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C a m b r id g e

M arjorie R o s e n b e rg


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Personal Study Book Interm ediate


P e rso n a l Study Book

Interm ediate
Marjorie Rosenberg

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Ca m b r id g e

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,

Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
www. Cambridge, org
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© Cambridge University Press 2012

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no reproduction of any part may take place w ithout the written
perm ission o f Cambridge University Press.
First published 2012

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalogue recordfor this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-107-69264-0 Paperback

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or

accuracy o f URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in
this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is,
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timetables and other factual inform ation given in this work is correct at
the time o f first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee
the accuracy of such inform ation thereafter.
C ontents

Introduction to the Personal Study Book 4

1 Culture and its im pact 5 -7

2 Technology and business 8 -1 0

Reading 1: Facebook 1 1 -1 2
W riting 1: M aking first contact 13
3 M otivation 1 4 -1 6
4 Hum an resources 1 7 -1 9

Reading 2: Talented employees 2 0 -21

W riting 2: Covering letter for a jo b application 22
5 Organisations and their structures 2 3 -2 5
6 M anaging organisations 2 6 -2 8

Reading 3: Successful retail strategy 2 9 -3 0

W riting 3: Everyday business emails 31
7 Supply-chain m an ag em ent (SCM) 3 2 -3 4
8 Quality m anagem en t 3 5 -3 7

Reading 4: Details of th e supply chain 3 8 -3 9

W riting 4: W riting group emails 40
9 M arketing strategy 4 1 -4 3
10 Customer relationship m an ag em en t (CRM) 4 4 -4 6

Reading 5: M arketing success 4 7 -4 8

W riting 5: Responding to w ritten complaints 49
11 Accounting 5 0 -5 2
12 Finance 5 3 -5 5

Reading 6: Finance 5 6 -5 7
W riting 6: Describing charts, graphs and statistics 58
13 Decision-making 59 -6 1
14 The learning organisation 6 2 -6 4

Reading 7: Helping young people to succeed 6 5 -6 6

W riting 7: Business proposals 67

Wordlist 6 8 -7 0

Grammar reference 7 1 -7 6

Progress tests 7 7 -8 2

Audio scripts 8 3 -8 6

Answer key 8 7 -9 5

Acknowledgements 96

What's in this book? to be realistic when you are studying - take one area at a time and
don't try to do too much. It is better to learn five to six new items
This book is designed to help you review and reinforce the grammar,
of vocabulary really thoroughly than try to remember more words
vocabulary and skills you have learned through studying with
which you will not be able to use effectively.
Business Advantage Intermediate. There are 14 units, one for each
unit o f the book. In addition, there are seven Writing sections, each Reading and W riting Sections
matching the relevant writing section of the book. There are also
There is a Reading section and a Writing section after each tw o units
seven Reading sections related to the topics covered in the Student's
o f the Personal Study Book. Some o f the reading texts look at the
Book. Each unit follows the Student's Book closely: there is a section
theories you learned about in your Student's Book and others are
related to each o f the three lessons in each unit of the Student's
case studies of companies which deal with topics covered in the
Book. You will find an Answer key at the back of the book.
preceeding units o f the course book. All the reading texts are based
There are also three progress tests: one after Units 1-5, another one on authentic materials and will probably contain some unknown
after Units 6-10 and the last one after Units 11-14. You can use these words.There are some explanations and exercises to help you
to check your progress. understand these, so do not worry if you do not understand every

How do I use this book? word the first time you read the text. If you find some interesting
new vocabulary in the text, make a note of it and try to use it in
There are five stages in preparing for and using the units. order to help you remember it.
■ Preparation: Study a unit or lesson o f the Student's Book The writing units match the topics covered in the writing units of
thoroughly. When you feel confident that you have mastered all the Student's Book.There are some exercises to practise different
the key words, grammar and skills presented, you are ready to aspects and types of writing and each unit ends with a longer piece
complete the relevant section or unit o f the Personal Study Book. of writing for you to complete. There is no Answer key for this final
■ Practice: Each unit contains tw o sections - grammar/vocabulary activity. When you have done the writing, ask your teacher or a
and skills.These relate directly to the material in the Student's native speaker to check it for you if possible. If this is not possible,
Book.There are exercises in the skills section which include read your work through critically and try to make any corrections.
listening material: this gives you the opportunity to hear and Remember, writing (even in your own language) is a process, with
practise key phrases and pronunciation, intonation and stress several stages: it is unusual to write something important without
related to the skill you have learned in the Student's Book. Try to making changes before you complete it.
do all the questions in the section: each exercise tests one area of
I hope this book will support you while you improve your business
vocabulary, grammar or group of expressions from a skill area.
English and that the exercises will help you remember and practise
■ Checking: When you have finished all the tasks, check your work.
the important vocabulary, grammar and skills that you will need in
Then use the Answer key at the back o f the book to mark your
your work.
work. If you have made a lot of mistakes with one part, go back
and check the Student's Book: review the key points to make sure I hope this book helps to make learning business English fun

you understand them. and successful.

■ Can Do statements: At the end o f each unit, there are three to four
statements which give you an indication o f what you should be
able to do after completing the unit.There are tw o boxes next to Marjorie Rosenberg
each statement (Yes, I can do th is /I think I need more practice). If
Author's thanks
you can answer'Yes'to all the statements and you have got most
The author would like to thank Laurence Koster at Cambridge University
of the exercises correct, then you are ready to move on to the next
Press and Alison Bewsher for their meticulous editing of the book, as well as
unit. If not, refer back to the relevant unit o f the Student's Book. Neil Holloway and Chris Capper for their support.
■ Revision: After completing the statements think about the areas you
In addition, the author is grateful to Red Bull GmbH, Fuschl am See, Austria
could work on in the furure and how you can do this. For example, if for their information and help. Special thanks go to Sean Segal, Director of
you think you need to do more work on an area of vocabulary, think Operations at the Urban Alliance, Washington D.C. as well as to Mary and Jeff
about how you can do this and make a note of it. It is important Zients for allowing the use o f the text.

C ulture and its im pact

Vocabulary and Grammar

The dimensions of culture 7 In this job you need to solve a lot o f problems, so____
(analyse) skills are a must.
1 Match the definitions to the terms.
8 I'm pleased to announce that we have recently won a
1 Work and ideas are shared by the a High power (value) contract with the local council.
members o f the group. distance

2 Decisions are made quickly and being b Low masculinity Talking abo u t cultures
spontaneous is important. dimension
1 Choose which one of the words a, b or c does not go with
3 Men and women have similar status and c Long-term each head word to make a collocation
ideas. orientation
Example 1. We can’t say corporate overseas
4 Staff can work without knowing all the d Low power
details. distance 1 Corporate
a culture b identity c overseas
5 Most employees do not have close e Individualistic
2 Multinational
contact with those who make decisions.
a team b company c individual
6 Staff prefer to work on their own ideas f Low uncertainty 3 Cultural
and projects. avoidance a differences b package c similarities
7 Everyone can make suggestions and g Collectivist 4 Business
their ideas are listened to. a expatriate b people c card
5 Host
8 Planning ahead is very important. h Short-term
a country b repatriation c company
2 Complete the sentences to make collocations with the words

Using key vocabulary in exercise 1.

2 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of 1 Logos and trademarks are one way a company can communicate
the words in brackets. If you are not sure, look at Language its corporate_____________
focus 1 on page 12 of the Student's Book.
2 Unilever is a good example of a multinational____________ , as
1 We must give Mr Horshimo a good deal. He is one of our most they have offices all over the world.
(value) customers. 3 If you go to a different country to work you shouldn't expect
2 A lot o f the problems we had on the project w ere___________ everything to be the same. There will be a lot of cultural

3 We need to make a detailed____________ (analyse) o f the 4 In Japan it is important that when someone gives you a business

current market before we launch the product. you look at it before you put it in your pocket.

4 Giant Steel are our biggest____________ (compete). 5 The event will be held in Rio, so Brazil is the host_____________

5 It's hard to know what she is thinking because she isn't very
6 I can't give you a ____________ (certain) date o f when the
product will be delivered.


Present tenses Using stative verbs in th e present tense

1 Read the sentences and choose the correct tenses. Write U for 1 Sort the verbs below into stative or active verbs.
usual or T for temporary in the boxes.
understand import work waste overshadow own move
1 I always welcome/am welcoming guests when they hope contain share support rise wish mix know
arrive/are arriving from another country. □ □ detest remember bring belong to mean love entail
refuse invite decide
2 The meeting is starting/starts now, so I hope everyone
is here. I I
3 They are relocating/ relocate to the USA this week. □ Stative Active

4 In our corporate culture people wear/are wearing understand. move

suits in the office. □
5 My partner is working/works on an important project
with a multinational team. □
6 He usually brings/is bringing a number of business cards
with him every time he travels/is travelling. □ □ 2 Complete the sentences using the verbs from exercise 1 in
7 The parent company offers/is offering good expatriate the correct form.

packages to those who agree to go abroad this year. □ 1 This year our company. . a health and education
8 Whenever we open/are opening an office overseas, programme to help children in the community. This brochure
we im port/are importing our traditions into the foreign
country as well. □□ ____________ all the details.
2 They always____________ all their employees to the annual
2 Write questions for the answers. party.
3 She really_______ _ these long meetings because she says
1 W hen_______________________________ ?
He needs this information soon. they ju s t________ .everyone's time.

2 W hat_______________________________ ? 4 I ____________ I could travel more in my job but I have too much
I usually check my emails when I arrive at the office. work to leave the office for several days.
3 Where_______________________________ ? 5 Everything is getting more expensive because prices
They are moving to Boston.
4 W hy_______ ___ __________
6 We. ________ on the plan for next year and we
It is important to learn to overshadow national barriers so that we
____________ that we will finish it by Friday.
can do business abroad.
7 This dictionary____________ my sister. That's why I
5 W hat_______________________________ ?
My boss is planning a conference call with our overseas office ____________ it home today.
today. 8 I am sure that top management already_____ .which
6 H ow _______________________________ ? employees____________ to our office in Asia.
You can talk to people when they visit so that you can learn about
other cultures and countries.


Review! 4 But this time you aren't leaving till tomorrow afternoon.That
should give us some time in the city to show you around before
o n Listen to track 2, which is from the Student's Book.
we leave for the airport___
Notice how the speakers make small talk with each other,
5 In fact, that place is no longer open. I don't think guests were very
show interest and keep their conversations going.
happy there___
6 This storm seems to be causing problems for lots of travellers this
Showing interest and keeping the conversation going
week. I hope you will have an easy trip back___

1 Look at the mini-dialogues and choose the best response to

keep the conversation going. Inform al business conversations

1 How was your trip? 1 0 3 Listen to the conversation and write examples of
a Not too bad. b Fine, except for the bad weather on the way. the types of expressions in the table below. Then look at the
2 Good to see you again. audioscript on page 83 to check if you found all the examples
a Same here.This is a new office, isn't it? from the conversation. What do the phrases or words showing
b Good to see you too. interest have in common?
3 We are just waiting for Joelle. She should be here soon.
a I think I met her in Paris. Isn't she your colleague with the great informal language
ideas? short forms
b It's OK.
one-word answers
4 How is the hotel this time?
a Seems to be OK. incomplete sentences
b Much better, thanks. Do you remember that very small room I phrases or words showing interest
had and the strange people in the restaurant at breakfast?
5 I hope we can do some sightseeing this time. 2 0 3 1 Listen to the conversations. Make notes on why the
a I hope so too. Last time I went straight to the airport after the second conversation is more successful than the first. Listen to
meeting, the intonation (if the voices go up or down), the expressions
b Yes, I think that would be nice. used and the strategies you practised above.
6 We have a dinner reservation at the place we were at last year,
a Really? b Great, I will never forget that fantastic meal!

2 Match the best responses from exercise 1 to the strategies

CEF Can D o statem ents
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
below. Write the responses in the table.
following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Follow up Question tags Making a further Yes, I can I think I need
do this. more practice.
questions comment
1 I can use specific terms to describe
different ways of working in business. □ □
2 I can use vocabulary to describe
different aspects o f business culture.
□ □
3 Match these follow-up sentences to the responses in
3 I can make sentences and questions
in the present simple and continuous.
□ □
exercise 1. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of
the response.
4 I can keep conversations going.
□ □
If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
1 Yes, we are very happy with the new location. The decorating is
still going on, but should be finished soon. ^
2 They really have the best chef in town. That's the reason we want 1 Lesson 1.1 2 Lesson 1.2 3 Lesson 1.3 4 Lesson 1.3
to take you there again___
Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
3 You are absolutely right. She is really the most creative member of
can do this.
the team. I can't imagine a meeting without her.___


Technology and b u sin ess

Vocabulary and Grammar

Technological vocabulary Using th e passive form

1 Complete the text using the verb or noun form of the words
1 Below are the steps of a development process in a company.
in the box.

design discover develop invent innovate

Are you looking for a company who is a leader in 1 ____________

products which have never been on the market before?Then
come and 2 ____________ what we can offer you! The first step is
when our team comes up with the first sketch or 3 _______ _____
for a new product.They then look at the different possibilities and
continue to 4 ____________ it. Finally, when it seems to be finished,
they test it and this is when the truly 5 ____________ features are
added. See for yourself how exciting the whole 6 ____________
process can be!

Disruptive technologies

1 What are the noun forms of the following words?

1 discover _______ _____

2 innovate ____________
3 invent ____________
4 design ____________
5 develop ____________

2 Complete the following sentences with a noun or verb from

Look at the information given to new employees below and
exercise 1. You may have to change the form of the verb or
complete the text with the correct form of the passive using the
make the noun plural.
verbs in the flow chart.
1 He was offered a large amount o f money for his land when he
oil in one of his fields. In the firs t step, ideas 1 ____________ __ Following that,
2 It can take years t o ____________ a product from when costs 2 ____________ _ Then a sketch 3 ____________ _

somebody has the idea until it is ready for the market. Once we have a sketch, the product 4 __ ___________ and
features 5 ____________ _ As the process moves along, a
3 T he ____________ of the telephone was a very important
prototype 6 ______ _____ and the product 7 _____________
breakthrough in communications.
fo r problem s and solutions 8 ____________ for them .
4 The____________ of the new building means that people
Finally the product 9 ____________ and then we can begin
working in it get a lot of natural light. production.
5 Smart phones used existing technology w h ich ____________
mobile phones.
2 Complete the dialogue with the present simple, present 4 First mark the sentences as A active or P passive and
continuous or past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. then change the verbs from one form to the other. Use the
underlined words in the sentences as the new subject.
A: I'm really excited about the car design process at Local Motors.
Did you know they are working on a new design, and ideas 1 Apple established the standard for user-friendly computing___

1 ____________ (collect) from the online community?

B: Yeah, I've also heard that the last car 2 ____________ (design) by 2 Canon was the company which developed small tabletop copiers.

people who logged onto the website. What a great idea!

A: Isn't it? They're also considering a name for the new vehicle and it
3 ____________ (vote on) as we speak. 3 Mainstream customers assess the value of innovative products___

B: That's great. I think that this car will be a big hit with consumers.
When content 4 ____________ (compile) from the suggestions 4 Product performance is demonstrated in this graph___

of potential customers, it can mean excellent sales figures.

A: Exactly. Last year's model 5 ____________ (create) with the help 5 The unique needs of customers are not met by that technology.

of online feedback and look how well it is selling.

B: Well, I really hope that this new model will also be a hit with
customers. When the unique needs of the off-road racers 6 Companies should set up a separate organisation___

6 ____________ (consider) then I think we have a very good

chance for another great product.' 7 The people with the best ideas won cash prizes___

3 Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive

form of the verbs in the box.

power call vote on aim discover invent not discover

1 W e____________ to have the product on the market in January.

2 It will come as a big surprise for people to find out the new
engine____________ by water.
3 It's a very democratic company and everyone____________
what changes will be made.
4 The fa u lt____________ until the product had already gone to
5 The new chemical____________ last year and could help us
develop new medicines.
6 Tim Berners-Lee probably didn't realise how important the
Internet would be when h e ____________ it.
7 The new m odel____________ the'Johnson'after the person who
invented it



Review! 4 Decide which of these phrases is more polite.

Listen to tracks 5-7, which are from the Student's 1 a Who do you want?
Book. Notice how the speakers use appropriate and polite b Who would you like to speak to?
language throughout their business phone calls. 2 a May I help you with something?
b What do you want?
Telephone com m unication 3 a He's not here.
b He is on a business trip till Friday.
1 Unscramble the telephone phrases below and then decide 4 a What was your name?
if they are used to start a telephone conversation (S) or to end b I am sorry, I didn't catch your name.
one (E). 5 a I will tell her to call you as soon as he comes back,
b She'll call you later.
1 ask is calling I May w h o ? ___
6 a Bye.
2 ABC speaking Company, Laura.____ b Thanks for calling.
3 calling I today's about meeting am development___ 7 a I don't know your number.
4 nice was Thanks, you it talking to ___ b Could you give me your number?
8 a I am busy at the moment, can I phone you later?
5 it's Rome from office Hi, Georgi the___
b I don't have time to talk now.
6 office afternoon, Smith's Good John___
Check the answers and then practise reading the more polite
7 you talking to Nice___
phrases aloud.
8 speak can Suki Hi, I to ?___
9 morning, available is Good Lauren ?___
10 you Thank calling for.___ CEF Can D o statem ents
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
2 0 3 Listen to the recording and answer the following
following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Yes, I can I think I need
do this. more practice.
1 Why does Maria want to meet Dmytro?
2 What day does Dmytro want to meet on next week?
3 Why isn't this a good day for Maria?
1 I can use vocabulary about new
technologies in the correct context. □ □
4 Why can't Dmytro meet Maria tomorrow afternoon?
5 When do they decide to meet?
2 I can use different types of phrases
for development and innovation.
□ □
3 0 3 Listen again and complete the following table. Then
look at the audio script on page 83 and check your answers.
3 I can use passive and active forms,
and change one to the other. □ □
1 Asking about / Suggesting a
time to meet
2 Saying you are free/not free 4 I can use polite telephone phrases
to begin and end a conversation □ □
and ask for or give information.

If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's


1 Lesson 2.1 2 Lesson 2.2 3 Lesson 2.3 4 Lesson 2.3

Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.


R eading 1

The origins and

success of
1 Facebook is the world's largest social network. By
the end o f 2010, there were 550 million users around
the w orld and th e num ber is still grow ing. In 2011 Time
Magazine predicted th a t if the grow th rate continues,
user g rou p was th e over 30 age group, and by th e end
Facebook could have 1 billion users by 2012. Facebook
o f 2007 there were 50 million active users w orldw id e.
has been increasing the num ber o f languages th e site can
To bring in m ore money, Facebook launched ads on
be used in and has added a translation program as well.
the site and expanded th e ir platform to include the
2 The original idea fo r Facebook came from Phillips Exeter m obile phone market. Based on these figures, M icrosoft
Academy, Mark Zuckerberg's high school. Every student invested $240 million into Facebook fo r 1.6 percent o f
received a bo ok called The Exeter Face Book so they the com pany in O c to b e r 2007. This m eant a valuation o f
could g e t to know th e ir classmates. In February 2004, over $15 billion, making Facebook th e 5th m ost valuable
Zuckerberg, w ho was then in his second year at Harvard, US Internet company.
used th e idea and created an electronic netw ork
In 2008 Facebook became involved in US politics by
designed fo r Harvard students. W ithin tw o weeks, other
co-sponsoring th e presidential debates w ith ABC News
universities in the Boston area began dem anding a
and the major candidates even had th e ir own Facebook
Facebook netw ork. Zuckerberg im m ediately recruited his
pages. Facebook continued to launch sites in d ifferent
friends Dustin M oskow itz and Chris Hughes to help build
languages around th e w o rld increasing its global market.
Facebook, and w ithin fo u r months, Facebook added
30 more university networks. In th e summ er o f 2004 In 2009 Facebook more than dou ble d th e num ber o f
Zuckerberg, M oskow itz and Hughes moved to Palo A lto, users g oin g from 150 million to 350 million in 12 months.
California where Zuckerberg m et Sean Parker, fo rm e r Several features were added to the site and Facebook
cofou nd er o f online company, Napster. Parker began to collaborated w ith C N N Live allow ing Facebook users
w ork w ith Zuckerberg and introduced him to th e ir first to watch CNN clips on the site. In spring o f 2009 the
investor, Peter Thiel, w ho invested $500,000. Russian investm ent firm D igital Sky Technologies made a
$200 million investm ent fo r preferred stock at $10 billion
3 In 2005, Facebook received $12.7 million in funding from
valuation. Later th a t year Facebook acquired FriendFeed,
Accel Partners and expanded to include high school
allowing users to receive updates in real-time from blogs
networks and added a popular p h o to sharing feature.
and o th e r social netw orking sites.
4 In 2006 Facebook received $27.5 m illion in funding
In 2010 Facebook reached the 500 million user mark
from Greylock Partners and M eritech Capital, as well as
and th e com pany continued to grow. They raised
from th e ir first investors. Facebook opened up to w ork
$500 m illion from G oldm an Sachs and D igital Sky
networks and in S eptem ber 2006, Facebook allowed
Technologies, increasing th e value o f the company. A t
anyone w ith an email address to sign up.
the beginning o f 2011 G oldm an Sachs began to offer
5 Facebook continued to grow th ro u g h o u t 2007. O ver shares in Facebook to th e ir richest clients and rumours
1 m illion new users signed up every w eek and there were started th a t Facebook w ould need to go public soon.
40 billion page views a m onth. Facebook was no longer N o t to o bad fo r a com pany which started as an idea in a
only fo r college students, in fa ct th e fastest grow ing dorm room at Harvard.

Sources: The Facebook press room and Crunchbase

Read the article about Facebook. Are the statements true (T) 6 Facebook became involved with politics
or false (F)? a by supporting candidates.
b by co-sponsorship with a news station,
1 Facebook users must be able to understand English___
c by putting political advertisements on the site.
2 The original Facebook was printed and given to students___ 7 In 2009 Facebook allowed users to
3 Facebook was a network for only Harvard students for the first a watch film videos on the site.
b watch TV programmes on the site,
c watch news videos on the site.
4 Mark Zuckerberg built the Facebook network with several
8 Goldman Sachs offered
friends___ a clients the chance to invest in Facebook.
5 One o f the first people to work with Zuckerberg was the founder b to buy Facebook.
o f another internet site___ c to take over Facebook.

6 It took three years for Facebook to allow high schools to sign up. 3 Find words or phrases in the article with the following

7 Peter Thiel and Accel Partners continued to support Facebook 1 getting larger (paragraph 1)
even when they attracted new investors in 2006___ 2 was given (paragraph 7)
8 People with email addresses could get a Facebook account in 3 could meet (paragraph 71
early 2006___ 4 asking for (paragraph 2)
9 Facebook played a role in the 2008 presidential election.___ 5 grew (paragraph 3)
10 All o f Facebook's investors were from the US___ 6 join (paragraph 4)
11 Facebook went public in 2010___ 7 globally ..........(paragraph 5)
2 Choose the correct answer. 8 hecause nf .............. (paragraph 5)

1 Mark Zuckerberg got the original idea for Facebook 9 took part in (paragraph 61

a from friends at Harvard. 10 start (paragraph 6)

b from his high school, 11 worked with ... .......... (paragraph 7)
c from an electronic network.
12 bought .(paragraph 7)
2 The Facebook network first expanded to
13 wealthiest (paragraph 8)
a universities around the US.
b users in Boston, 14 become a public companv ("paragraph I
c universities in the Boston area.
3 The first investor, Peter Thiel,
a gave Zuckerberg half a million dollars,
b helped to start Facebook at Harvard,
c worked with Zuckerberg to build the site.
4 The fastest growing group of users in 2007
a were college students.
b were high school students,
c were people no longer at university.
5 Facebook launched Facebook ads
a to get money from advertisers,
b to advertise Facebook.
c to work with other companies.

W riting 1
Making first contact

M aking first contact 2 Read the emails and decide if they are formal or informal.
Then complete the emails with phrases from exercise 1.
Some business emails contain more formal language and
Re: Production m eeting on June 4
others contain less formal language. This depends on how well
you know the person you are writing to. Write these phrases in 1 -------------------- ,
In reference to our telephone conversation of last w e ek, I have
the correct place in the table.
attached the figures you asked for. 2 _______________the latest
I look forward to your reply m a rk et research data you have on the ideas we had for our new
In reference to your email o f ... I have attached the information you product line.
asked for 3
Vincent from the Florence team gave me your name Best regards,
Yours sincerely Joan Howard
Hi Gudrun
Hope to get your order sent this week
Re: T he problem with your order
Meeting on December 5
D ear Blanche,
I am writing in connection w ith...
4 so I ju s t wanted to let you know w hat
Thanks for the email - the info you wanted is attached
happened. Sorry it took so long but we had some problems at
I would be grateful if you could send m e...
this end.
Getting together on Friday
5 Give me a quick ring if it doesn't arrive by the
William Francis passed on your details to me
middle of next w eek.
Looking forward to hearing from you
6 ,
I just wanted to let you know th a t...
Your order should be despatched by the end of the week
It'd be really helpful to get some info about...
Re: Trade fair in Finland

More formal Less formal D ear Mr Miara

I am going to be a t the innovation trade fair in Finland in
Subject line
November. O ur business partner, 7 --------------------------
Salutation Dear Ms Symon I understand you are an expert in this area and it would be helpful

Referring to for me if I could phone you next week to discuss some of the

previous contact im portant points. Can you let me know if this would be convenient
for you?
I look forward to your reply.
Referring to
8 -------------------- ,
a common
Tasso Baies

Reason for
writing 3 Use the information below to write an email.

Asking for You are a salesperson for a company which makes healthcare
information products and would like to visit a client you have worked with for
Giving several years. Try to use different words than are in the information

information below but include all the points.

■ You have a new product line you would like to show him or her
Closing remarks ■ You need about an hour for the product demonstration
■ Ask your client to let you know what day and time would be good
Complimentary A ll the best

3 M otivation

Vocabulary and Grammar

Herzberg's M o tiv a tio n -H y g ie n e Theory 2 'My manager has to check everything I've done before he allows

t Read the definitions below and put the words related to me to send it to clients'___

motivation in the box into the grid. 3 1 don't get on with my boss at all. We have very different
incentive psychological challenging responsibility
4 'I really enjoy my job, it's very interesting and varied.'___
advancement intrinsic satisfaction recognition
growth achievement 5 'I really hate working in this office, the furniture is so old and
1 the chance to get promotions and move up to a better job
2 needs relating to the human mind and feelings 6 1 feel really proud o f the results o f my work.'___
3 being an important and basic characteristic o f a person or thing 7 I'm sick of not having any money left at the end of the month.'___
4 something that encourages a person to do something 8 'The worst thing about this job is that there are no real chances to
5 something which was difficult but which you have succeeded in
climb the career ladder.'___
6 something that is difficult in a way which tests ability or
V ocabulary to discuss pay and w orking conditions
7 when others show admiration or respect for what you have done 1 Choose the correct term from the box to complete these
8 a feeling of pleasure in your job when you know your work is extracts from a graduate careers website.
worth doing
salary bonus effort-reward balance appraisal system
9 a form o f personal development and the chance to learn and use
flexitime glass ceiling mentoring system work-life balance
new skills
commission fringe benefits severance package
10 something that is your job or duty to deal with, or to be in a
open-plan office career opportunities
position of authority over someone else to make sure a job gets
1 M This company has no 1 ________________Men and women have
2 0
equal chances for promotion and 2 _______________ They also
3 T
value family time, as they feel that 3 _______________ is very
4 1
important for all employees.
5 V
6 A
7 T
Are you looking for a good 4 _______________ to go along with your
8 1
qualifications and abilities? In addition, if you work hard, you will
9 0
have the chance for financial rewards or non-financial rewards in
10 N
the form of 5 This company takes the
Vocabulary o f m o tivatio n and d em otivatio n 6 ______________ very seriously as a factor of employee

1 Look at the quotes below from people talking about their satisfaction. And even if they have to make you redundant, you will
jobs. Decide if each relate to a Hygiene factor or a Motivation
receive a fair 7 ________________

1 ' I'm really pleased that my manager thanked me for all the extra
time that I put in on the project.'___

1_LJ 3 Read the sentences. Sometimes there is an incorrect noun,
This organisation believes strongly in staff development and growth. and sometimes there is an incorrect quantifier. If there is a
This is one of the reasons you will work closely with a senior staff mistake, cross it out and correct it. If there is not a mistake, tick
member in their 8 ------------------------- , and your work will be reviewed the sentence.

by senior management through their 9 _______________ Your 1 Isadore has much challenges in his jo b ___________
achievements are important and are financially rewarded with an 2 Karoline received a great deal o f praise for her last project.
annual 1 0 ------------------------- when you have achieved your goals.

3 This job involves a number of different responsibility.__________

Do you think of yourself as a born salesperson? Do you like a certain 4 Anton has little colleagues who speak more than one language,
amount of freedom in your job? Do you like to be around other in fact there are only tw o o f them ____________
people? There are no barriers separating you from your colleagues or 5 Most incentives in our firm are non-financial ones____________
your boss in the 1 1 _______________ Because they would like you to 6 I was really happy when my boss gave me a few praise yesterday.
decide when you want to start and stop work, they offer

1 2 --------------------------And because you are paid for your achievements, 7 There were some advancements in the area o f gender equality
your sales figures will be reviewed at the end of the month and you last year.___________

j will receive five percent 1 3 _______________ on everything you have 8 Ahmed doesn't get many annual leave____________
sold. Does this sound like the company for you? 9 There are several factors which contribute to motivation in the
10 Some relationship are more difficult than others____________
11 My latest staff appraisal took a huge amount o f time.
1 Are these nouns countable (C) or uncountable (U)?

1 departm ent__ 8 policy__ 15 opportunity__ 12 There is not many incentive to work hard when you feel you get
2 m otivation__ 9 praise__ 16 job satisfaction__ no recognition for your work____________
3 pay rise__ 10 tim e __ 17 g ro w th __ 13 The firm spent a lot o f money on updating the computer system.
4 productivity__ 11 qualification__ 18 colleague__
5 factor__ 12 team work__ 19 annual leave__ 14 When we offer little career opportunities, it is not very motivating
6 com plaint__ 13 bonus__ 20 management__ for the staff.___________
7 relationship__ 14 career__
2 Can the quantifiers below be used with countable nouns,
uncountable nouns or both? Add them to the table.
1 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences about
people and their jobs.
a few some much a great deal o f enough
a large number o f a little a lot o f several few plenty of 1 Carol feels that a / a n / t h e / - good salary is an important factor for
a huge amount o f little many all most her when looking for a / a n / t h e / - new job.
2 On the other hand, Michal is more interested in a / a n / t h e / - job
Countable nouns Uncountable Both countable satisfaction. He hopes to find a job where there is a / a n / t h e / -
nouns and uncountable system for advancement and personal growth.
3 Susi, however, is more interested in becoming a / a n / t h e / -
CEO o f a / a n / t h e / - company she works for. She has
got a / a n / t h e / - MBA and has been working for a number of
years in a / a n / t h e / - management.
4 Jorge thinks that a / a n / t h e / - advancement is important as well.
He also wants to have a / a n / t h e / - challenging position where
he can use his skills. But he also wants to work in a company
which has a / a n / t h e / - good working atmosphere as well.


