I.O. Recap 2016 For LT

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2 (202-11 and 202-30) Juvenile Room

I.O. 1 is Captain’s
They made many changes for Captain in the A.G., all we need to look at is; duties, you don’t
202-11 Operations Coordinator need to look at it.

 Personally inspect youth room and note in your daily CLE re; command inspection.
202-30 Youth Officer
 Maintain youth room; ensure cleanliness, suitability for youths & availability of required resources.
Clear room of unnecessary clutter and equipment and report deficiencies to operations coordinator.

I.O. 3 (205-36) EEO

Adds to the list of protected status;
 Consumer credit history (for certain titles)
 Familial status (parent or guardian of a person under 18 years of age who is living with them).

I.O. 4 (219-03) Repair to Department Vehicles

Operator no longer makes appointment and there are no longer any paper forms to fill out.
 The entire procedure is new so let’s just cover the whole thing right now;
RMP Operator
 Notify D.O. for routine maintenance, inspection, or need for repair other than preventive maintenance.
o Repairs include but are not limited to A/C, broken glass, other non-routine maintenance.
o For minor repairs to inoperative Dept vehicles, may request Fleet Services’ Roadside Repair
either through Support Services Bureau’s online app on LAN or by calling Dept Tow direct.
Desk Officer: Designate MOS to take the steps below.
Designated MOS
 Logon to Support Services Bureau (SSB) app on the LAN & select “Fleet Services.”
 Sign into system using Windows/Email I.D. & password and select “CMD” options.
For routine maintenance and/or inspection,
 Select “Request PM/INSP Appointment,” enter all applicable captions and submit.
o Ascertain pickup date at “View Status” in “CMD” option. When ready, it’ll say, “Complete.”
For vehicle requiring repairs,
 Select “Submit Vehicle” and enter 6 digit vehicle number and select problem from drop-down menu.
 “Comments” must get further description of the problem along with exact location of the vehicle and
exact location of the keys. Ensure vehicle & keys are made available for roadside repair upon arrival.
 FSD will either dispatch Roadside Repair OR Department Tow.
Desk Officer
 CLE with time of arrival and departure of Roadside Repair Operator with vehicle number & if repair
made or, if not, that Department Tow will be required.
Windshield or Glass Repair
 If windshield or other glass is cracked, description of the damage will be noted in “Comments” area.
This will be useful in determining if the windshield glass can be repaired on-site (Borough Service
Station or command), or if the vehicle will have to be removed to an authorized glass repair facility.
 FSD will contact command directly for glass repair & tell us to either take the car to an authorized
glass repair place OR that a mobile glass repair unit will be dispatched.
Air conditioning problems
 The roadside repair technician will determine if the air conditioning can be repaired on-site or if the
vehicle will need to be removed to a designated FSD repair facility.
Dept vehicle requiring repair by outside agency, either under warranty or contractual agreement
 First deliver to Borough Service Station for inspection and recording of type of repair needed.
 Return vehicle to Borough Service Station upon completion of repairs no later than next business day.
 When moving vehicle to an authorized repair facility or returning to command, notify radio dispatcher

I.O. 5 (202-14) Desk Officer Duties re; DAS-AVL System

Now the D.O. must include the tax numbers and RMP numbers in the daily DAS entry.
 Where it used to say “correlate vehicle information to daily sector assignments” It now says;
o “Provide vehicle information (RMP#, scooter #, etc.) of all daily assignments by entering tax
identification numbers of MOS assigned.
 Also where it used to say “After roll call” it now says;
o “Upon completion of Roll Call AND as changes occur throughout the tour.
So this is how the step (13) reads now in 202-14, Desk Officer
 Log into the Domain Awareness System and provide vehicle information (e.g., RMP number, scooter
number, etc.) of all daily assignments by entering the tax identification numbers of members assigned
upon completion of roll call and as changes occur throughout the tour.
I.O. 6 (212-67 & 212-74) Community Clergy
Adds this paragraph to additional data in 212-67, Police/Clergy Program
 In accordance with 212-74, “Community Notification Protocol,” designated clergy liaisons will be
notified for unusual, newsworthy, or sensitive incidents with potential for community concern/unrest.

I.O. 7 goes in the A.G.

I.O. 9 (204-04) Frisk Gloves I.O. 8 goes in the O.G.
OPTIONAL Black leather gloves that are puncture and cut resistant with a thin snug fit.
 Only worn by UMOS while frisking or searching a suspect/prisoner, or duties in hazardous areas.
 NOT authorized to be worn on routine patrol.

I.O. 10 (212-57) Service of OOPs

New Sheriff in town
We no longer receive a package of OOPs from the Borough on a letter of transmittal.
 This is now the Sheriff’s business –it’s a civil process. So people are told to go to the Sheriff.
 BUT, if an individual does come to us, we’ll accept it and fax it to the Sheriff…
o BUT if the Sheriff’s office is not open (they work Mon-Thurs, 0300 x 2300 and Fri, 0500 x
2300) we will serve it, same as we did before.
If unable to serve
o That form is no longer mentioned in the procedure, now it’s just an A/L entry.
Desk Officer
 We used to keep attempting to serve for 6 consecutive tours, then send it back.
o NOW we attempt to serve on consecutive tours until Sheriff re-opens, then we fax it to them.
If we do serve it
 The UMOS who serves it gives a photocopy of the STATEMENT OF PERSONAL SERVICE to the DVPO.
That’s not new. The change here is, the DVPO no longer sends it to the Borough;
o DVPO sends the STATEMENT OF PERSONAL SERVICE direct to court
I.O. 11 (210-07) Sexual Assault/Harassment of a Prisoner in Our Custody
This is now added to the list of prisoner “unusual occurrence” in 210-07;
 Prisoner (in custody of our Dept) sexually assaulted or sexually harassed or alleges that they were
sexually assaulted or sexually harassed by another prisoner or any other person.
And in 207-06 & 208-69
 Desk Officer email Criminal Justice Bureau (CJB) at cjb@nypd.org for complaint of/arrest of sexual
assault or sexual harassment of a prisoner while prisoner in custody of this Department.
And in 210-01
 The Department has a zero tolerance policy toward (the above).
 Any instance or allegation (of the above) will be immediately reported to a supervisor and 210-07,
“Prisoners – Unusual Occurrence” will be complied with. Also separate prisoner from the alleged
offender and provide medical attention if appropriate.
I.O. 12 goes
I.O. 13 (212-105) Search Warrants in the A.G.
Where it says you should show a copy of the SW to any occupant requesting, they added;
 In New York State, members of the service do not have a legal obligation to show an occupant of a
premise a copy of a search warrant unless requested to do so, safety permitting.
I.O. 14 goes
in the A.G.
I.O. 15 (202-19a) Traffic Safety Sergeant
 Perform tours at direction of C.O, report to the D.O. for start of tour entry in Command Log.
 Supervise traffic safety officer (TSO) and other members of command as directed by C.O.
 Attend patrol borough traffic safety meetings with TSO.
 Ensure borough level training is attended by newly assigned precinct TSOs.
 Monitor and review all PARs. Review and analyze TRAFFIC INTELLIGENCE REPORTS
 Supervise and review the precinct Traffic Safety Plan and Emergency Plans ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C.’
 Review prepared statistical data for Trafficstat meetings and attend meeting with executive officer.
 Ensure the maintenance and updating of the precinct’s traffic safety bulletin board with current
collision-prone locations, school/house of worship crossings, and other traffic safety information.
 Be familiar with “Procedural Manual for Traffic Safety Officers.”
 Attend patrol borough traffic safety meetings and community council and safety board meetings, other
public forums to discuss traffic safety at direction of C.O.
I.O. 16 (212-04) ‘Crime Scene’ & ‘Police Line’ Tape
Just added the fact that the tapes now also have the TIPS-line phone # printed on them

I.O. 17 (209-37) Motorized Scooters/Bikes

Changed Return Date
 Even though it’s an ECB summons, you use the “C” summons return date gotten at Roll Call.
No More Enforcement against Commercial Managers
 You NO LONGER write ECB to Manager/Owner of business for whom delivery guy works for.

