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Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581

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Challenges in the development of high temperature reactors

Piyush Sabharwall ⇑, Shannon M. Bragg-Sitton, Carl Stoots
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3860, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Advanced reactor designs offer potentially significant improvements over currently operating light water
Available online 27 May 2013 reactors including improved fuel utilization, increased efficiency, higher temperature operation (enabling
a new suite of non-electric industrial process heat applications), and increased safety. As with most tech-
Keywords: nologies, these potential performance improvements come with a variety of challenges to bringing
Molten salt advanced designs to the marketplace. There are technical challenges in material selection and thermal
Advanced High Temperature Reactor hydraulic and power conversion design that arise particularly for higher temperature, long life operation
(possibly >60 years). The process of licensing a new reactor design is also daunting, requiring significant
Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR)
data collection for model verification and validation to provide confidence in safety margins associated
with operating a new reactor design under normal and off-normal conditions. This paper focuses on
the key technical challenges associated with two proposed advanced reactor concepts: the helium gas
cooled Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) and the molten salt cooled Advanced High Temperature
Reactor (AHTR).
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction uncertainties also remain in regards to the manufacturability of

TRISO fuels with TRU.
Nuclear reactors have been developed and operated since the This paper discusses some of the proposed advanced reactor
1950s, and the next generation is currently being developed, dem- concepts currently being researched to varying degrees in the Uni-
onstrating the technical and industrial vitality of nuclear energy. In ted States and highlights some of the major challenges these con-
2000, the US Department of Energy convened the Generation IV cepts must overcome to establish their feasibility and develop a
International Forum (GIF), which is one of the primary interna- licensing framework. Primarily, this study focuses on the molten
tional frameworks for the development of future nuclear systems. salt-cooled reactor (AHTR – Advanced High Temperature Reactor)
The six systems selected for further study include: sodium-cooled and gas-cooled reactor (VHTR – Very High Temperature Reactor).
fast reactor, lead-cooled fast reactor, supercritical water-cooled
reactor, very high temperature gas-cooled reactor, gas-cooled fast 2. Advanced reactor concepts
reactor, and molten salt reactor.
The next generation advanced nuclear reactors will likely have Advanced reactor development under the GIF seeks to achieve:
an outlet temperature of about 700–850 °C for the first of a kind, (1) sustainability via optimal resource utilization and waste mini-
further increased to 900–1000 °C for the nth of a kind. These reac- mization; (2) economic viability by establishing clear life cycle cost
tors will not only produce electricity; they will also provide pro- advantages and comparable financial risk relative to other energy
cess heat for applications such as hydrogen production and coal sources; (3) safety and reliability through passive and inherent
gasification, thus contributing to enlarge the range of applications safety systems that minimize the likelihood for core damage and
of nuclear energy. eliminate the need for offsite emergency response; and (4) high
High Temperature Advanced Reactors are envisioned mostly to proliferation resistance.
use either low enriched uranium (LEU) or transuranics (TRU) Several advanced reactor concepts specifically focus on closing
recovered from used nuclear fuel. Adoption of an LEU design would the fuel cycle, requiring the development and use of advanced fuels
require enrichment >5% that is not currently commercially avail- that would maximize fuel use while minimizing waste and used
able in the US and would reduce resource utilization. Many fuel disposal needs. Several concepts are designed for transmuta-
tion of fertile transuranics, such that they may be used for deep
burn. This capability would provide profound benefits by better
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 3860, Idaho utilizing uranium resources and reducing long-term proliferation
Falls, ID 83415-38608, USA. Tel.: +1 208 526 6494; fax: +1 208 526 9683. risk and storage requirements for highly radioactive nuclear
E-mail address: (P. Sabharwall). materials.

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.
P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581 575