Review! 2 0 O E I Now listen and tick the items that Carlos does well and
Listen to tracks 9-11, which are from the Student's cross the ones he does badly.

Book. Notice how the speakers hold a performance review

3 Note down any useful phrases from here and the audio in
your Student's Book.
Vocabulary fo r perform ance reviews

CEF Can D o statem ents

1 Complete the sentences with words and phrases from
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
performance reviews.
following statements.Tick the boxes that apply to you.
constructive feedback set goals and objectives achievements Yes, I can I think I need
do this. more practice.
realistic expectations supervise take responsibility for

1 I think that one of Olga's biggest-------------------- has been

1 I can use and understand words
related to motivation and job □ □
increasing sales in her area by 25 percent.
2 It's always important to stay positive and make sure that any
criticism is seen as_____________
2 I can use vocabulary related to pay
and benefits.
□ □
3 I can use articles and modifiers with
3 At the end of the meeting we w ill____________ for what I want
countable and uncountable nouns.
you to achieve over the next year.
4 If you are a manager you shouldn't demand too much from your
employees. Make sure that you have____________ o f what they
4 I can make judgements about how
to be successful in a performance □ □
can do.
If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
5 Next year Jamie w ill____________ the whole of the Marketing Book:
Department and w ill. .the staff in their day-to day-
1 Lesson 3.1 2 Lesson 3.2 3 Lesson 3.3 4 Lesson 3.3
Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.
The language of perform ance reviews

1 Look at the advice for employees in a performance review

taken from the Student's Book.

Advice fo r em ployees in a perform ance review

1 Be serious.This is your chance to tell your boss how

im p o rta n t you are to th e team . _

2 If th e feedback th a t your m anager gives you isn't

clear, th e n say so. You can't kn ow if he/she has realistic
expectations o f you if you d o n 't understand. □

3 Teil th e tru th . D on't say th a t you were excellent at

som ething if you w eren't; your m anager isn't stupid. □

4 D on't blam e others. You should fin d ways to solve

problem s. If you supervise someone, then th in k about
h ow you can help them . Take responsibility fo r your
actions. □

4 H um an R esources

Vocabulary and Grammar

Talking abo u t HR tasks 5 If, however, the new recruit delivers____________ performance

1 Complete the table below with the different functions of HR. in the task, the senior manager steps in again and may employ
---------------------by explaining exactly what went wrong from the
1 offering benefits 6 wages
2 staff training 7 setting up performance point o f view o f everyone involved in the task.
3 team-building activities reviews 6 When we ask a senior staff member to supervise, we make sure
4 advertising jobs 8 making sure departments we choose someone with excellent business_____________
5 recruitment communicate with each other
7 If I had to choose one thing, I would say it is making our young
compensation for employees hiring staff talent feel that they are____________ _ in the organisation.This
gives them a personal connection with what they are doing and
provides motivation and interest leading to tr u e ____________
for the job.

Identifying tale n t
performance management organisation development
1 Match the statements about the managers below with their

Vocabulary of skills, m otivation and training Dead w o o d ______

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 'His contributions are not very innovative but he gets the job
competencies grooms passion inadequate proficient
2 'When I need someone who always thinks strategically and can
360-degree feedback orientation stakeholders acumen
lead a team to new levels of achievement, she's the person I
think of. Her business acumen and interpersonal sensitivity are
1 We believe strongly in taking time to prepare people for a new
job.They have a one-week lo n g ____________ in the department 3 'I wouldn't ask her opinion when it comes to new directions for
they are going to work in. the company but I rely on her to make sure her staff does what is
2 A senior staff member th e n ____________ them for the specific necessary.'
4 'I am afraid that keeping him may be a risk for the company.'
job by explaining all the tasks carefully and supervising them for a
5 'He has got a very high level o f understanding in his area and he
spell or set period of time. would be difficult to replace.'
3 This gives them a clear vision o f what the job entails and the 6 'His performance is starting to become a problem.'
they need to do it well. 7 'Her ideas are innovative and she shows initiative. She has a high
level o f expertise in her area.'
4 When the senior staff member feels that the new employee is
8 'At the meeting in Japan he demonstrated that he can work
____________ enough to do part of the job on their own, they
with a wide variety of cultures and has a clear vision of where
hand over the responsibility for it. This is part of our concept of the company should be headed. He should take on a significant
growing in-house talent. leadership role in our organisation.'

Talking a bo u t th e futu re using w ill, (be) g o in g to and 3 Complete the presentation using the verbs in the box and
the present continuous the correct future form. Use going to, w ill or present continuous.

1 Match these sentence halves together.

have start be have to meet find give w riteup finish
1 There are some problems a am going to talk to them
Good morning, everyone. I have quite a bit to tell you this morning
with the product about our Employee Value
development so it seems we Proposition. but I hope we 1 ____________ by 11 am. First o f all, we have a

2 I'll just make some extra b am having lunch with the batch o f new trainees who 2 ____________ work on Monday.
copies because CEO on Wednesday, so Please make them feel welcome and help them with their questions.
could you take care o f my I think several o f them 3 ____________ reluctant learners as this
phone messages then?
programme is designed to help school leavers who have never
3 We have planned our next c are not going to launch
worked before.This means that we 4 ____________ decide which
meeting with the board and the product next month as
departments to put them in and which managers can supervise
1 planned.
them. I 5 ____________ with the department heads after this
4 1think we d will you give her the latest
recruitment figures and tell meeting so I would appreciate any ideas you can give me.
her about our plans for the
The next issue to discuss is the situation with on-the-job training. I
personally think we 6 ____________ it helpful to set up a one-stop
5 Looking at my timetable for e more people have come.
shop for our employees to see which training programmes we offer.
next week, 1see that 1
Please let me know your ideas on this and I 7 ____________ a plan
6 She needs some help f will find a large number of
finishing the report so potential recruits by visiting for our next meeting. As it is getting late, I 8 ____________ you all
a university careers centre. these feedback forms. I hope that we 9 ____________ time next
week to discuss them.
Now match the sentences above with the situations described.
4 First put the words in the correct order and then create
1 The person has the intention of presenting a new idea to the top
sentences using the correct future form.
management o f the company___
1 Your company has decided to hire new staff.
2 The person has a request for another member of staff.___
start / next week / the / We / recruitment process /.
3 The person has made a decision at the time of speaking___
2 You think you have a good idea,
4 The person is making a prediction based on present evidence___ work well / 1/ this concept / th in k .
5 The person is making a prediction based on his or her personal 3 A manager is not doing a good job.
have to / Senior management / let him g o .
4 A member o f your staff shows real strategic thinking and business
6 The person is talking about an arrangement in the future___
2 Choose the correct future form in these sentences. she / get a promotion / hope / 1.
5 You have a lunch appointment with a potential business partner,
1 I have the plan for the new training programme and it is going to
with Mr Sharma / 1/ at 12:00 / to a restaurant / g o .
be/is being great!
6 You ask a colleague if he is attending a trade fair,
2 There is a meeting about the idea o f a talent alliance. Will you g o /
in Brussels/you / next month / b e /to ?
Are you going to gol
7 You ask a team member her opinion o f something,
3 Do you think the balance between employees'work and how
how / you / the new product line / think / sell ?
much they are paid will change/ is changing in the near future?
4 I am flying/w ill fly to Amsterdam early tomorrow morning.
5 The financial crisis is causing many problems. Our sales figures are
not going to b e/w ill not be good.
6 I don't think the meeting is going to start/w ill start before 10 am.
7 I don't have time right now but I will call/am going to call you


4 Interviewers may give short answers or use incomplete

statements or questions to get more detailed information from
£<Q<5E3 Listen to tracks 13-15, which are from the Student's a candidate. Look at the audio scripts for Unit 4 on pages 83
Book. Notice how the speakers ask and answer job interview and 84, and write the short answers or incomplete phrases the
questions using common collocations and indirect questions. interviewer uses to encourage the candidate to talk.

Collocations for jo b interviews Talking about weaknesses

1 Complete the interview questions with the words in the box Candidate 1
to make common collocations.

prospects a job a decision skills responsibility points

a problem Candidate 2

1 How would you handle____________ with a difficult client?

2 What made you attracted t o ____________ in Human Resources?
Questions for the interviewer
3 Are you willing to take o n ____________ for running the
restaurant in the hotel? Candidate 1

4 What do you think your strong____________ are?

5 What interpersonal____________ do you have for dealing with Job interview at a hotel
6 Can you tell me about a time you had to make--------------------
that was very important in your current job?
7 If you join the company, what career-------------------- do you
expect to have?
CEF Can Do statements
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
Asking questions diplom atically
following statements.Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Listen again to part of a job interview at a hotel and Yes, 1can 1think 1need
write down the interviewer's questions which can be answered do this. more practice.

with yes or no.

1 1can use and understand words
related to talking about HR tasks.
□ □
2 1can use vocabulary to talk about
business skills, motivation and training.
□ □
2 & R Listen again to a different part of the job interview
and write down the interviewer's questions which cannot be
3 1can use the correct form of the
tense {will, going to and
□ □
present continuous).
answered with just yes or no.
4 1can distinguish between personal
characteristics and job skills, and can ask
□ □
direct questions to get more information.

If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's


1 Lesson 4.1/4.2 2 Lesson 4.2 3 Lesson 4.3 4 Lesson 4.3

3 What do you notice about these questions? What is the
Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
difference between the questions in exercise 1 and the questions
can do this.
in exercise 2? Which kind of question would an interviewer ask to
make sure they get a complete answer from a candidate?

R eading 2
Talented employees

i Finding and keeping top ta le n t

1_________ weakness of psychometric tests in in an aircraft manufacturing company
Things have changed since enterprises predicting creativity and entrepreneurial to allow a small group of engineers and
were labour-intensive (mining or textile ability, giving too much weight to support staff to work undisturbed. They
manufacturing) or capital-intensive academic qualifications, lack of diversity, built their working space from discarded
(chemical and steel production). Today, or overlooking the fact that motivation engine boxes with a circus tent as a roof.
many of the world’s major corporations may be more powerful than just ability. Johnson, the lead engineer, was described
in fields like software, pharmaceuticals, as ‘a visionary on at least two fronts:
music, publishing, entertainment, and designing aeroplanes and organising
Somewhat less risky is the process of
sports are knowledge- or talent-intensive. genius. He seemed to know intuitively
finding talent among existing employees.
In these organisations the principal assets what talented people needed to do their
If they have been employed for some
consist of the knowledge and special best work, how to motivate them and how
time, a well-designed appraisal procedure
skills of talented people rather than their to make sure the product was created as
can be effective in selecting promising
tangible assets. As knowledge quickly quickly and cheaply as possible.’ His unit
candidates for accelerated development.
becomes obsolete, the companies with was characterised by the equal treatment
Michael Howe (1940-2002), was
a competitive edge are those focused of people, an absence of paperwork,
Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the
on creating new knowledge by finding, informality of dress and open debate.
University of Exeter in England and one of
recruiting and managing talent. This has led observers to notice that
the world’s leading experts on the subject
the main characteristics of a culture
2_________ of talent. He pointed out the danger of
that nurtures talent are highly cohesive
One recruitment process is to attract seeing talent in any field as a gift which
teams, authority based on competence,
people whose exceptional talent has you either have or not. ‘Some of the most
recognition of all contributions, respected
already been recognised elsewhere. widespread beliefs about exceptional
leadership, freedom, autonomy, flexibility,
This can be called the ‘transplanting’ people revolve around the view that
openness, trust, and encouragement
type of recruitment - like putting certain individuals are inherently
in risk-taking. In other words, the right
mature plants in the ground to create remarkable while the remainder of us are
approach for organisations who want to
an instant garden. While payment may doomed to ordinariness’ (Howe, 1990).
retain their most talented people may
play a role in convincing a talented Howe’s views were supported by the UK
not be to create a ‘skunk works’ within
employee to change jobs, the reputation TV series Faking It in which, for example,
the company but to make the company
of the recruiting organisation in its field a dancer with no previous experience of
as much like a skunk works as possible.
is vital; is it at the leading edge, does it horse riding became a successful show
set the pace for the industry, does the jumper within a few weeks.
individual feel honoured to have been 5
approached? Reputation building is When it comes to retaining talent, an
therefore a key element in recruitment adequate rewards package is a first
strategy. Top firms like Starbucks, Intel, step. More important, however, is
Cisco, Marriott, Dell and Microsoft have whether the company can provide
been focusing on employer branding for a working environment favourable
years as research shows that the best to creativity, self-expression and the
source of quality applicants come from exercise of initiative. Organisations
an organisation’s existing employees. tend to be hierarchical, bureaucratic
3 ____________ and conformist, yet it is just these
A second recruitment process involves characteristics that turn off highly
recruiting young people straight from creative people.
school or university and helping them One possibility in organisations
to develop their talents in the company. is to form small, informal teams
This is similar to buying plants at a called ‘skunk works’ and allow
‘nursery’ and nurturing them so that they them to work independently so
can grow. Problems with this method that they can remain as creative as
can include different rates of maturity, possible. The first one was set up

Source: Essay by Philip Sadler in Business - The Ultimate Resource

1 Read the article about finding and keeping talent and decide 4 Make these words from the text into opposites by adding the
which section the following headings refer to. prefixes in-, un-, and im-.

a Talent spotting___ 1 tangible 6 -effective

b Recruiting and finding talent ... 2 competitive 7 -successful

c Keeping talent___ 3 .mature 8 -favourable
d The'nursery'approach___ 4 __.talented 9 -equal
e Why talent is im portant___ 5 .employed

2 Read the statements about the article. Are the statements 5 Complete the sentences using words from exercise 4. Some
true (T) or false (F)? words may be the opposites of your answers for exercise 4.

1 In section 1 the author says that companies rely very heavily on 1 A company which can adapt easily to new methods or ways of

their tangible assets today. _ working is usually m ore____________ than one which cannot.

2 In section 2 the author feels that employer branding is very This can often be seen by looking at the reputation or the bottom

important if an organisation wants to find highly skilled people. line of the balance sheet.
2 Companies which do not encourage new knowledge and find

3 In section 3 the author says that it is always a good idea to talented employees are in danger of becoming____________ as
hire people directly from school and help them develop in the their rivals may take advantage o f this situation and use it to take

company___ business away from them.

4 In section 4 he warns against looking for talent among the 3 Truly talented people usually do not remain____________ for

existing employees....... long if they leave their jobs.

5 In section 5 he suggests that making companies less formal, 4 Openness, trust, cohesiveness and respect for each other are very

hierarchical and bureaucratic could encourage creativity------ conditions for creative teams.

3 Find words or phrases in the article which mean the opposite 5 The knowledge and skills of the people in a company are
of the words and phrases below. ____________ assets.

Section 1 6 If employees feel they are being treated in a n ________ ____ way,

1 up-to-date____________ they most likely will not do their best work.

7 Forcing creative teams to work in a highly hierarchical and
Section 2
bureaucratic environment may turn out to b e ____________ as it
2 young____________ 4 past---------------------
is possible they will not manage to do their work very well.
3 unimportant _

Section 3
5 different fro m . 7 uniform ity.
6 vocational___ 8 weaker___

Section 4
9 ordinary____

Section 5
10 expensively. 11 lose.

W riting 2
Covering letter for a job application

A strong opening and h ig h lig h tin g skills and I 5. . with a double degree in industrial
achievem ents
engineering and logistics last year. While at university I
1 Match the sentence halves to make sentences for opening a
6 —----------------a mentoring programme for the first time
letter and highlighting skills and achievements.
to help other students. Due to its success the university
1 In my last position, 1 a for the position o f regional supported it fully.
contributed manager in the Middle East.

2 The department which b record in the field of marketing

Since my graduation from university, I have
1managed, successfully as you can see on my CV and
7 ------------------ skills in all areas of corporate investment,
would greatly contribute to your
marketing department. funding and budgets, and economic strategies. I am very
3 At university 1acquired c its goals for the year, making interested in 8 ____________ creative ideas in the areas
me an ideal candidate for the mentioned above in a team of like-minded individuals.
position you have advertised.

4 1am writing to apply d leadership skills in my position as 3 In exercise 2, the covering letters respond to the
editor o f the weekly newspaper. requirements in the job descriptions. Match the extracts from
5 1have a proven track e to the innovation and relaunch of job descriptions 1-2 with the covering letters A-B.
a major product.
Look at this advert and write a cover letter explaining:
6 1would be interested f meeting you and finding out
in the market research more details about the position. ■ why are you writing and where you have seen the advert
position which was ■ your qualifications
advertised ■ your work experience and how it relates to the job
■ why you are an ideal candidate
7 1am looking forward to g on your website on December 10.
■ when you could come to an interview

2 Complete the extracts from job descriptions 1-2 and

covering letters A-B using the words in the box.

graduated track acquired contribute interpersonal

Business consultant
implementing qualifications led We are looking fo r an experienced business consultant
fo r our com pany. M uch o f the w o rk w e do fo cuse s on
im proving clie n ts’ business processes and helping them
1 • looking fo r a university graduate who has a proven
stay co m p etitive in to d a y ’s market.
1 ____________ record in finance and accounting
• m ust be able to 2 ____________ to a team responsible | The ideal ca ndidate w ill have q ua lifications in
business and ideally have at least five years’ business
fo r financial policies in an international com pany
.......................................... ; experience. The ca ndidate m ust have a good
2 understanding o f people as well as how com panies
• our p ro du ction d e p a rtm e n t has an opening fo r a se lf­
fu nction. A nalytical and good problem -solving abilities
s ta rte r w ith 3 ____________ in a technical field
and excellent co m m un icatio n skills are a must.
• good 4 ____________ skills as well as c ritica l th in k in g
and p roblem solving a b ilitie s required ------- -------- .......................... ........................... „

5 O rganisations and th eir
stru ctu res
Vocabulary and Grammar

Collocations used in organisational structures 5 He has too much work and needs to learn how to better

1 Complete these collocations about organisational structures responsibility to his team.

with the words in the box. 6 Each o f our team leaders has to report to the person above him
or her, in other words all information moves up the levels of
chain organise conflict delegation responsibility
line regional to the top.

3 Use these word parts to make words about changing

1 o f responsibility structures.
2 divisions
cien pie com cation perse loy du effi ment han
3 _______ o f command
pli cy dep modate die tm ment ac dis
4 manager
5 of interest Implement

6 the company 4 Use the words from exercise 3 to complete this text.
7 for decision-making
Cisco began making changes in their organisational structure

Reorganising a com pany to increase perform ance because they realised there was 1 ____________ of work and
processes taking place. One problem they had was the
1 Find the word that does n ot make a collocation with the word
in bold. 2 _of people to other branches or parts of the
company. This was based on the idea of using network and regional
1 functional production line superior manager
2 hierarchy matrix functional line structure teams to 3 ____________ and operate their environments and
3 communication skills future field style services. This structure was not flexible enough to 4 ____________
4 make take do ignore a decision the type o f growth that Cisco believed should take place. Once the
5 take assume forget delegate responsibility
structure changed to a lifecycle business model, Cisco found that it
6 levels of organisation management customers
responsibility was easier to identify and 5 ____________ problems more quickly.
This has led to greater 6 ____________ throughout the organisation.
2 Complete the sentences with a collocation from exercise 1.

1 I have to stay late this evening because m y ____________

manager asked me to finish the report on development processes
by tomorrow morning.
2 We use an organisational model which is a combination of
functional and line structure, in other words a ____________
3 She just got a job in an area that is growing enormously. She works
with new technologies in the communication_____________
4 I get really angry when I have set out a policy and my staff
don't keep to it. I don't understand why th e y ____________ my
decision about what needs to be done.


M odal verbs for possibility and probability Thorsten: 6 __________________ on it. However

1 Look at the sentences below and underline the modal verb in 7 __________________ do it till the end o f next week.
each sentence
Elisabeth: I think that will be fine. 8 __________________ it again
1 Could you lower the price a little? in two weeks'time. How does that sound?
2 We will agree to all o f the price changes. Thorsten: Fine. 9 __________________ questions for you before
3 We might be able to finish the report by next Friday. that.
4 Marco could be in a meeting.
5 They will probably sell their shares in the company. 5 Complete sentences 1-5 using the phrases in the box. There
6 She may accept a lower salary. are two extra phrases.

2 Look at the sentences in exercise 1 again and answer the

help me could be delegate more tasks, have to to travel
questions below.
the global market tomorrow, will discuss to Asia, discuss it
a Which of the sentences say that something is possible?___ with my report? may want to improved

b Which sentence asks if something is possible?___

1 Could yo u __________________ ?
c Which sentence says something is probable?___
2 He might have___________________
d Which sentence says something is certain?___
3 Managers___________________
3 Decide which word best completes the following sentences. 4 Efficiency___________________
1 We m ig h t/w illcome to the meeting, but I'm not sure yet. 5 They___________________
2 May/Could you help with the Sternman account?
6 Four of the sentences in exercise 5 are possible or probable.
3 M ay/W ill I ask you a question?
Which sentence is sure?
4 We m ig ht/w ill definitely keep you informed.
5 He will/could probably phone after 3 o'clock.

4 Two colleagues are discussing organisational structures.

Complete the conversation using the phrases below.

Could you come up It might cause other problems

1may well have some staff could contact
1might not be able to We could discuss
1will work will probably have to make
it may lead to

Thorsten: I think that the functional structure may be the solution

to our problems.
Elisabeth: I am not sure. 1 __________________ we haven't yet
thought about.
Thorsten: But if 2 __________________ a product manager in
Europe and in Asia that would be great.
Elisabeth: I understand what you mean. But
3 __________________ redundancies.
Thorsten: Not if it is planned carefully. We 4 __________________
changes in the near future, so we need to think about
what we need.
Elisabeth: OK. 5 __________________ with a plan that we can
then present to the board?



Review! 5 £ 3 5 1 Now listen to the sentences spoken in an enthusiastic

@ 3 Listen to track 16, which is from the Student's Book. way again, and try to copy the intonation.
Notice how the speakers brief somebody and actively
respond to a briefing.
CEF Can Do statem ents
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
Briefing and being briefed
following statements.Tick the boxes that apply to you.

1 0 H S Listen to sentences 1-10 and note down if they are: Yes, I can I think I need
do this. more practice.
a explaining______ ...__
b checking and clarifying__________
1 I can use and understand words
related to changing company □ □
c showing enthusiasm______
d vague language______
2 I can make collocations about
organisations and use them correctly. □ □
2 € 2 3 Listen to Sharon briefing Peter and answer the
3 I can use modal verbs of possibility
and probability, and certainty and
□ □
1 What will Sharon be doing with Peter? uncertainty.
2 Who has Peter met already?
4 I can understand and use the language
3 What has Peter been given so that he can see how his role fits into
of briefings and understand what
the organisation?
people mean when they do not use
4 What does he think would be useful to do?
full sentences in conversation.
5 Who will give Peter the Health and Safety induction?
6 What are Sharon and Peter going to do now? If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
3 5 T E 1 Listen again and note down the phrases that Sharon
and Peter use to do the following. You can look at the audio 1 Lesson 5.1/5.2 2 Lesson 5.2 3 Lesson 5.3 4 Lesson 5.3
script on page 84 to help you. Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
1 What does Sharon say to check that Peter agrees with her plan? can do this.
2 What does Peter say to show that he is enthusiastic about his new
3 What does Peter say to show that he wants to have a tour of the
4 What does Sharon say to ask for clarification that Peter hasn't had
a tour yet?
5 What phrase does Sharon use to be vague about Kyle's job?
6 How does Peter ask for clarification of where the factory is?

When being briefed it is important that you use

the right intonation to show your enthusiasm. Listen to the
following sentences. Which speaker sounds enthusiastic in each
case, A or B?

1 I can't wait to get started___

2 I'm keen to meet all of my new colleagues___
3 The sooner I get started the better. —
4 I'm looking forward to learning more___

O ttO A N T K A T IO N S A N D T H E I R S T R U C T U R E S 25
M anaging organisations

Vocabulary and Grammar

Key vocabulary fo r com pany life cycles 3 Complete the crossword. [7

1 A word family is a group of words like organise, organiser,

organisation, organised. You can expand your vocabulary by
learning more words from the same word family. Complete the
2 3
table and use a dictionary to help you if you are not sure. Some
words have two types of noun, some are for people and some
are for objects or abstract ideas.

Verb Noun Noun (Object/ Adjective

(Person) Idea)

direction/directive directive

coordinator coordinated 5



delegate -

2 Use the correct forms of words from exercise 1 to complete Across

the sentences. Each sentence has two words from the same 2 official rules and processes that seem
word family. unnecessary (noun phrase) (3,4)
5 someone who starts their own business, especially making use of
1 When you put together a project involving different people and a new opportunity (noun) (12)
international teams th e ____________ o f all the separate parts 6 the ability to order, limit or rule something (noun) (7)
is very important, to make them work together. It means that Down
1 guidance and direction to a group of people (noun) (10)
very motivated and detailed-oriented____________ have to be
3 give a job or task to someone and ask him or her to do it for you
involved in it. (verb) (8)
2 We have some new products which demonstrate true 4 independence (noun) (8)
____________ thanks to our team o f____________ product
developers, (two possibilities) Adverbs o f degree

3 It would be really interesting t o ____________ with you on the 1 Complete the dialogue below using the correct form of the
project and I think o u r____________ would produce great words in the box.

results. careful informal very autonomous steady a bit quite

4 I have to say that our board o f____________ is really outstanding close real increase
and provides the company with a clear idea o f th e ____________
Joe: I think we 1 ____________ need to discuss a possible
they plan to take.
restructuring o f our organisation. As you know, some o f our
5 Good managers know how t o _____________ work to
middle and lower managers are not 2 ____________ happy
other people in their department, and know that w ithout
with the way we have things set up.
____________ they would have too much work.
Francine: Yes, I see your point. At the last meeting we began to 4 They. .the number o f organic products since they
look at a number o f these issues but I think we need to ____________ to sell them in 2010. (increase / begin)
define what we want 3 ____________ and in detail. 5 People____________ trust in our company after the bad
Joe: I know that the board o f directors feels that top-down publicity in the 1990s and our sales figures_____________ (lose /
management works well. But I don't think that many go down)
people at the bottom feel the same. For example, there 6 Our clientele________ .a lot since w e. .our
are a number o f departments which could function more operations in 2005. (change / start)
4 and make decisions w ithout checking 2 Look at the timeline below. Choose the correct verbs from
everything first.The managers have worked the verbs in brackets and use the correct forms to complete the
5 with some o f the same staff members sentences.
1995 1997 1998 1999 2003 2005 2008 2010
for a number o f years and they say they know what their
people can do.
Francine: Yes, but in some cases, groups o f people got together
S’ £
and agreed on actions 6 ____________ , without proper
E t
Q- £
paperwork and forms, and senior management feel that
they have lost control o f some aspects o f the business.
Joe: But constantly increasing the control from the top is 1 Our company was. . in 1995 so w e. . in

not going to create a good atmosphere among middle business for more than ten years, (found / be)

and lower management. Don't you think that could be 2 Because the com pany____________ in the first tw o years, the

7 ____________ a risky move to make now? After all, founders____________ a n d _____________more staff. Today

workloads have been increasing 8 ____________ and there are some staff members w h o ____________ for the

we need support from the whole organisation to meet company since that time. ( grow / recruit / hire / w o rk)

our targets. 3 The expansion o f the com pany____________ and in 1998

Francine: True. Let's see if we can find a solution for everyone. w e ____________ a number of departments. Some o f these

However, I don't think we can deal with lower level departments look very different today than th e y ________ . in

managers who are 9 ____________ asking for more 1996. (c o n tin u e /c re a te /d o )

autonomy to make decisions but we could at least offer 4 In 1999 there ____________ a major reorganisation o f the

them 1 0 __________ more support and make them responsibilities o f the departments and their managers. This

understand how important they are to the organisation. _____ _______ to conflicts between the departments in 2003. (be
/ lead)
Talking a b o u t th e past (present perfect and past simple) 5 In 2005 the board of directors. .to completely
1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs restructure the organisation. As a result of that decision we
in brackets. Use one past simple form and one present perfect ___________ our operations and the top management
____________ much more control over the everyday running of
1 Last year w e. . a number o f people and most of the business. ( decide / centralise / gain)
th e m ______ . excellent employees, (appoint / be) 6 Since 2010 most o f the com pany______ . in teams which
2 She______ _ -to Europe six years ago and. . quite successful so far. We hope that the changes
here for the past tw o years, (come / live) w e. ___in 2005 will help us to be more successful in
3 Each of these traders. . a stall at the new market the future, (work / be / m ake)
w h ich ________ . last month, (take / open)


Review! 2 65EEI Listen to some linking words and vocabulary from the

Book. Notice the phrases the speakers use when they are of the word or phrase. Then, underline these linkinq words and
talking before the meeting, and the linking words and vocabulary in the agenda in exercise 1.
vocabulary for the agenda. 1 agree on 5 get assistance 8 reviewed
2 confirm 6 let you know 9 take you through
' Before a m eeting
3 discuss 7 refresh your
4 firstly memories
1 Q H J Listen and look at the audio script on page 84. Replace
the underlined words and phrases in the dialoque with words 3 Put the agenda items for the meeting in exercise 1 into the
and phrases from the box. There is one extra phrase. correct order.

explain it to our employees obtain help Confirmation and review o f bonus system
has everyone decided on remind me talked about tell me New warehousing computer software
that's why think about it again finalised the agreement New contracts with customers Apologies
Objectives for next quarter AOB Minutes of the last meeting
Linking words and vocabulary for th e agenda
1 Put this meeting into the correct order by writing the number
of the paragraph next to it.
____There are several topics we need to discuss, firstly the new 3
warehousing program. As you all know, we have new software to 4
help us as it took too long to move materials. As this has now been 5
solved, I will move on to our excellent progress with new business 6
partners and let you know how happy management is. 7

___So, we're coming to the end. Does anyone have anything else
that needs to be discussed? If not, thanks for your time and see you
CEF Can D o statem ents
in a month. The minutes will be sent to you in the next couple of
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
days for you to review.
following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
___Good morning everyone. Unfortunately Steve and Michelle Yes, 1can 1think 1need
are unable to join us this morning as they left for our Asian branch do this. more practice.
last night. You've all got copies o f the minutes from last time, any
questions about them?
1 I can use and understand key
vocabulary for company life cycles. □ □
___Finally, we need to agree on objectives for the next quarter. We
are up against a lot o f competition and need to take a closer look
2 I can use adverbs o f degree correctly.
□ □
at our methodology for dealing with this. For this reason, I need
to get assistance from you and would ask you to talk to your staff
and brainstorm some ideas with them. As they deal with this every
3 I can use the past simple and the
present perfect and know when to □ □
use which one.
day, they have some ideas we haven't thought of. Is that clear for

___Thirdly, I can confirm that bonuses will stay as they are. As

4 I can use linking words and action
words in a meeting and decide on □ □
agenda points.
business is coming in, we feel we should reward outstanding work
If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
so you should all be happy with next month's payment. But to
refresh your memories, I would like to remind you that this will be
reviewed again next month. I will keep you informed and can take 1 Lesson 6.1 2 Lesson 6.2 3 Lesson 6.3 4 Lesson 6.3
you through the new concept when it is finalised.
Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.

