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GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

Course assessments are designed with the aim to achieve course learning objectives (CLOs)
stated in the course syllabus. The final grade for this course will be calculated as follows:


1 Individual assignment
 Critical review essay on 15 Third meeting
public policy concepts
 Individual exercise 10 Second meeting
 Individual presentation / 5 Continuous assessment
Class activities
2 Group assignment
 Policy brief 25 Fourth meeting
 Presentation 15 Fourth meeting
8 TOTAL 100



Each student is required to complete THREE (3) individual tasks as follows:

a. Critical review essay on public policy (15%)

Review the concept of public policy and discuss the changes in which this concept
has undergone through development of public administration.

The purpose of a critical review essay is to develop a solid understanding of and a
position on a particular issue related to the history of public policy concept.

Keep in mind that the critical review essay is not a summary of articles or a report
of books review. Critical review essay demands you to investigate and examine
focus of readings that offers various perspectives of a particular topic or issue and
then, to share your views and understandings with others.

To complete this task, you are required to review journal articles that relate to the
concept of public policy in the context of public administration development. You
should write your review in the following format:

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

 Introduction
You should begin your review by setting the necessary context and overall
argument. It should tell the readers what essay is about and why it is
interesting and important to be discussed or raised. In this section, you
should include your thesis statement that provides the thread and argument
you will carry through your entire essay.
 Body of discussion - Analysis
This section should present your review on the concept of public policy in
the context of public administration development. This section is not simply
a recapitulation of the content your reading materials. The concept of public
policy must also be compared, common themes and approaches noted as
well as disagreement among the articles. Your voice should be heard as well
as developing your position on the topic.

 Conclusion
Reminding the readers about the importance of your topic and providing
final assessment of the articles and their contributions to furthering the
understanding of the larger questions or contexts set out in the introduction.

Literature Cited
Alphabetical orders by authors (use single space for this part of your paper, but
separate each citation by 2 spaces). Use the standard scientific citation format
(refer APA 6th Manual).

b. Individual exercise (10%)

In the attached article titled: “On the nature of public policy”, Huang (2012) debates
the development of the public policy concepts, functions and values. Based on Huang’s

a. discuss at least TWO (2) factors that may influence the changes in the public policy
(10 marks)

b. explain how the following statement is or not true in today’s scenario:

“Due to the changes in public policy concepts, the function of public policy is now
known as an allocation of values rather than distribution of resources.
(20 marks)

c. Class activities (5%)

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

This assessment will be conducted throughout the semester. Issues to be discussed

will be provided according to the topic in the syllabus in a particular week. Students
are required to discuss and present their ideas to the class.


In a group of THRE (3), students are required to complete the following assessments:

a. Writing a policy brief (25%)

A policy brief is a concise summary of a particular issue, the policy options to deal
with it, and some recommendations on the best option.

Most of policy areas are broad and complex, so it will be necessary to narrow the
topic within the area. For example, within environmental policy you might choose
to focus on regulation of ocean resource extraction, air quality, water quality, or
soils management. Within education policy, you might want to know about
financing for higher education. Within health care policy, you might study some
aspect of health policy that is addressed in the current federal health care law. If
you choose a policy area that is addressed primarily at the state level – electric
utility regulation or health care for lower income people, for example – consider
narrowing the topic by choosing a particular state. If you plan to narrow the topic
within a general policy area, identify the focus in your assignment.

Suggestion issues

 Health
 Obesity
 Mental Health

 Economic
 Unemployment
 Cost of living

 Welfare
 Older people
 Homeless

 Social
 Drug abuse
 Environment

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

Each group is required to elaborate a paper on the issue chosen. The focus of research
must be related to the policy planning and implementation. Based on the information
gathering from the research, the groups are required to suggest a number of policy
alternatives to improve the existing policy process. The research outcomes should be
reporting using a policy brief format.

The length of the report should be between 3000-5000 words; APA referencing;
finishing with A4 white cover paper, staple and tape bind

In presenting their written assignments, students are advised to refer to the essay
marking scheme (Appendix 1).

Academic integrity is very important in this course. I am interested in your own
thinking, thus any works you submit must be the result of your own effort not the
work of others. Plagiarism WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

All assignments should be turned in at the agreed deadline date. Late assignments will
not be graded. Keep in mind that there will be only one grade for the entire group, so
please pay attention to the terms of your collaboration.

b. Presenting the policy brief (15%)

At the end of this course, all groups are required to present their policy brief in the
class in a FORUM format. All members in the group are expected to involve in the
presentation. In preparing the group presentation, students are advised to use the
attached presentation rubric (Appendix 2) as the guideline.

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment



Essay Marking Scheme

Name __________________________________

ID No.__________________________________

Marks awarded

Presentation of the assignment

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Introduction to chosen topic

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality of analysis of chosen topic

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Appropriate use of literature

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Practical examples

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Explicit links to GMGA5014 course content

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Explicit expression of own opinion

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Overall conclusions

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

Appropriate references and referencing

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Overall Style, Expression and Structure

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Overall Comments:

GMGA5014 Public Policy Course assessment

Criteria Below expected level (1) At expected level (2) Above expected level (3) MARKS

Topic introduced. Topic introduced clearly, and Topic introduced clearly and in an
Introduction of
purpose of talk was made clear. interesting way. Purpose of talk was
made clear. Outline of points was given.

Some understanding of topic Good understanding of topic A very good understanding of the topic
shown. Some links and shown. Links and connections shown. Links and connections between
connections made between between ideas made clear. ideas made clear. Information was
Development of
ideas. Points were developed Information was relevant and relevant and well expressed in own
with minimum detail. expressed in own words. Points words. Points were well-organised and
Information was usually were developed with sufficient and developed with sufficient and
relevant. appropriate details. appropriate details.

Presenter occasionally spoke Presenter usually spoke clearly to Presenter spoke clearly and at a good
Voice: clarity, clearly and at a good pace. ensure audience comprehension. pace to ensure audience
pace, fluency Delivery was usually fluent. comprehension. Delivery was fluent and

No visual aids were used; OR Visual aids supported the Visual aids were carefully prepared and
presentation effectively. They supported the presentation effectively.
Visual aids were occasionally
clarified and reinforced the They clarified and reinforced the
Use of visual aids appropriate and related to spoken message. spoken message. The aids added
the spoken message. impact and interest to the

An attempt was made to The presentation was summed up The presentation was summed up
Conclusion of
conclude the presentation. clearly. clearly and effectively, with key points

Total ( /15) /15

Total ( /10) /10

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