awake in the inner sanctum and in a flesh, that is human ways, cannot reveal
the measure you use, it will be
close relationship with God. To such a such, it is only through communion with
measured to you.”
devotee, the horizontal approach is the Father in the Spirit that one can
merely tradition, different cultural know this truth. God is spirit, and to
4. Salvation
methods that hint in their disparate know HIM, one has to enter into the
Salvation is freedom from the sin
spirit, His Holy Spirit in us, it is not by
ways at their various ideas of who God body and redemption into a New
being a “christian”, (or a Jew as Paul
is and what their holy book says about Heaven and a New Earth by doing
said to those hypocrites in Romans
Him. 2:25-29). (see also Matthew 7: 21-23 God’s will. Christians know this
through Jesus Christ our Lord and
and Mark 7: 6-8). One can effectively
As a Christian, the life, the death and Master. Can others know this in
paraphrase Jesus and Paul by saying:
the resurrection of Jesus Christ woke me different religious traditions?
“Not everyone who says to me ‘I am a
up from the darkness and death of the Christian’ will enter the kingdom of
spirit caused by the original sin of heaven. Being a Christian has value if
Adam and Eve, and my own personal you do the will of my Father who is in
imperfections which manifest through heaven. Many will say to me on that
“the ego”, “the mundane everyday day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy
self”. The message encoded in His in your name and in your name drive Announcements
parables, lifestyle and values define out demons and in your name perform
THE WAY to THE FATHER. This is how I We make videos of personal life
many miracles?’ Then I will tell them
came to understand who Christ is, as testimonies. If you have interesting or
plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from
the name of the one who dwells in me powerful stories of encouragement
me, you evildoers! If you do not do the
as my Light, my Spiritual Consciousness, you want to share please contact us
will of my Father who is in heaven, you
my Life in Full (see John 1:1-13 and on:
have become as though you had not
John 10:10). This is redemption, this Tel: 0117 959 1985, or
been baptised. So then, if those who
spiritual enlightenment which is THE Mobile: 0750 361 4937
are not baptised do the will of my
WAY to THE FATHER, THE TRUTH and Father who is in heaven, will they not
THE LIFE. Christ is the one with whom I be regarded as though they were
am ONE just as He is ONE with the baptised?  The one who is not
Father. baptisised physically and yet does the
will of my Father who is in heaven will
What does all these mean in real condemn you who, even though you
It has given me great joy to
find some of your children
Fellowship walking in the truth, just as the
Father commanded us

In the company of God

our Father through His
Spirit in all of us!

Worshipping with Songs and Praises

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all
ye lands. Serve the Lord with
gladness: come before his presence
with singing. Know ye that the Lord
he is God: it is he that hath made us,
and not we ourselves; we are his
people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise: be
thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is
everlasting; and his truth endureth to
all generations.

Feeding Children on the Word

It is our family practice to spend
have the doctrines and baptism, are a hypocrite.
quality time together with our children
feeding on the Word of God, seeking
the wisdom and guidance of the Holy A person is not a “Christian” who is one only outwardly, nor is baptism merely
Spirit for a deeper understanding of outward and physical. No, a person is a “Christian” who is one inwardly; and
the Life within the Word. baptism is baptism of the heart, by the Spirit, not by doctrines and dogma. Such a
person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.”
The Spirit of the Word
The Word created the world. It is the As followers of Jesus Christ, we are taught by Him, through His Word and through
Light of Man, the Consciousness of the Holy Spirit, how to prepare ourselves for this devotional life (Matthew 10:38),
God in man. Why is our world how to follow the Way that is the Truth and the Life, and that Way is one with the
shrouded in so much darkness, why? Will of God, how to walk intimately with God in humility (see Matthew 11: 28-30).
That is why we call Him our Lord and Master. Now that we know the Way, the
Rejoicing in Heaven object of our longing is to live in humility, daily praying, studying, meditating and
Only the truth can set us free and practising the attributes of God. The Way to the Truth, to the Life, to the Father, is
empower us to be effective vessels of through these spiritual disciplines, practising the attributes of God, doing His Will
the Holy Spirit. Let the few who find and not by just being “christians” the horizontal way, or judging others for not
the narrow gate be bold with the truth being”christians”. Judgment is for God. Jesus Christ will always be our Lord and
that there may be joy in Heaven when Master because He showed us the Way. This is why we are called Christians. Read
the Light of this truth shines brightly Matthew 7: 21-23, Romans 2:25-29 and Mark 7: 6-8 again.
upon humanity to mark the return of
our Saviour. Okay, so now we know that being “christian” as a tradition or cultural practice is
not what brings us to the Father. The BIG question is, can you come to realise who the Son is and pursue the Way the Truth and the Life that leads to an intimate
relationship with Father without being a “Christian”? Can all these be found, albeit
with different labels or names, in other religious traditions? That is the big question.

