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According to Lave (1993) interaction patterns are guided by social structures like identification,
language, communication styles etc . it is not possible to fully separate the distribution and
employment of knowledge from other activities taking place in an organization. Therefore
while knowledge can be perceived as raw data and information, when used and shared it has to
be treated as part of a larger social field or communities of practice. To cultural diverse
organizations the study was of importance to the decision makers when it comes to the most
suitable communication style to be applied.

According to Subhash C.Kunder (2001) focuses on the workforce diversity issue has changed
from equal employment opportunity to effectively managing workforce diversity as an
organisation. Managers must be able to tie the issues of managing cultural differences to the
needs of the business and individual goals and valuing and managing diverse
workforce which will help in improving individual creativity ,flexibility and rapid response to
change .There is huge potential of diverse workforce in business function or strategy i.e
recruitment , selection , placement ,development , succession planning , performance appraisal
and rewards.HR managers should avoid the cultural barriers and should focus on organizational
development so that they can achieve its individuals full potential .

According to Prem Ramburuth and Catherine Welch (2004) this paper provides an integrated
framework for developing students’ cross- cultural competence by drawing on the cultural
diversity in the classroom . It establishes framework incorporates for developing cross-cultural
competences which has devised such as diversity audits , self awareness and student- generated
cases and virtual linkages. This approaches uses in cultural diversity in the classroom for
students’ awareness and cultural differences, knowledge of the other cultures and the
application of skills.

According to Mark F. Petersons (2007) cross cultural research has made a number of
contribution to social thoughts and has many limitations that will suggest directions for the
future work. It helps in understanding the current state and potentials future of the field by
analysing the cultural differences .This research done on university to know what the cultural
difference that can effect individual performance and organisational productivity .

According to Charles R. Bantz (2009) studies the relationship between cultural diversity and
group dynamics . There are 4 dimensions of culture i.e power distance, uncertainly avoidance
, individualism and masculinity which has many more factors like language, cultural norms,
status and politics. The study suggested diversity in work groups has issues when people are
working in groups like leadership , norms, roles , status and conflicts . The most effective
tactics for managing the impact of differences on the work group involved like gathering
information, adapting to differing situations, issues, and needs , building social as well as task
cohesion and identifying clear mutual long term goals.

According to Jennifer Palthe (2014) cross-cultural diversity management , multi- level cultural
congruence and culture is so important for every individual, organisation for a prosperous
working environment. She is explaining the conceptual model which fills the gap between the
triad of cultural entities (individual, organization and national) which influence the degree od
cultural congruence that ultimately affects both individual and organization. If an individual
has a good working cultural which will ultimately lead to employee satisfaction, full
attendance, improvement in turnover and productivity.

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