1 Over the last hundred years or so, ALDI has become
a household name with over 8,000 stores worldwide.
The foundation of the company began in 1913 w hen the
Albrecht family opened a small food store in Germany,
and the name is short for Albrecht Discount. It didn't
take long for the little 'service store' to become popular.
In 1946 the sons of the family, Karl and Theo Albrecht
took over the store and began to expand to other areas
of Germany, using their discount philosophy to keep
their market share. In 1954 they opened their 50th store
in Germany and by 1961 their business had grown to a
network of over 300 stores. The company then split into
two independent companies; ALDI Siid, run by Karl to
service the South, and ALDI Nord run by Theo for the
North. Since that time the two companies have been
extremely high quality standards and guarantee that
run and operated separately, although they occasionally
their products are fresh.
negotiate w ith suppliers together and carry some of the
same own brands. 4 With its consistent store layout, open carton displays
and non-bulk packaging, the ALDI model appeals to
2 In 1967 Theo Albrecht began expanding by taking over
shoppers who are interested in efficiency, quality and
a chain of stores in Austria. Nine years later ALDI Slid
value. Through their purchasing power they are able to
took a larger step and bought a chain of 50 shops in the
get the lowest prices from suppliers, and the business
USA and implemented their select-assortment concept, model of ALDI allows them to pass on savings of up
carrying only 500 select-brand products. Compared with
to 50 percent below traditional supermarkets by selling
other supermarkets, their stores seemed tiny. But ALDI mostly own brands, spending very little on advertising
found a niche with Americans looking for real value, and promotion, and not offering non-essential services.
and the chain grew rapidly. In 2000 ALDI Siid continued
its expansion throughout Europe and also opened shops
in Australia. Their philosophy of 'less-is-more' paid off Source: The ALDI website
in the USA and by 2011 they had more than 1,000 stores
in 29 states serving 15 million customers a month. Their
1 Match the events in the article to the correct period of time.
business concept covers all aspects of operations, from
selecting suppliers to finding locations for stores - all of
1 1913 a The Albrecht brothers created tw o separate
which is geared towards selling quality products at the
lowest possible price. companies.
3 What has been the secret of their success? 'Self-service' 2 1954 b They were serving 15 million customers a month in
was still a relatively new retail structure in the 1960s and
the USA.
ALDI became the first company in Germany to adopt
this concept. The stores operate a 'no frills' philosophy 3 1960s c The 50th shop in Germany was opened.
and shoppers bring their own carrier bags to keep
prices down, a concept that was new for shoppers in 4 1961 d ALDI Sud bought a chain of shops in another
some countries. In addition, streamlined processes, European country.
a select-brand strategy, a relatively small but reliable
5 1967 e After Europe and North America, ALDI Sud
product assortment and their special double-guarantee
offer of a replacement product plus a refund gave ALDI expanded to its third continent.
a competitive edge. ALDI has also kept up with the f The Albrecht family opened a small shop.
6 1976
times and in 1996 began selling electronic items. Today
shoppers can buy standard canned and packaged goods 7 2000 g Karl Albrecht bought 50 shops abroad and put the
as well as digital cameras, printers, clothing, fresh fruit select-assortment concept into practice.
and vegetables and dairy products, making ALDI a
one-stop shopping experience. In addition they have 8 2011 h The first shops to introduce a new style of
shopping in Germany were becoming popular.

2 Read the statements about the article. Are the statements Match these words from the text with their definitions.
true (T) or false (F)? Correct the ones with false information.
1 aspects a being able to buy many different items
2 market share b unnecessary
1 The first part of the name of the company came from the
3 household name c a group of different types of something
Albrecht family who started the business in 1913------
4 to select d to give from one person to another
2 The Albrecht sons used discounts to get people into their shops. 5 assortment e the percentage of people a company
6 one-stop shopping sells to in one area
3 The tw o companies, ALDI Nord and ALDI Sud, are operated and 7 to pass on f to choose
8 non-essential g parts, sections, areas
run together___
h a well-known company
4 When ALDI expanded to the US, they offered 500 own-brand
Complete the sentences using words and phrases from
exercises 3 and 4. You may need to change the forms of the
5 ALDI found a niche market in the USA with people looking for words and phrases.
value for money------
1 Customers at ALDI can____________ either fresh or packaged
6 ALDI are one o f the pioneers who offered the concept of self-
items to buy.
service in Germany___
2 ALDI____________ tw o different companies and covered
7 The double-guarantee gives the buyer a refund and a
different areas of Germany.
replacement product___
3 Customers like the idea that ALDI____________ discounts to
8 ALDI later introduced fresh foods, dairy products and electronic
them when ALDI gets low prices for goods from suppliers.
4 ALDI has developed into a successful business from its small start
9 Today ALDI can offer very good discounts because they sell
in Germany, and through expansion into other countries has
mostly brand-name items------
worked hard to increase th e ir_____________
10 ALDI spends a lot on advertising------
5 As ALDI believes strongly in a ---------------------, goods are left in
Find words and phrases in the text with these meanings.
the cartons they were shipped in and customers have to bring
1 when an organisation is established (paragraph 1)------------------- their own carrier bags or buy carrier bags from ALDI.
2 divided into (paragraph 1)-------------------- 6 Once a company becomes a ____________ it can usually
3 group of shops with the same name and owner (paragraph 2) increase its sales and does not need to do as much advertising.
7 Many successful____________ make use of the concept of
4 places to open a shop (paragraph 2)--------------------- offering the same or similar goods to customers no matter where
5 designed for / aimed at (paragraph 2 )-------------------- they are located.
6 the approach of selling only basic products or services and 8 Having a reliable_________ ___ of goods can help shops to
not offering additional or unnecessary details (paragraph 3) attract and keep customers.
9 Many supermarkets offer_____ _______ services which have
7 dependable (paragraph 3 )-------------------- nothing to do with selling food and drink.
8 products in boxes or other containers (paragraph 3) 10 The ALDI concept is____________ people who look for good
value for money.
9 positioning of products in stores (paragraph 4)
10 attracts or interests (paragraph 4 )------------------

W riting 3
Everyday business emails

Formal and inform al style in letters and emails

Match the less formal words or phrases with the formal ones. when you have time
Just wanted to let you know 1won't make it to the meeting
Formal words Less formal words Looking forward to chatting with you
1 enquire a numbers

2 purchase b every year Hi G eorge,

• T his is to in fo rm you th a t I w ill n o t be able to a tte n d
3 require c letters and emails
th e m e e tin g n e x t w eek. B u t I'm a vailab le on S kype
4 annually d buy - ju s t g ive m e a buzz a t y o u r co nve nien ce. I look
fo rw a rd to y o u r reply.
5 a great deal of e ask about
K aitlin
6 correspondence f lots of

7 adapt g question
Yours faithfully a price list enquire
8 figures h need

9 query i change
Dear Sir or Madam
I would like to ask you about your new product range. Could
Decide which of these phrases, a or b, is more formal. What
you please send me a brochure and tell me what the products
differences do you notice in formal or informal language?
cost? My postal address is below.
1 a Please find attached ... b I have attached ... Thanks
2 a I would appreciate it if you could ... Mohamed Karzai
b It would be great if you could ...
3 a I am sorry to tell you th a t... b We regret to inform you th a t.
4 a I am looking forward to your reply, I've got to go to we've got lots to talk about
b Looking forward to your answer. Sorry to let you know
5 a Please answer ASAP, b Please respond as soon as possible.
6 a Please confirm that you have received this letter,
b Please let me know you've got this.
; I regret to tell you that I will have to cancel our meeting. Another
7 a I am writing in connection with ... meeting has come up suddenly and I will have to be present at it.
b I just wanted to ask you a b o u t... I hope we can reschedule as I know we have got many issues to
8 a Thanks for the help! b Thank you for all your assistance. discuss.

Look at the letters and emails 1-4 . Replace the formal or
informal language with the appropriate phrases in the boxes
4 You are a sales manager at an international company. You
above each email or letter.
will be away at a sales conference next week from Monday to
1 Thursday. Write a short email to your assistant using the notes
Yours sincerely, Please inform me if this is convenient for you. below. Decide if the style is formal or informal.
I plan to be in your area
key accounts have mobile number - if necessary -they can
Dear Mr Smith,
I am writing to you because I’m around next month and an other clients - take messages or transfer -them -to other
would like to make an appointment with you. Just tell me if s ta ff in the sales department
this is OK. send you email updates once a day in the late afternoon
See you soon,
Carol Jones leave message on voicemail if anything urgent happens

7 Supply-chain m an ag em en t
Vocabulary and Grammar

People involved in th e supply chain 3 Put these words onto the correct card to complete the lists.

1 Match the words in the box to their definitions. There are carrier customer social outlets storage safety health
two extra words. child transport

supplier e-tailer retailer producer consumer

wholesaler distributor manufacturer f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
secon dary sector
1 someone who buys something and uses it themselves, for • manufacturing
example a customer in a supermarket____________ • worker 1 ___________
2 a company which makes som ething____________ • 2 welfare
3 someone who sells something to a manufacturer to use in the • 3 ___________ and safety requirements
manufacturing process____________ • 4 ___________ labour
4 a middleman who buys from manufacturers and sells to retailers V__________________________________________________ J

5 a shop which sells directly to consumers or end users f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \

te rtia ry sector
• distribution
6 a company which sells something to consumers on the Internet
• retail 5 ____________
• 6 ___________ services
2 Read the sentences below and choose the best word to
• 7 ___________ of goods
complete them.
• 8 ___________ bags
1 We were not happy with the way the products were produced, so
• 9 ___________ space
we are now looking for a new ...
v __________________________________________________ J
a manufacturer. b wholesaler. c retailer.
2 Our company wants to develop its internet business in terms of
selling online, so we are looking for... Verbs to describe th e supply chain
a a retailer. b an e-tailer. c a supplier.
3 E-tailers generally sell goods to ... 1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

a consumers. b wholesalers. c retailers.

assemble collect deliver reduce supply
4 Shops buy large amounts o f goods from ...
a retailers. b end-users. c wholesalers.
1 You can____________ the number o f plastic bags you use and
5 The manufacturer needed more packaging materials so it
benefit the environment by taking a bag when you go shopping.
contacted the...
a consumer. b supplier. c retailer. 2 When you buy computer hardware we can____________
6 Strong packaging is needed so that the product is not broken electronic user guides by email.
when the box is finally opened by th e ... 3 Some supermarkets provide home delivery, so that customers
a end user. b manufacturer. c supplier.
don't need t o ____________ their food from the shop.
4 Customers have t o ____________ the garden furniture purchased
on the Internet.
5 Many e-tailers can____________ within 48 hours.
Using conditionals 7 Customers don't understand why we chose this mode o f organising
the flow o f goods from us to them.
1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words
clear to customers / made the benefits of / more satisfied / I f /
in brackets. Then write 0 (zero conditional), 1 (first conditional)
or 2 (second conditional). our distribution system /they would b e /w e
8 A supplier is not following your code o f conduct and is using workers
1 When you set up a distribution channel, i t ____________ (take) who are too young.
time to begin to work well___ stop using / will / child labour / we / they / with them / cancel our
2 If we have time at the meeting this afternoon, w e ____________
(discuss) the configuration o f the supply chain___ 3 Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.

3 If the supply chain____________ (work) as it is meant to, 1 People in our company recycle rubbish unless/provided that we
information flows in both directions___ supply clearly marked rubbish bins.
2 In case/when you need to reach me, I'll keep my mobile switched
4 If we handled the incoming orders more efficiently, the customers
(be) more satisfied with our service____ 3 We will continue to order goods from this manufacturer unless/if
5 If we determine the final mode o f delivery this afternoon, we their quality drops.
---------------------(set up) the schedule and inform you all about 4 Supply chain management will continue to be extremely
important in case / if the customers continue to demand higher
quality products.
6 If w e ---------------------(incur) extra costs, we would pay for 5 I will meet you in the office at 8 am unless/provided that my flight
them ___ is delayed.
7 If the resources were allocated at the beginning, we 6 They are sure that w h e n /if only they open a new factory, their
quality will improve.
(not have) a problem now____
7 E-tailers can be well run businesses, provided th a t/in case they
8 If w e ---------------------(maximise) the supply-chain surplus, our
have an efficient system for processing orders.
finance department will be very satisfied with our work___ 8 Ifonly /W hen you handle resources well, it means that you have
2 Put the words in the correct order to make conditional designed your supply chain efficiently.
sentences which match the situations.

1 You are receiving raw materials too late for your production to work
efficiently and you think you may need a new partner to work with.
we / do not / a new supplier / If / deliver / will / on time / look for
/th e y
2 IKEA helps employees get to work and offers them alternatives to
using their cars.
need / employees / give / If / a bicycle / them / we / one
3 There may be a problem in another country due to protests and you
don't know if you will receive the materials you need.
We / more resources to production / in case / will / with the
tran spo rt/a llo cate /th ere is a problem
4 You have some furniture which came in a large package but are
having problems putting it together.
it /1 / would / followed the instructions / If / be easier/to
assemble / more carefully
5 We are thinking about a new wholesaler but are not sure if they work
as carefully as we expect.
they / working with them / will / look into / Provided that / meet
our standards/we
6 When a system o f distribution is properly set up and managed it is
very cost-efficient.
a lot of m oney/a supply c h a in /it / If./saves the com pany/
functions well



Review! Listen to the conversation and answer these questions.

Q 2 2 E 3 j Listen to tracks 25-26, which are from the Student's 1 Who does most of the talking and why?
Book. Notice how the speakers use language to negotiate 2 What does Nick do at the beginning?
effectively. 3 What exactly does Stefan say to try and convince Nick that he
can't change the system?
The language o f negotiations
4 What reason does Stefan give for the workload increase if they
Complete the conservation using the words and change the system?
phrases in the box. Then listen and check. 5 How does Stefan try again to convince Nick that it is not a good
idea to change the system?
we will You mean The question is yes, it means if 6 Why does Nick repeat the situation again? Does he use a question
You would that means here and how do you know?

Alberto: So, Haruka, I know we have to increase customer orders. Listen to the conversation and look at these sentences.
Underline the words which are used to make them more
1 ____________ , how do we do that w ithout more work
for my team?
1 The question is, can you go into that first one...?
Haruka: Well, Alberto, the general point is, if we get one order
2 But we will benefit from a better unit price.
from a customer, this customer will hopefully order again. 3 You would benefit from not having three different order numbers.
So, 2 ____________ we get a new customer, 4 We're not talking about making additional orders, we're saying
3 ____________ we have to do everything possible to increase one and delete two.

make sure that they order again.

Alberto: 4 ____________ at the moment we're getting one order CEF Can D o statem ents
from a customer and they're never ordering again? Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the

Haruka: Yes. We have to call those customers back and ask them if following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Yes, I can I think I need
they want to give us another order. do this. more practice.
Alberto: But that would be a lot more work for us.
Haruka: In terms o f what it means, 5 ____________ extra work up
1 I can use the correct words to
describe supply-chain management. □ □
Alberto: Yes.
2 I understand the basic vocabulary for
the different sectors o f supply-chain
□ □
Haruka: But 6 ____________ benefit from more repeat orders.
7 ____________ benefit because the customers calling
back would be in the system already. You wouldn't need
3 I can use first and second conditional
with different conjunctions.
□ □
to register them, just get the product numbers and the
payment details.
4 I can exchange information and
persuade a business using appropriate □ □

If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's


1 Lesson 7.1 2 Lesson 7.2 3 Lesson 7.3 4 Lesson 7.3

Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.


3 Q uality m an ag em en t

Vocabulary and Grammar

Key vocabulary for qu ality m anagem ent 2 Write the numbers and letters of the sentence halves next to
the type of linking word that is used.
1 Underline the words in each line that these verbs can be
used with. There may be one or two words which go with the Expressing results____________
Giving reasons____________
1 involve activity employees supervision Adding inform ation.
2 come up with ideas results delivery
3 Complete the sentences. Underline the correct linking words.
3 result in systems higher quality savings
4 implement suggestions leaders contact 1 Consequently/In addition to producing electronics, we also
5 provide training employer materials develop many new products.
2 Kaizen is a system of quality control and furthermore/because it
2 Complete the sentences about kaizen with word partnerships
encourages employees to make suggestions for improvement.
from exercise 1. Use the correct form of the verb.
3 The quality o f these products was low moreover/and so
1 Small improvements in production can. . because management asked us to find out what the problem was.
4 We are asking employees to come up with ideas because/
the products are carefully produced and checked.
therefore we need to improve our system o f production.
2 The kaizen system____________ from the management to the
5 The new quality control project was not o nly/and so helpful for
people who clean. production, in addition to /b u t also for the people who sell our
3 When employees need to learn something new, the company products.
for them.
4 All the people who work in the company are encouraged to
which will improve the way the company works.
5 Some companies using kaizen____________ from employees
about 90 percent o f the time.

Using linking words

1 Match these sentence halves together.

1 1couldn't find the problem with the software a in addition to holding meetings within the departments to
brainstorm new ideas.

2 We had some problems with staff morale b so we will have to charge more for finished goods.

3 We have been collecting suggestions from staff members at all c because too many customers have been complaining about our
levels goods.

4 The information he sent me was quite complicated and d but also in quality management.

5 We think that a system like kaizen for quality control is necessary e and consequently we have had fewer accidents.

6 Prices on raw materials have increased f resulting in high staff turnover last quarter.

7 Our firm is not only a leader in the field of innovative products, g moreover was not relevant to our organisation.

8 Safety measures have been improved greatly on the production h as the program seemed to work fine when 1used it.

Using th e present perfect and present perfect 3 Use the correct form of the verb in brackets to make present
continuous perfect or present perfect continuous sentences.

1 Choose the correct form of the present perfect in the 1 I ____________ (finish) three different reports since I came in this
sentences below. morning.
2 The ICT department installed new programs on our computers
1 We have been implementing/have implemented ideas from staff
last week and w e ____________ (have) problems accessing our
members for a number o f years and have noticed/ have been
emails since then.
noticing how helpful this is.
3 I feel really fit as I ____________ (walk) to work for the past six
2 They have been selling / have sold more than half their finished
months and plan to continue.
products so far this year and have been working on/have worked
4 W e____________ (change) suppliers so we need to update our
on a new system o f distribution which will be finished soon.
accounts with the new details.
3 Asking employees to make suggestions has been leading/has led
5 I can't get any work done because the phone ____________
to better employee morale and has been showing/has shown us
(ring) all morning and it hasn't stopped yet!
how important this is.
6 In the last six months, w e ____________ (speak) to five new
4 We have been doing/have done studies on ergonomics on the
suppliers to ask about their prices.
production line and so far the results have been being/have been
7 Our workers____________ (be) much happier since we
very interesting.
implemented Kaizen in the factory.
5 Making our workers more involved in the production process has
8 Our managing te a m ____________ (look for) new premises since
been resulting in / has resulted in an improvement o f quality and
the beginning o f the year.
has m ade/has been making our distributors happy.
6 We have been deciding/have decided to look for a new supplier.

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the

present perfect continuous form of the verbs in the box.

implement have work result in receive ask

1 I ____________ my boss for about tw o months to send me on a

training course but I haven't got an answer from him yet.
2 H e____________ five complaints this morning about the quality
o f the new product.
3 W e____________ a new system for supervising employees and it
seems to work very well.
4 W e____________ really hard to finish this project by 5 pm but I
don't think it will be possible.
5 These suggestions____________ new ways to produce some of
our products.
6 I ____________ problems with my computer since I came in this
morning. I hope I can find someone to help me so I can finish my


Review! Using explicit language

Listen to tracks 28-29, which are from the Student's 1 Complete these sentences, which are used to manage
Book. Notice how the speakers use appropriate language for participation and turn-taking, with the words in the box.
formal and informal meetings
really tell discuss come were interrupt hear start
Introducing, summarising and sequencing
1 Can I. .in here?
1 M t f t l Complete these sentences with the words in the box.
Listen and check. Then decide which parts of the meeting (A-E) 2 John, could y o u . . us about the sales figures?
they belong to. 3 OK, let's______ .w ith ...
4 But I thought w e. .already doing that?
glad doing news excellent through quickly
5 Sorry t o _______ , b u t ...
Jeff: I'm 1 ____________ to tell you that everything is going 6 That's_________ . great news!
really well. The ideas you came up with for 7 I would like to . _______the new processes next.
improvement at the last meeting were great. □ 8 Joanne,can w e. ________ from you?
Leslie: Thanks, Jeff. 2 Match phrases 1-8 from exercise 1 with the explicit language
Jeff: Let's start with the implementation o f quality control in functions below. Write the numbers of the sentences on the lines.
production. I'd like to go 2 ____________ that first
a You want to introduce an agenda item___
before I hear from the other departments. □
b You want to introduce and sequence a contribution___
Bill: That's fine. I can tell you what we have been doing there.
c You want to summarise a contribution_______
We started off with ...
d You want to interrupt another speaker.______
Jeff: Good, thanks, Bill. I think you all have been doing a e You want to invite someone to speak_______

really good job there. It's great 3 ____________ that
the new ideas have worked so well. CEF Can D o statem ents
Leslie: Do you want to hear what we have been doing in our Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
department? following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Yes, I can I think I need
Jeff: Yes, but because we have to finish by 2 pm we'll have
to get through the other reports 4 _____________ □ 1 I can use and understand words
related to the concept o f quality
□ □
do this. more practice.

Leslie: OK, I would just like to mention ...

Jeff: Thanks, Leslie.That's 5 I'm sure this will
improve our quality and I think these ideas are also in Matt's
area. Can you tell us what your group has
2 I can use the correct linking words
in writing and speaking to express
myself clearly.
□ |gdi
been 6 ____________ ?

A Introducing an agenda point

EH 3 I can use the present perfect simple
and the present perfect continuous.
hll □
B Giving positive information
C Setting a time frame
4 I can manage meetings and use phrases
to interrupt and get a turn to speak.
□ □
D Summarising and moving to the next speaker If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
E Giving feedback to a participant
1 Lesson 8.1 2 Lesson 8.2 3 Lesson 8.3 4 Lesson 8.3

Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.

The Supply Chain
Supplies have always been a major concern of manufacturers.
Under the traditional warehouse mentality, security o f supply
was the priority. The supply chain as a business idea needing
specialist management, developed in the 1990s at about the
same time that the word ‘transport’ was replaced by ‘logistics’.
Robotised warehouses enabled suppliers to connect their
information systems into those o f their customers, creating a
truly integrated supply chain for the first time.
If warehousing was being reorganised, so were the supplies
and suppliers. The speed o f technological change meant that
there was no longer security in having supplies in house. As
computers began to halve in price and double in power every
two years, components on the shelves were no longer a safety
net but a liability.
A jolt from Japan also impacted on the supply chain.
Western business people visiting Japan discovered not only
Total Quality and Continuous Improvement, but also the
interlocking relationships between Japanese companies and
suppliers. These partnerships were quite natural, and as car
manufacturers began to see supplies being kept for eventual
use as a waste o f resources, the idea o f just-in-time was born.
Intel became a global brand as the ‘supplier’ became the
In the 1980s, cost pressures forced manufacturers to re-examine guarantor for lesser-known com puter assemblers and retailers.
their supply chain. They eliminated hundreds o f suppliers,
At one point in the late 1990s m uch o f Business to Business
promising those remaining a more secure relationship. They
buying was done over the Internet. But after the
devised a theoretically attractive new relationship —long-term
bubble burst this became too expensive and companies began
contracts, close supervision o f the supplier’s production line,
to use trusted suppliers again. Since then, the supply chain
systems integration, and cooperation to improve the product
has been emerging as a point o f differentiation for companies
and process. In theory this was an advance in industrial
which had been relying on their own brands. Consumers will
cooperation: m any managers say they gained enormous
require increasingly more inform ation about the products
advantage by learning intimately what their key customers
and where they come from. In other words, the supply
chain is moving from hidden producer to guarantor o f good
The relationships became close, perhaps dangerously so. Key practice, a radical break with tradition. Advertisers’ claims
clients would often know the profitability o f what they were will be challenged by the consumer activists. A transparent
buying. W hen the large companies hit trouble, they made and publicised supply chain will be expected.
mandatory price cuts on a years’ worth o f components already
The supply chain is changing. It is emerging from anonymity
to becoming a significant part o f what is perceived to lie
In the early 2000s the supply chain began to reverse. Every behind the branded good or service. Educated users will
year Dell buys millions o f dollars worth of components, which require transparency, inform ation and integrity from the
are the heart o f its machines, from Intel. Dell has become a goods and services they buy. And when customers get even
supplier o f customers to Intel. W ith ‘Intel Inside®’ advertising, pickier, the supply chain will have to evolve again.

Source: Essay by Peter Day in Business - The Ultimate Resource

Which of these summaries best describes the information in 4 Find w o rd s o r phrases in th e te x t w h ic h m a tch these
the text? d e fin itio n s .

A It can be dangerous for suppliers when they form very close 1 the most im portant factor (paragraph 1)_____________
relationships with their customers as they will also suffer when their 2 parts used for manufacturing (paragraph 2)__________
customers'businesses have problems. 3 had an effect or influence on (paragraph 3)____________
4 g ot rid o f / stopped using (paragraph 4 ) _____________
B Today, suppliers have to be very flexible and make sure their
5 had problems (paragraph 5 ) _____________
logistical capabilities can match those of the businesses they supply
6 main or essential part (paragraph 6 )_____________
with goods and components.
7 total change from (paragraph 7 )_____________
C Supply chain management has gone through major changes over 8 being unknown (paragraph 8 )_____________
the last 30 years or so and will most likely continue to adapt to new 9 change, grow or develop gradually (paragraph 8 )_____________
business environments.
5 Use w o rd s fro m th e b o x to c o m p le te these sentences. You
Choose the correct word in the sentence to express the m ay have to ch an ge th e fo rm o f som e w ords. There is one extra
opinion of the writer. w o rd .

1 Warehouses using robots let suppliers coordinate their systems with

evolve components eliminate advantage close supervision
/separate themselves from their customers.
require eventual use key clients safety net good practice
2 As computers became more powerful and less expensive it
became an advantage/a disadvantage to keep a lot of goods in
1 When manufacturers and suppliers became very close, the
the warehouse.
____________ knew how much profit was made on parts they
3 The idea of just-in-time supplies came from manufacturers working
together with companies they bought goods from / sold goods to. bought.
4 In the 1980s manufacturers had to look at the supply chain again 2 Companies____________ suppliers they know and trust.
because o f rising/falling prices. 3 W hen____________ needed for manufacturing sit in the
5 When companies got into trouble they paid less for goods they
warehouse for a long time, it is not efficient for a company.
had not yet/already received.
6 Because Dell advertised that the components in their computers 4 As customers change, the supply chain and those working in it
were made by Intel, Intel became known as the supplierwho will also be forced t o _____________
ensured/supplier who advertised good quality for lesser-known 5 Manufacturers have an enormous____________ due to just-
in-time supply because goods are delivered only when they are
7 Customers today want more information about products and
needed and don't need to be stored in the warehouse.
where they are produced/ when they are produced.
8 Suppliers are becoming less open/more open about the supply 6 Having everything needed for production provided
chain. manufacturers with a ____________ in case a supplier did not
9 When customers become more selective/less selective when looking meet a deadline.
for goods to buy, the supply chain will have to change again.
7 Manufacturers need to carry o u t____________ of their suppliers1
Match some of the words and phrases in italics in exercise 2
production facilities to ensure that they get the quality they need.
to these words from the text.
8 A supplier who can be a guarantor o f____________ will be a
1 guarantor____________ 4 pickier____________ reliable source for a producer.
2 cost pressures____________ 5 transparent____________ 9 It costs manufacturers money when they keep parts in their
3 origins____________ 6 suppliers____________ warehouse fo r____________ and are not sure when they will
need them.

W riting 4
Writing group emails

The dos and don'ts o f w ritin g group emails As our sales department has been looking at making better
use of internet sales, we felt it was important to find someone
1 Read the email below and circle the sentences and phrases with experience in this area.
which work best.
Please make her feel welcome and help her with any questions
868....................................... o she m ight have.
Subject: 1 Ideas for a meeting / New product launch meeting
She has worked in the field for the past 15 years for a major
Dear all,
company in New York, where she was mainly responsible for
As the product launch of our new line is scheduled for next quarter,
e-commerce and sales.
we 2 need to finalise / need to think about some details. The
3 extra information attached to this em ail/ attachment includes As you all know, Jiao Chang, has taken over the position o f sales
a number of details you 4 need to look at carefully / should try to manager from James Harris and we have been looking for a
read before the meeting. The areas we will discuss include:
• 5 where we are going to p u t/placem ent o f the product in the
shops I would just like to let you know that Joan Brooks will be joining
• updating our mailing list our department on 1st February as our new assistant sales
• 6 preparing press releases / writing to the newspapers
• putting together the press packs
• inviting 7 members of the press / some people to a launch party We have planned a group meeting for nextTuesday in the
• updating 8 product information / interesting details about the conference room so that you can all meet Joan personally.
product for the website
I have 9 set up a meeting /th in k a meeting would be a good idea. Therefore, we are delighted that Joan was interested in coming
The conference room is 10 free / reserved for next Tuesday from to work for us.
9:00-12:00. Please bring all necessary information to the meeting.
If you cannot attend, 11 please contact me immediately / let me Dear all,
know when you get a chance.
See you all next week. Paragraph 1 _____ _____ __
Best wishes,
John Paragraph 2 ____________
....... „ .. /,.
Paragraph 3 ____________
2 There are several factors to keep in mind when writing group
emails. Match the phrases and sentences from exercise 1 with 2 Write an email to your staff informing them of a meeting
these tips. The phrases and sentences might match more than to discuss supply chain management. There have been some
one tip. problems with your suppliers and you would like to get
feedback from your staff.
1 Include a clear subject line.__
■ Inform them that you have attached the specific details and have
2 Be polite but firm ___
chosen a time and place for the meeting.
3 Give key information at the beginning___ ■ Let them know that you expect details from them and ask them
4 Put detailed information in a separate attachment------ to prepare short reports to send to you in advance.

5 Use formal language in short and simple sentences------ ■ Tell them that they should let you know and give a reason for their
absence if they cannot attend.
Which other tip has been used in the letter? Problems
Order No. 7743 Shipment was delayed by over tw o weeks
Structuring inform ation Order No. 753 A number o f items were damaged
1 Put the sentences below into the correct order creating an Order No. 4986 Incorrect goods were sent to the customer
email with three paragraphs. Then mark the paragraphs with Order No. 7499 Items were missing
'Who is being referred to?','What is the message?'and'What Order No. 532 Products were found to be below standard
would the writer like the readers to do?'.
9 M arketing strategy

Vocabulary and Grammar

M arketing term inology 3 Match these words and phrases with their definitions.