While the proposed advanced concepts offer a variety of bene- Bed Reactor; Germany), Thorium Hochtemperatur Reaktor (THTR;
fits, they also have various challenges to licensing and eventual Pebble Bed Reactor; Germany), High Temperature Test Reactor
deployment. One challenge shared by many concepts is the need (HTTR; Prismatic Reactor; Japan), High Temperature Reactor-10
for high temperature, corrosion resistant nuclear fuels and struc- (HTR-10; Pebble Bed Reactor; People’s Republic of China), Peach
tural materials. Demonstrated safety under off-normal transient Bottom 1 (Prismatic Reactor; United States), and Fort St. Vrain
conditions must also be accomplished. This paper only briefly ad- (FSV; Prismatic Reactor; United States).
dresses a few of the proposed concepts. Additional information Two reactor design concepts are being studied for VHTRs: the
can be found at the GIF website [1]. prismatic reactor and the pebble bed reactor. The prismatic reactor
For advanced reactor concepts, the following design features are has cylindrical fuel compacts stacked inside channels that are
generally considered important for achieving high margins of drilled into hexagonal graphite blocks. The fuel blocks are stacked
safety relative to currently operating commercial reactors [2]: firmly against each other in columns that form an annulus between
an inner reflector and an outer reflector, both of which consist of
 Highly reliable and less complex shutdown and decay heat rings of unfueled graphite blocks. The annular core configuration
removal system. ensures inherent safety (annular core design improves conduction
 Longer time constant. of decay heat to the reactor vessel for passive heat removal) under
 Simplified safety system. all accident and transient conditions. During transients, the graph-
 Minimization of potential for severe accidents and their ite reflector mass acts as an important temporal heat sink and stor-
consequences. age device to maintain fuel temperatures below the peak fuel
 Reduced radioactive exposure to plant personnel in the normal/ limiting values (1600 °C) that may damage the fuel [2]. Despite
abnormal conditions. its larger physical size, a graphite-moderated, gas-cooled reactor
 Multiple barriers against radiation release and reduced poten- is smaller neutronically (i.e., optically thin core) than a light water
tial for severe accident consequences. reactor (LWR) for the same power level; hence, it is more stable
 Negative temperature coefficient. against xenon-induced power oscillations.
 Passive decay heat removal system independent of coolant. The pebble bed reactor design consists of an annular vat filled
 Inherent passive safety system. with fuel spheres or pebbles that are dropped in at the top of the
 Insensitivity to incorrect operator action. vat and removed at the bottom. Continuous online refueling re-
duces the required shut-down frequency and allows operation
For the advanced concepts new analytical tools have to be with very little excess reactivity. Helium coolant is blown through
developed that will reduce uncertainties and improve the capabil- the interstitial void that makes up about 39% of the pebble bed vol-
ity of understanding the behavior and operating margins of the ume [3]. There is no direct coolant reactivity feedback (just moder-
plant. Review of data from past national/international facilities ator, fuel, and reflector). The pebble design feature tailored to the
operations (such as loops, separate effects tests, integral testing, specific reactor is the moderator-to-fuel ratio, which is adjusted
and reactors) is required to determine areas of limited knowledge. by changing the Tristructural isotropic (TRISO) particles packing
Key experiments must then be designed for development and val- factor.
idation purposes to fill those gaps in the database and to reduce Both prismatic and pebble bed versions of the VHTR possess the
modeling uncertainties. Current knowledge and modeling capabil- same general functionality and bulk design. TRISO fuel particles (as
ities can address most of the challenges mentioned in this study, shown in Fig. 2) are embedded in a graphite matrix to form fuel
but more experimental facilities are needed to generate validation elements that occupy a tall annular or cylindrical region inside
data, to enhance operational knowledge, and to clarify key con- the vessel and are surrounded by graphite reflector blocks. They
cepts to satisfy the performance metrics needed for licensing. are more robust fuel forms that can survive extreme high temper-
Several advanced, often high temperature, reactor concepts atures and allows operation to higher burnup compared to conven-
have been proposed. Many of the currently investigated concepts tional reactor fuels. In the past, German TRISO fuel has
are not new, but have been investigated to some extent since the demonstrated much better performance than US fuel, but recent
early days of reactor design. The AHTR and the VHTR concepts will fuel development efforts under the Next Generation Nuclear Plant
be described in further detail in the following sections. (NGNP) program have developed TRISO fuel that performs as well
The fundamental challenge for next generation advanced reac- as German fuel and has twice the burnup (19% FIMA) [6]. Helium is
tor concepts is to achieve significant advancement in nuclear tech- circulated through cooling pathways in the core to carry off the fis-
nology while setting the stage for an economically viable sion energy to be converted into the desired energy product. The
deployment of the new technology in the commercial sector which behavior of materials, neutronics, and thermal fluids is largely
would enhance public–private partnerships. the same and can thus be addressed with the same general model-
ing approach. However, key differences exist in the fuel geometry,
2.1. Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) requiring different heat transfer correlations, fuel management
techniques, and other modeling assumptions that prohibit a pris-
The Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor is a helium- matic core simulator from being used to model a pebble bed core
cooled, graphite moderated, thermal neutron spectrum reactor and vice versa.
that would operate at approximately 7 MPa and a reactor outlet
temperature (ROT) of 750 °C for the first of a kind, increasing to 2.2. Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
approximately 900–950 °C for the nth of a kind reactor. A sche-
matic diagram of the VHTR, including the Steam Generator (SG) The advanced high temperature reactor is part of the fluoride-
or Intermediate Heat Exchanger (IHX), is shown in Fig. 1 for a salt-cooled high temperature reactor (FHR) class of nuclear reactors
non-electric application in which the heat from nuclear fission is included in the advanced reactor concept program. AHTRs operate at
used to drive an industrial process. The high temperature atmospheric pressure, produce high outlet temperatures (704 °C)
gas-cooled reactor technology is established by eight previously using coated particle fuel (TRISO particles, as discussed in Sec-
constructed reactors that vary in size, outlet temperature, primary tion 2.1) and can potentially improve upon the attributes of other
fluid, and purpose [2]: Dragon (Prismatic Reactor; United reactors. An AHTR reactor core consists of coated particle fuel
Kingdom), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor (AVR; Pebble embedded within graphite fuel elements. Graphite reflectors
576 P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581