I.O. 18 (200-02) Mission Statement

Additions to the mission statement;
 Where it speaks to CPR (Courtesy, Professionalism and Respect), they added; Compassion.
 Where it says ‘enforce the law impartially’ they added; efficiently rendering police services.
So now it reads;
 The mission of the New York City Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in New York
City by working in partnership with the community to enforce the law, preserve peace, reduce fear,
and maintain order. The Department is committed to accomplishing its mission of protecting the lives
and property of all citizens of New York City by treating every citizen with compassion, courtesy,
professionalism, and respect, while efficiently rendering police services and enforcing the laws
impartially, by fighting crime both through deterrence and the relentless pursuit of criminals.

I.O. 19 (202-11, 12, 13 & 14) Ops, SOL, Platoon Commander & D.O.
Operations Coordinator (new steps)
 Supervise Crime Analysis Sergeant. Supervise Traffic Safety Sergeant.
 Supervise & monitor performance of Training Sergeant to ensure all receive necessary training.
o Old step just said ‘monitor performance of..’ they added the word ‘Supervise’
Special Operations Lieutenant
 Step 7 has always said to supervise a list of specialized people. Here are the changes;
o Traffic Safety Officer is OUT Anti-Crime “Teams” became Anti-Crime Supervisor. Domestic
Violence “unit personnel” became Domestic Violence Sergeant
 So this is how the step reads now;
o Supervise and coordinate command’s specialized personnel, including school safety sergeant, anti-
crime supervisor, SNEU, crime prevention officer, youth officer, auxiliary police coordinator,
peddler enforcement, and domestic violence sergeant.
Lieutenant Platoon Commander
 Add “supervise” to the step that says, ‘review actions of Patrol Supervisor…’ so it now reads;
o Supervise and review actions of patrol supv to ensure compliance with Dept policy and procedure.
Desk Officer
 “Supervise arrest process” becomes; Supervise arrest processing officer and monitor arrest process.
 “Attendant” becomes “Police Attendant.”

I.O. 20 (205-48) Evaluations –Military Leave

This paragraph was put into the Evaluations Procedures;
 U or C MOS absent for the majority or entirety of a rating period due to military service is still
entitled to receive an Evaluation.
 Pursuant to NYS Military Law, to compute such rating, take the average of their last 3.
 However, the credited rating must not be less than satisfactory (3.0) or less than the rating received for
the period immediately prior to military absence.
 In “Overall Rater’s Comments” caption the rater will note the length of time member was on military
duty during evaluation period and that evaluation is being prepared pursuant to NYS Military Law.
 Additional questions may be directed to either the Performance Analysis Section or Legal Bureau.

I.O. 21 (208, 212 & AG 325-15) No more DARs (Investigator’s Daily Activity Report)
Investigator’s Daily Activity Report (DAR) {was like an Activity Log for detectives} is REVOKED.
 It wasn’t mentioned often in the P.G. but wherever it was, just delete it;
o You really don’t need to look at these because every time the DAR was mentioned, it was
mentioned with the A/L like this; “…make entry in Activity Log or DAR, as appropriate.” But
here’s the list of procedures anyway; 208-34, 208-35, 212-02, 212-08, 212-11, 212-117.

Deputy Commissioner
I.O. 22 (New 203-28) Department Social Media Policy Strategic Communications
Commands are prohibited from hosting sites without approval of DCSC.
 Unauthorized accounts will be ordered closed. Ex; Facebook, Twitter, etc.
 Generally, only C.O.s, Bureau Chiefs and Deputy Commissioners are authorized.
o Exceptions made on case-by-case basis and only with approval of DCSC.
 Requesting Command/Unit send 49 to DCSC with list of members to have hosting/posting privileges.
o MOS granted hosting privileges required to attend DCSC training.
o C.Os/Hosts may designate ‘posters’ –DCSC will be advised of those given ‘posting’ privilege.
 ONLY DCSC, Host or designee if authorized & trained, may post content.
When account has been compromised
 C.O./Supv notify DCSC, DCPI, ITB Wheel For training, guidance
& assistance, call
 If threat made against MOS, also notify Intelligence Bureau, Operations Unit. DCSC. For technical
Personal Use of Social Media questions, call ITB.

 Be cognizant, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

o Regardless of ‘privacy’ settings, etc, info/images can still be viewed, etc, even after deletion.
 203-10 is in effect. Use same judgment/professionalism expected of you while on duty.
 URGED not to allude to status as MOS (could endanger you, prevent from becoming a U/C)
 PROHIBITED from posting, etc;
o Status of other MOS (tagging, etc) w/o their express consent.
o Photos in UNIFORM or displaying official ID, patch, badge, RMPs (marked or UNmarked)
w/o authorization. (Except ceremonials; promotion, awards, etc).
o Nonpublic items (crime scene photos, witness statements) gained from your job.
o Contact (friending/following) witnesses/victims/lawyers in pending criminal court matter or
investigation or any minors you met on the job (other than your relatives).

I.O. 23 (212-75) Search Warrant Application

Adds a third document as part of the Search Warrant Application
 There always were these 2; “Search Warrant (1 page form listing location and items to be searched)”
and “Search Warrant Affidavit (sworn, detailed statement of Probable Cause)” Now there’s;
o “Search Warrant Request (has info required to investigate need for a search warrant)”
Who does what with it?
 UMOS completes it (found on LAN but, Detective Bureau members get it from ECMS, not the LAN
 Supervisor reviews & signs.

I.O. 25 (205-36) EEO I.O. 24 & 26

go in the A.G.
Adds this to the list of the ‘protected’
 Caregiver status (person who provides ongoing care for a minor child or relative with a disability)
I.O. 27 (217) New electronic system to enter PARs (FORMS MV-104)
Key Note:
 This I.O. exists mainly to implement the new way of recording a PAR; electronically on a mobile device.
 So PARs are now stored electronically –handwritten ones get scanned in to the new system.
 So the Traffic Safety Officer has less duties regarding the storing and maintenance of old, paper PARs.
 The removal of these admin type steps for the TSO was not done uniformly –the main point is that they still
exist in 202-28, Traffic Safety Officer Duties. Don’t worry, below you’ll find a Key Box covering this.
 Also there are some other changes thrown in that have nothing to do with the new electronic system –see
below, they’re all covered here.