1 Match the words to make word partnerships or phrases. Look 1 profit margin a a small and specialised market or part of
at Reading 1 and Language focus on pages 82 and 83 of the a market
Student's Book.
2 turnover b the amount o f business a company
1 controllable a market does in a period o f time

2 premium pricing b the competition 3 lifestyle product c a product w ithout special features
which is very much like the other
3 end c chain
products on the market
4 differentiate itself from d variables
4 niche d a need for something to be supplied
5 target e distribution
5 price sensitive e a specialised product which adds to the
6 Unique f user positive image and identity of the buyer
7 channel of g Selling Point 6 commodity f one o f the parts a market is divided into
8 supply h strategy product

7 segment g the difference between the price a

2 Complete the text below with the word partnerships and product is sold for and what it cost to
phrases from exercise 1. manufacture

1 It is necessary to define th e ____________ so that we can 8 demand h a product whose sales are influenced by
what it costs to buy, or a customer who
communicate the benefits o f the product to these people.
buys items because of what they cost
2 An important part of getting the product to the customer at the
right time and in the right place means we must decide on the 4 Complete the sentences using words and phrases from
best_____________ exercise 3. Not all the words and phrases are needed.

3 It is essential for a successful brand to be able t o _____________ 1 The advertising for a ____________ often aims at making the
4 As companies can decide for themselves how to use the 4Ps they
buyer feel special.
are considered____________ and are an important part of the
2 As this product is designed for a ____________ market we do not
marketing strategy. expect a large number of customers.
5 Products move along th e ____________ and finally reach the 3 They are considering closing several branches because their
people who use the product so everything must go smoothly. ____________ has gone down from last year.
6 The____________ , or special feature of the product, must be 4 A mass produced product which can be found in every shop is
communicated to the people we want to reach.
called a _____________
7 An important part o f our marketing strategy is to ensure that the 5 Our manufacturing costs have gone up which means we now
is satisfied with our product.
have a low er____________ because we have not raised the price.
8 A ____________ demonstrates that our product is of very high
6 This product will not sell well if we charge more for it because it is

Speculating in past and hypothetical situations 7 You have an exclusive new product and need to decide how to

1 Match these sentence halves together. optimise its sales figures___

8 You and your team are discussing a way to improve your
1 If we had known before the a we could have saved time
company's reputation___
launch that the product had and money on the media
these problems, campaign. Which of these are unreal situations where nothing more can
2 If our company knew the b we would never have raised be done to change them?
market better the price so dramatically.
3 Read the advert for an ad agency. It includes second
3 If we had spent more time c we could give you a more and third conditional sentences. Find the mistakes in the
on market research accurate sales forecast for sentences and cross them out. Then write the correct versions
next year. on the lines following the sentences.
4 If we had changed the d we could use price
marketing mix and skimming at the beginning Are you a small company with innovative products?
_______________ O
concentrated less on o f the launch as this group is
promotion, not very price sensitive. Are you in need of a specialised ad agency?

5 If we concentrated first on an e we would have made sure

Then we may be just what you are looking for!
exclusive group of customers that they were solved before
in a niche market, we began to sell it.
1 If you prom oted a product but did n ot get the response
6 If we wanted to make our f we would have a much you would expect, you might need to look into a new
channel o f distribution more better image in the industry.
type o f media campaign_____________
2 W e only w o rk w ith small companies and if you have come
7 If our products were better g we might have found out
quality, that we were aiming at the to us, we would have spent the tim e to find o u t what you
wrong target group. really needed_____________

8 If we had realised how price h we could consider using 3 Innovative products need innovative media campaigns.
sensitive the product was, intermediaries rather than If we created the same type o f campaign used
direct sales.
by mainstream products, it is not very effective.

2 Decide which statements in exercise 1 are related to these

situations. 4 This is why you need to visit our offices and meet our
team. If you spend some time w ith us, you would soon
1 You work for a market research company and have been asked
see how exciting a media campaign can be____________
to give a client advice on a product launch in a region you have
5 W h a t are you waiting for? If you had visited us last year,
never worked in___
your latest product might become the success it should
2 You are at a meeting in which there is a discussion of the least
b e !____________
expensive way to get your product to your customers___
3 You have been asked by the head of marketing why a popular Just give us a call - we are the agency w ith the most
innovative media campaigns!
product has shown a drop in sales figures___
4 Your boss has asked you why there have been so many
complaints about a brand-new product___
5 You and your team have to explain why your product has been a
flop with teens and young adults___
6 You have to write a report explaining why your budget was so
high for the last product launch and did not bring in the expected


Review! Persuading and raising interest

0 3 E 3 Listen to tracks 31-32, which are from the Student's 1 0 2 1 These words are used to make the impact of the
Book. No tice how the speakers use signposts in their presentation stronger. Match them with their definitions. Then
presentaltions and also persuade and create interest at the listen and notice exactly how the words are used.
beginnin g of their presentations.
1 leading a
Clarity and signposting 2 deny b
3 huge c
1 Which words or phrases in this introduction tell the listener 4 spoil d
what is happening? Look at the underlined words and match 5 serious e
them to the words and phrases below. 6 badly f

1 finish _______________
7 oasis g
2 Taking a look at ____________
3 I would like to begin with ____________
CEF Can D o statem ents
4 when we have finished _____________
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
5 following _____________
following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
6 Let's get started _____________
Yes, I can I think I need
OK, let's kick off. Good morning everybody and thanks very much for do this. more practice.
coming to Serco's preliminary results presentation this morning.
I'll just start with a couple of points of admin - can I ask you to turn
1 I can understand and use marketing
□ □
off any mobile phones because we're web casting this morning onto
the Internet. It'll be up this afternoon.The presentation is about 45
minutes and we've got another 30-40 minutes for Q&A after that.
2 I can use second and third conditional
sentences to make suggestions or talk □ □
about events that can no longer be

The format for this morning's presentation is; after this introduction, changed.
Andrew will talk you through the financials, Chris will go through
business performance, Bob will talk about Serco Science generally
and NPL in particular, and I'll sum up at the end with a slight forward
3 I know how to use signposting
language and persuasive language to
□ □
make my presentations more effective.
looking position. Just turning to the financial results themselves,
If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
which you'll all have seen this morning. We're extremely pleased with
the results as they stand.
1 Lesson 9.1 2 Lesson 9.2 3 Lesson 9.3
2 y g a Look at t *ie signposting phrases and put them into the
order you think you will hear them. Then listen and check. Look Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
at the audio script on page 85 and find the other signposting can do this.
phrases in the introduction.

Introduction Main presentation

We'll then finish up w ith ___ And to sum u p ____

The first area we'll look a t__ Moving on t o _____
At the e nd ___ And finally,_____
I would like to welcome y o u . Let's begin w it h ___
After th a t___ Thirdly,_____

10 C ustom er relationship
m an ag em en t (CRM)
Vocabulary and Grammar

CRM as a p art o f business m anagem ent Compounds

1 Use the words in the box to complete these definitions from 1 Choose the correct word or phrase a-c to complete each
Reading exercise 2 on page 91 of the Student's Book. Then sentence.
write the word which is defined.
1 We need to look carefully at products which are___and decide
further directly a feeling point to happen unproductive how to improve their sales figures.
amount needs run spent
a loss-making b record-breaking c cost-effective
1 something used in a n ____________ way: _____________ 2 When a company adds extra services for their customers this
2 to give a department or organisation the help or money it makes th e m ___activities.
a productive b product-sharing c value-adding
3 o f worry or tension: _____________
4 a business____________ by one person: _____________ 3 One way to reward employees who have achieved their goals is

S th e ra n g e o r.____________ ofsomething: _____________ th ro ug h ___

6 straightaway: _____________ a profit-sharing b profit-making c customer
7 to g o ____________ than: ____________ _ service
8 economical in terms o f m oney____________ : ____________
4 Keeping customers loyal is one o f the goals o f___
9 communicates w ithout saying som ething____________ :
a problem-sharing b relationship-building c product-making

1 0 ____________ o f view :_____________ 5 Ideas which help earn as much as possible from products deal
w ith ___strategies.
2 Com plete the sentences w ith th e words defined in exercise 1.
One w ill n o t be used. a product-making b product-pricing c profit-sharing
6 We did very well this year and have___sales figures.
1 We are working hard on meeting a nd ____________ customers'
a product-pricing b cost-effective c record-breaking
2 Match the definitions below with the words or phrases from
2 CRM is a concept which includes a w id e ____________ and
Language focus 1 on page 91 of the Student's Book.
includes strategies for small and large companies.
3 Customers expect____________ answers to their questions. 1 creating a feeling o f trust and cooperation between a company

4 He has his own business and is a ____________ but may look for and a customer____________

a partner soon. 2 all interactions between a customer and product or service

5 Good CRM____________ a strong relationship with a customer. provider, at the time o f sale and afterwards____________

6 When businesses are not careful with their resources they may 3 an activity or task which incurs time or money resources but

have too m uch ____________ o f time and money. contributes to the satisfaction of the customer____________

7 From m y ____________ treating customers well is the most 4 deciding what to charge customers for a particular item

important thing we can do.

8 The level o f ____________ increases when employees have too S bigger or better than anything that has come before

much to do and not enough time to do it all.

9 Our customers are very interested in th e ____________ services 6 products which cost more to produce then they are sold for

we offer as they feel they get real value for their money.


7 a way of rewarding employees with some money when the
company does w e ll____________
CRM and Business Partnerships
8 good value for the money paid____________ In the past we didn’t think enough about the customer. However,
when we set up a value-centred business which better integrated
Types of customers
customers and their needs, our profits increased.
1 Read these statements about different types of customers
Setting up a value-centred business 1 _____________ some
and correct the mistakes.
time. We first 2 _____________ our values and principles. Once we
1 I work in the B2G area and sell products to large businesses. 3 _____________ this, the rest was fairly logical and it became clear
what we 4 _____________ to do. We defined our goals and set our
2 I am active in the C2C area and write reviews o f products for targets and then the work really began. While we 5 ____________
for business partners with the same values, we 6 ____________
3 I work in the B2C area and sell my company's products to the
Newton Electronics. As soon as we 7 _____________ their
government._______ facilities, we knew they were the right partners for our production.
4 I am involved in the G2B area and help businesses with forms But while we 8 _____________ with them about the future, we
from other companies_____________ 9 that combining our operations would also
5 I work in the B2B field and sell my company's products to private allow us to offer better customer service and increase the scope
of our operation. By the time our agreement was in place, we
Past simple, past continuous and past perfect 1 0 _____ to redefine our business goals. By 2009 we
1 1 into several new markets and the trend is
1 Choose the correct form of the verb.
continuing, showing that this cooperation is one of the smartest
1 Natasha had already ordered/ already ordered the goods but she
business deals that we have ever made.
had forgotten / forgot to tell us so we phoned/were phoning the
3 Cross o u t the incorrect form s o f the verbs and w rite the
2 We were looking/looked for a company which met our ecological
correct form o f the past simple, past continuous or past perfect.
requirements when we found/had found the right one.
Tick the correct sentences.
3 They chose/hadchosen us as a business partner as soon as they
had seen/saw our manufacturing facilities. 1 I was already telling him all the important information before he
4 We were helping/helped the local community before social
arrived in the office_____________
responsibility became/had become popular.
5 They had already reduced/ already reduced their carbon footprint 2 We were waiting for him to start the meeting when his phone had
by the time the new law had been passed/was passed. rung_____________
6 Unfortunately I received/had received a phone call while we were 3 She had worked for another company when I met her and offered
discussing/discussed the new manufacturing process.
her a position with us_____________
2 Complete the newsletter using the past simple, past 4 They had already set up a strategy for CRM when I joined the
continuous or past perfect of the verbs in the box. Sometimes
there are two possible answers.
5 I worked with Belinda in the finance department last year. It was
define take expand do need come across visit the first time I was hearing her ideas about how to be more cost-
speak already start search realise
6 After he had told me about the concept of value-added activities,
I decided to do some research on the topic_____________
7 They were all waiting for me when I had walked into the office.

8 After we had found a local source for our raw materials, our profits
were increasing_____________



vm sism ssE m iss^m m

Review! 7 1think it would b e ____________ nice if you helped our new recruit.
8 The event we ran last week was____________ wonderful and
Q e J J S II Listen to tracks 34-35, which are from the Student's
Book. Notice how the speakers use language to express people were____________ satisfied.
opinions and give encouragement.
5 Read the sentences aloud using different adverbs of degree
Expressing positive opinions using adjectives to see if the sentences seem stronger or weaker depending on
and adverbs the adverb you chose.

1 These sentences are from Lesson 10.3 on pages 96 and 97 of Using encouraging and supporting language
the Student's Book. Underline the words you think should be
1 Answer the negative sentences 1-5 with a positive answer a-e.
1 I am sure my presentation wasn't very good.
1 I thought it was excellent actually.
2 He is really difficult to work with.
2 All the feedback was very positive.
3 Our new product is not selling well at all.
3 I think that was a good move.
4 They just cancelled their order with us.
4 I think it was brilliant all round.
5 That meeting didn't go well at all.
5 I think they really enjoyed it.
a But he has amazing ideas sometimes.
Listen and check. Read the sentences aloud, to practise b That's too bad. I know how hard you worked to make them happy.
stressing the correct words. Maybe the competition is just cheaper,

3 Stress the words below in the sentences and read the c It wasn't so bad, I think we got a lot done,

sentences aloud again. What difference do you notice? Does the d I thought you did a great job even though there wasn't enough
stress make a difference to what the listener thinks you mean? time to cover all the points,
e Let's wait and see if sales improve in spring. If not, we can talk
1 I about some strategies then.
2 All
3 that
4 think CEF Can D o statem ents
5 they Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Sometimes there is more than one possibility. Yes, 1can I think I need
do this. more practice.

Adverbs of degree: very, absolutely, really, extremely

Base adjectives: good, nice, satisfied, awful, unhelpful
1 I can understand and use words
relating to customer relationship □ □
Strong adjectives: wonderful, brilliant, excellent

1 I thought he did a very____________ job on the presentation.

2 I understand vocabulary about
value-centred businesses. □ □
After all, it was his first.
2 I phoned them last week but the person I talked to was extremely
3 I can use past continuous and
past perfect tenses. □ □
so I couldn't get the information I wanted.
3 The new product range looks____________ brilliant!
4 I can express positive feedback and
know how to give positive answers □ □
4 When I was in Norway last week the weather was really to negative statements.

____________ and I was afraid that all the flights would be If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
cancelled. Book:

5 I have to say that the idea he had w as____________ excellent 1 Lesson 10.1 2 Lesson 10.2 3 Lesson 10.3 4 Lesson 10.3
and I hope we can implement it soon. Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
6 I think if you smile at people they will also b e ____________ _ can do this.


R eading 5
Marketing success

Marketing: A key feature of Red Bull's success

1 Red Bull is the number one energy drink globally selling four 4 The company also set about promoting the Red Bull brand
billion cans a year, as well as being the only brand sold all over directly to 'Generation Y': people born after 1981, who were
the world. It can be found in 162 countries. The three most believed to be cynical of traditional marketing strategies. Part
important distribution channels are in everyday retail business, of this idea involved recruiting 'student brand managers' who
convenience or impulse buying, and in catering. It is bought by would be used to promote Red Bull on university campuses.
drivers, people who need energy to work or to study and by These students would be encouraged to throw parties where
sportspeople. cases of Red Bull were distributed. The brand managers
2 Some observers say that Red Bull's branding is revolutionary, would then report back to the company, giving the firm a
calling it an 'anti-brand' strategy. When the brand launched low-cost form of market research data. The use of this kind of
in the UK there was already an established drink that was marketing strategy has become known as 'viral' marketing. It
specifically taken as a post-illness beverage. Generations of is as if a company sees no need for traditional information or
young Britons had drunk Lucozade as they recovered from persuasive communications, in Red Bull's case it used the youth
colds or flu, so Red Bull had to promote its brand differently. 'underground' to spread the popularity of the drink. The firm
3 The firm avoided usual methods of marketing, relying more preferred to limit the supply and not advertise it, expecting that
on what is called 'buzz marketing' or word-of-mouth. A brand growing numbers of target consumers would help spread its
image was created and cultivated which associated the drink reputation. Red Bull was a spectacularly successful example of
with youth culture and extreme and adventure-related sports, this strategy.
such as motor sports, mountain biking, snowboarding and 5 By the mid 2000s, the worldwide energy drinks market was
dance music. Red Bull's target consumer segment began to worth an estimated £1.6 billion; Red Bull had a large part of
adopt nicknames for the product which especially appealed to the market share. The lure of fast-growing profits in this market
its young demographic. Red Bull then worked to ensure that brought many competitors into the functional foods sector,
the brand was visible on the street. Some of the marketing where health and energy drinks were seeing sales double
ideas they used were: every year.
• using pick-up trucks as mobile displays, painted blue and silver 6 By the end of the 2000s, Red Bull was number 25, globally
with a giant can of the drink mounted on top of the vehicle; selling close to four billion cans a year. Market shares had
• giving out cans of the drink to people on the street who had grown in the Far East, Europe and South America and
been identified as being in need of energy; productivity and profit had increased as well. Red Bull entered
• distributing Red Bull in clubs, leaving empty cans on tables in new markets in Denmark and Norway and the success of Red
hot spots such as trendy bars, clubs and pubs. Bull Racing in Formula One, the Red Bull Salzburg football
team's victories in the UEFA Europa League and the launch of
a TV broadcaster called Servus TV in Austria, demonstrated the
marketing savvy of the company again.
7 Today, however, Red Bull is looking into how it can best build
on its incredible sales growth, as it has become a mature brand
in a saturated market. Some of the challenges for the company
• the loss of the original consumer base as 'Generation Y'
become working adults;
• health concerns due to high intake of caffeine;
• being over-reliant on a single brand;
• the market for energy drinks has attracted some global
players such as Coca Cola, Pepsi and Walmart (including
its subsidiary Asda) who are trying to gain a competitive
advantage over the market leader.
It will be interesting to see what the future brings and if Red Bull
discovers new markets, new marketing strategies or both.
....... —.......................... ..................................... ............ - ....................................... .
Sources: The Red Bull and Biz/ed websites

1 Choose th e best answer to complete the sentences. 3 Find words in the text which mean th e opposite o f the words
1 Red Bull's distribution channels include:
a restaurants and shops. 1 planned (paragraph 1)____________
b sports events,
2 ordinary (paragraph 2 )____________
c schools.
3 did not attract (paragraph 3)____________
2 When Red Bull launched its energy drink in the UK market:
a it was the first o f its type. 4 hidden, not easily seen (paragraph 3 )____________
b there was already a similar drink in the market, 5 costly (paragraph 4 )____________
c it was mostly bought by teenagers. 6 halve (paragraph 5 )____________
3 'Buzz marketing'relies on:
7 unspectacular (paragraph 7 )____________
a people telling each other about a product,
b interesting adverts, 8 domestic (paragraph 7)____________
c a good brand image. Match these words from the text w ith their definitions.
4 The so-called 'Generation Y'describe people who:
a were bom in the 1970s. 1 beverage a grown-up
b went to university. 2 persuasive b area
c were sceptical about traditional marketing ideas.
3 saturated c to keep something at a certain amount
5 With 'viral marketing', companies rely on:
a consumers to promote their products, 4 mature d convincing
b sports events to sell their products. 5 to limit e worries
c in-shop displays at a number o f retailer outlets. 6 concerns f something to drink
6 Today the market for energy drinks has:
7 sector g doubting the sincerity of something or
a much room for growth.
b some room for growth, someone
c little room for growth. 8 cynical h full

2 Which o f these summaries best describes the information in Use th e words in exercises 3 and 4 to com plete th e text. The
th e text? first letter of each word is given. You may need to make words
plural or change th e tenses.
A Red Bull has been successful because the idea of an energy drink
was a totally new concept when it was launched. Red Bull has been used as an 1 i____________ example of how to
B Red Bull's success is largely due to the fact that the company hired create a successful company based on one product.The ideas originally
a well-known advertising agency to create their adverts. used to market the energy drink can truly be called 2 r____________
C Red Bull's sales were helped by actively finding customers who When Red Bull first arrived on the market, there were other
provided them with market research and promoted the brand 3 b---------------------it had to compete with. However, the idea of
name. creating a marketing campaign designed specifically to
4 a---------------------the young generation obviously added to the
success. By creating a true 'buzz; Red Bull was able to
5 d---------------------their sales figures every year. And this in a
6 s---------------------where competition was tough. By moving away
from traditional 7 p____________ advertising campaigns, Red
Bull actually encouraged their customers to become their market
researchers and sales people, an excellent idea in an already
8 s---------------------market. What the future will bring is always
impossible to predict but we can assume that the 9 g____________
success o f this brand will continue to reach beyond the borders
of Austria where the headquarters are situated.
Writing 5
Responding to written complaints

Match these sentence halves together. 2 We recently began using a new processing system and
there appear to be some problems with it. We realise that this
1 In order to make up for a the mix-up in your order.
the inconvenience you sort of thing should not happen and have already dispatched
were caused through replacement goods to you.
our oversight, we 3 We regret that you had problems with your last shipment from us.
2 We have looked into b can reassure you we take quality We can assure you that we are looking into the matter carefully as
the matter of the faulty very seriously and always aim to
your business means a great deal to us___ We hope that this will
goods, meet industry standards.
compensate for the problems you have experienced.
3 Please accept our c we have recently changed to a
4 Please accept our apologies for the low quality items___ We are
sincere apologies for new distributor.
certain that the problem has now been solved and will do our best
4 We are extremely sorry d would like to offer you a
to hear that you have 15 percent discount on your to make sure that you will be satisfied with your next order.
had problems with our next order. 5 We have called a meeting with their quality manager and will
products, and be investigating your complaint. As satisfied customers are our first
5 Thank you for letting e passed on to my line manager, priority, we are grateful that you have informed us about the problem
us know about the late who will be in touch with you as
so that we can take steps to ensure it does not happen again.
delivery as soon as we find out where the
6 As all o f our products are normally checked carefully for faults,
problem lies.
we need to look into this matter as soon as possible to find out
6 We have received your f and have taken steps to
complaint, which 1have repair a machine that was not what happened. I will personally take this on and let you know my
functioning properly. findings as your loyalty is important to us.

4 W rite an answer to this letter of complaint. Use some of the

Match the sentences from exercise 1 w ith the functions 1-6.
functions in exercise 3.

1 Apologising for the mistake

Dear Sir or Madam
2 Thanking the customer for pointing out the problem
3 Providing compensation I am writing about order no. 3298, which we received
yesterday. Unfortunately, all the bracelets were badly
4 Reassuring the customer about the high standards o f quality
damaged and some of the necklaces we ordered were missing.
5 Acknowledging the complaint We have been doing business with you for a number of years
6 Saying what improvements have been carried out as a result and were surprised that this order was not up to your usual
of the complaint
We are returning the bracelets to you and would ask you to
Complete the paragraphs with sentences from exercise 1.
look into your quality control methods or your production
1 This may take some time as our production process is process as the damage does not appear to have been caused
by shipping. In addition, we have enclosed the invoice and
quite complicated but I can assure you that we are taking this
clearly marked the missing items.
complaint very seriously. We have already begun investigations
We hope that you can quickly arrange replacements for
into the matter and hope we will have more information by the
us as we need these goods for our busy season which is
end of the week. approaching rapidly.
Yours faithfully
Chris George

W R IT IN G 5 49
1 1 Accounting

Vocabulary and Grammar

Income and expenditure Terms to describe cash flow

1 Complete the sentences w ith th e phrases below. 1 Look at the mind map for cash and match the words with
definitions 1-4 .
sell products or services pay rent (on property)
1 being short on funds
purchase raw materials receive interest on investments
2 money going out
payment of salaries buying machinery
3 movement o f money

1 Because we don't own our own land or building we have to 4 a very successful product

every month.
2 The goal o f most marketing campaigns is t o ---------------------by

letting customers know about the benefits.

3 When the stock market does well w e ____________ and the

value of the stocks we hold increases.

4 As we are a manufacturing company, it is necessary to

in order to produce our goods.

5 The cost o f____________ to produce our products went up last

6 Our expenditure was high last month as we had more staff and
the total amount fo r____________ was higher than normal.

The profit and loss account and the balance sheet

2 Use the word partnerships in exercise 1 to help you complete
1 Com plete the sentences. Choose the correct word or phrase.
the sentences.
1 The value o f all sales over a period o f time is called the turnover/
1 I am really glad that I invested in WFTY stocks, they really have
2 The companies we owe money to are our debtors/creditors. been a cash____________ and have provided me with a good
3 The costs of running the company are called overdraft/expenses. income over the last few years.
4 The direct costs o f manufacturing or buying items to sell are
2 Companies often have a cash____________ problem at the end
called the cost o f sales/overhead costs.
of the month if they are not paid on time.
5 The turnover minus the sales is the net profit/gross profit.
6 Creditors/Debtors are companies which owe you money. 3 We are really facing a cash____________ , as we can't fill these
7 The gross profit minus expenses and taxes is net profit/overheads. orders w ithout buying new equipment and we can't buy new
8 Expenses/ Reserves are sums of money that are kept to be used in equipment if we don't fill these orders.
the future.
4 We would prefer a cash____________ for the delivery as we don't
9 Money that is owed to the bank is an overdraft/an overhead.
have banking facilities in your country.
5 We need to maintain a cash____________ into, as well as out of,
the company if we are going to be successful.
6 An increase in operating and investment activities means that we
have had a higher than usual cash____________ this month.

Talking about obligation and giving advice 2 Rewrite these sentences using modal verbs. Sometimes there
is more than one possible answer.
1 Complete the sentences using modal verbs. Sometimes there
is more than one possible answer. 1 Small businesses find it a good idea to bill their customers

1 It is essential that you use a PIN at an ATM so y o u ____________ immediately.

key it in if you want to get money from your account. Small businesses________________________________________

2 It is not necessary to type the customer's number on the bill as it 2 It is essential for me to stay within my credit limit.

is added automatically.Therefore y o u ____________ spend time

looking for those numbers. 3 He told me not to take on too many projects at once.

3 It is not a good idea to leave your credit card in the office so you He told me I __________________________________

take it home with you. 4 It is necessary to send out the invoices today.

4 You are not allowed to change those files so y o u ____________ We__________________________________________

add or delete any information. 5 It is not a good idea to forget to pay your bills on time.

5 I really need to talk to her so I ____________ make some time this You_________________________________________

afternoon for a phone call. 6 It is not necessary to finish the report this afternoon.

6 You____________ forget to add the information to the database. You_________________________________________

3 Complete the text about managing cash flow. Choose the correct verbs.

0 0 0
J « ► [c ]l+ _

• #

r o v e r v ie w benefits dow nloads FAQs

Managing cash flow

If you have a small business it is really important that you can deal with inflows and
outflows so you 1 need t o / m u s t not know how to manage your cash flow. It is helpful to
make the lag between inflow and outflow smaller so you 2 need n o t/s h o u ld not forget
to invoice customers right away. It is a good idea to get better terms from creditors so
you 3 should / must not ask if you can extend your credit at times. One essential point is
to make sure you always chase late payments, This means you 4 ought not to / have to
contact customers who have not paid on time. It is also advisable to receive progressive
payments and therefore you 5 need to /o u g h t to set up a method of doing this. Another
helpful method is to use a system for recording and predicting how money will come in
• • •
and go out so you 6 must / should set up cash flow tracking and cash flow projection
sheets. Although it is not always easy to do, it is essential that you are paid so you
7 don't have to / must send out reminders to customers who are overdue.


Review! Setting goals and targets

fe«4c'kSMi Listen to tracks 3 6 -3 7 , which are from th e Student's

Match th e sentence halves. Then listen and check.
Book. Notice how the speakers use language to talk about
facts and figures and set goals and targets. 1 We are not going to get our a them to be out there more
numbers by than 11 percent o f the time,
Talking about facts and figures 2 All o f those things, in fact, are b focus on sales activity,
3 This is what the whole c 11 percent will then go up
Look at the graph and complete the sentences with
to about 12 percent and
the words in th e box. Use each word only once. Then listen and
that's not enough,
4 The first point is to d just doing the same things
Benchmark Interest Rate we did this year,
4.5- 4.5 5 I look to you guys around the e of the sales force needs to
4- n 4 room to help them, to enable be doing,
3.5- -------- ----- -3.5 6 If we don't think in different ways f to be out in front o f the
3- --- -3 about how we do things, that customer.
2.5- i r : 2.5
2- I, 2 2 Now match the sentences in exercise 1 with their functions.
—j 1
1 expressing what has the highest priority___

0.5- 0.5 2 giving a warning if change does not take place___

Year 2 Year 4 Year 6 Year 8
3 giving a specific g oa l___
Source: European Central Bank

4 implying that change is needed___

peak recovered plummeted fluctuate fell rise 5 explaining what is necessary to im plem ent___

6 explaining what is going to be d ifficult___

1 Interest rates started off the period at 3.25 percent before they
to tw o percent.
2 For most o f year tw o and three interest rates did not CEF Can Do statements
but remained stable at tw o percent. Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
3 From year four to year six the interest rate continued to
Yes, I can I think I need
do this. more practice.
4 Interest rates reached a .

beginning o f year seven.

. o f 4.25 percent at the 1 I can understand and use words
found on financial statements.
□ □
5 Interest rates____________ to an all time low o f one percent at

the end o f year seven.

2 I can understand and use vocabulary
dealing with cash flow. n □
6 Interest rates remained stable at one percent before they
to 1.25 at the end of the period.
3 I can use modal verbs o f necessity,
obligation, advice and suggestions. □ □
4 I can understand expressions used in
presentations and words expressing □ □
movement o f figures.

If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's


1 Lesson 11.1 2 Lesson 11.2 3 Lesson 11.3 4 Lesson 11.3

Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.

\2 Finance

Vocabulary and Grammar

Using vocabulary about investing 1

2 3
1 Complete the crossword.
2 relating to money (adjective) (9) 4 5

4 to give someone money for a time expecting to get it back (verb)

5 one o f the equal parts that the value o f a company is divided 6
into when it is owned by a group o f people (noun) (5)
7 careful, not taking chances with investments (adjective) (4-6)
7 -
8 once every year (adjective) (8)
10 put money into something to make a profit (verb) (6)
8 9
1 a technique that mixes a wide variety of investments (noun) (15)
3 to judge the quality o f something (verb) (6)
6 investing in something unsure (noun) (11) 10

9 amount or number o f something (noun) (5)

2 Complete the phrases to talk about investing from page 109

of the Student's Book.

1 b __ y sh ___________
Making more exact comparisons
2 re ________ ve a d ___v ______________
1 Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative
3 e _____ n ______t _____ e _____
form o f the adjectives in the box.

5 c ________ y out an ___n v _________m ______t good bad high risky safe popular important

a p p ___________ a ___
1 I am interested in buying shares in a company w ith ____________
3 Complete the sentences w ith the phrases from exercise 2. possible rate o f return on investment.
1 When yo u ____________ for the first time you will need to do it 2 He has been working very hard to get a ____________ job.
through a stock broker. 3 I would buy that brand o f smartphone because it is the

2 It takes a very long time but it's important t o ____________ to ; almost everyone I know has got one.
see if a company is worth investing in. 4 In a financial crisis, people say____________ thing that can be
3 I think I w ill____________ of different companies so there isn't so done is to cut governmental spending on social programmes and
much risk. stimulus measures for the economy.
4 You will o nly____________ at the end of the year if the company 5 In my opinion, that investment sounds____________ than the

performs well. one my bank told me about so I would not do it.