Support Us
Our mission is to awaken the Twelvesprings Foundation and Poverty in Africa
consciousness of the world to the
Spiritual Message of our Lord Jesus We have formed local mutual support groups in Lagos and Ibadan, Nigeria. They
Christ and to extend God’s Grace to meet regularly to share and partake of each others unfolding stories of life. They
all in need, particularly in Africa. support and encourage one another with the love and the strength of Christ through
whom we can do all things.
Please support our efforts with an
annual donation of £25.00. Make Last year, a local group in Lagos helped one of it’s members to purchase a motor-
cheques payable to Twelvesprings
cycle with which he can earn a living to support his family. Another encouraged a
member whose daughter suffers from sickle cell anaemia to overcome the stigma
and to pay her medical bills. We also have a microfinance programme that enables
our members to access funds for their small businesses. These are just some of our
contributions to alleviating poverty in Africa.
‘Sina Haastrup
Leaders of Founder

Twelvesprings Marion Haastrup

Head of Administration


Supporting Sickle Cell Anaemia Sufferers

Health Information
A Devastating Disorder There are three common types of sickle cell
Sickle Cell Anaemia is the most 1. Hemoglobin SS or sickle cell
devastating genetic disorder on the continent anemia Winter Infections
of Africa. It is a relentless killer amongst 2. Hemoglobin SC disease A healthy diet may help strengthen
people of African, 3. Hemoglobin sickle beta- the immune system and give your
Asian, Mediterranean body the best chance of fighting cold,
Each of these is characterised by lifelong
and Middle Eastern which is also natural.
episodes of severe pain and complications
origin. It kills its victims resulting in stroke, damage to vital internal
one day at a time. organs causing early death. Yet, in our post- Indications are that giving people
modern world of powerful multimedia, sickle large quantities of vitamin c the
Normal red blood cells cell anaemia sufferers languish in obscurity moment that cold symptoms appear
are round, and they while “glamorous” diseases like AIDS may be of some
move through small blood tubes in the body receive all the attention and support. Join us benefit. It has been
to raise the profile of sickle cell anaemia, so found that for some
to deliver oxygen. Sickle red blood cells
we can help bring relief to sufferers. people, taking between
become hard, sticky and shaped like sickles.
500 –1000mg of
When these hard and pointed red cells go vitamin C a day could
through the small blood tube, they clog the help to lessen the
flow and break apart. This can cause pain, Support for our Members severity and possibly
damage and a low blood count, or anemia. and Their Families the duration of a cold. Researchers
feel that these effects could be due to
There is a substance in the red cell called Our Micro-Finance programme is the vitamin C in the blood boosting
hemoglobin that carries oxygen inside the designed to encourage our members to interferon levels thus helping to
cell. One little change in this substance protect cells from viral attack.
develop a savings culture along with
causes the hemoglobin to form long rods in
the honourable habit of keeping Vitamin C intakes can be increased
the red cell when it gives away oxygen.
These rigid rods change the red cell into a promises. In Phillipians 4:8, Paul through foods and drinks such as
sickle shape. counsels us wisely about thinking and citrus fruits and juices, kiwi fruit,
doing the right thing. Life is meant to be sweet potatoes, peppers,
This condition is inherited from both parents a rich experience of God’s Grace for blackcurrants, green leafy vegetables
who may be carriers with sickle cell trait or and exotic fruits, such as guava, or
everyone. Our role is to ensure that we certain foods fortified with vitamin C.
parents with sickle cell disease, and it is
present for life. are receptive to these blessings by Supplements of vitamin C may also
attuning ourselves to His will. In loving be considered.
A simple blood test called the hemoglobin Him, we have abundant love. In being
electrophoresis can be done by the doctor. However, prevention is always better
good stewards we have profitable
This test will tell if you are a carrier of the than cure.
sickle cell trait or if you have the disease. returns. In not judging others and
Other types of traits that may be discovered situations we are not judged. In sowing TWELVESPRINGS SANCTUARY
include: Hemoglobin C trait, Hemoglobin E good seeds we reap fullness of life. In
trait, Hemoglobin Barts - which indicates an being like Him, our world is 134 MARISSAL ROAD
alpha thalassemia trait transformed in a heavenly way. HENBURY
Sickle cell trait is a person who carries one
sickle hemoglobin producing gene inherited We encourage you to join a local UNITED KINGDOM
from their parents and one normal Twelvesprings group whereever you
hemoglobin gene. Normal hemoglobin is TEL: +44 (0)117 959 1985
are and with the mutual support given
called type A. Sickle hemoglobin called S. MOBILE: +44 (0)750 361 4937
by the group, individuals, families and
Sickle cell trait is the presence of BLOG:
hemoglobin AS on the hemoglobin communities are enriched with the WWW.TWELVESPRINGSFOUND
electrophoresis. This will NOT cause sickle goodness of our God. ATION.WORDPRESS.COM/
cell disease.

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