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Vagif Hajiyev

Some people think that internet has brought people together while others think that people and
communities are become more isolated.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion

To some people internet has a great impact on unity of people by making them closer. However others'
opinion is completely vise verca. Internet only separates people to their own world.In my perpspective,
internet is the best platform to congregate people together.

First of all, on the one hand, there could be some reasons that can make people to think of this
disadvantage of internet. As the civilization grows up, people become feeling themselves more relax,
without any tension and stress about deciding their environment, friends and so on. For example, via
internet, they easily get a friend that agrees with their lifestyle, way of thinking,etc. If type of these
people is not common in a society, for these kinds of people it is sufficient to find friends that will
understand them. They only will find friends, or groups and because it is enough for them, they will not
interest about others and make themselves isolated from others.

On the other hand, I would definitely support ideas of whom thinking of internet has an irreplacable role
in our life and society, especially about relationships. First of all, nowadays it is clear that internet has a
great tendency to spread information. Its speed, can be seen from results of some events. For instance,
if there is something urgent related to government, some injustice, protests or celebrations, from crowd
of people that assembled, role of internet could be understandable. Because of internet factor, people
get information easily and by this way they start to believe,support themselves and eventually,
community become stronger. What is more, online video games can be mentioned as another reason.
People from different nationalities communicate with each other during video games. Also some
competitions make it more attractive resulting in acquainting of people from all over the world. Finally,
by using internet, people can interact with each other easily. Especially, distance could be a barrirer for
people.However internet network can handle with it.

In conclusion, although there could be some points that people based on them think it is a possible
danger for making them unsociable, in my point of view, if internet is used correctly it can have a huge
impact on our progress of both communication and personality.

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