5 I don't like taking risks so I have put all o f my money in a bank 6 If you plan to buy stock in a company, one o f____________ things
account where it will still____________ you should consider is carrying out an investment appraisal first.
7 At the moment it m ight b e ____________ to put your money into
the bank but it will not pay as well as investing in the stock market.

2 Choose th e best adverb or phrase to make th e sentences 3 He hopes he will manage to get to Munich on time for the
more exact. If there is a (+), make the adjective stronger. If there meeting______________
is a (-), make th e adjective weaker.
4 Would you consider to move to Asia?---------------------
1 My portfolio has suffered in the crisis and my shares are worth 5 I stopped to eat meat last year.____________
m u c h /s lig h tly less than they were a year ago. (+)
6 They forgot to tell us about the meeting tomorrow-------------
2 The offer we received from our client was f a r / a bit better than we
7 Do you mind to close the w indow ?____________
had hoped. (-)
3 The new IT system is slig h tly/m u ch more efficient than our old 8 My job involves working with many different departments.
one. (-)
4 The new product has been a great deal/ a little more successful
9 We arranged meeting him at the hotel when we get in.
than expected.( +)
5 Skilled technicians can get slig h tly/m u ch more money than
people who have no special skills to offer. (+) 10 I spend a lot o f tim e to make appointments with clients.
6 Our profits this year are a b i t / a great deal higher than last year's. (-)
7 My new laptop is a little /m u c h more user-friendly than the first
3 C om plete th e sentences using th e gerund or infinitive. Add
one I owned. (-)
to if necessary.
8 The restructuring o f the department has had far/slig h tly more
long-lasting effects than we thought. (+) tell lose meet have finish close try be rent

Verbs which take gerunds and/or infinitives

1 The supplier agreed____________ our deadline.
1 Answer the questions in the survey using th e prompts and
2 He must be unlucky. I don't know how he managed
th e correct form of th e gerund or th e infinitive.
his passport on the airplane.
3 My colleague suggested____________ the new bistro for lunch.
You are a busy manager but you agreed to answer some
questions about your job. 4 She seems____________ an excellent business woman.
Q What don’t you like doing at work? 5 We decided____________ a new office space.
(stay after 6 pm) I don’t lik e ----------------------- 6 When you talk to our business partner, avoid--------------------- him
Q What do you avoid if possible? too much about our future plans.
(have long telephone conversations) I avoid
7 It's cold in here. Would you m in d ____________ the window?
8 I h op e ____________ the project by next week.
Q What would you like your sta ff to do?
9 The new organisation o f the company involves____________
(work independently) I would lik e -----------------------
weekly conference calls w ith all the departments.
0 What part of your job do you enjoy?
(deal with challenges) I enjoy-----------------------
© What do you expect your assistant to do?
(manage my appointments) I e xp e ct-----------------------
© What do you spend your time doing in the office?
(telephone clients and give instructions to staff) I spend

2 Cross out th e incorrect word and w rite the correct word at

th e end o f the sentences. Tick th e correct sentences.

1 I will try finishing the report this afternoon when I come back
from lunch_____________
2 I remember to see the information about the product launch but
I don't know where it is now_____________

54 FIN A N C E

Review! Politely refusing requests

Listen to tracks 4 0 -4 2 , which are from the Student's 1 Match these responses to the polite requests from
Book. Notice how the speakers use language to make and exercise I.T h e n listen and check.
refuse requests.
A I'm really sorry, I can't. I have to pick my children up from school

How to ask people to do things on Wednesdays___

1 € E E I Say these sentences aloud putting the stress on the B I don't know if that's going to be possible as I'm going to be out of

underlined words. Tick the one you think is more polite. Then the office for the rest o f the week___
listen and check. C I'm afraid I'm really busy and I don't know enough about the

1 a Can you present it at next week's meeting? product to write it___

b Can you present it at next week's meeting? D I'm really sorry, could you ask Nigel to help you? He knows where
2 a Will you be able to stay a bit later tom orrow?
they should be filed___
b Will you be able to stay a bit later tomorrow?
3 a Can you finish the report by the end o f the week? E I don't know if that's going to be possible. I won't be able to make

b Can you finish the report by the end o f the week? it unless you want to reschedule___
4 a You couldn't you give me a hand with these documents, could
b You couldn't give me a hand with these documents, could you? CEF Can Do statements
5 a Why can't you prepare the pitch for the client? Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
b Why can't you prepare the pitch for the client? following statements.Tick the boxes that apply to you.
Yes, I can 1think I need
2 Read the situations below and choose the most polite way to do this. more practice.
make a request.

1 You have a lot o f work to finish and need your assistant to help you.
1 I can understand and use finance
words. □ □
a Do you think you could possibly stay a bit longer this evening?
b Could you stay and help me?
2 I can use comparatives and
superlatives and modify them. □ □
2 You need to get information from a supplier about prices you
think are too high.
a Could you explain to me how you reached that figure?
3 I can use gerunds and infinitives
correctly. □ □
b Could you help me out with some information about your 4 I can make and refuse requests politely, j |
pricing policy?
3 You attended a presentation but didn't understand one o f the
If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
points about the product features.
a Could you explain that feature more clearly?
b Do you think you could you go over that feature again? 1 Lesson 12.1 2 Lesson 12.2 3 Lesson 12.3 4 Lesson 12.3

4 You received an incorrect invoice and need to get a revised one. Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
a Would it be possible to send us a revised invoice soon? can do this.
b Can you send us a new one as soon as possible?
5 You need a report from a staff member by the end o f the day.
a It would help me out if you could finish the report today.
b Please finish the report today.
6 You ask your assistant not to disturb you with calls during a
a Please don't put calls through when I am in the meeting,
b I would appreciate it if you could take my calls while I am in the

FIN A N C E 55
Reading 6

Managing 21s1Century finances

The purpose of most companies outperforming.
is to create and sustain long-term However, surprises
shareholder value. However, make markets
markets are volatile and CFOs have question management
to balance long-term planning with competence. An
short-term market behaviour. uneven information
Some experts question whether flow, profit warnings or lack of
shareholder value should be a 50 them, information released to 85 There has been much talk in
goal, or rather a consequence of analysts before the market, or lack the past about ‘value added’. The
10 excellence. Companies need a of comment on speculation can theory is that every company should
clear business model that works, cause sharp movements in share be focused on protecting, creating
to be able to explain it easily and prices. News and specialist services and sustaining value. Failure could
consistently, to understand strategic 55 supply information 24 hours a day. 90 mean stock price falls, cash calls
business risk and make it work, Analysts interpret as fast as it is (when the company asks for more
15 to generate sustainable revenues, produced. investment from its shareholders),
income, and cash with rapid and The demand for quicker unwelcome bids, or business failure.
reliable reporting, and no surprises. reporting has become a challenge Company leaders need vision
Managing shareholder value is 60 for accounting standards and 95 and courage. Value creation is
also about managing expectations. governance1. As accounts become top of the agenda. It involves
20 The major long-term players are almost impenetrable, cash becomes generating the value and protecting
advised by analysts. Short-term important - cash generated last it. When investors lose faith, they
investors, traders and the public period, cash remaining in the can destroy value much faster than
are more influenced by news flow 65 balance sheet, and the net present 100 you can create it. This is why cash
and market movements. We can value2 of sustainable future cash generation is critical. Share prices
25 reconcile those forces by timely flows. which are already falling due to
financial information, always The other factor bringing together a loss of confidence in a business
having cash, and having a credible short- and long-term interests is model will drop more quickly
business model. 70 a credible, explainable business 105 when you have to raise cash in an
Great companies produce rapid, model. Without one, analysts will unreceptive market.
30 reliable, simple, usable financial create their own, or worse, take one In conclusion, companies can
information. Internally, more than from another company. This means follow this best practice to prosper
three days to report is too long. it is the financial model that counts, in the 21st century:
Management and financial reporting 75 especially generating and sustaining 110 • fast, reliable reporting and a
tools and technology allow fast cash. It is lack of cash, not capital, sound business model;
35 collection, interpretation, and that makes companies fail. Without • proactively anticipating and
distribution of results. enough cash to survive a recession, managing investor interest;
The market wants information when the market isn’t receptive • investing in relationships to
fast. Investors want financial to new stock issues, you have to 115 differentiate the company;
information consistent with reduce costs to stay alive. This • being clear, informed and
40 expectations. Regular, progressive can damage the business model, consistent;
business and financial news undermine the share price and lead • creating and sustaining long-term
flow can lead to share prices to the company failing. corporate and brand value.

1governance = the way in which a company safeguards the interests o f its investors, including regulation and Source: Essay by Terry Carroll in Business -
control o f finances The U ltim ate Resource
2net present value = the difference between the present value o f future cash flows from an investment and
the am ount o f the investment

56 REA D ING 6
Choose the best answers for th e questions. 3 Find the underlined words and phrases in the text which
match these definitions.
1 The writer says that CFOs should:
a make long-term plans carefully and not worry about day-to-day 1 likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly
market behaviour. 2 believable and can be trusted
b think about both long-term goals and frequent changes in the 3 decide what the meaning o f something is
market. 4 an offer o f money for something
c focus on current market behaviour, because it is not possible to 5 money and possessions used for starting a business or creating
make long-term plans. wealth in an organisation
2 The writer says that: 6 able to continue over a period o f time
a company financial information must reach everyone in the 7 trust in someone or something
company within three days. 8 impossible to understand
b financial information from the company must reach the market
4 Match these words to make phrases used in the text.
within three days.
c investors ask for information within three days. 1 shareholder a revenues
Problems when reporting financial information include: 2 long-term b faith
a giving information at different times or every 24 hours. 3 sustainable c calls
b not giving warnings about losses or leaving out comments 4 credible d value
about risky business. 5 undermine e planning
c analysing the information incorrectly or speculating what the 6 cash f business model
information means. 7 lose g the share price
4 Business models are used to: 5 Com plete the sentences using phrases from exercise 4. You
a help analysts create their own.
may have to change th e form o f th e verb.
b generate and keep cash,
c coordinate long- and short-term plans. 1 The recent error in production has________________________
5 The value of a company is created by: and seen stocks in the company drop by 20 percent.
a its share price.
2 We need to think where we want the company to be in
b its investors,
ten year's time not just next year. We need to focus on
c keeping enough cash.

Match these sentence halves togeth er to make sentences

3 T he _____________________ .w ill not be popular with our
expressing th e ideas in th e text.
shareholders, but it will give us the funds we need for investment.
1 Some analysts are not sure if a be passed on within a few
companies should have days. 4 After a poor performance last year people have

2 To be successful, it is necessary b business plan, experts may in our company and don't want to
to have a stable source of create one for the company, invest.
3 Financial information within c accurate accounts quickly,
5 Business start-ups must present a. .if
the company must d shareholder value as their goal
they want to receive a bank loan.
4 It is not a good idea to release or as a result of having done
unexpected an excellent job. 6 It is important to m aintain---------- .as well
5 Companies find it difficult to e business announcements or as just profit margins or we won't have money to put back in the
produce financial results,
6 If a company does not have a f revenue and report the results
7 Mergers can often lead to a jum p in the value o f shares which can
believable and well-structured quickly and dependably.
increase_________________________ in a company.

REA D IN G 6 57
W riting 6
Describing charts, graphs and statistics

Using adverbs and adjectives to describe changes

and trends
1 Sales.
1 Look at th e collocations below. Change the verb + adverb to
'adjective + noun' collocations and th e adjective + noun to 'verb
at the moment.

+ adverb' collocations.
2 Sales remained more or less.
1 rise dramatically ft- dramaik- rise,___________________________

2 fluctuate slightly---------------------------------------------------------------------
3 a gradual increase-------------------------------------------------------------------
3 Sales are.
4 a steady decline__________________________________________

5 recover slow ly___________________________________________

6 a rapid fa ll______________________________________________ 4 There was a . . in sales.

7 decrease sharply_____

8 a significant slow dow n.

2 Read th e sentences below and replace the underlined words 5 Sales.

w ith collocations from exercise 1. Use th e correct form o f the
verb. One sentence has tw o possibilities.

1 The unemployment rate has continued to go down over the past 6 Sales have shown a .

yea r_____________
Write a description o f the graph below, which shows some
2 There was a sudden plunge in stock prices last week when the job overhead costs or fixed expenses th at a business had last year.
figures were released by the government---------------------- This refers to a production company in the north o f Europe. Their

3 There has been some change over the last few months in raw energy costs include running the machinery, using electricity
and heating the building. They also lease machinery and had to
material prices_____________
replace some machines last year. In addition, they merged tw o
4 Prices began quite low but then they more than doubled. departm ents into one and therefore had fewer people doing
office work. Include these phrases where appropriate:
5 We had some problems last quarter but we are seeing somewhat As the graph indicates... This could be / was probably / was the
better figures now.____________ result o f... The horizontal axis shows the ... The vertical axis
6 Last year we had a large number o f orders but this year there are shows the trends in ... This graph is an example o f ...

only half as many. ____________

£6,0 00 - Energy

7 Inflation is not too bad. It is only one percent higher than it was
tw o years ago. ____________ £5,000-

Describing and summarising graphs § £4,000-

1 Com plete th e sentences to describe these graphs showing £3,000-

sales figures, w ith th e verbs in th e box. Use either a verb or a Office supplies
u £2,000-
verb + adverb com bination.

£ 1,000
recovery fluctuate soar significantly static decrease Leases on machinery
gradual slow plunge £0
Jan 'F eb1Mar1Apr'May'Jun ' Jul 'A ug'S ep'oct'N ov'D ec1
58 W R IT IN G 6
13 D ecision-m aking

Vocabulary and Gram m ar

Using SWOT related vocabulary/Verbs to describe SWOT The SWOT analysis

1 Match the definitions to the words. 1 Decide if th e following are strengths (S), weaknesses (W),
opportunities (O) or threats (T).
1 to do things in a very ordered and careful way a oversimplify
2 carefully planned in order to reach a b anticipate 1 The Research and Development are very knowledgeable___
particular goal
2 Sales Staff have very little experience___
3 to do or begin something, especially c strategic
3 We do a lot o f work with the local community and have built up a
something difficult
4 to not have enough of something d methodical good relationship with them ___
5 to imagine or expect something will happen e facilitate 4 We predict that there is going to be an increase in demand for the
6 to make someone more likely to do f lack
products we are producing in the next five years___
something by providing support
5 We won't be able to compete on prices if a huge multinational
7 to make something possible or easier to do g undertake
8 to describe something in such a simple way that h encourage enters the market___
it is no longer true 6 We have problems meeting increased orders in the summer

2 Com plete the sentences using words from exercise 1. Make months when staff are on holiday___
sure you use the correct form o f th e verb or noun. 7 There is a possibility of us signing a big contract with the local
1 If a company. . a clear vision of where they are
8 Our technology may become less popular if new products are
going, it is very difficult to set objectives.
produced in the long term ___
2 Our marketing campaigns are designed to help the sales people
a nd ____________ the promotion and sales o f our goods. 2 Unscramble the sentences below th at describe how to
conduct a SWOT analysis.
3 It is necessary to follow the market trends in order to
major changes. 1 to determine what the most important points

4 We have to be careful not t o ____________ the data we collect

from customers. We need to analyse it carefully before reaching
are / the next step is / and what planning choices
the organisation has to make
2 concerned in the process / make sure the report is

conclusions. available to everyone / finally, □
5 We are about t o ____________ a fairly complicated audit o f our 3 then be gathered / and recorded in a

product development process and hope that we will discover

diagram / the data should □
how we can improve it.
6 In our organisation, we think it is vital t o ____________ our junior
4 the team should create / after that / a report
on their findings
5 needs to identify / firstly, / what data they

staff to take on more responsibilities and tasks, as they will be our need / the organisation □
future managers and leaders. 3 Put the sentences th a t you have found in exercise 2 in the
7 We are having a ____________ planning meeting next week and correct order to make a summary o f the SWOT analysis.

all staff are required to be there.

8 When doing a SWOT analysis, it is important to go about it in a
way so that all points are covered.

Reported speech 3 You have to report on a m eeting about a non-profit
organisation. Look at th e dialogue and then w rite your report
1 C om plete th e sentences. Choose th e correct option.
using indirect speech.
1 He said,'I am flying to Berlin in the evening.'
Carol: I think it is a good idea to invest some of our profits into a
He said he is fly in g /w a s flying to Berlin in the evening.
charity organisation.
2 She said 'It was not a great idea.'
Bill: Yes, I agree.
She said it had n o t be en /w a s n ot a great idea.
George: The board wrote about our goals for corporate social
3 They said,'We were planning a launch event.'
responsibility in the annual report. I agree with Carol that it
They said they had been p la n n in g /h a v e been planning a launch
is a good idea.
Carol: There's an organisation that I am interested in.
4 I said, 'I can't come to the meeting.'
George: Good. We will need some information by the next
I said I couldn't c o m e /h a d n 't been able to come to the meeting.'
5 She said, 'I have met my goals this quarter.'
Carol: That should be possible.
She told me that she has m e t/h a d m et her goals this quarter.'
Bill: Great. It looks like we are moving in the right direction.
6 He said,'I was late yesterday.'
George: I agree and I am looking forward to discussing the details
He told me that he had been /ha s been late yesterday.
in tw o weeks.
2 Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1 Carol said she____________________________________________
1 He said 'We are going to make major changes in the department.'
He said th e y ____________________________________________ 2 Bill said that he
2 He said,'I can get the information to them later.'

He said h e ______________________________________________ 3 George said that the board

3 She said/I haven't seen him yet.'
She told me she_________________________________________ 4 George then said that he
4 He said,'I am having lunch with a client.'

He told me that h e _______________________________________ 5 Carol said that she

5 She said,'I have been working on the report all day.'
She said that she________________________________________ 6 George said that they
6 She said:'I am not tired.'
She told me that she_____________________________________ 7 Carol said that it

8 Bill said that it

9 George said that he

4 I am sure if we work together we will be able t o ________ .an

Listen to tracks 4 5 -4 7 , which are from the Student's

idea that will satisfy everyone. IZ
Book. Notice how the speakers use language to analyse 5 Don't worry about the mistake on the report, it can be fixed. After
problems and also how they propose solutions. all, this is the first time you have ever____________ as you are

Dealing with problems

normally very exact. EZI
6 My colleague was very surprised here when she began, because
1 Q E Q I Read ar,d listen to sentences a -g below. Decide if they
o f th e _____________ She was used to a more open office
feeling □
1 identifying a problem ____________
2 stopping an action which is causing a problem .
3 doing something to solve a problem ________
CEF Can Do statements
Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
a I'll get an advertisement spread designed up. following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
b I think that we should also look at doing something in Ireland and Yes, 1can 1think 1need
Spain. do this. more practice.
c We need to stop people from having to do something that isn't
necessary and is actually costing us extra,
1 I can understand and use key words
related to the SWOT analysis. □ □
d We could do something like running advertisements in the
national daily newspapers,
e Well, at the moment on our flights you need to book online and
2 I can understand and use words
related to non-profit organisations.
□ □
then check-in at the airport,
f The biggest losses are on flights from Stansted to Dublin and
3 I can change direct speech into indirect
speech and report on what was said. □ □
Birmingham to Madrid,
g We are having a problem with getting bookings for our flights
into Europe.
4 I can analyse problems and use the
correct language to suggest ways to □ □
deal with them.

Listen and decide if the sentences a -g in exercise 1 are If you need more practice on points 1-4, check the Student's
said by Melanie (M), Georgia (G), Steve (S), or Luke (L). Then look Book:
at the audio script on page 86 and check.
1 Lesson 13.1 2 Lesson 13.2 3 Lesson 13.3 4 Lesson 13.3

Using idioms to talk about problems and solutions Make a note of the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.
1 Complete the sentences using the correct idioms in the box.
Use the correct tense. Then decide if the sentences talk about a
problem (P) or a solution (S).

go wrong switch people off sit down closed-door approach

come up with a bit tricky figure out mess up

1 I think we all need t o ________ - together and decide what

we can do about this. □
2 I promise that I will try t o ____________ what happened with the
production process that caused the delay. □
3 We'll need some time to give you an answer about this as the

situation is____________ at the moment due to the state of the

economy. □

14 The learning organisation

Vocabulary and Gram m ar

The five disciplines of learning organisations 3 The organisation seems to have no clear goals and the
departments function w ithout working together as a whole.
1 Com plete the sentences w ith the words in the box. The words Each department seems to be a separate entity. □
are from Listening 1 on page 126 of the Student's Book. 4 There appears to be a big difference between the way upper
management thinks and plans for the future and the needs
measures causes effects dialogue social media
and wishes o f the rest of the employees. □
5 The organisation does not encourage employees to take part
in training sessions and these all have to be done during the
1 Having too much work to do and too little time to do it in is one
staff's free time. □
of the biggest____________ o f stress in the work place.
2 Rising sea levels have been one o f the most noticeable Using delexicalised verbs

of global warming. 1 Decide w hether get, do or have can be used with all three
words and phrases in each group.
3 The government is taking ____________ to avoid climate change,
such as investing heavily in renewable energy. 1 bread and cheese a chat a headache
2 a university course the book-keeping 120 km/h
4 The company believes th a t____________ is very important and
3 a great time a cold breakfast
makes all of its financial activity available to the public.
4 a letter a bus some bread
5 sites m ight become more controlled by national 5 catering for parties little business your taxes
governments as their popularity and influence continues to grow. 6 to work by train new furniture flowers

2 Match the five disciplines of a learning organisation to their 2 Com plete the sentences using collocations from exercise 1.
definitions. You may have to change the tense.

systems thinking personal mastery mental models 1 The weather was terrible so I ________ .this morning rather
shared vision team learning than drive in the snow.
2 We wanted to have our launch event at that restaurant but they
a how to make teams work
d o n 't____________ so we will have to go elsewhere.
b why we act or think in a certain way
3 We are preparing our final documents for the board meeting and
c different people have different values
I spent the m orning____________ to make sure that we had all
d business will become more honest
the correct figures.
e an understanding o f how conclusions are made
4 1am going to bed early because I ____________ and need to rest
3 The organisation you work for is having these problems.
to get better.
Which o f the disciplines a - e would be especially helpful in
theses cases? 5 Yesterday was her birthday and she____________ from her boss.

6 I usually____________ at about 7 am before I leave for the office.

1 The organisation is not very well respected in the community.
They do very little for the environment or for the people living 7 We really need to . . about the new product as there
in the area although their mission statement stresses social __ seem to be some problems with quality control.
responsibility. I__ I 8 I ____________ yesterday from the patent office telling me that
2 It is very difficult to get consensus at meetings. Staff are
our application for a patent was approved.
supplied with a lot o f information but they are not __
encouraged to communicate their ideas with each other. I__ I


3 Match the verbs and phrases 1- 7 with the underlined words 2 Match these phrases to make sentences about the four pillars
and phrases in a-g . of the CoP fram ework. The words in bold are word partnerships
and phrasal verbs.
1 buy a do a university course
2 complete b docaterinq 1 When changing organisational a place new programmes
3 eat c get flowers structures, it is important to put which cover the essential
4 provide food d get new furniture in areas of the business.
5 receive e q etthe bus
2 Companies have to make sure b a health check to
6 talk f have a chat
that they can spread make sure everything is
7 travel by g have breakfast
running well.
Key collocations for knowledge-management 3 Unilever felt that setting up a c worth the tim e and
programmes CoP was the best way to realise money it took to
accomplish this.
1 Read the definitions and rearrange the letters to make
collocations from Language focus on page 131 o f the Student's 4 One important factor when d their objectives.
Book. dealing with objectives is to
1 When ideas o f how the job should be done are extended across
5 When it comes to managing e initiatives in order
the whole company
knowledge in an organisation, it to find out about the
ADEPRS ODOG AECSCITRP________________________________
is necessary to develop learning behaviour o f the
2 When you check at different periods o f the project that everything
company so far.
is going to plan
RRMFOPE ATHHLEA KCEHC_______________________________ 6 When all goes well with f good practices
3 If something gives you a good profit for the amount of effort the implemented changes, throughout their
EB OWRHT HET MEIT NDAYNOME__________________________ management will feel it was organisations.
4 When new ideas are produced usually to solve a problem or to
improve a process
LOPVEDE IIIITTNSVAE_____________________________________
5 When you get the results that you hoped for
SEALREI BCEEIOSTVJ______________________________________
6 To start
TUP Nl CLAPE___________________________________________



Review! Strategies for disagreeing

^gESSES] Listen to tracks 5 0 -5 2 , which are from the 1 0 3 3 Later in the day Nathalie phones Terry again. Listen to
Student's Book. Notice how they discuss proposals and use the second part of the negotiation and mark the follow ing:T if
appropriate language for expressing an opinion, agreeing Terry uses it; N if Nathalie uses it; and B if both o f them use it.
and disagreeing.
1 use vague, indirect language or fillers___
Giving an opinion, agreeing and disagreeing 2 agree first then disagree___

1 Q j [ j j | Listen to part of a negotiation and answer the 3 give a reason for disagreeing___

following questions. 2 Listen again and com plete the table w ith the phrases they

1 What price discount does Nathalie want? use. Look at the audio script on page 86 to help you.

2 What delivery time does she want?

Ways of disagreeing Examples
3 Why does Terry say she can't have a discount and cut the delivery
times? 1 use vague, indirect language

4 What price discount does Terry offer?

or fillers

5 Does Nathalie agree to accept Terry's offer?

2 Can you rem em ber any of the phrases Nathalie and Terry
used to do the following? 2 agree first then disagree

Giving an opinion Agreeing Disagreeing

1 1 1
2 2
3 give a reason for disagreeing
3 Look at these phrases and underline the ones which you feel
are the most positive.

That's right.
Yes, exactly.
We've no problems with it.
I would say that the quality has got better. CEF Can Do statements
Yes, but we don't need to do that. Now you have completed the exercises in this unit, read the
Yes, absolutely. following statements. Tick the boxes that apply to you.
We're getting there, yeah. Yes, I can I think I need
Brilliant, alright then. do this. more practice.
As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter. 1 I can understand the concept o f the | | | |
That's a good point. five disciplines and use key words
You can't compromise with quality, though, you know. related to them.
Well, our problem is, we can't afford to pay...
I totally agree, but you know the way we work ...
2 I can use delexicalised verbs in
sentences. □ □
3 I can use appropriate language to
agree and disagree. □ □
If you need more practice on points 1-3, check the Student's

1 Lesson 14.1 2 Lesson 14.2 3 Lesson 14.3

Make a note o f the areas you want to practise more and how you
can do this.


Reading 7
Helping young people
to succeed

The Urban Alliance

Mission statem ent 40 The program prepares students for a life o f work and self-
Urban Alliance empowers under-resourced youth to aspire, sufficiency through paid internships, formal training, and
work and succeed through paid internships, formal training,
mentorship. Urban Alliance interns are selected after a
rigorous application process. During the school year, each
and mentorship.
Urban Alliance intern works part time with a job partner
45 in the public or private sector. O n Fridays, they attend life
skills and job readiness workshops on topics such as conflict
5 H istory o f the Urban Alliance
resolution, interview skills, professional writing, and work
The US capital city, Washington, D .C .1, has long had
etiquette. D uring the summer vacation following their
problems with employment o f young people. In 2010
senior year, Urban Alliance interns work full time M onday
only 33 percent o f W ashingtons youth were able to find
50 through Thursday and attend financial literacy workshops
10 viable employment according to the US Bureau for Labor
on Fridays. Urban Alliance interns are paid for their work
Statistics. The Kids Count Data Book, published by The
and can earn over $6,000 during their senior year.
Annie E. Casey Foundation, a charity for disadvantaged
children in the USA, places the num ber even lower, at
By the time students have finished the program, they will
17 percent. In general, youth employment is at a 50-year
have increased their proficiency in professional work skills
15 low throughout the USA and the situation is especially
55 and gained long-term professional work experience. They
difficult for minorities. Adding to the problem is the fact
will also have graduated from high school and solidified a
that only 43 percent o f Washington’s young people graduate
post-secondary plan to either attend college or a job training
from high school and the city’s public schools2 have the
program. The Alumni Services provide support for Urban
fourth highest dropout rate in the nation. Poverty rates
Alliance interns beyond their internship experience. Some of
20 are extremely high and more than half the young people
60 the possibilities for them include paid summer internships
in Washington live in households earning below the living
their first year out o f high school, resume and cover letter
review, financial aid and collage transfer assistance, job
search and placement help and networking w ith other
For these reasons, the Urban Alliance Foundation, a non­
Urban Alliance alumni.
profit organisation, was founded in 1996 by Andrew
25 Plepler, an attorney for the US D epartm ent o f Justice, after 65 W hat the alumni say about the program
visiting a local high school. Andrew asked the students 7 believe in Urban Alliance because it builds character,
what they needed to succeed, and one honest young man personality, and a sense o f self that is paramount in order
replied, ‘I need a real job.’ Andrew found an internship for to succeed in todays world. ’
that student and five o f his friends —and created the Urban Nicole Hawkins, Intern at the Federal National
30 Alliance. Since then, the Urban Alliance has employed more 70 Mortgage Association —and still employed there today
than 1,100 youth and partnered with more than 100 local
7 believe in Urban Alliance because it has helped me
businesses. W ith a unique blend o f real-life experience and
become successful in the real world. Being part o f Urban
formal instruction, they continue to help students across
Alliance has changed my life and made me who I am
Washington work, aspire, and succeed.
today: an honest, respectful, responsible professional. A nd
75 I believe in networking and gaining experience, which
35 H ow the Urban Alliance works
Urban Alliance has done for my peers and me. ’
Urban Alliance is the only year-long employment program
Samuel Eboweme, Intern at M organ Stanley, currently
for under-resourced high school students aged 17 to 18 in
attends Virginia State University
Washington, D .C. and Baltimore, Maryland. Their goal is
to give youth access to professional growth and experiences.
................... v .............................HI' nr—... -.....?....—-.... ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^................
Source: The Urban Alliance website
1 Washington D.C. stands fo r W ashington, D istrict o f C olum bia. The land W ashington is located o n was d o nate d by
th e states o f M aryland and Virginia in 1790, m e aning th a t th e capital is n o t located in a state. The d is tric t has its ow n
g o ve rn m e n t and is represented by a congressperson (w ho has no vote) in th e House o f Representatives.
2 In th e US, a p u b lic school is a free school provided by th e go ve rn m e n t.T h is is called a state school in th e UK. In England,
a p u blic school is an expensive ty p e o f private school.
R EA D IN G 7 65
Read th e text. Are th e sentences true or false? U nderline the Match these words and phrases from th e text with their
parts o f th e te x t th a t help you find th e answers. definitions.

1 The Urban Alliance aims to help young people with resources to 1 minority a any group o f people in a society w ho are
find places in companies, and provide them w ith training and different from the rest, maybe because o f their
mentors. race or religion
2 In Washington, D.C., about half o f the young people found good
2 dropout b the number or percentage o f students w ho do
jobs in 2010.
rate not finish school or university
3 The Urban Alliance works together w ith companies all over the
USA. 3 mentorship c a person w ho is the same age or position as
4 Young people are selected very carefully for internships. others in a group
5 When participants finish the programme, they all go on to 4 proficiency d having a high level o f skill
5 peer e a system in which another person gives
6 Urban Alliance interns are encouraged to stay in touch w ith others
someone advice and help
in the programme when they have finished.
Com plete th e sentences w ith vocabulary from exercise 4.
2 Choose th e correct w ord to com plete each sentence.