New step for UMOS

 Attempt to ID uninvolved witnesses and get statements,
NEW, Vital point for the test;
name, address, phone of as many as possible. Desk Officer SIGNS PARs!!!
New note re “Right of Way Law” (see I.O. 57 of 2015)
 If pedestrian or bicyclist was attempting to lawfully cross a street and the motor vehicle failed to
exercise due care, contemplate taking enforcement action under Administrative Code Section 19-190
as described in 217-18, “Vehicle Collision – Pedestrian/Bicyclist Right of Way Law.
The step that said; “Prepare PAR” now says;
 Use Dept mobile device if available (cellphone, tablet, etc) & prepare directly into FORMS MV-104 system.
 If no device available, do it the old-fashioned, handwritten way but do it “legibly.”
 You still put VIN # in “Officer’s Notes” section of PAR but also, for electronic PAR preparation,
enter VIN in ‘stand-alone’ caption provided.
 Clerk NOW make entries in new “FORMS MV-104 system” not AAIndex using FINEST or LAN
 Where D.O. reviews & signs handwritten PARs s/he also electronically signs off on digital PARs.
Changes to Traffic Safety Officer duties
Training Sgt no
 Used to inform training sergeant of deficiencies AND forward PAR for signature. longer signs PAR,
the D.O. does!!
 NOW just inform of deficiencies DO NOT FORWARD to training sgt
A new step is added regarding getting handwritten PARs scanned into the new FORMS system;
 After review of handwritten PAR, ensure barcode coversheet is generated via FORMS MV-104 system
 Ensure completed handwritten PARs are scanned & electronically attached to digital entry by clerk.
The traffic safety officer had a set of administrative steps re; PARs, that is now down to TWO;
These two steps stayed;
 Send Duplicate Copies of PARs to appropriate agency in addressed white envelope and forward via
Mail and Distribution Unit.
 Fax copy of PARs involving a “crossover” collision to the Corporation Counsel and Highway District.
These steps were removed;
THINK! These steps might
 If on a “Limited Access Highway,” send copies on daily basis to Highway.
appear on test day –and
 Give the D.O. a DAILY recap of all collision numbers generated. will be all WRONG!
 Copy PARs & file in locked cabinet by MONTH of occurrence for a minimum of 1 year.
 Forward month’s worth of PARs to Mail & Distribution Unit addressed to: NYS DMV
NEW Desk Officer duty
 Desk Officer no longer just reviews PARs, they review AND SIGN –and sign off on electronically
input PARs. Also, this sub-step was added for the D.O;
o Ensure deficiencies are mended by reporting officer DURING THE TOUR.
NEW ACTOR, Traffic Safety Sergeant has ONE duty;
 Monitor and review all PARs
I.O. 27 also impacts on two other procedures; 217-17 and 202-14
217-17, Bicycle Collisions General
 Where UMOS records the operator of the bike as Vehicle 1 it adds this;
o Put name & address of rental co. if rental bike involved.
The remaining changes in 217-17 are the same as in 217-01;
 Clerk inputs bicycle PARs to new FORMS system instead of the LAN
 Desk Officer no longer just reviews, they review AND SIGN bicycle PARs–and sign off on
electronically input PARs. Also, this sub-step was added for the D.O;
o Ensure deficiencies are mended by reporting officer DURING THE TOUR.
 TSO don’t FWD to trng sgt, just inform of deficiencies. NO More Trng Sgt in procedure
 TSO, for handwritten PARs, generate barcode and scan.
One last change unique to 217-17;
 TSO maintain file of bicycle PARs and store for 3 years is gone BUT
 The last step in the procedure, forward Duplicate Copies to appropriate unit/agency is still there.
202-14 Desk Officer Duties
 Where it tells the desk (step 60) to make an EOT command log entry listing things that are still
pending, where it says to list the number of 61s awaiting sign-off, just add PARs too.

Key Recap: points taken out of 217 but which still remain in 202
202-28 217-01
Daily ‘Limited Access Highway’ collisions to H’way step deleted by I.O. 27
Daily recap to D.O. step deleted by I.O. 27
Store PARs by month for 1 year step deleted by I.O. 27
Fax crossovers to Corp Counsel & H’way District STILL GOOD
Send out Duplicate Copies via Mail & Distribution Unit STILL GOOD
I.O. 28 (204-13 & 204-14)
If you were hired after Nov 1, 1994, they gave you your gun, so they can take it back. There were 2 things
on the list of when they would take it back; A recruit or PPO who resigns or is terminated and any MOS
who resigns or is terminated under less than honorable conditions as determined by the Chief of Dept. To
those two reasons they added this new one;
 At the discretion of the Chief of Department.

I.O. 29 (209-11) Changes to “C” Summons

“C” summons is revised with the addition of several fields to capture supplemental information;
 Defendant’s cellular and home phone #s.
 The race of the offender.
 ‘COURT APPEARANCE LOCATION’ has fillable bubbles, so the officer won’t have to write in the address.
 “Trespass Affidavit” section has been moved to the reverse of the “Original” copy so that it can be
submitted to the court when completed by a property owner/custodian.
 “Sample Factual Allegations” have been included on the reverse of the “Agency/Police Copy 1” and
“Agency/Police Copy 2” for the common summonsable offenses of “Trespass,” “Unlawful Possesion
of Marihuana,” “Possession of Synthetic Cannabinoids Prohibited,” and “Public Urination.”

I.O. 30 (214-07) Case For Legal Action (Housing Evictions)

To the list of crimes for which you can be evicted from public housing they added;
 Assault 2 if victim shot by a firearm
To the package the A/O puts together (OLBS, NYCHA Trespass Notice, etc) they added;
 DA’s Affidavit.

I.O. 31 goes in the Detective Guide (D.G.)

I.O. 32 (208-03, 210-04 & 210-17) Prisoners in Wheelchairs/ Mobility Impaired

They added this one line to all three procedures;
 Confer with BCS Supv prior to transport & be guided by him/her re; lodging and further processing.
I.O.s 33 to 41 introduced the new P.G. Section 221, Tactical Operations (see Lesson 15).

P.G. Procedures in 221, Tactical Operations Where they came from

221-01 Force Guidelines 203-11 Use of Force & 203-12 Use of Deadly Force
221-02 Use of Force New
221-03 Force Investigations New
221-04 Firearms Discharge UMOS 212-29
221-05 Death/Injury in custody 212-53
221-06 MOS subjected to force 212-30 Threatened, harassed, assaulted, etc
221-07 Use of Pepper Spray 212-95
221-08 Use of Taser (CEW) 212-117
221-09 Use of Tear Gas 212-92
221-10 Shotguns/Long Guns/ Automatic Weapons 212-94
221-11 Use of Distraction Devices 212-115
221-12 Active Shooter Response Protocol 212-120
221-13 EDP 216-05
221-14 Hostage/Barricaded 212-38
221-15 Vehicle Pursuits 212-39 No changes to the
221-16 Vehicle Checkpoints 212-64 content of these
221-17 Search Warrant Execution 212-105 procedures.
221-18 Use of Department Canine 212-93
221-19 Threats Against MOS 212-31
221-20 Confrontation Situations 212-33
221-21 School Safety Agent – Victim while on Duty 212-97
221-22 Traffic Enforcement Agent Victim while on Duty 212-96
221-23 Alcohol Testing for Firearms Discharges w. Injury 212-109

I.O. 42 (210-07) Prisoners Unusual Occurrence

 Includes escape/attempt, sexual assault/harassment of prisoner, assault by prisoner of MOS & other
unusual. They took out 3 things; (prisoner suicide/attempt, DOA, prisoner hit with CEW)
1. Suicide/attempt or injury to prisoner in custody; go with 221-03.
2. DOA or likely, go with 221-05.
3. Use of a CEW on prisoner, go with 221-08.
 So now the D.O. only notifies IAB here for escape/attempt (No longer says DOA or suicide).
 All additional data says now is; go to 221 for DOA or Suicide.

I.O. 44 goes in the D.G.

I.O. 43 (221-24/212-11) Investigative Encounters I.O. 45 is a Boro position.
 Stop & Frisk (Investigative Encounters) was always 212-11. The 221 I.O.s pulled it out of 212 with
all those other procedures and made it 221-24. They changed their minds; this puts it back to 212-11
I.O. 46 (219-02) Weekly (Each Sunday) RMP Inspections
This is like an addendum to I.O. 4 which said RMP Operator no longer makes service appointment;
 Platoon Commander/Desk Officer used to instruct RMP Operator to make appointment for preventive
maintenance, NOW the boss tells “MOS” to make the app’t through SSD’s app on the LAN.
o Also deletes the sub step re; attaching a note to R/C if it was the Operator’s last day tour.