Fig. 1. Schematic of very high temperature gas-cooled reactor system.

Fig. 2. Schematic of TRISO fuel for pebble bed and prismatic reactor for VHTR [4,5].

provide additional moderation and core structure. Heat removed knowledge for the operation of AHTRs has been gained by the fol-
from the reactor is transferred to an intermediate salt that, in turn, lowing related research and operational experience [8]:
is transferred to a tertiary side for power production and/or process
heat applications [7]. The first FHR is still in the early development  Molten salt reactors (MSR) have provided data about appropri-
stage, but may, of necessity, be a test-scale reactor sized about the ate materials, procedures, and components necessary to use
same as the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) in order to val- high-heat capacity liquid fluoride salts as primary or secondary
idate the system attributes before proceeding to larger-scale sys- coolants.
tems [7]. Thus far, FHR analyses have focused mainly on power  Liquid metal reactors have provided design experience in using
production, but, like the VHTR, the AHTR designers are looking into low-pressure liquid coolants, passive decay heat removal, and
process heat applications, making them more attractive to industry. hot refueling.
The primary mission for the AHTR is the generation of low-cost  High temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) have provided
electricity while maintaining full passive safety [7]. Necessary experience with coated particle fuel and graphite components.
P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581 577

 LWRs have shown the potential of transparent, high-heat capac- provides physical separation between the energetic power cycle
ity coolants with low chemical reactivity. processes and the reactor systems [7]. Previous analysis [10] of
 Modern coal-fired power plants have provided design experi- the power conversion system to produce electricity showed that
ence with advanced supercritical-water power cycles. the Rankine subcritical and supercritical cycle with a turbine inlet
temperature of 679 °C (based on a reactor outlet temperature of
The AHTR, which provides high-temperature heat to increase 704 °C) can yield a conversion efficiency of 42% and 44%, respec-
thermal efficiency for power production and process heat applica- tively, with KF-ZrF4 as the secondary salt coolant. The heat
tions, could be scaled to higher thermal power to improve the sys- exchangers are considered key components that need to be exten-
tem economics while still meeting or exceeding the safety sively investigated because they are operated in a severe environ-
performance of other advanced reactor concepts [9]. The AHTR de- ment and their performance is directly related to the overall
sign attributes that promote favorable economics are also summa- system efficiency and safety.
rized in Table 1.
Pebble bed, prismatic, and plate fuel type reactor designs are 2.3. Technical challenges
being considered for an AHTR; all of these designs utilize the TRISO
fuel particles but modify the fuel matrix and configuration. Plate Key technologies for innovative nuclear systems, such as VHTR
fuel requires additional research because of the minimal pressure and AHTR, present various challenges. In this study the main focus
drop advantage of pebble bed cores. A conceptual drawing of a was given to four specific categories:
pebble bed AHTR proposed by the University of California at Berke-
ley is shown in Fig. 3. 1. Material challenges.
Current design efforts focus on maximizing the system’s eco- 2. Thermal hydraulic challenges.
nomic performance by employing modular, open-top construction 3. Computational and modeling challenges.
to minimize cost, and on maintaining full passive safety during se- 4. Power conversion and process heat application challenges.
vere environmental challenges [7]. The primary loop reference salt
for AHTR is currently Li2BeF4, referred to as FLiBe. Key concerns
that still exist with FLiBe as a coolant are: 2.3.1. Material challenges
Materials selected for use in reactor designs should exhibit