1 The programme he lps/sup po rts/m a ke s students prepare for a 1 The local language is starting to die out in the area because the
future career. people w ho speak it are now in th e _____________
2 The internships are in both the private and university/governm ent 2 The government is worried about the number o f young people
/co rp o ra te sectors.
leaving school w ithout qualifications as th e ____________ has
3 When interns finish the programme they can go on to university
or a full-time j o b / p a id inte rnsh ip /train ing program me for a job. been rising over recent years.

4 The interns are helped w ith searching for a job and finding a 3 We operate a ____________ programme here, so Jack will be the
position / departm ent / colleague in a company. person you go to for any advice.
5 The alumni w ho have completed the programme say that the
4 Lucia is m y ____________ ; we w ent to the same school and
Urban Alliance has helped them to become w e a lth y /in te llig e n t/
graduated from the same university.
dependable professionals.
5 Ask Sasha to help you translate the document, he has a high level
3 M atch these sentence halves to g e th e r to m ake full sentences
a b o u t th e article.
o f ____________ in English.

1 The Urban Alliance was founded because a work part tim e and attend extra workshops.

2 A major problem in Washington D.C. is b and formal training is the key to the
programme's success.

3 Urban Alliance is the only programme to c a school student told a government

help young people which employee that he needed a job.

4 While the interns are still at high school d they have gained valuable skills which will
they help them in the future.

5 By the time the interns have completed e that fewer than half the young people
the programme complete school and pass their exams.

6 They continue to get f work as interns in their first summer after

finishing school.

7 The combination o f real jo b experience g support when they are alumni.

8 Some o f the alumni continue to h lasts for a full year.

66 R EA D IN G 7
W riting 7
Business proposals

Responding to a request for a proposal 2 Com plete th e proposal using th e phrases from exercise 1.

C om plete th e sentences from an email using th e words in the

box. Then put th em in th e correct order. 1 ___________________________________________________

options enquiry field experience meet interest

As w e are considered to be at the top o f our field, w e are sure
carry out details forward use customers requirements
w e w ill be able to m eet your m arket research needs.
2 ------------------------------------------------ , understand the buying
a For this reason, I feel that we would be able to behaviour and create m ore efficient m arketing campaigns.
_______________your unique needs.
b The first would be for you to m ak e_______________of
the extensive research which we have already p ut together
O ption 1 - Secondary data (including the national m edia and
making it easy to find out where y o u r_______________
com panies’ annual reports)
are and what they need.
c I have attached a proposal w ith m o re_______________ Option 2 - Prim ary data (including face-to-face interviews and

and would be delighted to set up a meeting at a time questionnaires)

which suits you.
Prices include all inform ation regarding your target group.
d We have been in th is_______________for over thirty years
and have a great deal o f_______________in niche markets. 4
e Once we have more of an idea of w hat you are looking for, used and the tim efram e needed to com plete the research.
there are several different_______________we could offer
W e can offer a w ide range o f options depending on your
specific requirem ents and budget.
f I lo o k _______________to hearing from you.
g The more expensive (but possibly more effective) 5
alternative is for us t o _______________the specific to discuss details and alternatives.
research you need based on the target group, the market
and your specific_______________
h I am writing in regard to y o u r_______________about our 3 You own a specialised car service for corporate clients. You
have an excellent reputation and loyal customers. You have
specialised market research.
worked in th e business for 20 years. You are writing a proposal
to a company th a t wants to use your cars for journeys to and
from th e local airport. You offer tw o packages:
Making an attractive offer

Make sentences and phrases by matching phrases 1 -5 with a -e .

1 A service that operates from 6 am to midnight with pick up and
drop off within 50 km of your office.
1 The final price depends a to identify your customer 2 A special package with 24-hour pick-up service to anywhere in

2 Details o f our packages b response to your enquiry of the country.

and 20 March Your cars have between three and six seats and all are equipped with
power ports for laptops and mobile phones.
3 We would be pleased to c on the methods
W rite th e proposal using th e inform ation above and th e form at
4 This proposal is in d methods can be found below
in exercise 1. You can decide on price policy and booking
5 With our research you will e meet you methods if you wish to include them .
be able

W R IT IN G 7 6Z

1 Culture and its 2 Technology and Quantifiers 4 Human Resources

impact business a few Talking about HR tasks
Dimensions of culture Technological vocabulary a great deal of
advertise for new staff
a huge amount of
(to) analyse design benefits packages
a large number of
analysis (to) develop (to) bring about change
a little
analytical development compensation for employees
a lot of
(to) avoid (to) discover (to) develop staff abilities
avoidable discovery (to) get the best work out o f staff
avoidance (to) innovate (to) inform employees about
certain innovation developments
certainty (to) invent Pay and working main contacts with universities
(to) communicate invention conditions organisation development
communication (to) organise inter-team /
appraisal system
communicative 3 Motivation bonus
interdepartmental meetings
(to) compete performance management
M otivation and career opportunities
competition demotivation recruit new staff
competitive (to) set up system o f employee
achievement effort-reward balance
competitor reports
advancement flexitime
uncertain (to) support heads of department
aggressive manager fringe benefits
annual leave glass ceiling Skills, motivation and
valuable mentoring system training
company policy open-plan office 360-degree feedback
valued salary
good results acumen
Relocation and hygiene severance package competencies
repatriation low pay tip (to) groom somebody
manage a team work-life balance inadequate
business cards
business people motivation orientation
. Performance reviews
corporate culture new skills passion
corporate identity praise proficient
cultural differences promotion prospects
constructive feedback
cultural similarity recognition stakeholder
realistic expectations
foreign country responsibility
(to) review Collocations for job
global company rude colleagues
set goals and objectives
host country supervision
(to) supervise career prospects
local culture support
(to) take responsibility for attracted to a job
multinational company work conditions
(to) make a decision
multinational team
interpersonal skills
parent company
(to) take on responsibility
relocation package
strong points
(to) handle a problem
5 Organisations and 6 Managing Verbs in the supply chain 10 Customer
their structures organisations (to) assemble relationship
Collocations in Company life cycles (to) collect m anagement (CRM)
(to) deliver
organisational structures (to) collaborate CRM as an essential part
(to) reduce of business management
chain o f command collaboration
(to) supply
conflict o f interest (to) coordinate cost-effective
delegation o f responsibility coordination exceeding
8 Quality
division o f labour (to) create perspective
m anagement
line manager creativity (to) resource
(to) organise the company (to) delegate Quality management scope
regional divisions delegation (to) come up with sole trader
regional manager (to) direct (to) implement stress
responsibility for decision­ direction (to) involve wastage
making (to) innovate (to) result in
Describing changing Unking words customer service
structures Vocabulary for the
and so cost-effective
(to) accommodate agenda
because relationship-building
deployment (to) agree on but value-adding
(to) disperse (to) confirm consequently profit-sharing
duplication (to) describe to you in detail record-breaking
efficiency (to) discuss in addition to that loss-making
(to) handle (to) get assistance moreover problem-sharing
(to) implement (to) go over again not o n ly ... but also product-making
(to) let you know therefore product-sharing
Job activities
(to) refresh your memory product-pricing
(to) arrange accommodation (to) remind you 9 Marketing Different types of
(to) arrange meetings (to) review strategy customers
(to) arrange training sessions (to) take you through
(to) attend meetings Marketing terminology B2B (business to business)
(to) talk about
(to) book accommodation (to) tell you controllable variables B2C (business to consumer)
(to) enter data (to) differentiate itself from the B2G (business to government)
(to) liaise with a manager 7 Supply-chain competition C2C (consumer to consumer)
(to) liaise with a team end user G2B (government to business)
m anagement (SCM)
(to) liaise with business partners premium pricing strategy
People in the supply
(to) manage a budget target market
(to) manage a team USP (Unique Selling Point)
end users/consumers
(to) maximise revenue comm odity product
e-tailers lifestyle product
(to) report to a manager
manufacturers niche
(to) report to a team
retailers price sensitive
suppliers profit margin
wholesalers turnover

W O R D L IS T 69
11 Accounting Changes and trends 14 The learning She's out o f town this week.
Thank you for calling.
The profit and loss (to) decrease (to) peak organisation
When will he be back?
account and the balance (to) fall (to) plummet
Delexicalised verbs Who would you like to speak to?
sheet (to) fluctuate (to) plunge
(to) do 60 km per hour
cost o f sales (to) increase (to) recover Clarity and signposting
(to) do a course
creditors (to) jum p (to) rise
(to) do badly I'll begin b y ...
debtors (to) level off (to) soar
(to) do conference facilities I'll sum up with ...
(to) do the accounts I've told you a b o u t...
gross profit 12 Finance
(to) get a train Let's now look a t ...
net profit Investing
(to) get an email Let's start w ith ...
(to) buy shares (to) get angry/embarrassed Next is ...
(to) carry out an investment (to) get some office chairs The conclusion is ...
appraisal (to) get to the office We've looked a t ...
administrative expenses
(to) earn interest (to) have a chat
assets Proposing solutions
(to) invest in a portfolio (to) have a cold
heating and lighting I think my biggest concern ...
(to) receive a dividend (to) have a good time
insurance I think we can ...
(to) have an email
13 D ecision-m aking (to) have lunch / a coffee
I think we could ...
stock (or inventory) I think we need ...
The SWOT Analysis
Collocations for I was th inking ,...
Cash flow
analysis strategic knowledge-m anagem ent We could certainly do
accurate analytical strategy programmes som ething...
an additional strain method strength (to) be worth the time and We could d o ...
at severe risk methodical strong money We could look at it.
cash cow model weak (to) develop initiatives We may be able t o ...
cash crisis weakness (to) perform a health check
cash outlay Giving an opinion,
(to) put in place
Verbs to describe SWOT agreeing and disagreeing
cash payment (to) realise objectives
cash problem (to) anticipate (to) spread good practices As far as I'm concerned,...
cash shortage (to) encourage I would say th a t...
creditors (to) facilitate P h rase Bank That's a good point.
debtors (to) lack That's right.
enormous chance (to) oversimplify Telephone phrases That's true.
expenditure (to) spot Can I phone you later? Yes, but we don't need t o ...
extra money (to) undertake Can I take a message for her? Yes, absolutely.
in great danger Could you give me your Yes, exactly.
income number? You ca n 't... though, you know.
more pressure a bit tricky He's just gone into a meeting.
on time closed-door approach I'm calling a b o u t...
outflow (to) come up with I'm sorry but I didn't catch your
(to) owe money day in day out name.
(to) prompt (to) figure out Is... available?
(to) go wrong Is there anything I can do?
messed up It was nice talking to you.
(to) sit down May I ask who is calling?
(to) switch quite a few people off

Grammar reference

Unit 1: Present tenses The tabletop copier was developed by Canon.

The present perfect simple passive is used for activities which began
Present simple
in the past and are not yet finished or have importance in the present.
The present simple refers to a general or permanent state or facts This year our products Wave been bought by customers in 45
which are considered to be true. countries so far.
They Have, six offices In Asia,.

The present simple is used for habits and regular activities. An adverb Unit 3: Articles
of frequency or time phrase (which tells us how often something
The indefinite article a /a n
occurs) may be used as well.
An is used when the word following it begins with a vowel sound.
We d o n 't hold a s ta f f meeting every Friday.
Some words start with a consonant letter which is not pronounced
The present simple is also used w ith stative verbs (including verbs
(ian hour).
of mental processes, emotions or possession).
The indefinite article is used: to talk about something for the first
Do you think th a t he will relocate to Chinet?
time; before a job or type o f workplace; to say something is one of
Unit 2 : The passive
She met a. new business partner la st week, (the first time)
Present sim ple Past sim ple
was 1 ... He is an architect a t a Large, construction company.
IS I past participle f past participle
are J were J We are looking for a. tax ad-vLsor. (there are many possibilities)
Present continuous Present p erfect simple
The definite article th e
IS I being + past participle ^ aS [ been + past participle
are J have J
The definite article is used: when there is only one o f something;
The passive voice is used when: w ith superlative adjectives; with something mentioned earlier; to say
which one we mean; when speaker and listener know what is being
■ the action is more important than who did it.
referred to.
I was taken to Hospital.
■ it is clear who did the action. The headquarters is in New York. (It is the only one.)
He was arrested. It is th e best restaurant I know, (superlative adjective)
■ it is not known who did the action.
He is th e researcher I told you about, (mentioned earlier)
My credit card was stolen.
■ giving information about who did the action. It’s th e photocopier we bought most recently, (and not the older
This digital camera, was made by Pentax. one)

The present simple passive is used to indicate a situation which I’ll see you a t th e train station, (both know which station)
occurs regularly.
The suggestions are collected from the website. No article

The present continuous passive indicates on ongoing process or a We don't use an article when we talk about plural or uncountable
temporary situation. nouns in a general way, for example with: most company names;

The new name for the car is being voted on as we speak. days, months, years; general abstract concepts.

The past simple passive is used for actions or situations in the past He works for IBM.
which are over. I’ll talk to you on Monday.
Praise from His boss is important to Htw.

Quantifiers Present continuous future

Quantifiers which are used with countable nouns: a few, a large The present continuous is used for the future to talk about
number of, several, few, many arrangements that are fixed.
Quantifiers which are used with uncountable nouns: much, a great He is meeting me In Brussels.
deal of, a little, a huge am ount of, little

Quantifiers which are used with both: some, enough, a lot of, plenty of, U n it5 : Modal verbs for possibility and
all, most probability
Quantifiers are used before nouns to tell you how much or how
The modal verb could is used:
many is indicated.
■ to talk about possibility and ability.
There are many people in town today. I know we still have some issues to discuss. We could talk
Quantifiers used before countable nouns are used with plural nouns. about them a t the meeting next week, (possibility)
A Large number of employees took the week off. The modal verbs will, could, may and m ig h t are used:
Quantifiers used before uncountable nouns are used with singular ■ to talk about possibility and probability.
nouns which cannot be used in plural forms. They may be happier in the new department, (possibility)
I have a. little, time if you want to discuss the project. ■ to speculate about the future.
Some nouns can be used in either form depending on whether The new global business could mean we will need to recruit
they indicate individual areas or a general concept.There are some more s ta ff, (speculation about the future)
quantifiers which can be used with either countable or uncountable The addition o f well or will probably is used.
■ to indicate probability rather than possibility
She, Has a. lot o f responsibility. We may well see a. change in the market, (probable)
This job entails many different responsibilities.
Unit 6: Adverbs of d eg ree / Talking about
Unit 4: Talking about the future using w ill, the past (present perfect and past simple)
(b e ) g o in g to and the present continuous Adverbs o f degree ending in -ly include: absolutely, particularly,
g o in g t o future completely, especially, extremely, increasingly, slightly, perfectly, and
The going to future is used:
Adverbs o f degree w ithout - ly include: a bit, almost, enough, a lot,
■ to talk about intentions, plans or decisions for the future.
quite, rather, too, and very.
I am going to look for a, new job. (intention or decision)
Adverbs o f degree say how much or to what degree something
Am I going to get the pay rise you promised me? (decision) happens or exists.
Are you going to be a t next week’s s ta f f meeting? (intention) This job is very hard.
■ to make predictions based on present evidence He is doing extremely well in his position.
Our new recruits are excellent. They are going to be valuable
He was ra th e r pleased with the news about the launch.
employees, (based on evidence)
There was quite a. good article about companies and their
w il l future organisational structures.

The w ill future is used: He spoke too quickly and I didn’t understand everything.

■ to indicate a decision made at the time o f speaking.

Talking about the past (present perfect and past simple)
I will ju s t go to Her office and get the report, (decision
made at time o f speaking) The past simple refers to a state or completed action at a specific
time in the past.The time is usually stated or is obvious from the
■ for predictions based on personal opinion.
I think he- wilt be. on excellent manager, (personal opinion)
She worked for HP several years ago. (She no longer works for
■ for hopes, wishes, desires.
I hope we will -finish the budget on time, (hope, wish)
The past simple is used to talk about repeated or habitual actions in
the past.

I always stayed- a t the M arriott in New York, (repeated These are used w ith the real present and the future.
action in the past)
We will use tHem a,s a. supplier, providing th a t tHey refuse to
Signal words include: use cHild, labour.
ago, last..., yesterday, times in the past.
Unless tHeir quality improves, we will not order from tHem
SHe was at the wetting yesterday. again.

In case you need- me, I’ve got my mobile switched- on.

Unit 7: Conditionals
Conditionals have tw o parts, the condition (if...) and the result.The
result happens (or does not happen) depending on the condition
Unit 8: Present perfect and present
(and the time frame). perfect continuous
Present perfect
Zero conditional
Subject + have/has + past participle
if/w h e n + present simple, present simple
The present perfect is used:
Zero conditional is used to talk about present facts and things that ■ to refer to events which began in the past and are still going on.
normally happen as a result or condition o f something else. If is used ■ for events that have an effect in the present.
to indicate an element of possibility. When is used to indicate that I Have worked- a£ tHis company since 1999.
something always happens. (and I still work here.)

If Lt snows, driving becomes rnore difficult. ■ for events that have an effect in the present.
(a fact resulting from the condition) SHe Has prepared- tHe report, (and it is now finished)
Signal words include:
l-f you Have a. conduct code-, vb Is important to make sure
your suppliers -follow It. for, since, recently, in the last few..., this year/month, just, so far
(a fact based on the premise that the first fact is true)
Present perfect continuous
WHen you press tHis button, t)ie macHine starts.
The present perfect continuous is used:
(this always happens)
■ for longer or repeated actions when the activity is more important
than the result and expresses an action which is still going on.
First conditional
I Have been writing emails ail morning, (repeated actions)
i f + present simple, will + infinitive w ith o u t to I Have been working in New York for over ten years, (the
First conditional is used to talk about actions that are likely to activity is more important and is still going on)
happen or are still possible depending on another action happening. The present perfect continuous is not used: with stative verbs or

l-f I see Him this afternoon, I wilt teU, Him about tHe meeting. when the number o f actions is mentioned.

(this is possible but depends on the first condition)

Unit 9: Speculating in past and
Second conditional hypothetical situations
i f + past simple, would + infinitive w ith o u t to Second and third conditionals deal with imagined situations.They
may be unlikely or impossible depending on the time frame.
Second conditional is used to express unlikely but possible
Second conditional
l-f tHey visited- our office, we would- sHow tHem around tHe
i f + past tense, could / would / might + infinitive
production area,.
(it is unlikely they will come but is possible) Second conditional sentences express unlikely but still possible
situations. A hypothetical situation is expressed as well as a possible
Alternatives to if:
providing (that) = only if
unless = except (if) If I knew Him better, I would- ask Him for Help.
in case = to avoid a possible problem later. (This indicates that I do not know him well.)

What would you do, i f you were offered a d iffe re n t jo b ? Unit 11: Talking about obligation and
(This indicates the possibility of being offered a different job and
giving advice
asks for an imagined reaction.)
Subject + have to /n e e d to + infinitive
Third conditional Subject + must + infinitive
if + past perfect, could / would / m ight + present perfect The modal verbs o f obligation and necessity are used:
Third conditional sentences express past situations that can no ■ to tell people to do things or to give orders or instructions.
longer be changed.The outcome expresses how things m ight have You must finish the report this afternoon.
been different.
You have to send out those bills today.
If we- h a d done more- market research, we might have
■ to imply that it is an obligation or necessary to do.
delayed the product launch.
We have to / need to make sure th a t we don’t have a cash
(This indicates that the company did not do more research and
flow problem.
launched the product as planned.)
■ to tell someone or imply that something is not an obligation or
We would have targeted teenagers I f the product h a d been
necessary to do
less expensive to produce.
You don’t have to stay late this evening as we don’t need to
(This indicates that the product was not inexpensive to produce
•finish this today.
so targeting teenagers was not possible.
■ to tell someone that something is forbidden.
You m ust not pay those bills after the due date.
Unit 10: Past simple, past continuous and You m ust really make sure the Invoices have no mistakes on
past perfect them.
Past continuous Must is stronger than need to or have to.
The Past continuous is used: Have got to and haven't got to can be used in place o f have to or don't
have to.
■ to talk about a longer action in progress at a specific time in the past.
Yesterday a t 3:00 we were waiting for a customer. I have got to leave now as my train Is In 30 minutes and I
■ to talk about a temporary action or situation in progress in the past. don’t want to miss it.
He was putting in a lo t o f hours in order to finish the CRM Subject + s h o u ld /o ug ht to + infinitive
policy guidelines on time. Ought to is not usually used in the question form.
■ to talk about a background event or longer action that is
The modal verbs for advice and suggestions are used:
interrupted by a shorter event or action in the past simple.
We were discussing the problem with customer service, when ■ to indicate that something is the best thing or a good idea to do.
my supervisor called me out o f the meeting. You shouldn’t pay your bills late.
When and while can be used with the past continuous. ■ to indicate that something is not the best thing or a good idea to
While, my boss was giving me Instructions I fe lt my mobile do.
vibrate. We ought to hire some more s ta f f as we have too much
Past perfect
■ to make recommendations or give advice.
The Past Perfect is used to describe an event which took place before We should go back to th a t restaurant, it was great.
another past event.
I h ad spoken to the board o f directors before I began the
new project.
Time expressions such as before, after, when, as soon as, by the time
and already can be used with the past perfect.

We h a d already sta rte d the presentation when she arrived.

Unit 12: Making more exact comparisons Some verbs in English must be followed by infinitives. Examples are:
agree, arrange, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, want, would like.
/ Gerunds and infintives
I arranged to meet him yesterday.
M a k in g m o re e x a c t c o m p a rio n s
The -in g form or the infinitive can be used after begin, bother, and
Comparative and superlative forms o f one-syllable adjectives are start w ithout changing the meaning o f the sentence.
made by adding -er or -est.
I think we need to begin talking / to talk about the launch.
John Is taller than his brother.
The -in g form is used after like, love, hate, and prefer to indicate a level
John Is the tallest boy In bis class. of enjoyment.The infinitive after these verbs is used to indicate a
Two or more syllables are made by using more and most before the habit.
adjective. I Love learning new aspects of my job . (level o f enjoyment)
People, in this company are more helpful than in my old, one. I Love, to take on challenges, (something I often do)
This restaurant is less expensive than the one around the Gerunds or infinitives can be used after: forget, remember, stop and try
corner. depending on the meaning.
To form a comparative or superlative o f an adjective ending in -y, forget + infinitive = did not remember; forget + - ing form = a
replace th e y with / and add -eror -est. memory
b appy —»h appler, h appy
h applest, remember + infinitive = did not forget; remember + -ing form = a
busy —>busier, busy —>busiest memory
A one syllable word which takes more and most is fun. stop + -in g form = to end an activity; stop + infinitive = in order to
I think creating a marketing campaign Is more -fun than do something
writing a report. try + - ing form = attempt to do something; try + infinitive = to
Some two-syllable adjectives can use either form.
I remembered to go there. (I didn't forget.)
He Is tile politest / tile most polite person I know.
I remember going there. (I have a memory o f it.)
Irregular forms include:
good, better, best
Please try to phone him when you get a chance, (make an
bad, worse, worst
far, further, furthest Try phoning him, maybe you’ll reach him. (experiment)
M odifying comparisons
Words are used to modify comparative forms to make them stronger Unit 13: Reported sp eech
or weaker. Indirect speech is used to report on what another person has said.
This Is the lea st useful gadget I have ever bought. The general rule is to'm ove the verb'back a tense if the original
My new car Is much more expensive than my la st one. statement was made in the past.There is no change for sentences
with would, could, might, should and used to.
This office Is -far better than our old one. (or better by -far)
He Is a great d eal happier now th a t he has a, new job. Present continuous —> Past continuous

Our new product Is slightly more profitable. Present simple Past simple

The share value Is a bit higher than It was la st week. Past simple —> Past perfect

The new system Is a little more efficient than our old one. Past continuous Past perfect continuous
(can also stay the same)
1 G e ru nd s a n d in fin itiv e s | Present perfect -» Past perfect
Some verbs in English must be followed by the -ing form o f the verb. Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Examples are: can't help, consider, enjoy, finish, involve, imagine, keep, Future with will would
mind, spend (time).
Future with am/is/are going to -> was/were going to
Would you consider moving to another country?
can -> could
Gerunds are also used after most prepositions and phrasal verbs.
may -> might
He keeps -fit by walking to the office.
must -> had to

I am preparing the r&port. —» SHe said, she was preparing the The verb g e t
How do you get to work?
I often travel on business. —> He said, he often travelled- on We should get some milk a t the shop.
If you don’t get th e book by next week, let me know.
We went there a, while ago. —» He said, they ha<i. gone there
a while ago.

I’ve already -finished the business plan. —» He said, he had-

already -finished, the business plan.

I will ju s t go and, get the Information. —> She sold, she

would, ju s t go and, get the Information.

They are going to open a new office In Asia. —> He said,

they were going to open a new office in Asia.
I can speak Frendi and, Chinese. —» He said, he could- speak
French and, Chinese.

He must work with th a t database. —> He said, he had, to

work with th a t database.

Remember that you need a person or personal pronoun after told,

but not after said or explained.
Remember that he/she stay the same but we becomes they and us
becomes them.

Unit 14: D elexicalised verbs

Delexicalised verbs refer to common verbs (do, give, have, make,
take) that combine with nouns to describe an action.These are
common in everyday language and consist o f the delexicalised verb
phrase + noun phrase structure.The lexical meaning expressed by
the verbs become weak {do the accounts, have a swim, take a walk).
Delexicalised structures often offer an informal equivalent to a full
lexical verb phrase.The examples below give the delexicalised verb
phrase followed by the more formal lexical one.
Some o f the meanings o f these verbs are listed below.

The verb d o

I need, to do all this work by tomorrow.

The restaurant does not do large parties.
They are going to do a business course a t the London School
of Economics.

The verb h a v e

I often meet up with friends and have a ch at with them.

I am not feeling well because I have a headache.
I had- a phone call from him yesterday.

Progress test 1: Units 1-5

1 Read the extract from the brochure of a relocation company. 1 gender equality, caring atm osphere____________
Complete the text with the present simple or continuous form 2 well-informed, structured, formal, facts and rules are important
o f the verbs in the box.
3 cohesive, cooperative, sharing atmosphere, intrinsic motivation
bring look have live speak prefer know wait
support be 4 spontaneous, decisive, creative, innovative _____
5 hierarchical, clear chain o f command, centralised
1 y o u _____________ for a company to meet 6 planning, staying power, importance o f education
all your relocation needs? Relocation Experts are the people
to come to when it 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ necessary to move 7 independence, working alone, respect for privacy
employees and their fam ilies to new countries. We offer a
8 assertive, competitive atmosphere ____________
full range of services and 3 ___ ________ that fam ilies need
9 equality among all, informal, flat organisational structure
more than just someone to bring their belongings from one
place to another. They also need a company which can help
10 non-traditional, few rules and regulations____________
them with all the other little details and 4 ____________
/1 0
them from the beginning to the end of the process. Before
you leave home, we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire.
3 Com plete the text on disruptive technologies using the
Some of the questions we will ask are listed below. passive. Sometimes more than one tense is possible.

5 ____ ______. y o u ____ children in school? If so, how old According to some experts mainstream customers are to blame
for the lack o f creativity that takes place in companies. One o f the
are they?
problems today is that products 1 ____________ (develop) to
6 ........... .. anyone in your fa m ily ........................ any
meet the needs o f the main market rather than 2 ____________
foreign languages? If so, which ones? (aim at) smaller niche markets. When some disruptive technologies
7 _ _ ______you and your fam ily _ _ _ _ _ _ in a first appeared they 3 ____________ (not see) as profitable items.
house or a fla t at the moment? Managers did not truly understand how a company could be
helped to grow by developing a product they felt would not be
8 W h ich ........................ you _____________?
popular with regular customers. However, if a department within
9 y o u _____________any pets like dogs or the company 4 ____________ (set up) to deal with this, the leaders
cats with you? o f the company could support new developments and keep
everyday operations from stopping it. One example o f a disruptive
This is only a small sample of what we can offer you. technology is the internet. In some cases the mainstream media
What 1 0 ____________ you _________ ___ for? 5 ____________ (replace) because people find it easier to read
Call us right away on 8796-4592. about the news online. Another example is in the communications
field where mobile phones 6 ____________ (take over) in many
households where people no longer have landlines.
__________ /10
These are all reasons for companies to keep up their search for those
2 Write the correct culture term from the Hofstede model new and exciting ideas.
next to the key words which best describe it.

High power distance Low power distance

High masculinity dimension Low masculinity dimension
Long-term orientation Short-term orientation
Collectivist Individualistic
High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance


4 Match th e collocations ab ou t pay and benefits w ith their 6 Com plete th e sentences using th e verbs in brackets and
definitions. the correct form of g o in g to future, w ill future or present
severance package career opportunities appraisal system
_________ a sabbatical next year and work on my
1 I think I ________
effort-reward balance glass ceiling pay rise fringe benefits
MBA. (take)
annual leave
2 There is a vacancy in the marketing department and I
1 things that you get because o f your job which are it. Do you think I will get it? (apply for)
not in the form o f money 3 There's a party for the product launch to n ig h t.____________ you
2 the way in which the job performance o f an ____________ to it? (go)
employee is evaluated in terms o f efficiency and productivity by 4 Last year we recruited eight new staff members and this year we
his or her manager another five, (hire)
3 an increase in the fixed amount o f money you 5 I have to leave now. I ____________ John at the airport in half an
earn for doing your job hour, (meet)
4 money paid to an employee whose job the 6 How do you think the new method o f 360-degree feedback
employer has had to bring to an end ? It seems like an interesting concept, (work)
5 the situation in which the work which is put into 7 The financial situation is not very good. W e ____________ a
something is equalled by what the employee gets out o f it difficult time selling some o f our products, (have)
6 a point you cannot go beyond, usually refers to 8 A: I really don't understand how to complete this new tax form.
improving your position at work, it is an invisible barrier which can B: Don't worry I ____________ (help) you.
keep someone from achieving a higher position that he or she /8
may be qualified to do
7 the amount o f paid days off that an employee is 7 Match the situations (A-F) to these sentences containing
allowed to have each year modal verbs.
8 chances or situations which make it possible for
you to do something you want to do, usually means getting a 1 We could discuss these problems at the staff meeting
better job or a promotion at work on Friday. [
/8 2 We may have to change our billing process. □
3 She m ight not want to move to another department. I 1
5 Read th e sentences below. If there is a mistake, cross it out
4 Could you finish the report by this evening? I I
and correct it. Tick the correct sentences.
5 We will probably move to Asia in the spring. □
1 He hopes to become the doctor when he finishes his studies.

2 The pay rise I received last year was not enough as prices are still
6 The new business could mean that we will need more staff
members. □
A Customers sometimes complain about our invoices so there is a
going up. □ possibility that we will need to do something about this.
3 Upper management has few effect on how employees perform B It is very probable that your office will relocate.

on a daily basis. C There is a possibility to deal w ith difficulties when everyone gets
4 In my job there is not many incentive to work hard. [ ^ ]
D There is a possibility that we will have to recruit people in the
5 The customer called us with a little complaints yesterday. I I future.
6 My new position is really challenging and I have a lot of E You want to know if there is a possibility that a staff member can

motivations to do a good job. □ complete a job by a certain time.