I.O. 47 (202-40) Cell Attendant

DON’T Break the Chain of Command anymore!
 Used to report necessary repairs to C.O. now they’re reported to “D.O./appropriate supervisor.”
Don’t clean “occupied” cells
 There have always been, and still are, 3 rules governing a MALE Attendant ‘visiting’ the FEMALE
cell area (1 -Emergency, 2 -When accompanied by a Female MOS, 3 -In daily cleaning of cells).
 What’s new is it now says; “in daily cleaning of UNOCCUPIED cells.”
These 4 steps are GONE;
10. Keep command facility and abutting areaways, yards, and sidewalks clean and sanitary.
11. Prevent rubbish or dust from accumulating in any part of the command.
14. Operate heating plant.
16. Keep green lights at building entrance lighted from sunset to sunrise.
3 new steps are added for CIVILIAN Attendant (all other steps in the procedure are for both, U & C)
 Immediately request assistance (panic alarm, contact D.O, etc.) for medical emergency in a cell.
 Enter OCCUPIED cell only when accompanied by UMOS, absent extraordinary/life threatening emergency
 Escort prisoners, as directed by competent authority.

I.O. 48 (212-11) Investigative Encounters (Stop and Frisk)

The “Definition” statement always described how the NYS Court of Appeals case People v. DeBour
established the levels of encounters and our authority at each level. To that they added;
 US Supreme Court decision; “Terry v. Ohio.” So now a “Level 3 Stop” is called a “Terry Stop”
To the steps for conducting a Level 3/Terry Stop, they added a new first step;
 Notify radio and include location, # of persons stopped and whether additional units are needed.
New Report and A/L Inserts
 The “Stop, Question and Frisk Report Worksheet” is out, it’s now a “Stop Report.”
 A/L Insert, “Street Encounters –Legal Issues” is out, it’s now “Investigative Encounters.”
 And they made a new A/L Insert; “Supplemental Instructions for Preparation of Stop Report.”
Details of A/L entry regarding the development of Reasonable Suspicion now also goes on Stop Report.
 They always had a set of steps listing information that goes in the A/L and;
 There was another, separate set of steps listing information that goes on the Stop Report.
 Two pieces of info that used to only go in the A/L, now also go on the Stop Report (they created new
captions for these two (1. “Was there RS for stop?” and 2. “Was there RS for frisk/search?”)
So here are the two new steps (directive to UMOS filling out a Stop Report)
 In (new) caption; “Narrative (Describe Circumstances That Led to Stop)” put facts and info relied upon to
conclude there was reasonable suspicion that person had committed, was committing or was about to
commit a felony or Penal Law misdemeanor.
 In (new) caption; “Narrative (Describe Circumstances That Led to Frisk and/or Search, if Conducted.
Include Area Searched)” put facts and info relied upon to conclude there was reasonable suspicion
that person stopped was armed and dangerous.
RS = Reasonable
Further, regarding the A/L entry they added this; Suspicion
 Include any additional information not included on the STOP REPORT.
Regarding the reviewing supervisor, they added this;
 Reviewing supervisor must be at least one rank higher than member submitting STOP REPORT.
Regarding the supervisor’s review, they added a caption to document discipline. The step always said;
 If appropriate, instruct/refer for additional training/other remedial action, including, if appropriate,
disciplinary action –here’s what’s new; ‘and indicate such in the “Follow-Up” caption.’
 The supervisor always checked the report and A/L entry to see if RS was documented properly,
however, this supervisory review itself was not documented anywhere so they added a caption on the
new Stop Report titled; “Supervisory Action (Must Complete)” for this purpose. Here’s how it looks;
o Complete “Supervisory Action (Must Complete)” caption and consider facts & info in Stop
Report & A/L to determine (3 things);
 Was stop based on RS of Felony or PL Misdemeanor
 If frisked, was it supported by RS person frisked was armed & dangerous,
 If searched, was there a reasonable basis for search?
o One thing noticeably absent from the above list of three is the Use of Force!!! They took that
out of this specific review and made it a separate step (probably because there is a whole new
report, the Use of Force Report in P.G. 221 for that). So new step 31 for the sgt says;
 If force used, determine if it was reasonable under the circumstances (the step ends
there and doesn’t call for specific documentation of this).

   Imagine this question

Which of the following does not get documented in the “Supervisory Action (Must Complete)” caption
of the Stop Report?

A) Whether stop was based on RS of Felony or PL Misdemeanor

B) Whether frisk was supported by RS person that person frisked was armed & dangerous
C) If search conducted, whether there was a reasonable basis for the search
D) If force used, whether it reasonable under the circumstances.

Training Sergeant
 Used to record training sessions for Stops in command training log, now records in “TACTICS”
(Training Attendance Certification Transcript Integration Collection System).

I.O. 49 (202-14) Desk Officer

New Step;
 Upon completion of roll call, provide dispatcher with ‘Rundown’ (sector assignments, neighborhood
coordination officers, fixed posts, transit/housing posts, bike units, etc.) and special resources (e.g., house of
worship car, truancy auto, etc.) as listed on the ROLL CALL.
o Notify dispatcher throughout the tour with changes as they occur.
Revised step re; logging into DAS (Domain Awareness System)
The wording describing the specific time frame has changed;
 It used to say; upon completion of roll call.
 Now it says; “after dispatcher has updated the command’s resources into the ICAD system.”
The wording describing what you input to DAS has also changed;
 It used to say; provide vehicle info of all daily assignments by entering The old way, with vehicle # being
the main entry, left off people not
tax ID #s of MOS assigned. assigned to cars… they fixed that.

 Now it says; enter tax ID #s, assignment, and their assigned vehicle info, if applicable.

I.O. 50 (202-42) New Civilian Position at the Borough

 A Liaison between PRAAs and the Personnel Bureau –read it once…
I.O. 51 (215-17) Police Action at Department of Education Facilities
The procedure used to have only 3 steps. Those have not changed, they just added this note about cuffs;
 Absent exigents, handcuffs/alternative restraint should NOT be placed on a student in a classroom,
cafeteria or where other students are. MOS should work with school officials to have student removed
to a semi-private location (principal’s office, school security office) -see 215-13.
There is a whole new section (steps 4-13) and new addt’l data paragraphs re; “Transient Threats”
Transient Threat –defined;
 A low level threat with no substantive evidence that it’ll be carried out (jokes, statements made in
anger that are expressions of feelings or figures of speech, not expressions of genuine intent to harm).
 Confer with SSD Counterterrorism Unit (SSD CU) before taking action against pupil for Transient threat
 If SSD CU determines incident is a “transient” case and is being referred back to the school for
discipline/no further investigation needed, it is not necessary to notify Intell.
 Request response of pct SSSgt or, if unavailable, patrol supervisor.
SSSgt/Patrol Supervisor
 Notify SSD personnel at the school of the results of the investigation and any police action taken.
 Ensure conferral was made with the SSD Counterterrorism Unit. Confer with supv from SSC CU for;
 Additional information available which may affect enforcement action recommendation, OR
 There is a disagreement with the recommendation from the SSD Counterterrorism personnel.
 Notify C.O./duty captain, if not in agreement with recommendation of SSD CU supervisor.
 When it’s over, inform SSD CU and SSD personnel assigned to school of final police action taken.
Additional Data
 This procedure does not preclude MOS from ensuring the safety of others when responding to a school-
related incident. If information develops that a subject may be connected to terrorism, comply with 212-
110, Communicating with Intell…Regarding Suspected Terrorist Activity.
 Threats materialize in a myriad of ways (social media, e-mail, phone, letter, fax, word of mouth, etc.).
They require a thorough investigation before a pupil is formally charged with a crime.
 SSD CU is the central repository of all threats affecting the NYC school system. They will assist
responding UMOS with making a determination of whether an arrest of a pupil(s) is warranted, or if the
incident should be referred back to the school for appropriate school discipline and/or counseling.
Common Charges Related To School-Based Threats
Penal Law 490.20 Making a Terroristic Threat (D Felony)
 With intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by
intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination or
kidnapping, he or she threatens to commit or cause to be committed a specified offense and thereby causes
a reasonable expectation or fear of the imminent commission of such offense.
 It shall be no defense that the defendant did not have the intent or capability of committing the
specified offense or that the threat was not made to a person who was a subject thereof.
Penal Law 240.50 Falsely Reporting an incident in 3rd degree, A Misdemeanor
Penal Law 240.55 Falsely Reporting an incident in 2nd degree, E Felony