1. Requirement to enrich Li to 99.995% Li-7 and the absence of dimensional stability under irradiation, whether under stress (irra-
such infrastructure. diation creep or relaxation) or without stress (swelling growth);
2. Tritium generation in the coolant. exhibit acceptable evolution of the mechanical properties over
3. Beryllium handling requirements. the reactor lifetime; and exhibit good behavior in corrosive envi-
ronments (reactor primary coolant or process fluid) as explained
Heat in an AHTR is transferred from the reactor core by the pri- by Yvon and Carre [11]. These requirements have to be met under
mary liquid-salt coolant to an intermediate heat-transfer loop normal and postulated accident, which is the biggest challenge for
through IHXs. The intermediate heat-transfer loop uses an inter- the development and operation of reactors at higher temperatures.
mediate liquid-salt coolant through a secondary heat exchanger The specifications of advanced/innovative reactor systems make
(SHX) to move the heat to a power conversion system (such as the requirements much more demanding than for currently oper-
Rankine cycle) as shown in Fig. 4. Industrial process applications ating commercial reactors. The toughest challenge is the life expec-
would pull heat from the intermediate loop. The intermediate loop tancy, which has been extended to 60 years for many of the
reduces the required volume of expensive primary coolant salt and currently operating LWRs via license extensions. To meet the strin-
gent specifications, existing commercial materials or materials un-
der development have to be characterized and qualified under the
Table 1 intended operating conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, radia-
AHTR design attributes [9]. tion, with coolant flow, etc.). The key material challenges are sum-
AHTR attribute Phenomenological Cost implications marized as follows.
High primary Low fluid pumping Compact coolant and heat Characterization of structural materials. AHTR and VHTR de-
coolant requirements transport loops (small pipes,
signs consider a number of structural materials, such as graphite,
volumetric pumps, heat exchangers)
heat capacity nickel-based alloys, and ceramics. Experimental irradiations must
Near constant be carried out for a wide range of structural materials to study
temperature energy microstructural and dimensional evolution and material behavior
transport under stress, as explained by Yvon and Carre [11]. Data on long
Low primary Low probability of pipe Thin-walled reactor vessel and
term aging effects on the mechanical properties need to be gener-
system break/loss of cooling piping
pressure accident (LOCA) ated to ensure adequate performance of the materials over the life-
Low source term Smaller, less complex time of the reactor.
driving pressure containments Some designs face additional challenges in that the data avail-
Transparent Visible refueling Efficient refueling
able from previous reactor tests may not be applicable. For in-
coolant with operations
low chemical stance, data available for graphite grades used in previously
activity operated gas-cooled reactors may not be applicable to the modern
Low probability of pipe Smaller containments designs, as these ‘‘historical grades’’ are no longer available. Hence,
break/LOCA the currently available grades must be characterized relative to
High primary High power conversion Lower fuel costs and hot
those previously available to determine what data may be applica-
system efficiencies refueling
temperatures ble, or they must be fully characterized for modern use.
Tristructural Large fuel temperature Robust operating margins and Structural reactor materials and fuel cladding materials have to
isotropic fuels margins safety case be identified and validated to withstand the combined effects of
Good fission product
high temperatures and corrosive/erosive nature of the reactor
coolants, particularly for the AHTR development. Creep-fatigue
578 P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581

Fig. 3. Conceptual design of pebble bed AHTR with power generation cycle [7].

Fig. 4. Thermal energy transfer in AHTR for power production.