F An employee has said that she is very happy with her job and you
7 The factors that lead to a successful product are being looked at
think she will want to stay where she is.
by our development department. □
8 We have the excellent mentoring system in place in our
company. □ TOTAL MARKS /60
9 We have a meeting in the Berlin on Wednesday.
10 This could be the biggest contract we ever sign. [
/1 0
Progress test 2: Units 6-10

1 Com plete the definitions w ith the verbs in the box. 4 Com plete the sentences with the correct form of the word in
brackets to create a zero, first or second conditional sentence.
create direct delegate coordinate collaborate innovate Then match the sentences to the situations. W rite th e correct
letter in the boxes.
1 __ : to give a job to somebody else so that they do it for you.
2 __ : to introduce changes and new ideas to something that 1 If they. . (visit) the factory, we could explain our
already exists.
processes to them in detail. \^_
3 ______ : to work with somebody else on a special project.
4 ______ : to make different groups or departments work together 2 When new suppliers begin to work with us, it. .(be)
as a whole. necessary that they follow our conduct code.
5 ______ : to be in charge or control. 3 W e____________ (buy) goods from them, providing that they
6 ______ : to make something new.
check their finished products more carefully.
4 If I had time to travel to London on Friday, I ____________ (tell)

2 Com plete the text with th e past simple or present perfect them about the new project. □
form of the verbs in the box. 5 Unless they begin to deliver on time, w e ____________ (not
order) from them again.
know focus on grow become be evolve

When I first joined the company we 1 ________ .very small. The A They are always late with their shipments and this is causing us
engineers concentrated mostly on developing products and the major problems.
managers 2 ____________ finding markets for them. Now we are B We have regulations for anyone who supplies us with raw
a large multinational company with offices all over the world. In the materials or finished goods.
past five years we 3 ____________ enormously and many o f the C I don't know yet about my timetable for the rest o f the week but I
people I 4 ____________ at the beginning are no longer working think I won't be able to leave the office.
for us. My job is challenging as I 5 ____________ one of the leaders D Unfortunately, I don't think they will have time to see our
o f the company. I miss working on the development of products, but production facilities while they are here.
it is exciting to lead an innovative company and to see how we E We are interested in using them as suppliers but they will have to
6____________ into the organisation we are today. improve their quality.
5 C om plete the sentences using the words and phrases in the
3 Match these sentence halves together.
box. You may have to change the form o f the verb.

1 An e-tailer sells □
involve come up with implement result in provide
2 The wholesaler buys large numbers of our [ ^ ]
1 We w ill. . you with all the necessary documents
3 There are different areas along the supply chain which incur □
when we deliver the order.
4 We have one department which is responsible for □
2 The new system o f booking orders will b e ---------------------next
5 Supply chains are connected through a two-way □ year, so just use the old system now.
6 End users both buy I 1 3 We need t o ____________ a solution to the problem o f the

A products and sells them to shops. machines overheating.

8 handling and processing orders.
C and use the product.
D flow of materials.
E products over the Internet.
F costs.
4 We think that it is very important t o . .the workers in 8 Choose the correct form o f the verb to complete the second
the decision-making process so that everybody has a chance to or third conditional sentences.
give their opinion.
1 If w e. . (go into) a niche market, w e .
5 The new system has____________ the company being able to
(make) more money on the product. Unfortunately we only aimed
make savings o f five percent.
at the mass market.
/5 2 I think w e ____________ (get) a bonus at the end o f the year if
our turnover____________ (go up) significantly. However, it is
6 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect simple or
unclear at this point if our sales will really increase.
progressive form of the verbs in the box.
3 If th e y ____________ (reduce) the profit margin on the item, we
____________ (consider) lowering the selling price. However, I
sit have tell finish prepare work take
don't know if they will do this or not.
A '1 ____________ (Brian) the report yet?' 4 W e____________ (do) really weil this quarter if we
---------------------(manage) to come up with a lifestyle product that
B: 'No, but I know that he 2 ____________ on it since this morning.'
was very popular with the public. But we only sold commodity
A: 'OK. It's true that he 3 ____________ (not) much time to do it products with low profit margins.
because he only took it over from Susan last week.'
B: 'Right. And in addition to the report, we 4 . . (all) the
new marketing campaign and you know how much work goes into 9 Com plete the sentences with the compound nouns in the

that.' box.

A : ' Yes, I know. I 5 . . (also) in meetings about the profit-sharing record-breaking loss-making product-pricing
campaign since early this morning.' This is the first time I
6 ____________ a break for some coffee and something to eat. But I 1 It really has been a . . year, we have made more
need it by tomorrow at the latest.' profits this year than any other since the company was founded.
2 Although the whole industry is a ____________ one at the
B: I 7 . . (already) Brian that he doesn't need to help moment, I am sure that we will survive the recession.
us out with the rest o f the work until the report is finished because I
3 O ur---------------------strategy for the new products means that it
know how important it is.'
will be lower than that of our competitors.
4 The____________ scheme that the company has introduced
means that all employees get a bonus if we perform well.
7 Match the marketing term inology below to the correct Al-
IO Read the sentences below. If there are mistakes, cross them
controllable variables USP premium pricing strategy out and correct them . Tick the correct sentences.
target market the end user
1 I had just left the meeting when he was telling me that I needed
1 : An exclusive feature o f the product that no
to take part in the conference call. □
competitor product has.
2 We were thinking about starting a profit-sharing scheme when
2 :The consumer who uses the product.
3 :The group o f consumers the company wants to the board had announced that they were not in favour o f the
sell its products to. idea.
4 : A strategy where the company sells its product at 3 Before he joined our company, he had worked in New York for
a high price.
many years. □
5 : Factors which are under the control o f the
company. 4 She worked on the report when I phoned her. [

/5 5 We already started the meeting when the coffee arrived. [




Progress test 3: Units 11-14

1 Match the finance terms (A-G) to the definitions. 3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

A profit and loss account B turnover C reserves 1 If you decide to invest some money, it is a good idea to first carry
out an investment____________
D cost o f sales E net profit F overdraft G inventory
A test B opportunity C appraisal
1 the amount o f business which a company does in a particular 2 It's a good idea to invest in a ____________ so as to spread the
risk across a few companies.
period o f time [
A diversification B share C portfolio
2 an amount o f money that a customer with a bank account is
3 If you have invested in a company that does well, you will
temporarily allowed to owe the bank □ probably receive a /an____________
3 a portion o f retained earnings set aside to cover possible future A investment B dividend C interest
4 You will probably need a stockbroker if you want to buy
losses or for other specified purposes
4 the materials and goods held by a firm to use in production, for
A shares B investments C stipends
customer service or support of operations □ 5 If you don't want to take a risk you can save your money in a bank
5 the cost of purchasing raw materials and manufacturing finished where it will still earn____________
goods I I A dividends B interest C loans

6 an official financial document showing earnings, expenses and /5

net profit during a particular period of time [

4 Com plete the sentences w ith the comparative or superlative
7 when the total expenses o f a company are subtracted from its form o f the adjectives in brackets.
earnings □ ________ (friendly) department I have ever
1 This is th e ________
n worked in.
2 Their new customer service is not doing well, it is____________
2 Circle the correct modal verb in these tips on cash flow for (popular) than ours.
small businesses and start-ups. 3 What do you think was th e ____________ (innovative) product
last year?
1 You must/should have enough cash on hand to pay your bills 4 If you have all your investments in just one company, it is
so that you don't have a cash shortage.
(risk) than having them in several companies.
2 You should/have to overestimate your need for capital when
5 Because I travel so much, my laptop is____________ (useful)
you are starting out in case you need more money than you
than my desktop at the moment.
3 You ought to/need to make sure that your customers pay /5
your invoices promptly as it is necessary to manage the gap
between inflows and outflows of cash. S Circle the correct word in each sentence to match the situation.
4 You don't have to/should not rely on only a small number of
1 We had tw o offices but we now have space for everyone in one.
customers, even if they are large businesses, in case they do
The new office is slightly/ far larger than our old one.
not pay you immediately.
2 We began the process about a year ago and finally got the money
5 If possible, you should/need to try to get up-front deposits
when doing business with someone for the first time. last month so we can now begin the project.
6 You need to /o u g h t to tell your customers about your credit It took much / a bit longer to receive funding than we had thought.
terms before doing business with them so that the conditions 3 We sent off the forms tw o months ago and already have approval.
are clear. Applying for a patent is less / more complicated than I imagined.
4 Raw material costs have more than doubled.
/8 Raw materials cost a little / much more than they did last year.


6 Com plete th e text w ith the correct gerund or infinitive form 8 Com plete the sentences with the correct form o f the
of the verbs in th e box. delexicalised verb do, have or g e t and then match the sentences
to those (A-D ) which express the same idea.
hold speak search for come up learn sell invest
earn buy 1 I usually____________ to the office by about 8:30. [ ^ ]
2 Our department is busy____________ the accounts in order to
Warren Buffet's career as a businessman started when he was a child
in Omaha, Nebraska. One o f his money-making ideas involved prepare for the meeting with the board next month. □
1 ____________ lost golf balls and 2 _____________them for 3 We are____________ lunch at that new restaurant with a client
a profit. The family later moved to Washington DC where Buffet to discuss some details o f our last order.
managed to 3 ____________ $ 1,200 by delivering newspapers to
4 I ---------------------a great time at the sales conference and was able
people's houses. With this money he was able to 4 _____________
land in Nebraska and rent it out. When Buffet turned 21 he decided to exchange ideas with people from other offices. | |

to 5 ____________ a class on investing because he wanted to try A We have to make sure all our bookkeeping is up to date as we
6 ____________ in front of a group o f people. have to explain the figures to the leaders o f the company.
B I really enjoyed talking with colleagues from other branches at our
Buffet studied for a time at the famous Wharton School o f Finance
last big get-together.
and Commerce in Philadelphia but his goal was to 7 ____________
C I generally arrive at work before nine.
more about the practical aspects o f business. Later at Columbia
D We are meeting with a client over a meal to talk about recent
Business School he discovered how to 8 ____________ in the stock
market and managed to 9 ____________ with his own personal
investment strategy which has enabled him to become the financial /4
wizard he is today.
9 Com plete th e sentences w ith the verbs in the box to make
/9 key collocations for kn ow led g e-m anagem ent programmes.

7 Change these sentences from direct to reported speech. be develop perform put realise spread

1 He said,'The SWOT analysis is a useful tool, but we will have to 1 It is important for an organisation t o ____________ initiatives
undertake the process on a regular basis' with regard to knowledge management.
He said that the SWOT analysis ... 2 It needs t o ____________ good practices that already exist across
the whole company.
2 She replied: 'But, last year it enabled the management team to 3 It is also important t o __________ .in place R&D innovation
focus on strengths and find opportunities' programmes.
She replied ... 4 The organisation should regularly. .a health check
to make sure that its knowledge management objectives are
3 He said: 'I guess it can help us to anticipate developments which working well.
may affect us in the future.' 5 If a knowledge-management programme doesn't_________
He said he guessed ... its objectives, its work may be brought to a close.
6 All knowledge-management programmes need t o ________
4 She said, 'And I really think that it facilitates an understanding of worth the time and money invested in them.
the overall picture o f the company.'
She said that she really ...


/1 2


Audio scripts

Unit 1 Culture and its Alan: That's a pity, but at least you're here now. Did
you get a taxi here OK this morning?
many people are visiting the site and how
much business has been generated from the
impact Belinda: Yes, the traffic wasn't too bad. site since I took control o f it.
Alan: Good. Would you like some coffee before we Elena: Yes, I've been really impressed w ith your work
Beginning a business relationship See start? in this area and everybody has com m ented on
pages 146-147 o f the Student's Book. Belinda: Yes, tha t w ould be lovely. Milk and no sugar, w hat a good jo b you have done. We also talked
please. about maybe designing a new product using
Informal business conversations, crowdsourcing. How did that go?
Carlos: Crowdsourcing? Oh yes, when we ge t feedback
exercise 1
Unit 2 Technology and on the products w e have already produced.
Elena: Hmm, no, not exactly. I was w ondering w hat
£ 0 business had happened. You should have asked for
Baz Hi folks. clarity. Crowdsourcing is when w e get people
Stella This is Baz. Telephone communication See pages
to inpu t into the design o f a new product.
Janak Hi, Baz. 147-148 o f the Student's Book. Carlos: I'm really sorry, I didn't understand. I w ill work
Maria Baz, hi. Nice to m eet you. I'm Maria. on this.
Baz Hi. Telephone communication, Elena: Well, we can com e back to tha t later and see
Maria Hi Luke. How are you? exercises 2 and 3 how we can w ork this into your jo b plan for
Luke Very well thanks. Yourself? next y e a r... The third po in t I've go t here is that
Maria Good, thanks. 0 1 I wanted you to w ork on your English skills.
Luke Good, good, good. How has this gone?
Maria: So, w hen w ould it be convenient for us to
Maria Luke, this is Janak. Carlos: Well, I'm afraid I haven't really had the chance
meet up and discuss the new product range?
Janak Hi, I'm Janak. to go to classes. I have to adm it I think that my
Dmyto: Well, I'm pretty busy next week, but next
Luke Nice to meet you. How are you doing? English is quite good, bu t I find it difficult to
Wednesday m orning looks fine. Friday
Janak I'm fine. progress.
afternoon would be better though.
Luke Right have you started at all? Elena: OK, well don't w orry I'll see if I can free up some
Maria: I'm afraid I'm away from Wednesday and w on't
Stella Not really. o f your tim e to get to classes, OK?
get back until the weekend. I think the sooner
Luke Not yet? Carlos: That w ould be great, thank you.
we can meet the better, really.
Stella No. We were just talking about the traffic. Elena: OK, now can I ask you about the Casillias
Dmyto: So, w ould you like me to try and free up some
Maria It was a pain getting here. account. I know that this isn't in objectives, but I
tim e this week?
Luke Oh was it? know tha t you have recently taken it over.
Maria: It w ould be a big help if you could.
Maria A lane had been closed o ff and no one was Carlos: It's terrible.
Dmyto: W hat about tom orrow then?
doing anything. Elena: What?
Maria: Let me have a lo o k ... I'm free at 2 o'clock if
Luke: Really? Carlos: Well I took over the account from Luis and you
that's any help.
Maria We must have been waiting for half an hour. know tha t he's really la z y ...
Dmyto: I'm really sorry, but I have g ot some clients
Luke Oh, it's infuriating isn't it?
com ing in the afternoon. I was thinking about
Maria It sure is.
Janak: Yes.
the m orning really.
Maria: Right, well I could com e over to your office this
Unit 4 Human Resources
aftemoon.The sooner I get to speak to you the 0 E 3 Job interviews See p a g e l5 l o f the
Informal business conversations, better, really.
Student's Book.
exercise 2 Dmyto: OK, let's say 4:15 this afternoon. That should
give us plenty o f tim e to prepare. Asking questions effectively,
S I Maria: Alright, Did you say 4:50?
Dmyto: Not 4:50,4:15. exercise 1
Conversation 1
Alan: How is your hotel? Maria: Sorry, I didn't catch w hat you said. No problem,
see you at quarter past four.
0 E
Belinda: Fine.
Dmyto: I'm looking forward to it. Interview w ith C andidate 1
Alan: The flig h t was OK?
Interviewer: Do you have any questions that you
Belinda: Yes.
would like to ask me, anything that you
Alan: Did you get a taxi OK this morning?
Belinda: Yes.
Unit 3 Motivation would like to know?
Interviewee: I w ould like to ask if I will have the
Alan: The traffic is usually OK this tim e o f day. Would Conducting a performance op portunity to w ork in the back o f the
you like some coffee?
review See pages 149-150 o f the Student's Book. house like in the Human Resources
Belinda: Yes, please.
Conversation 2
The language of performance Interviewer: I'm afraid it doesn't say this in the
Alan: How is your hotel?
Belinda: Fine thanks, it's a bit noisy because it's in reviews, exercise 2 advertisement. I'd put you in the front
office or in food and beverage, we
the centre, but it's quite convenient for
3 E w ould not put you in an administration
sightseeing if I get a chance later.
departm ent such as Human Resources
Alan: Oh yes, you should visit the old tow n, and Elena: So, Carlos, let's look at your achievements from
because we w ould like the trainees to
the restaurants are really good. Did you get a the last performance review then.
concentrate more on the operations side
chance to go anywhere yesterday evening? Carlos: Well, at the last meeting it was decided tha t I
if you like. Any other questions that you
Belinda: No, I didn't arrive until really late. w ould take control o f the w eb developm ent
w ant to ask me?
Alan: Really? Was the flig h t OK? and as you can see, the content is regularly
Interviewee: I would like to know w hat the hotel's
Belinda: It was all right, but we were delayed because updated. I have g o t some statistics here that
attitude o r your attitude is towards the
o f bad w eather in Frankfurt. show tha t there has been an increase in how

trainee. What expectations do you have o f the situation.Then if I could, I would Briefing and being briefed, exercises
o f the trainees? try some methods to calm him down
or compensate him for w hat he has
4 and 5
Interviewer: OK, now w hat we expect from the trainee
is very basic. Well, if you are supposed to encountered, and after that I w ould ask
report for duty, then we expect you to be the staff involved to investigate w hat
there on time. OK, let's say your working really happened - decide whose mistake 1 I can't w ait to get started.
hours are from nine to five thirty, then o f it was. 2 I'm keen to meet all o f my new colleagues.
Interviewer: OK, so w hat position do you see yourself 3 The sooner I get started the better.
course I w ould like you to report for duty
prior to the working hour let's say five to having in five years'time? 4 I'm looking forward to learning more.
ten minutes at least. Interviewee: I think tha t in five years'time I w ould like
Interviewee: OK. to be the assistant m a nager... tha t is my

Interview w ith Candidate 2

goal. Unit 6 Managing
Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me about organisations
the w ork or areas that you really w ant to
concentrate on?
Unit 5 Organisations and Starting a meeting See page 154 o f
Interviewee: I w ant to ask if I w ould have any chance their structures the Student's Book.
to w ork as a bar tender or do something
in the bar. S B Briefing See pages 152-153 o f the Student's Before a meeting, exercise 1
Interviewer: OK, if you actually w ant to w ork as a Book.
bar tender, we can refer you to Human 033
Resources and they will get in contact Briefing and being briefed, exercise 1 Alina: Firstly, 1 have you agreed on a new database
w ith the Beverage Department, because system yet? We 2 discussed it when w e were
in this hotel the Beverage D epartment is S B down last month.
in charge o f the bar and not the front o f I really w ant to get working on this project as soon Luigi: Actually, yes. We've 3 confirmed the contract
house. as possible. w ith the software supplier.
Has anybody told you how to operate the Alina: That's great.
Asking questions effectively, machines? Luigi: Do you remember we were originally going to
What I'm not sure about at the m om ent is, how get some special software made for us?
exercise 2
long do the deliveries take? Alina: Can you 4 refresh my memory?
ono We've g o t a fair am ount o f tim e to get the project Luigi: Because most o f the database systems you can
finished. buy can't do all the things that the office staff
Interviewer: So what's your interest in the industry? You need to know w ho everybody in the currently do.
Why are you attracted to a hotel career? departm ent is before we get started. Alina: OK.
Interviewee: I've chosen to graduate in Hotel and 6 I will go through all o f the procedures w ith you. Luigi: But having a totally new system made was too
Catering Management. It's mainly 7 Sarah is responsible for the records and so forth. expensive, so we're not going to do that any more.
because I think that this course is quite 8 I'd like to g e t going w ith the w ork right away. Alina: Oh.
practical and useful and I also know 9 So, w hat we're going to be doing today is looking at Luigi: So the consequence o f that is that we have to
tha t the hotel industry in this country, the company structure. use a system that is already used by lots o f other
the service industry especially for the 10 Do you w ant me to repeat w hat I've just said? companies.
hotel industry, is going to be a boom ing Alina: Right.
industry. There are numerous hotels Luigi: As a result o f that we can move to the new
around the airport and I think that to
Briefing and being briefed,
system a lot quicker. Also the software supplier
choose a career in the hotel industry will exercises. 2 and 3 can 5 take our staff through it and then they
be a career w hich has good prospects. can 6 get assistance from the online help. And
Interviewer: That's correct. SB w ith the exception o f invoicing, the system can
Interviewee: And I also w ant to choose some kind of Sharon: It's only your first week, so I'll be showing you actually do everything we need.
career which is service-oriented, which around, introducing you to everybody and Alina: So they'll have to keep doing that the old way.
has direct contact w ith the guest - 1can basically making sure you know about all the Luigi: Yeah, we'll 7 review that after six months.
learn interpersonal skills, com munication procedures and how the organisation works. Alina: 8 Let me know if I need to do anything.
skills and learn h o w to cooperate Does that sound OK? Luigi: Cheers Alini.
w ith other people. I think that's quite Peter: Fantastic, I can't w ait to get started.
important. Sharon: Well, there'll be plenty o f tim e for that. Who
Interviewer: OK, good. W hat do you think w ould be
Linking words and vocabulary for
have you m et so far?
your strong points, your strengths? Peter: Well, I've m et Stella, who's going to be my
the agenda, exercise 2
Interviewee: I'm enthusiastic, I am always w illing to line manager and all o f the guys in my
help ... department.
Interviewer: OK. Sharon: Excellent. Do you know how your role fits into 1 agree on 6 let you know
Interviewee: ... and I'm happy to take on numerous the organisation as a whole? 2 confirm 7 refresh your memories
responsibilities at any time. I always Peter: Well, I've been given an organigram, b u t to 3 discuss 8 reviewed
try my best to com plete all tasks up to be honest I could really do w ith having a look 4 firstly 9 take you through
standard, and I'm friendly and w illing to around the company. 5 get assistance
help. Sharon: Oh, haven't you had a tou r w ith Kyle yet?
Interviewer: How would you handle for example, Peter: No, I'm not even sure w ho Kyle is.
a very angry guest at seven o'clock in Sharon: OK, I'll organise that. He works in HR and he Unit 7 Supply-chain
the morning w ho has just come o ff an organises tours and stuff like that.
eleven-hour flight, and has found ou t that Peter: I was also told that I needed to do an m anagement (SCM)
his room w on't be ready until one o'clock? induction o f Health and Safety regulations.
Interviewee: I think firstly I w ould calm the guest Sharon: Well, Kyle's your man for that as well. I think we'll The language of negotiations,
dow n or invite him to a private place, go up and see him once I've shown you where exercise 2
because I w ouldn't w ant other guests the shipments leave the factory from.
to hear him complaining, and after that Peter: OK, we can get there dow n this corridor, can't S23
I w ould listen to his story about w hat we?
happened so that I have a general idea Nick: So, Stefan, we've got three different orders. The
question is, assuming it's the same delivery
address, can w e com bine any o f those orders?
Stefan: Well, Nick, the general point is if we receive Clarity and signposting, exercise 2
Unit 8 Quality management
different orders on different dates every week,
this automatically creates a new order in our
system. So, if we have to com bine them, that
means we have to cancel one order.This
] Managing and participating in
meetings See pages 156-157 o f the Student's Book.
Good m orning everyone. I w ould like to welcome
you to my presentation on marketing ideas for your
makes a lot o f w ork in terms o f the scheduling
process. So, this w ould double our workload if Introducing, summarising and products. We are going to start o ff w ith a short
explanation o f the four Ps and then go on to examples
we said, 'OK we have to cancel one order and sequencing, exercise 1
showing you how some other companies have used
increase the next order', because they are on a
them effectively.The first area we'll look at are the
different tim e line.
products and their USPs and then we'll talk about how
Nick: You mean at the m om ent you've probably got
Jeff: I’m pleased to tell you that everything is going to distribute them. After that we'll go on to pricing
three packing orders?
really well. The ideas you came up w ith for strategies. We'll then finish up w ith prom otion and
Stefan: Yes.
im provem ent at the last meeting were great. advertising ideas. At the end o f the presentation there
Nick: It's probably all from the same bulk, yeah?
Leslie: Thanks, Jeff. will be some tim e for questions.
Stefan: But they have d iffe re n t...
Jeff: Let's start w ith the implem entation o f quality
Nick: They have different packing order numbers, Let's begin w ith the product. Some o f the areas to
control in production. I'd like to go through that
yeah. So they're in the packaging plan as three consider are design, features, quality and branding. If you
first before I hear from the other departments.
different orders at three different tim e points. take a look at the screen, you w ill see how this product
Bill: That's fine. I can tell you w hat we have been
Stefan: Yes. design turned into a USP for a well-known brand. This
doing there. We started o ff w ith ...
may give you some ideas for your own product range.
Jeff: Good, thanks. Bill. I think you all have been
The language of negotiations doing a really good jo b there. It's great news
Moving on to distribution, this is an area tha t should be
th o u g h t about carefully. Do you w ant to sell through
exercise 3 tha t the new ideas have worked so well.
m iddlem en and retail outlets or by direct sales for
Leslie: Do you w ant to hear w hat we have been doing
example? This depends mainly on the target audience
in our department?
and the product. As you can see this product worked
Nick: The question is, can you go into that first one Jeff: Yes, but because we have to finish by 2 pm we'll
well w ith direct sales.
and increase it to tw o thousand and then have to get through the other reports quickly.
Leslie: OK, I w ould just like to mention ... Thirdly, we can look at pricing strategies. As you know
cancel the next two?
there are a num ber you can use. Are you selling a
Stefan: Yeah, yeah. Jeff: Thanks, Leslie.That's excellent. I'm sure this w ill
com m odity product or a lifestyle product? Obviously
Nick: In terms o f w hat that means, yes, it means extra improve our quality and I think these ideas are
w ith a lifestyle product you can look into a premium -
w ork up front. also in Matt's area. Can you tell us w hat your
pricing strategy whereas w ith a com m odity product you
Stefan: Yes. group has been doing?
may consider com petitive pricing as shown on this slide.
Nick: But we will benefit from a better unit price. You
w ould benefit from not having three different And finally, prom otion. Here you have many possibilities
order numbers going through the system. Unit 9 Marketing strategy to reach your target market. You can look into
Stefan: Erm ... the general thing is that we have a advertising, PR and so on. Take a look at the short clip to
routine process, w hich is already fixed in our S I Organising and creating interesting see how effective this TV spot was.
system. If we have to change the order every presentations See page 158 o f the Student's Book. And to sum up, I w ould like to remind you that each o f
week, this w ill lead to a lot m ore work. We can't the four Ps is important and must be thought about when
just say,'OK this must be cancelled'; we have to planning a marketing campaign. Are there any questions?
Persuading and raising interest,
make an additional order tha t we have to put
into the system. exercise 1
Nick: We're not talking about making additional
orders, we're saying increase one and delete
Unit 10 Customer
two. J.H. Crawford: Cars and trucks have become a major relationship management
cause o f social, health, economic, environmental, and
The language of negotiations, aesthetic problems in cities. They badly affect social (CRM)
relationships by making life on the street unpleasant.
exercise 1 Expressing positive opinions using
They deny younger children freedom and, as a result,

€E 3 stunt their developm ent. Cars have become one o f the adjectives and adverbs, exercise 2
leading causes o f death in almost every nation, and
Alberto: So, Haruka, I know we have to increase the leading cause o f death among males aged 15-44 ® 1
customer orders.The question is, how do we worldwide. Pollution from car exhausts kills even more
do that w ith o u t more w ork for my team? people than car crashes. Streets and car parking use Martha: Right, OK. So w hat did you think about the
Haruka: Well, Alberto, the general point is if we get huge am ounts o f land in cities, and keeping them in outdoor event?
one order from a customer, this customer use is a huge cost for the economy.The autom obile is Tanya: It was very good I think.
w ill hopefully order again. So, if we get a the most resource-intensive means o f transportation Martha: I tho ugh t it was excellent actually. I think we all
new customer, that means we have to do ever devised, and there w ill be serious energy shortages did really well.
everything possible to make sure that they w ithin a decade. Finally, cars spoil the city's beauty in Rashid: Yeah, definitely.
order again. many ways. Notice in old photographs how much more Martha: And w e did it ail w ith o u t bringing in other
Alberto: You mean at the m om ent we're getting one attractive our cities were a century ago. organisations.
order from a customer and they're never Tanya: All the feedback was very positive.
It is tim e to build more cities w ith o u t cars and trucks.
ordering again? Martha: Yes, it was.
Venice, one o f the tw o largest existing car-free cities,
Haruka: Yes. We have to call those customers back Tanya: And lots o f people were asking if w e were
is an oasis o f peace, despite being one o f the densest
and ask them if they w ant to give us another going to do it again.
urban areas in the world. Fes-al-Bali, home to the largest
order. Rashid: Right.
car-free population on Earth, Is a pleasant and convivial
Alberto: But that w ould be a lot more w ork for us. Martha: Yes. And I think another thin g tha t it possibly
city even though it is comparatively poor.
In terms o f w hat it means, yes, it means extra did was it showed people things they hadn't
w ork up front. W hat w ould happen if we designed cities w ith o u t any th o u g h t about before.
Alberto: Yes. cars? Would anyone w ant to live in such a city? Does it Rashid: I think tha t was a good move because one lady
Haruka: But we will benefit from more repeat orders. make social, economic, ecological and aesthetic sense? said/Oh, this is nice. We've n o t been down
You w ould benefit because the customers Is there an effective and economical way to provide here before. We come up here and look at the
calling back would be in the system already. transport w ith o u t using cars and trucks? lake all the tim e b u t I haven't seen this bit.'
You w ouldn't need to register them, just get Martha: Amazing.
the product numbers and the payment details.
Rashid: I think it was really good. B I'm really sorry, could you ask Nigel to help you? He Luke: Well, at the m om ent on our flights you need
Tanya: I think it was brilliant all round. knows where they should be filed. to book online and then check-in at the
Martha: I think they really enjoyed it. 5 A Why can't you prepare the pitch for the client? airport, even if you only have hand luggage.
Tanya: I did as well actually. B I'm afraid I'm really busy and I don't know enough The com petition don't do this and they only
about the product to w rite it. charge ten euros more and if people don't
Building a business relationship See w ant the hassle....
pages 159-160 o fth e Student's Book. Melanie: ... they don't mind paying ten euros more.
Unit 13 Decision-m aking Luke: Exactly, We need to stop people from having

Unit 11 Accounting Dealing with problems See pages

to do som ething tha t isn't necessary and
is actually costing us extra. They could just
163-164 o fth e Student's Book. check in online.
Presenting facts and figures See
Steve: We may be able to make that change on the
pages 160-161 o fth e Student's Book. Dealing with problems, website fairly easily.
Talking about facts and figures, exercise 1
exercise 1 Unit 14 The learning
a I'll get an advertisement spread designed up.
b I think that we should also look at doing something
1 Interest rates started o ff the period at 3.25 percent in Ireland and Spain, 0 ^ 3 3 3 Taking an active part in
before they fell to tw o percent.
c We need to stop people from having to do something negotiations See page 165 o fth e Student's Book.
2 For most o f year tw o and three, interest rates did not that isn't necessary, and is actually costing us extra,
fluctuate b u t remained stable at tw o percent. d We could do something like running advertisements Giving an opinion, agreeing and
3 From year four to year six the interest rate continued in the national daily newspapers,
to rise. disagreeing, exercise 1
e Well, at the m om ent on our flights you need to book
4 Interest rates reached a peak o f 4.25 percent at the
on-line and then check-in at the airport,
beginning o f year seven. Q 33
f The biggest losses are on flights from Stansted to
5 Interest rates plum m eted to an all tim e low o f one Dublin and Birmingham to Madrid, Terry: OK, so I think tha t I am righ t in saying that
percent at the end o f year seven. you are not happy w ith the current price
g We are having a problem w ith getting bookings for
6 Interest rates remained stable at one percent before our flights into Europe. o fth e tables and w ould like us to cut the
they recovered to 1.25 at the end o fth e period. delivery dates to tw o weeks.
Nathalie: That's right. We w ould like to get the tables
Dealing with problems, exercise 2
Setting goals and targets, exercise 1 at 25 percent less than the current price, as
we are putting in an order o f 100 and w e
^ 5 1 think th a t three weeks is to o long to wait.
Melanie: Afternoon all, now I'd like to discuss w ith you Terry: Well, as far as I'm concerned we can do
1 We are no t going to g et our numbers by just doing
today w hy we are having a problem w ith one or the other. We can either give you a
the same things we did last year.
getting bookings for our flights into Europe. discount or cut the delivery time. N ot both.
2 All o f those things, in fact, are w hat we need to be
We com pete well on price and we have some If we are to fulfil the order I'll have to pay the
doing all across the sales force.
good times leaving major airports and we staff overtime.
3 This is w hat the w hole o fth e sales force needs to be
have also had some really good feedback Nathalie: Well, we could go elsewhere.
on the functionality o fth e website, so w hat Terry: You can't find another com pany in the area
4 The first po in t is to focus on sales activity.
I w ant to ask is w hat is the problem? It just where you w ill ge t such a great deal though,
5 The guys in this room are going to be pushed very
doesn't make sense to me. you know.
hard to be o u t in fro nt o fth e customer. Georgia: The biggest losses are on flights from Nathalie: Yes, b u t we don't need to use suppliers from
6 I look to you guys around the room to help them, to
Stansted to Dublin and Birmingham to this area.
enable them to be o u t there more than 11 percent o f
Madrid. We ju st aren't getting the passengers Terry: That's true. W hat w ould you say if we get you
the time.
on these tw o routes. the 100 tables in tw o weeks and offer you a
7 If w e d o n 't thin k in different ways about how we do Melanie: Well, w hy do you think that this is the case? ten percent discount?
things, th a t 11 percent w ill then go up to about 12 Steve: Could it be advertising? Are we making the Nathalie: I w ould say that we w ould consider it if you
percent, and that's not enough.
customers aware o f our offers? w ent to 15 p e rc e n t...
Georgia: No, I don't think that people are aware that

Unit 12 Finance we have these really great flights at prices

tha t are certainly no higher than any o f the
Strategies for disagreeing,
Making and refusing requests opposition. exercise 1
Melanie: We could do som ething like running
See page 162 o fth e Student's Book.
advertisements in the national daily
newspapers, and more advertising at the Nathalie: Have you had a chance to think about giving
Politely refusing requests,
airports we fly from in the UK, w ould that us a 15 percent discount?
exercise 1 help? Terry: Well, w e m igh t be able to com e dow n a little
Steve: Definitely. I'll get an advertisement spread further, it depends if you are definitely going
designed up for full page advertisements to g o ahead w ith the order.
1 A Can you present it at next week's meeting? in the press and get Branco to sort o u t Nathalie: We could perhaps w ait a little longer if you
B I don't know if that's going to be possible. I w on't advertising at the airports. can com e dow n on the price.
be able to make it unless you w ant to reschedule. Melanie: I think tha t we should also look at doing Terry: OK, w hat about we fulfil the order in three
2 A Will you be able to stay a bit later tomorrow? som ething in Ireland and Spain to see w hy weeks and we give you a 12 percent
B I'm really sorry, I can't. I have to pick my children up we aren't getting the customers from there discount? I think that's a really reasonable
from school on Wednesdays. using these flights too. offer.
3 A Can you finish the report by the end o f the week? Luke: I think tha t there is another problem here too. Nathalie: I com pletely agree, that's a fantastic offer, but
B I don't know if that's going to be possible as I'm If you look at the tw o flights you mentioned if we have to w ait an extra week w e w ill w ant
going to be o u t o f the office for the rest o fth e they are full o f people on short breaks and the 15 percent discount.
week. business travellers. Terry: I don't think we can com e dow n that low
4 A You couldn't give me a hand w ith these Melanie: And .... because if we do w e w on't be making
documents, could you? enough profit. 12 percent has to be my final
offer I'm afraid.