I.O. 52 (211-10) TVB Notifications

If a summons is ‘very, very old’ and the UMOS has no recollection, they notify the ICO and request an
Very, very old was defined as prior to November of 1993. That has changed. Now it’s;
 “Ten years or more prior to the scheduled hearing date.”

I.O. 53 (203-18 and numerous others)

 Change “Patrol Borough Task Force” anywhere in the guide to Strategic Response Group (SRG)
 And in 203-18 “Residence Requirements,” they deleted this regulation;
o Ensure that no UMOS is assigned to a borough task force in a borough in which he/she resides
without the borough commander’s approval. I.O. 54 goes
in the A.G.

I.O. 55 (210-18) Debriefing Prisoners

No more “Debriefing Log” AND no more Intelligence Report Number
 Debriefing info gets put into ECMS (Electronic Case Management System).
Plus, three new paragraphs in the Scope statement on page one;
 All prisoner debriefings, and especially all firearm related debriefings, should be documented in ECMS.
 Detective Bureau investigators will conduct all debriefings for “firearms arrests,” regardless of A/O’s
command. This will be documented in (ECMS) on a “Positive Debriefing” entry.
 D.O, Precinct of arrest should ensure the debriefing is conducted by a member of the Detective Bureau
or Intelligence Bureau, as appropriate.
I.O. 56 (208-56) Foreign Nationals
There are a bunch of minor changes but the one big change is;
 When we arrest a foreign national whose country is on the list in the procedure, the A/O no longer
notifies ICCU, they notify the Intelligence Bureau Operations Unit.
Changes to the list
 Some countries were listed in a note following the list (because they’re British Dependencies, not actual
countries) but the note is gone and those countries/dependencies are now on the list. They are;
o Anguila, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Monsterrat, Turks and Caicos.
 New additions to the list are Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and Northern Ireland.
Changes to the steps;
 This was always just assumed since it is inherent in the following steps but, they added a new step 1
that says; “Determine by documentation or inquiry if arrestee is a foreign national.”
 Once the A/O determines the perp is on the list and the notification to the embassy or consulate has to
be made, the A/O now notifies the Desk Officer (nope, that was never in the procedure before).
Desk Officer, new actor in the procedure, doesn’t do much
 D.O. directs A/O to call Intell if perp is on list of countries and later has a step to ‘ensure’ this is done.
 The Desk also has sub-steps but there’s nothing new about them. The points in these sub-steps used to
be in a note following the A/O’s steps. They are;
o Make the notification whether you DAT or not and whether the perp wants us to or not.
4 new things the A/O includes with the notification (to Intell)
 Along with the basics like, name, address, etc, they added 4 things;
o Country of nationality. Port or place of entry and status upon entry to the US (e.g., resident,
visitor, student, etc.). Method of entry (airplane, auto, boat, etc.). Date entered the US.
I.O. 57 is Captain’s duties. I.O. 58 goes in the D.G.
I.O. 59 (202-19b.) New Position in 202, Domestic Violence Sergeant
 Report to the desk officer at the start of tour for entry in the Command Log as present for duty.
 Perform duty in uniform, unless specifically authorized to do otherwise.
 Perform tours at direction of C.O. but report to special operations lieutenant (SOL).
 Be primary domestic violence prevention officer & supervise MOS doing domestic violence duties.
 Review and approve all DIRs daily.
3 different
 Review and update all cases in ECMS/DVIMS, as appropriate. time frames
 Review OOP Log and ensure referral/service of all OOPs received at command, frequently.
 Maintain a file of completed DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOME VISIT CHECKLISTS (PD313-148).
 Recommend to C.O. additions/removals to High Propensity/Child at Risk Lists.
 Collaborate with PDS on active domestic violence cases and offender apprehension efforts.
 Ensure all wanted domestic violence offenders are prioritized within the command.
o Confer with SOL, anti-crime boss, and FIO regarding wanted domestic violence offenders.
 Be command’s primary liaison to Family Court/Family Justice Centers.
 Assign home visits as necessary, in absence of DVPO (e.g., sector concerned, etc.).
 Maintain current contact information of domestic violence service providers.
o Provide info to members of command to ensure appropriate referrals.
 Coordinate semi-annual domestic violence outreach events in area of assignment.
o Ensure that culturally diverse communities receive culturally relevant outreach.
 Be responsible for, and review/update the ICAD Exception Log.
 Notify Division of Parole/Department of Probation within 72 hours upon becoming aware of a known
parolee/probationer involved in a domestic incident requiring the preparation of a DIR.
 Supervise the preparation and submission of all monthly domestic violence reports (e.g, DIR,
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOME VISIT CHECKLISTS, arrests, Orders of Protection, etc.).
 Review all unfounded/refused DIRs and conduct follow-up investigations when warranted.
 Confer with precinct training sergeant to ensure command domestic violence training needs are met.

I.O. 60 goes
I.O. 61 (214-06) Homeless Outreach Unit in the A.G.

 Change “Homeless Outreach Unit” to “Crisis Outreach and Support Unit” everywhere in the Guide.
Two very testable points snuck into this Interim Order:
There has to be two cops in the van, both with their radios on –that hasn’t changed.
 They used to have one cop on Citywide and the other on Division. NOW, both cops are on division, no
one in the van should be on Citywide anymore.
When they take someone, they call their (Crisis Outreach Unit) boss to the scene.
 If no Unit boss available, they used to get on Citywide and call for an ESU Sgt, if no ESU Sgt was
available, then they called for the pct patrol supervisor.
 They took out the ESU boss. Now, if the Unit boss is n/a, the Unit cops call the pct P/S on division.
I.O. 62 (205-15) P.O./Detective Specialist Career Program
 NYPD Qualified Interpreter used to get 1 career point NOW it’s 2 pts for an NYPD Qualified Linguist
 Used to get 1 pt for each language qualified in, NOW you get a 3rd point if you get qualified in more
than 1 language for a total of 3. But that’s it, it’s not 1 point per language anymore –Max is 3 pts.
I.O. 64 (219-01) RMP Inspection I.O. 63 is Captain’s duties
In 219-01 on the list of what to inspect Department vehicles for, two items have changed;
 The 4 traffic cones are no longer “collapsible” now they’re just 4 traffic cones, collapsible is deleted.
 “Blanket” has become; Two disposable emergency blankets (marked/unmarked RMPs/vans).
o “Heatsheets® can be used to provide comfort, warmth and cover to victim/aided.”