characterization along with corrosion data under prototypical con- Compact heat exchangers. The heat exchanger will be a crit-
ditions is required for further development of potential materials. ical high temperature component for the reactor overall success, as
it will be subjected to elevated temperatures for long times and Nuclear fuel development. The TRISO fuel particles used in will be designed using ASME Code Section III (subsection NH), as
both the VHTR and AHTR advanced reactor concepts have carbon shown in Fig. 5. At present there is insufficient data for high tem-
buffered layers which act as a barrier for fission products (Ag, Cs, perature material alloys (e.g., Alloy 617, Hastelloy N, Alloy 242) to
Sr for the graphites). In both normal and off-normal conditions, develop a code case for elevated temperature application, and new
most of the radionuclide is retained in the fuel element. In order design rules and analyses tools are needed. Further research is
for radionuclides to be released from the fuel, it must pass through needed to qualify and codify materials per ASME standards and
multiple barriers: fuel kernel, PyC and SiC fuel coating layers, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements before the ad-
fuel compact/matrix graphite. These fuel coating layers are the vanced reactor concepts can be a success. For compact heat
most important barrier. Once the radionuclide is released to the exchangers, microstructural and mechanical property character-
coolant, it is retained in the reactor pressure boundary consisting izations are needed for thin section materials [12]. Ceramics (such
of metallic structures, but the behavior of the TRISO fuel in a liquid as Carbides-SiC and Nitrides-Si3N4), in general, have superior high
salt environment at high temperatures (>700 °C) is yet to be seen. temperature strength relative to metals, but their inherent brittle-
Fission product holdup in the graphite fuel matrix material at high ness makes machining and fabrication of ceramic heat exchangers
temperatures over time is yet to be analyzed. Analytical models are a challenge. Additional development is also required to reliably
being developed to better understand the effect of irradiation and join metals and ceramics in the heat exchanger construction. Tests
temperature on dimensional changes of the fuel. are also needed to verify that the tensile, creep, and creep-fatigue
P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581 579

Fig. 5. Division of the reactor system as per ASME standards [13].

strengths of the diffusion bonded joints of the alloys in the com- turbulent regime, but the heat transfer properties are indicative
pact heat exchangers are adequate. of the coolant velocity being in the laminar regime), as explained
Predictive Modeling will play a vital role in the development of by Sabharwall et al. [16].
new materials. In most cases the experimental database will not Experimentally scaled thermal hydraulic data with uncertain-
cover the entire range of conditions needed for reactor operation, ties should be developed to support modeling and simulation for
such that new physical models will be essential to extrapolate with verification and validation activities.
confidence outside the experimentally known domain.
2.3.3. Computational and modeling challenges
2.3.2. Thermal hydraulic challenges Modeling and simulation for advanced reactors is not straight-
Significant challenges also face reactor designers with regard to forward, due to the following factors:
thermal hydraulic design and associated modeling for advanced
reactor concepts. Computational thermal hydraulic codes solve 1. Large heterogeneity exists in the fuel and the core geometry.
only a piece of the core. There is a need for a whole core solid heat 2. Unique multiscale-coupled phenomena that are not captured
conduction/gas dynamics transient solver code with local resolu- by traditional analysis methods.
tion to investigate and understand bypass flow with all the rele- 3. Coupling between blocks (unlike LWR assemblies, the spectrum
vant physics, graphite thermo-mechanics and fluid flow for both within a block is strongly affected by its neighbors – one needs
the VHTR and AHTR concepts [14]. Three-dimensional effects are to increase the domain, use more energy groups (>20), and/or
not easily captured with system codes, and computational fluid exploit leakage information from the core calculation and iter-
dynamics (CFD) models are too complex for routine transient anal- ate) [14].
yses. Hence, there is significant need for a coupled thermal hydrau- 4. Lattice codes generally do not properly treat TRISO fuel hetero-
lics and multiphysics code. The bypass flow in many of the geneity, meaning new treatments of heterogeneity have to be
available thermal hydraulic codes is mostly assumed (i.e., assume developed.
x% of the flow passes through the reflector) and should be ac- 5. High fidelity simulations are still slow for power reactors;
counted for with validated experimental data. hence, simulations often omit physics to gain speed [14].
For the VHTR design, flow instability and stagnation in hot 6. Experimental data and programs to validate computational
channels can result from increasing helium viscosity with increas- results are needed.
ing temperature. This effect can be mitigated through careful sys- 7. Most of the codes are not able to capture three-dimensional
tem design, but additional research is needed in this area. Design effects; detailed analysis through current computational fluid
enhancements can also be made to the VHTR to improve overall dynamics packages can be only carried out for small section
safety, as indicated by [15], such as: coolant flow distribution of the core and only at steady state.
through reactor core channels, enhancing mixing of hot jets in
the reactor core lower plenum (to reduce hot spots, uniform mix- If applied correctly, computational modeling can help research-
ing is the key), etc. ers understand phenomena and capture effects with embedded
As indicated by [12], the ASME code rules were formulated for physics to assist and improve reactor design and safety analysis.
shell-type structures in which one of the dimensions (thickness) If not properly validated via experimental verification or if results
is much smaller than the other two. In contrast, the compact IHX are not properly interpreted, computational modeling can lead
is a three-dimensional honeycombed structure in which there is designers to incorrect expectations and conclusions regarding
no unique way of determining membrane and bending stresses, reactor performance.
the limits on which form the basis of many of the code rules.
Computational techniques with supporting test data may be 2.3.4. Power conversion and process heat application challenges
needed to address the heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant The primary goal for advanced reactor power conversion
during the transition from turbulent to laminar flow, including systems is to optimize the net efficiency and specific work of the
the possibility of an early laminarization of the flow (laminariza- cycle (J/kg) without complicating or depending on unproven tech-
tion is caused when the coolant velocity is theoretically in the nology. Component efficiency plays a major role in overall system
580 P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581

