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Developmental History

Applicable during Infancy (1-12 months) (Not Applicable)

Patterns of Age in Months when Age in Months found As seen in the patient Significance
Development Manifested in Textbooks and/or verbalized by
the Informants/SOs

Smiles and regards

Holds up head when


Follow objects with


Turned self from

prone to supine

First eruption of teeth

Sat with support



Stands alone

Current Developmental Assessment

Areas Age Observations found in Textbooks Actual Observation Significance

in the clinical area

Gross Motor 7 y.o • Can jump, tumble, skip

and hop
• Has enough coordination
to walk a straight line
• Can ride a small bicycle
• Plays boy games such as
pretending to be a pirate
Fine Motor 7 y.o • Children are not
contented with what they
have done
• child can start putting the
toothpaste on by himself
• child will be able to tie his
Sensory 7 y.o • hand-eye coordination is
well developed
• has good balance
7 y.o Industry vs. Inferiority

Psychosocial • Has the initiative to do

• Sense of industry grows as
the child is praised or
• Success or failure can have
a lasting impact on the
• Mimics the adult role
• Learns to share
• Desires to be perfect and is
quite self-critical
• worries more; may have
low self-confidence
• tends to complain; has
strong emotional reactions
• takes direction well; needs
punishment only rarely
• avoids and withdraws from
Psychosexual 7 y.o Latent Phase

• Childs libido is diverted

into concrete thinking
• Shows no signs of
• More focused into friends,
hobbies and schooling
Spiritual 7 y.o • Learns about the rituals
• Knows the meaning of
religious practices
• Knows what is right and
what is wrong
• They expect God to give
them what they want
when they pray
• Gets confused often if
prayers are answered
• Interprets something as
right for them because it
is good, not because it is
right for humanity as a
Cognitive 7 y.o Concrete Operational Thought

• Uses Memory to learn

• Understands conservation
• Knows how to sort and
classify objectsd
according to color, weight
and measurements
• Discovers concrete
solutions to everyday
problems and recognizes
cause-effect relationships
• Reasoning is inductive;
from specific to general
• Child will know his full
name, age and address.
• Your child will be able to
answer who, what, when,
where, why questions
Moral 7 y.o Conventional Development

• Child engages to actions

that are nice and fair
rather than what is right
• May lie about their actions
to disguise that they have
been involved in an action
that is not nice
• Learns about community
• Has difficulty following
self-care measures
• Projects one’ self in to
other people’s situation
• Has the ability to adapt
thought processes to fit
what is perceived
Language and 7 y.o • Can tell time in hours but
Speech has trouble with concepts
such as : ”half-past” and
• Knows the months of the
year and the months in
which holidays fall
• They can add and subtract
• They can go the store and
make simple purchases
• Usually does child’s talk in
order to show-off
• uses a vocabulary of
several thousand words
• will be able to say "v", "j",
"sh," "ch", "r", "l", "s", "th"
and "str" sounds like in
the words "victory", "
judge", "shush", "child",
"rabbit", "little", "six",
"thirteenth", and "street"

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