I.O. 65 (205-42 & 43) Discontinuance of Service; Retirement or Vested

Changes made to the list of items you return when your retire or vest (same in both 205-42 & 43)
 First off, wherever it says, “Telecommunications Unit” it now says “ITB Telecommunications Unit.”
 “Personal Laptop Computer” now says “Personal Laptop Computer and/or tablet”
o Laptops used to go back to the ‘Computer Allocation & Tracking Section” now they go to
ITB Telecommunications Unit.
 “Personal portable radio is now, “permanently assigned portable radio”
o Also, personal portable radios used to be for Captains and above only, that line is deleted.
 This last one is new: MIFI device and/or VPN token –if applicable, to ITB Telecommunications Unit

I.O. 66 (202-11) Ops Coordinator & “Facilities Management Section” (LT ONLY)
Step 21 in 202-11, which used to just say; “Supervise the civilian cleaners.” has become;
21. Supervise command custodian and coordinate with Facility Maintenance Section (FMS) to ensure:
a. Appropriate custodial staffing levels are maintained at command (vacancy filled in timely manner)
b. Deficiencies in command cleanliness are identified for correction
c. FMS is apprised of matters of importance re; cleanliness, so issues can be expeditiously mitigated.
I.O. 67 (P.G, A.G. & O.G.) Personnel Bureau name changes
This monster is 60 pages long. Don’t read it, you’ll hurt your eyes!! Here’s all you need for the test;
We begin with a list of units whose titles have been changed by this order
Deputy Commissioner Personnel is now Chief of Personnel
Personnel Orders Section is now Personnel Orders Division.
Education Tracking Unit is now Education, Training, Opportunities and Tracking Unit
Early Intervention Unit is now Employee Assistance Unit
Psychological Services Unit is now Psychological Evaluation Section
Career Program Unit is now Members Outreach Section
Employee Management Division is now Human Capital Division –most places in the book except;
 Some other places it’s Employee Resources Section
Shield & ID Card Unit is now Shield, ID and Retirement Unit
Special Medical District is now Special/Confidential Medical District
Applicant Processing Division is now Candidate Assessment Division
205-60 Reporting to the Surgeon
 To the list of 4 times you can’t go to your district surgeon, they added, “When directed otherwise by
the Medical Division Supervisor.” So the list now looks like this;
 Report to assigned District Surgeon at next regular office hours EXCEPT:
a. Chronic “B” Special/Confidential Medical District at next regular office hrs
b. Reporting sick on Fri/Sat Weekend Surgeon at 1000 hrs the following day
c. Unable to travel Remain at place & call assigned Surgeon or weekend Surgeon, next office hrs
d. Dental problems Be guided by Sick Desk Supervisor/member
e. When directed otherwise by Medical Division Supervisor

I.O. 68 (215-24) Photographing Juveniles

New note re; when you save the photo to the Digital Capture System;
 System automatically verifies quality of photo. You get 3 attempts to pass validation. after 3
unsuccessful attempts may you override and submit photo. All photographs must pass validation.
o This removes those long complicated steps for the D.O. regarding accepting/rejecting photos

I.O. 69 (212-23) New TRANSIT Radio Codes

10-75T – Transit Patrol/Inspection – By Non-Transit Bureau Personnel
10-75S – Station Inspection – By Transit Bureau Personnel
I.O. 70 edits 205-41
10-75O – Train Order Maintenance Sweep (TOMS) which you only need to
10-75M – Train Run/Mobile Order Maintenance Sweep. read once.

I.O. 71 (221-12) 5 New Definitions in Active Shooter Response Protocols

 Interagency Rescue Task Force deployed to give lifesaving medical treatment in a Warm Zone.
 RTF composition depends on police personnel force protection and available EMS and FDNY on scene.
 NYPD supervisor will be the RTF-leader with overall command.
 However, FDNY officers maintain immediate supervision over FDNY members and defer to the
highest-level medical expertise for patient care.
 Areas of a known hazard, where an active shooter(s) is roaming free, or is engaged by police personnel.
 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) may be present.
 EMS or FDNY are NOT to operate in Hot Zones.
 Cleared area that has been deliberately searched by police, contains no identifiable threats, but has not
been declared a Cold Zone.
 FDNY and EMS may be deployed for life safety operations only and shall be escorted by police
personnel, operating under their security.
 More than one Warm Zone may be designated by police personnel.
 A route cleared and under police control for escorted entry and egress of responders, and to remove
victims from a Warm Zone.
 Areas where there is normal risk due to geographic distance from threat, or police have secured area.
 The command post, operations post, staging areas, and medical triage, treatment, and transportation
areas shall be located within designated Cold Zone.

Application of the above

 They added a new sub step for the UMOS (Step 1a.) that says; Be prepared to be deployed as a
member of an RTF (Rescue Task Force) when directed by competent authority.
 Step 11a. for the UMOS says plainclothes people will be directed to exit: it used to say via ‘safe
corridor,’ it now says via ‘Warm Corridor.’
 Also in the early steps where the UMOS ensures (Step 1), and the Initial Supervisor confirms (Step 14),
that a bunch of units have been called like HNT, TARU, etc. they added SRG (Strategic Response
Group) and Critical Response Command (CRC).
 The third actor in the procedure, Second Supervisor on the Scene, had only 1 step, ‘Assume role of
Incident Commander,’ they gave him/her a second step; Establish and secure a Cold Zone.
 The next actor is the Incident Commander whose first step (step 21) was to Establish a Command Post.
o Now they tell the IC to establish the Command Post within the Cold Zone.
 Where the IC is told to designate a staging area for EMS outside the secure location perimeter, they
added; and within the Cold Zone.
 When the IC establishes a casualty collection point, that also is to be within the Cold Zone.
Escorting EMS
 Step 33 used to have the IC escort EMS when the threat was neutralized or area had been cleared and
posted by UMOS with ballistic protection equal to the threat.
NOW, step 33 says;
 Form and deploy Rescue Task Force to escort EMS/FDNY through Cold Zones, Warm Zones and
Warm Corridors, and only to provide lifesaving medical treatment and removal of victims in such zones.
o EMS or FDNY personnel are NOT to operate within designated Hot Zones

I.O. 72 (210-04) Medical Treatment of Prisoner

Escorting Officer
 When a prisoner was admitted for Psych to either Bellevue or Elmhurst, the EO sent a copy of the OLBS
Worksheet to Dept of Correction Supervisor. That’s still true, they just added some paper to it;
o NOW the EO sends the OLBS-W and Prisoner Movement Slip, Medical Treatment of
Prisoner Form and a physical copy of any active warrant in live arrest cases.
The new step also adds a new sentence and a new Sub-Step:
 In cases where prisoner has active warrant only and no arrest #, forward the Medical Treatment of
Prisoner Form and a physical copy of any active warrant.
o Notify desk officer, command of arrest, if Dept of Correction refuses to take custody of prisoner.
The purpose of I.O. 72 is to get DOC (Dept of Corrections) to take custody of a psych prisoner admitted
to Bellevue or Elmhurst General. Here are the new set of steps;
Desk Officer, Command of Arrest
 Inquire with DOC (Dept of Correction) prison ward if prisoner admitted for psych can be lodged with
them and request that they take custody.
o If DOC refuses to take custody, consult with BCS Supervisor who is responsible to resolve
custody issues with DOC’s Custody Management Unit.
 Make a Telephone Record (T.R.) entry of that call and notify the Escorting Officer of the results.
 When prisoner is released by DOC to police custody; DOC calls BCS & BCS calls you, and you put it
in the T.R. with the ID, location & arrest/warrant info of the prisoner.
 Within 4 hours of getting the call, arrange for an Escorting Officer to get to DOC and take custody.
o If you can’t, you must call BCS Supervisor who’ll coordinate with DOC’s Custody Mngmnt Unit.
One last change. When the prisoner is released from the hospital, the Escorting Officer used to call BCS and
request that they transport them either back to command to finish the arrest process or down to BCS.
 That has been removed! The EO now just either goes back to command or to BCS. It no longer says how.
I.O. 74 Contact Card I.O. 73 goes in the A.G.