Fig. 6. Potential process applications for advanced reactors (such as VHTR and AHTR).

efficiency; achieving high component efficiency will be challeng- via steam assisted gravity drainage, coal-to-liquid production, nat-
ing. For AHTRs, supercritical power cycles offer the highest effi- ural gas-to-liquids production, methanol-to-gasoline production,
ciency but also have the highest pressure difference (23.9 MPa) ammonia production, ex situ oil shale, and in situ oil shale extrac-
across the heat exchanger. The subcritical cycle should be consid- tion. To date, most of the proposed applications have been driven
ered as it has a significantly lower pressure difference of 16.9 MPa, by conventional energy sources for energy/heat, resulting in green
which would reduce the stress on the heat exchanger while reduc- house gas emissions. The challenges that exist for nuclear-driven
ing the efficiency from 44% to 42% [10]. The supercritical Rankine industrial process applications are as follows:
steam cycle offers high power cycle efficiency and the advantage
of being a current commercial technology, but the high turbine in- 1. Economic feasibility for the industry.
let pressure and potential of freezing of salt (in the return line) 2. Additional safety concerns even though process industry will
present a challenge to the turbomachinery design. The supercriti- not be part of the nuclear island.
cal CO2 (S–CO2) cycle has a power cycle efficiency that is nearly 3. Unknown consequences for transients on either the primary or
the same as the supercritical steam cycle but can offer reduced sys- secondary side.
tem size. The S–CO2 cycle requires fewer components and would 4. Liability issues.
have a smaller maximum pipe diameter than for the other power 5. Infrastructure requirements and coupling challenges.
cycles. The primary challenge for the S–CO2 cycle is the high tur-
bine inlet pressure. The cycle is currently being tested at a small 3. Conclusions
scale and is not available commercially. The helium Brayton cycle
has the advantage of adjustable pressure to reduce the pressure Both the gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) and molten salt-cooled
difference across the IHX. Brayton cycles have been developed reactor (AHTR) designs offer promising performance characteris-
for gas reactors, but commercial cycles are not currently available. tics. If realized, these concepts can provide sustainable energy, of-
The economics and technology development of the power cycles fer improved proliferation resistance and are more easily
need to be developed and optimized to attain maximum overall safeguarded than current LWRs. These designs also promise oper-
efficiency for the advanced reactor concepts. ation to high burn-up (i.e., better fuel utilization—more energy
The strategic goal of advanced reactor concepts is to broaden produced per unit mass of uranium) and large margins to fuel
the environmental and economic benefits of nuclear energy from failure with excellent fission product retention via the TRISO fuel
baseload power production to include market sectors not currently design. The higher temperature of operation for these concepts
being served by LWRs. A large number of industrial applications can support industrial process applications that cannot be easily
exist that could be coupled to a reactor system given higher reactor supported via LWR technology.
outlet temperature. Process applications requiring temperature The gas-cooled reactor is a proven technology (e.g., AVR, HTHR),
greater than 650 °C are referred to as long-term applications and but some challenges remain:
applications requiring temperature less than 650 °C are referred
to as near-term applications, as shown in Fig. 6. Detailed descrip-  Uncertainty in pebble movement (hard to know the exact posi-
tions and requirements for each process is beyond the scope of this tion of a pebble).
study.  Large gas plenum above the core and inter-pebble neutron
Industrial process applications will have large process energy streaming for the pebble type.
requirements and, in the future, represent potential markets for  Validation and benchmarking of power profiles (peaking factor).
ARCs. Possible applications include hydrogen production via steam  Spatial power oscillations in tall, thin annular cores [17].
methane reforming of natural gas and high temperature steam  Online refueling could weaken proliferation resistance account-
electrolysis, substitute natural gas production, oil sands recovery ability [17].
P. Sabharwall et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 574–581 581

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ernment, any agency thereof, or any company affiliated with Idaho
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