 Has captions for rank, name, shield & command –these must be filled out when handing out the card.
 Has captions for phone # and email address, these are optional to fill out.
203-09 where it says to give name, shield, etc and allow person ample time to record, they added;
 Unless CONTACT CARD offered (new note exempts U/C & those operating in support of U/C or CI)
204-09, Required Equipment, where it lists required items this line is added;
 At least 10 Contact Cards at start of tour. (includes those on civilian clothed enforcement duty)
212-11, Stop & Frisk, where you ask for consent to search, they added sub-steps;

Key Note regarding the impact of I.O. 74 on 212-11, Stop and Frisk
 Remember that there are 3 levels of stops in 212-11. You cannot ask for consent to search in level 1 so these
new sub-steps apply only to a level 2 stop (Step 12) and a level 3 stop (Step 16).
 Remember that you give the subject a WHAT IS A STOP card in level 3 so it stands to reason that you
don’t have to give them this new CONTACT CARD for a level 3 stop (Step 16).

Add these sub-steps to Steps 12 & 16 as directed below;

 Ask in a manner that elicits a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.
These three sub-steps get
 Follow up by saying “I can only search you if you consent.”
added to both Steps 12 & 16
 Specifically ask them; “Do you understand?”
 If searched, offer them a Contact Card This one only gets added to step 12 (level 2 stop)
where you didn’t give ‘em a What Is A Stop card.

 In 218-13 where we inventory search a vehicle, there’s a line where we ask the owner for consent to
break open a locked item (glove box, trunk, etc); to that line they added the same sub steps as in 212-
11, step 12 –which includes giving them a CONTACT CARD.
o NOTE says if they don’t consent you can’t search unless search warrant obtained.
 In 213-11 Policing Special Events AND 215-18 Search Protocols for School Safety Agents AND A.G.
316-07 Security During Presidential Visits to City, they added this to additional data;
o When request to search is due to an established security perimeter or security checkpoint (e.g.,
transit bag checks, large scale events, school security, etc.), UMOS are not required to make such
request in a prescribed manner or to provide a CONTACT CARD unless requested.
 In 221-16 Vehicle Checkpoints, UMOS at a DWI checkpoint is to offer CONTACT CARD to the
operator with the captions (name, rank, shield, command) completed.
o The sub step says to give one to the passenger, if requested.
o Note says if summons/arrest, you don’t have to give a Contact Card.
Contact Card –Key Recap
 Turn out with at least 10 (Plainclothes enforcement, that goes for you too).
 Fill out rank, name, shield, cmd captions before you hand ‘em out (phone & email optional)
 Hand ‘em out when asked by member of public OR; Only Level 2 though because you don’t ask to search
in Level 1 and you give a “…STOP” card in Level 3!
o At a DWI checkpoint.
o When asking for consent to search –either during a Stop & Frisk or vehicle inventory.
 Don’t have to hand ‘em out when requesting to search at a security checkpoint (transit bac check, etc).

I.O. 75 (216-02) Aided Reports

No more AIDED REPORT WORKSHEETS and no more OLAS system either.
 We prepare AIDED REPORTs (electronically) utilizing the FORMS system.
Command Clerk now only has 1 step in the procedure
Finest Online Records
 Send duplicate copies to outside agencies. Management System
Duplicate copies to Department Units is now the cop’s duty
 They took the Command Clerk’s old duty of sending out duplicate copies of Aideds to that list of
units (ESU for CPR, etc) and made that the duty of the cop –it’s now sub-step ‘e.’ in Step 1. There are
no more ‘duplicate copies’ because it’s done electronically through FORMS.
o The remaining sub-steps in Step 1 (a. thru i.) which listed things like; note if RMA, get admission
# if unidentified & admitted, etc. haven’t changed much. They added another sub-step & deleted 1
o The other new sub-step, ‘f.’ says that if addt’l Dept forms are required, indicate “Form Type,”
Report Number,” “Violation Section” (as appropriate) in “Addt’l Reports Prepared” caption.
o The 1 deletion is the one where it said to fill out the “Page___ of ___” caption.
 New step 3 says Submit Aided Report to D.O. (they fixed the fact that it never said that before)
Accuracy and Completeness
 D.O. used to review and sign the Worksheet and have the Clerk enter it into OLAS and THEN, after
the Clerk entered it to the OLAS, the D.O. would check for accuracy and completeness.
o NOW the Desk reviews in FORMS for accuracy and completeness right up front (says to ensure
captions are complete & accurate and that notifications are made) –also says to return it to the cop
for necessary attention if unable to verify accuracy & completeness.
o Then the Desk approves in FORMS and ensures appropriate action is immediately taken.
o Last step for the Desk is to ensure the Clerk make DUPS for outside agencies as necessary.
o Clerk’s only step now (the last one, Step 7) is to send the DUPs to outside agencies.
The only change to Additional Data is;
 The system automatically and sequentially issues Aided numbers. That hasn’t changed. HOWEVER;
o It used to be the 3 digit Pct #, followed by the 4 digit year, and ended with a 5 digit Serial #
o NOW it’s the 4 digit year first, followed by the 3 digit Pct # and ends with the 5 digit Serial #
Changes to 216-01, Aided Cases General
In 216-01, step 8 where the cop hands in the Aided, it may look like they just took out “Worksheet” BUT;
 They also took out the phrase; “and deliver to command clerk.” Could be a VIP (very important point)
on test day –you DON’T give the Aided to the clerk anymore, you give it to the Desk Officer!!
 They also took the clerk’s three steps regarding making notifications, etc. and gave them to the cop.
Changes to 216-15, Notifications
The two steps the Clerk had, making the actual notifications (Fire Officer in Charge, Corrections, etc.) and
putting the names of who was notified in the “Details” of the Aided, are now the UMOS’ steps;
 And when the notification couldn’t be made, the clerk gave a copy of the Aided to the D.O.
o NOW the UMOS just electronically saves the Aided Report and notifies the D.O.
The D.O. still keeps a ‘Supplementary’ Aided at the desk while waiting for the notification to get made.
 The only difference now is, once the notification gets made, you don’t record it on the Worksheet (the
‘Supplementary’ Aided you printed and kept at the desk), you just record it in FORMS and file the
‘Supplementary’ copy you made –so DON’T WRITE IT on the Supplementary Aided on test day!
 They added one more step for the D.O. to close out the procedure;
o Ensure appropriate notifications are made once aided is input to FORMS.

I.O. 76 (205-40) Off-Duty Employment

They added a prohibition (no exception)
 Involves employment by a foreign government.

I.O. 77 (219-03) Repair to Department Vehicle.

Fleet Services Division (FSD) now assigns an Automotive Service Worker (ASW) to commands.
 D.O. used to “designate an MOS to perform the tasks described below” (schedule routine RMP
maintenance, etc). NOW, the D.O designates the new ASW to follow the steps in the procedure or, if
the ASW is not available, then the D.O. resorts back to the old standard.
So the new step looks like this;
 Direct Automotive Service Worker from FSD assigned to command, or designate a MOS if
Automotive Service Worker is not available, to perform the tasks described below.
I.O. 78 (212-73) Bicycle Registration Program
 Sanitation CAN’T take a ‘Ghost Bike’ off public property
o Ghost bike is a bike put on public property as a Memorial.
 Sanitation can only take ‘Derelict’ bikes off public property –and even then must give 7 days notice.
The definition of what is a ‘Derelict’ bike isn’t really testable since it’s Sanitation that must abide. This
I.O. just clarifies and relists that definition;
o Appears to be crushed or not usable;
o Missing parts essential to its operation, other than the seat and front wheel, including, but not
limited to handlebars, pedal or pedals, rear wheel or chain;
o Handlebars or pedals are damaged, or the existing forks, frames or rims are bent;
o Fifty percent or more of the bicycle, which includes the handlebars, pedals and frames are rusted,
along with any chain affixing such bicycle to public property.

I.O. 79 (212-111) “U” Visa Certification

When an immigrant is a crime victim and is cooperating with the police, they may get a Visa called a “U”
Visa –not from us, but we are a ‘Certifying Agency’ that can attest to their victimhood and cooperation.
This procedure went from 2 pages long to 7! The good news is; the entire thing is directed at the Chief of
Department and the Legal Bureau. The only change we need to know is;
 When a person requests this Department to certify their “U Visa” request, MOS concerned used to
forward the request to Chief of Department direct.
 NOW, we don’t even accept it, MOS “Informs person requesting to visit Department’s website for
directions on how to request certifications from the Dept’s U Visa Certification Office”
o The I.O. goes on to tell MOS to be aware that people making the request may use a variety of
statements to refer to the “U Visa Certification” such as; “U Visa” or “U Status” or just “U”

I.O. 80 (208-42) Arrest on a Warrant

No more Warrant Investigation Report –so there are now two steps that will be wrong answers;
 Desk Officer ensure Warrant Investigation Report is prepared
 Special Operations Coordinator sign Warrant Investigation Report
They added this new step;
 If perp returned to court solely on a warrant so there’s no new arrest number, all escorting officers
must report to the appropriate intake room at BCS and get a “Return on Warrant” number.
o Except Fugitive Enforcement Division or its sub-units.
Other changes;
 A/O no longer notifies Central Warrant Investigation Team
 When searching for other warrants on the perp, we no longer use FINEST NOW it’s a Domain
Awareness System search (“DAS/DAS Lite search”)
o They also removed the statement that a FINEST “HIT” is not sufficient authority to arrest and
replaced it with this; A subject can be run by name, NYSID, or docket # (if known) under
“Keyword” function in DAS. To sort through the info returned through DAS, it is recommended
that the “Warrants Active” tab be checked under the Source Section of the Filter System.
 We still return Supreme Court warrants to the borough of issuance. They just changed the specific
addresses for the various boroughs.

I.O.s 81 through 89 (205) Drug Test Procedures {Dole}

 They made the same changes to the entire set of nine procedures;
o You used to prepare a form listing current medications… now you prepare DRUG SCREENING
QUESTIONNAIRE (PD407-1519) listing current meds… (they just gave the ‘form’ a name)
o Although a refusal to submit to the test will result in suspension and be grounds for dismissal, they
took this line out of all the procedures; Failure to comply with an order by a Department surgeon
will be considered a refusal of the test and grounds for dismissal.
o And, along those lines, if the subject MOS was unable to provide adequate hair sample and
authorization was required for alternate collection, the person contacted used to be Department
Surgeon, NOW it’s the C.O. Medical Division or Designee.
o IAB, OCCB & recruits in the PA have their own set of Dole test procedures. Now, since there is
no more OCCB, they took out OCCB and say; Select Detective Bureau Sub-Units,
 These three points have been taken out of the set of procedures
o Testing will be conducted only for illegal drugs and controlled substances.
o No other substances will be screened.
o The testing dates will not be announced in advance.
o There was a sentence about how the private lab would maintain samples, that’s gone too.
o For positive test, MOS may request third sample be sent to a Lab certified by NYS Department of
Health… that’s still true but now they added; and approved by the Medical Division.
Ur in town
 They used to say ‘hair screening test’ now it says ‘drug screening (to include the steps for a urine test)
Here are the new steps for urine collection (they’re found in additional data)
Urine -2 Samples collected
 MOS and witness will initial each vial sticker (sticker has Med Div Ser # and date) BEFORE the test.
 The vials will be sealed in your presence after the test.
 Except in unusual circumstances, only 1 person of same sex will be present with subject to observe
urine sample. For chain of custody purposes, that same person will also collect the hair.

I.O. 82 (205-30) Dole for Cause

 There are nine Dole procedures in 205. Eight of the 9 are very similar to each other. The one that
stands alone is also the only one that has ever been tested. That one, 205-30, Dole for Cause, has a
separate set of steps and separate changes made by this I.O. (IN ADDITION to the above changes)
Specific changes to Dole for Cause
 Suspecting MOS used to have a choice; call IAB or call the C.O./Duty Capt
 NOW the suspecting MOS can only call IAB, no more Captain.
 AND the suspecting MOS will now get a log # from IAB (‘cause the Captain used to get that).
 Some directions to the Surgeon have changed but we don’t need to know that…
 NEW LINE: If screened under this procedure, you’re still subject to the random dole.
 Used to do both Hair and Urine but now the procedure allows for either Hair or Urine, or both.
 These three lines below were always present in 205-29, Random dole. This I.O. now adds them here.
o Negative samples will not be maintained, instead they will be destroyed.
o Except in unusual circumstances, samples will be taken at a facility operated by the Medical
Division, or at another health care facility.
o In the event that the member concerned is unable to provide adequate hair samples as required in
this procedure, the Commanding Officer, Medical Division, or designee, will be contacted and
may authorize the collection of alternate specimen(s) to complete the drug screening test.

The last two I.O.s in this set, 88 & 89, create new procedures; they’re specialized and unlikely to be tested
so we recommend you read them once but don’t study them too hard. There is one major point though;
 In 205-30, Random Dole, there are 6 exceptions to responding to the random dole. We have an
acronym for it; B SMART, which stands for; Bereavement Leave, Sick, Military Leave, Annual
Vacation, RDO, Terminal Leave.
I.O. 88 (205-66) New Procedure –Drug and ALCOHOL Test at End of Counseling
 B SMART becomes BST; Bereavement, Sick, Terminal –out is Military, RDO, Annual Vacation.

I.O. 89 (205-67) End of Probation Drug Test

 B SMART becomes B SMAR (no Terminal)

So look at it like this;

205-30 Random Dole 205-66 End of Counseling 205-67 End of Probation

Bereavement Leave Bereavement Leave Bereavement Leave
Sick Sick Sick
Military Leave xxx Military Leave
Annual Vacation xxx Annual Vacation
Terminal Leave Terminal Leave Terminal Leave

I.O. 90 (203-07) Personal Appearance

Adds this note after step 4 on page one;
 When required because of religious accommodation and with written approval of the Office of the DC
EEO, UMOS will be permitted to wear Department approved religious head covering.
 The religious head covering must conform to the standards prescribed by DC EEO and have a cap
device affixed to the front, if appropriate.
 All hair must be neatly tied inside the head covering and in an incident where the use of a tight-fitting
helmet is required, religious head covering must be removed to don appropriate protective head gear.
Then they made changes to step 10 where it spells out three types of permission for beards
 For the medical exception they added that it must be 1 millimeter and it used to be approved by both
the Police Surgeon concerned and the C.O. Medical Division (now it’s just the Surgeon)
 For the nature of assignment exception they added this line; The member’s commanding officer will
ensure the member is clean shaven when the member is in uniform.
 For the religious exception they added that it may be up to a half inch unless the applying member
requests additional length.

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