Answer key

1 Culture and its impact Skills: Informal business conversations

Vocabulary: The dimensions of culture i

informal short one-word incomplete phrases or words
1 language forms answers sentences showing interest
1 g 2 h 3b 4 f 5a 6e 7 d 8c
Hi I'm Maria. Hi. Very well thanks. Yourself?
Good, good, I'm Januk. Really? Yourself? Not yet?
Vocabulary: Using key vocabulary good. I'm fine. Yes. Good, thanks. Oh was it?
i How are you ... isn't it? Good, good, good. Really?
1 valued 2 avoidable 3 analysis 4 com petitor 5 com municative 6 certain doing? Not really. Oh, it's infuriating
7 analytical 8 valuable Right... Not yet. isn't it?
It was a pain... Oh was it?

Vocabulary: Talking about cultures They are all questions and the intonation goes up.
1 Suggested answers
1 c 2c 3b 4a 5b In the first one the intonation is flat so they don't sound interested.The answers are
2 very short and don't invite further questions. In the second one the intonation goes up
1 identity 2 company 3 differences 4 card 5 country and they add information to keep the conversation going. They ask questions w hich
invite answers.
Grammar: Present tenses
i 2 Technology and business
1 welcome U arrive U 2 isstartingT 3 are relocatingT 4 w earU
5 is working T 6 brings U travels U 7 is offering T 8 open U im po rt U Vocabulary: Technological vocabulary
2 i
1 (When) does he need this information? 1 inventing 2 discover 3 design 4 develop 5 innovative 6 developm ent
2 (What) d o you usually do when you arrive at the office?
3 (Where) are they moving to?
4 (Why) is it im portant to learn to overshadow national barriers?
Vocabulary: Disruptive technologies
5 (What) is your boss planning today?
6 (How) can I learn about other cultures and countries?
1 discovery 2 innovation 3 invention 4 design 5 developm ent
Grammar: Using stative verbs in the present tense 1 discovered 2 develop 3 invention 4 design 5 innovated

Grammar: Using the passive form

Stative Active

understand mean detest move waste refuse

1 are brainstormed 2 are calculated 3 is drawn 4 is developed 5 are added
wish contain entail im port share rise
6 is built 7 is checked 8 are found 9 is tested
belong to decide remember mix overshadow bring
hope love own work support invite 2
know 1 are being collected 2 was designed 3 is being voted on 4 is com piled
5 was created 6 are considered
2 3
1 is s u p p o rtin g /a re supporting, contains 2 invite 3 detests, waste 4 wish
1 aim 2 is powered 3 votes on 4 wasn't discovered 5 was discovered
5 are rising 6 are working, hope 7 belongs to, am bringing
6 invented 7 was called
8 knows, are moving
1 A 2 A 3 A 4 P 5 P 6A 7A
Skills: Showing interest and keeping the conversation 1 The standard for user-friendly com puting was established by Apple.
going 2 Small tabletop copiers were developed by Canon.
3 The value o f innovative products is assessed by mainstream customers.
i 4 This graph demonstrates product performance.
lb 2a 3a 4 b 5a 6b 5 That technology does not m eet the unique needs o f customers.
2 6 A separate organisation should be set up (by companies).
Follow-up questions - Isn't she your colleague w ith the great ideas? Do you 7 Cash prizes were w on by the people w ith the best ideas.
remember that very small room I had and the strange people in the restaurant at
breakfast? Skills: Telephone communication
Question tags -T h is is a new office, isn't it?
Making a further comment - Last tim e I w ent straight to the airport after the 1
meeting. I will never forget that fantastic meal. Fine, except for the bad weather on 1 May I ask w h o is calling? (S) 2 ABC Company, Laura speaking. (S) 3 I am calling
the way. about today's developm ent meeting. (S) 4 Thanks, it was nice talking to you. (E)
3 5 Hi, it's Georgi from the Rome office. (S) 6 Good afternoon, John Smith's office. (S)
1 2a 2 6b 3 3a 4 5a 5 4b 6 1b 7 Nice talking to you. (E) 8 Hi, can I speak to Suki? (S)
9 Good morning, is Lauren available? (S) 10 Thank you for calling. (E)

1 to discuss the new product range 2 Friday 3 She is away from Wednesday until
3 Motivation
the weekend 4 Because he has some clients com ing 5 This afternoon at 4:15
Vocabulary: Herzberg's Motivation - Hygiene theory
1 So, w hen w ould it be convenient for us to meet up ...? What about tom orrow
then? I was thinking about the morning, really. Ok, let's say 4:15 this afternoon. 1 advancement 6 challenging
2 I'm afraid I'm away from Wednesday. I'm really sorry, but I've g o t some clients 2 psychological 7 recognition
com ing in this afternoon. 3 intrinsic 8 satisfaction
4 4 incentive 9 grow th
1b 2a 3b 4b Sa 6 b 7 b 8a 5 achievement 10 responsibility
You should notice that w hen the intonation goes up and dow n you sound friendlier
and more interested.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary of motivation and demotivation

R ead in g 1 Facebook 1 Motivation 2 Hygiene 3 Hygiene 4 Motivation 5 Hygiene 6 Motivation

7 Hygiene 8 Motivation
1 False - Facebook has been increasing the num ber o f languages on the site and
has a translation programme. (Paragraph 1, lines 1-3) Vocabulary: Vocabulary to discuss pay and working
2 True conditions
3 False - W ithin tw o weeks (of starting Facebook) other universities demanded a
network. In the next four months Mark Zuckerberg added 30 more university
networks. (Paragraph 2, lines 7,11 and 12) 1 glass ceiling 2 career opportunities 3 work-life balance 4 salary
4 True 5 fringe benefits 6 effort-reward balance 7 severance package
5 True 8 m entoring system 9 appraisal system 10 bonus 11 open-plan office
6 False - In 2005 (one year after it was founded) Facebook expanded to add high 12 flexitime 13 commission
school networks. (Paragraph 3, lines 2 and 3)
7 True Grammar: Quantifiers
8 False - People w ith an email address could first sign up in September o f 2006.
(Paragraph 4, lines 3,4 and 5)
9 True 1 departm ent C 8 policy C 15 opportunity C
10 False - A Russian firm. Digital Sky Technologies, invested in Facebook in 2009. 2 motivation U 9 praise U 16 jo b satisfaction U
(Paragraph 7, lines 5,6, and 7) 3 pay rise C 10 time U 17 grow th U
11 False - In 2011 Goldman Sachs began to offer shares and rumours started that 4 productivity U 11 qualification C 18 colleague c
Facebook w ould go public soon. (Paragraph 8, lines 5,6, and 7) 5 factor C 12 teamwork U 19 annual leave u
1b 2c 3a 4c 5a 6b 7c 8a 6 com plaint C 13 bonus C 20 management u
3 7 relationship C 14 career U
I increasing/growing 2 received 3 get to know 4 demands 5 expanded
6 sig n u p 7 w orldw ide 8 based on 9 become involved in 10 launch
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Both countable and
I I collaborated w ith 12 acquired 13 richest 14 go public
a few, a large num ber of, much, a great deal of, a uncountable nouns
several, few, many little, a huge am ount of, some, enough, a lot of,

W riting 1 Making first contact little plenty of, all, most

I m aeb many 2 • / 3 responsibility responsibilities 4 tittle few

M ore form al Less form al 5 / 6 o few a little 7 / 8 mafiy much 9 / 10 relat ionship relationships
II / 12 many much 13 / 14 M e f e w
Subject line Meeting on December 5 Getting together on Friday
Salutation Dear Ms Symon Hi Gudrun
Grammar: Articles
Referring to previous In reference to your email Thanks for the email -
contact o f..., I have attached the the info you wanted is i
information you asked for attached 1 a, a 2 -, a 3 the, the, an, - 4 - , a, a

Referring to a common William Francis passed on Vincent from the Florence

acquaintance your details to me team gave me your name
Skills: Vocabulary for performance reviews
Reason for w riting I am w riting in connection I just wanted to let you
w ith ... know tha t... 1 achievements 2 constructive feedback 3 set goals and objectives
Asking for inform ation 4 realistic expectations 5 take responsibility for/supe rvise
I w ould be grateful if you It'd be really helpful to get
could send m e... some info about...
Giving inform ation Your order should be
Skills: The language of performance reviews
Hope to get your order
despatched by the end o f sent this week
the week 1 / 2 X 3 S 4 X
Closing remarks I look forward to your Looking forward to
reply hearing from you
4 Human resources
C om plim entary closing Yours sincerely All the best
Vocabulary: Talking about HR tasks
1 Dear Ms Symon 5 Hope to get your order sent this week
2 I would be grateful if you could send me 6 All the best compensation for employees: 1,6 hiring staff: 4,5
3 I look forward to your reply 7 William Francis passed on your details performance management: 2,7 organisation development: 3,
4 Vincent from the Florence team gave to me
me your name 8 Yours sincerely

4 False - If staff have been employed for some time, the appraisal system can be
Vocabulary: Vocabulary of skills motivation and training
effective in choosing promising candidates among existing employees. (Paragraph
1 4, lines 1-4)
1 orientation 2 grooms 3 competencies 4 proficient 5 True
5 inadequate, 360-degree feedback 6 acumen 7 stakeholders, passion 3
I obsolete 2 mature 3 vital 4 existing 5 similar to 6 academic
Vocabulary: Identifying talent 7 diversity 8 more powerful 9 exceptional / remarkable 10 cheaply
I I retain
1 4
Stars: 2,8 Experts: 5 ,7 Performers: 1,3 Dead w ood: 4,6 1 intangible 2 uncom petitive 3 immature 4 untalented 5 unemployed
6 ineffective 7 unsuccessful 8 unfavourable 9 unequal
Grammar: Talking about the future using w ill, (be) 5
1 successful 2 uncom petitive 3 unemployed 4 favourable 5 intangible
g o in g to and the present continuous
6 unequal 7 ineffective
1 c 2e
1-3a 2-6d
3a 4 f 5b 6d
3-2e 4-1 c 5-4f 6-5b
W riting 2 Covering letter for a job
2 application
1 is going to be 2 Are you going to go 3 w ill change 4 am flying
5 are not going to be 6 w ill start 7 will call i
1 e 2c 3d 4a 5 b 6g 7 f
Note: There may be some overlap between giving information about your w ork
1 will finish 2 are going to s ta rt/a re starting 3 w ill be
experience and explaining w hy you w ould be the right person for the job. This would
4 are going to have t o / w ill have to 5 am meeting / am going to meet
depend on the jo b you are applying for and your experience.
6 will find 7 w ill w rite up 8 w ill give 9 will have
4 2
1 We are going to start the recruitment process next week. 1 track 2 contribute 3 qualifications 4 interpersonal 5 graduated
2 I think this concept w ill w ork well. 6 led 7 acquired 8 im plem enting
3 Senior management is going to have to let him go. 3
4 I hope she will get a prom otion. / 1hope she gets a prom otion. 1 B 2 A
5 I am going to a restaurant w ith Mr Sharma at 12:00.
Are you going to be in Brussels next month?
How do you think the new product line w ill sell?
5 Organisations and their structures
Vocabulary: Collocations used in organisational
Skills: Collocations for job interviews
1 a problem 2 a jo b 3 responsibility 4 points 5 skills 6 a decision
7 prospects 1 delegation 2 regional 3 chain 4 line 5 conflict 6 organise
7 responsibility

Skills: Asking questions diplomatically

Vocabulary: Reorganising a company to increase
i performance
Do you have any questions that you w ould like to ask me, anything that you w ould like
to know? Any other questions that you w ant to ask me? Do you have any questions i
for me about the work, or areas that you really w ant to concentrate on? 1 superior 2 hierarchy 3 future 4 do 5 forget 6 customers
2 2
So, what's your interest in the industry? Why are you attracted to a career in a hotel? 1 line 2 matrix 3 field 4 ignore 5 delegate 6 management
What do you think w ould be your strong points, your strengths? How w ould you 3
handle a very angry guest...? OK, so w hat position do you see yourself having in five im plem ent duplication accommodate deploym ent handle disperse efficiency
years'time? 4
3 1 duplication 2 deploym ent 3 im plem ent 4 accommodate 5 handle
The questions in exercise 1 use question words such as what, why and how and the 6 efficiency
questions in exercise 2 don’t. Using a question w ord helps interviewers to get a more
com plete answer. Grammar: Modal verbs for possibility and probability
Talking about weaknesses, Candidate 1: Rather than your strengths. Yes ... 1
Candidate 2: Right, good, that's great. Pressure to w ork harder or pressure to w ork 1 could 2 w ill 3 m igh t 4 could 5 w ill 6 may
faster? Questions for th e interviewer. Candidate 1: Any other questions that you 2
w ant to ask me? Job interview at a hotel: That's correct. OK, good. OK. a 3 ,4 ,6 b 1 c 5 d 2

R ead in g 2 Talented em ployees 1 m ight

2 Could 3 May 4 w ill 5 will

i 1 It m ight cause other problems 2 staff could contact

a4 b2 c5 d3 e1 3 it may lead to 4 will probably have to make 5 Could you com e up
2 6 I will w ork 7 I m ight not be able to 8 We could discuss
1 False - In today's organisations the principal assets consist o f knowledge and special 9 I may well have some
skills rather than tangible assets. (Paragraph 1, lines 1-4 and 9-12) 5
2 True 1 Could you help me w ith my report? 2 He m igh t have to travel to
3 False - Some problems w ith hiring people directly from school or university include Asia. 3 Managers may w ant to delegate more tasks 4 Efficiency could be
different maturity rates, no t being able to predict ability, giving too much w eight to improved. 5 They w ill discuss the global market tomorrow.
academic qualifications, lack o f diversity, and overlooking m otivation. (Paragraph 3, 6
lines 7-14) Sentence 5 is sure because o f will.

Skills: Briefing and being briefed Skills: Linking words and vocabulary for the agenda
i 1
a 5,6,9, b 2,3 ,10 c 1,8 d 4,7 3,1,5,4, 2
2 2
1 She will be introducing him to people and making sure he knows all o f the 1 agree on 2 confirm 3 discuss 4 firstly 5 get assistance
procedures and how the company works. 6 let you know 7 refresh vour memories 8 reviewed 9 take you through
2 Stella and the people in his department.
3 An organigram
1 Apologies 2 Minutes o f the last meeting 3 New warehousing com puter software
4 He wants to have a look around the company.
4 New contracts w ith customers 5 Confirmation and review o f bonus system
5 Kyle
6 Objectives for next quarter 7 AOB
6 They are going to see where the shipments leave the factory from.
1 Does that sound OK? 2 Fantastic, I can't w ait to get started. 3 ... to be honest I R ead in g 3 Successful retail strategy
could really do w ith having a look around the company. 4 Oh, haven't you had a tour
w ith Kyle yet? 5 He organises tours and stuff like that. 6 We can ge t there down
1 f 2c 3 h 4a Sd 6g 7e 8b
this corridor, can't we?
1 true 2 true 3 false to g e th e r-s e p a ra te ly / apart 4 false own-brand - select-
IB 2 A 3 A 4 B
brand 5 true 6 true 7 true 8 true 9 false brand name items - ow n brands
10 false a - te t- little /v e ry little
6 Managing organisations 3
1 foundation 2 split into 3 chain 4 locations 5 geared towards
Vocabulary: Key vocabulary for company life cycles 6 'no frills'philosophy 7 reliable 8 packaged goods 9 store layout
10 appeals to
Verb Noun (Person) Noun (Object/ Adjective 1 g 2 e 3 h 4 f Sc 6a 7d 8b
Idea) 5
1 select 2 split into 3 passes on / pass on 4 market share
direct director dire ctio n /d ire ctive directive
5 'no-frills'philosophy 6 household name 7 chains 8 assortment
coordinate coordinator coordination coordinated 9 non-essential 10 geared towards
create creator creation / creativity creative
innovate innovator innovation innovative W riting 3 Everyday business emails
collaborate collaborator collaboration collaborative i
delegate delegator delegation - 1 e 2d 3 h 4b 5 f 6c 7 i 8a 9 g

2 2
1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7a 8b
1 coordination, coordinators 2 innovation/creativity, innovative/creative
Suggested answer
3 collaborate, collaboration 4 directors, direction 5 delegate, delegation
Formal phrases include: passive, no abbreviations or short forms, full sentences, the
use o f we to mean 'the company', vocabulary such as appreciate it, regret, inform, reply,
Across 2 red tape 5 entrepreneur 6 control
respond, confirm, in connection with, assistance.
Down 1 leadership 3 delegate 4 autonom y
Informal phrases include: short forms and abbreviations, incom plete sentences, the use
o f I (not we), exclamation marks, vocabulary such as great, sorry, tell, answer, get,
Grammar: Adverbs of degree to ask about, help.
1 really 2 very 3 carefully 4 autonomously 5 closely 6 informally
Dear Mr Smith,
7 quite 8 steadily 9 increasingly 10 a bit
1am w riting to you because I plan to be in your area next m onth and w ould like to
make an appointm ent w ith you. Please inform me if this is convenient for you.
Grammar: Talking about the past (present perfect and Yours sincerely,
past simple) Carol Jones
i Hi George,
1 appointed / have been 2 c a m e /h a s lived 3 has taken / opened Just wanted to let you know I won't make it to the meeting next week. But I'm
4 have increased / began 5 lo s t/h a v e gone dow n 6 has changed / started available on Skype - just give me a buzz when you have tim e. Looking forward to
2 chatting with you.
1 founded / have been 2 g re w /re c ru ite d /h ire d /h a v e worked Kaitlin
3 continued / created / did 4 was / led 5 decided / have centralised / has gained 3
6 have worked / have been / made Dear Sir or Madam
I w ould like to enquire about your new product range. Could you please send me a
Skills: Before a meeting brochure and a price list? My postal address is below.
Yours faithfully
1 Mohamed Karzai
1 has everyone decided on 2 talked about 3 finalised the agreement 4
4 remind me 5 explain it to our employees 6 obtain help Bettina,
7 think about it again 8 tell me Sorry to let you know that I will have to cancel our meeting. Another meeting has
com e up suddenly and I've got to go to it. I hope we can reschedule as I know we've
got lots to talk about.

7 Supply-chain management (SCM) Vocabulary: Using linking words
Vocabulary: People involved in the supply chain 1 h 2 f 3a 4 g 5c 6b 7d 8e
1 2
1 consumer 2 manufacturer 3 supplier 4 wholesaler 5 retailer 6 e-tailer Expressing results: 2f, 6b, 8e
Giving reasons: 5c, 1h
Adding information: 3a, 4g, 7d
1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6a
1 In addition to 2 furtherm ore 3 and so 4 because 5 not only, but also
1 safety 2 social 3 health 4 child 5 outlets 6 customer 7 transport
8 carrier 9 storage
Grammar: Using the present perfect and present perfect
Vocabulary: Verbs to describe the supply chain continuous
i 1
1 reduce 2 supply 3 collect 4 assemble 5 deliver 1 have been implementing / have noticed 2 have sold / have been working on
3 has led / has shown 4 have been doing / have been 5 has resulted in /h a s made
6 have decided
Grammar: Using conditionals
1 have been asking 2 has received 3 have implemented 4 have been working
1 takes 2 will discuss 3 works 4 w ould be 5 w ill set up 6 incurred 5 have resulted in 6 have been having
7 w ould not have 8 maximise 3
10 21 30 42 51 62 72 81 1 have finished 2 have had 3 have walked 4 have changed
2 5 has been ringing 6 have spoken 7 have been 8 have been looking for
1 Ifth e y do n ot deliver on time, we w ill lo o k fo ra new supplier.
2 If employees need a bicycle, we give them one. Skills: Introducing, summarising and sequencing
3 We w ill allocate more resources to production, in case there is a problem w ith the
transport. 1
4 If I followed the instructions more carefully, it w ould be easier to assemble. 1 glad B 2 through A 3 news E 4 quickly C 5 excellent D 6 doing D
5 Provided that they m eet our standards, we w ill look into working w ith them.
6 If a supply chain functions well, it saves the company a lot o f money. Skills: Using explicit language
7 If we made the benefits o f our distribution system clear to customers, they w ould be
more satisfied. i
8 Unless they stop using child labour, we will cancel our contracts w ith them. 1 come 2 tell 3 start 4 were 5 interrupt 6 really 7 discuss 8 hear
(These could all have the tw o clauses in the opposite order). 2
3 a 3 b 7 c 4 ,6 d 1,5 e2,8
1 provided that 2 Incase 3 unless 4 if 5 unless 6 when 7 provided
that 8 When
R ead in g 4 Details of the supply chain
Skills: The language of negotiations i
i 2
1 The question is 2 if 3 tha t means 4 You mean 5 yes, it means 6 we will
1 coordinate their systems w ith 2 a disadvantage 3 bought goods from
7 You would
4 rising 5 already 6 ensured 7 where 8 more open 9 more selective
1 Stefan has one long section where he explains the problem.
1 supplier w ho ensured 2 rising prices 3 where they are produced
2 He states the situation and then asks a question.
4 more selective 5 more open 6 companies they bought goods from
3 'This makes a lot o f w ork in terms o fth e scheduling process. So this w ould double
our workload.'
1 priority 2 com ponents 3 impacted on 4 eliminated
4 They are on a different timeline.
5 hit trouble 6 heart 7 radical break w ith 8 anonym ity 9 evolve
5 He says, 'But they have d iffe re n t...'
6 He repeats it to clarify w hat the situation is. He does not make it a question and his
1 key clients 2 require 3 components 4 evolve 5 advantage
intonation does not go up.
6 safety net 7 close supervision 8 good practice 9 eventual use
Suggested answers
The question is, can you go into that first one...? W riting 4 Writing group emails
But we will benefit from a better unit price.
You w ould benefit from not having three different order numbers The dos and don'ts of writing group emails
We're not talking about making additional orders, we're saying increase one and delete
two. 1
1 New product launch meeting 2 need to finalise 3 attachment
4 need to look at carefully 5 placement o f 6 preparing press releases
8 Quality management 7 members o fth e press 8 product information 9 set up a meeting
10 reserved for 11 please contact me immediately
Vocabulary: Key vocabulary for quality management 2
1 1 2 2,4,9,10,11 3 2 4 3 5 5,6,7,8,10
Use bullet points.
1 employees 2 ideas, results
3 higher quality, savings 4 suggestions
5 training, materials
1 result in higher quality 2 involves employees 3 provides training
4 come up w ith ideas 5 im plem ent suggestions

Structuring information 10 Customer relationship management
i (CRM)
Dear all
(Who is being referred to?) Vocabulary: CRM as a part of business management
I w ould just like to let you know that Joan Brooks w ill be joining our departm ent on
1st February as our new assistant sales manager. She has worked in the field for the
1 unproductive/w astage, 2 needs/ to resource, 3 a feeling / stress,
past 15 years for a major com pany in New York, where she was mainly responsible for
4 run / sole trader, 5 am ou n t/sco p e , 6 to happen / instant,
e-commerce and sales.
7 further/excee ding, 8 sp e n t/ cost-effective, 9 d ire ctly/im plies,
(Why was the email written?)
10 po in t/p e rsp e ctive
As you all know, Jiao Chang, has taken over the position o f sales manager from James 2
Harris and we have been looking for a replacement. As our sales departm ent has been 1 exceeding 2 scope 3 instant 4 sole trader 5 implies 6 wastage
looking at making better use o f Internet sales, w e felt it was im portant to find someone 7 perspective 8 stress 9 cost-effective
w ith experience in this area. Therefore, we are delighted tha t Joan was interested in
com ing to w ork for us.
Vocabulary: Compounds
(What would the writer like the readers to do?)
We have planned a group m eeting for nextTuesday in the conference room so that i
you can all meet Joan personally. Please make her feel welcom e and help her w ith any la 2c 3a 4b 5 b 6c
questions she m ight have. 2
1 relationship-building 2 customer service 3 value-adding 4 pricing strategy
5 record-breaking 6 loss-making 7 profit-sharing 8 cost-efficient
9 Marketing strategy
Vocabulary: Marketing terminology Vocabulary: Types of customers
1 I w ork in the B2G area and sell products to large businesses, the government.
Id 2 h 3 f 4b 5a 6g 7e 8c
2 la m active in the C2C area and w rite reviews o f products for companies, other
2 customers.
1 target market 2 channel o f distribution 3 differentiate itself from the com petition
3 I w ork in the B2C area and sell my company's products to the government.
4 controllable variables 5 supply chain 6 USP 7 end user
8 premium pricing strategy
4 I am involved in the G2B area and help businesses w ith forms from other com panies
3 the government.
1 g 2b 3 e 4a 5 h 6c 7 f 8d 5 I w ork in the B2B field and sell my company's products to private customers, other
4 companies.
1 lifestyle product 2 niche 3 turnover 4 com m odity product
5 profit margin 6 price sensitive
Grammar: Past simple, past continuous and past perfect
Grammar: Speculating in past and hypothetical situations 1
1 had already ordered, had fo rg o tte n /fo rg o t, phoned 2 were looking, found
1 3 chose, had seen / saw 4 were helping, became 5 had already reduced, was
1 e 2c 3 g 4a 5d 6h 7 f 8b passed 6 received, were discussing
2 2
1 2c 2 6h 3 8b 4 le S 3g 6 4a 7 5d 8 7f 1 took 2 defined 3 had done / did 4 needed 5 were searching
The'unreal'situations are 3,4 ,5,6 . 6 came across 7 had v isite d /visite d 8 were speaking 9 realised
3 10 had already started 11 had expanded
1 w o u ld expect - expected 2 have-com e - had come 3 is not - w ould not be 3
4 spend - spent 5 m ight become - m igh t have become 1 was already-feUing - had already told 2 had rung - rang
3 had worked - was w orking 4 / 5 was hearing - had heard
Skills: Clarity and signposting 6 • / (told w ould also be possible) 7 had walked - walked 8 were increasing -
1 sum up at the end 2 Just turning to 3 I'll just start w ith 4 after that
Skills: Expressing positive opinions using adjectives
5 after 6 let’s kick o ff
2 and adverbs
In tro d u ctio n :! I w ould like to welcom e you 2 The first area we'll look at
3 After that 4 We'll then finish up w ith 5 At the end
1 I tho ugh t it was excellent feedback.
Main presentation: 1 Let's begin w ith ... 2 Moving on to ... 3 Thirdly,...
2 All the feedback was very positive.
4 And fin a lly,... 5 And to sum up ...
3 I think that was a good move.
O ther phrases: We're going to start o ff w ith ... and then go on to and then we'll
4 I think it was brilliant all round.
talk about
5 I think they really enjoyed it.
Skills: Persuading and raising interest 1 /-T h is gives the listener the feeling that you personally th o u g h t the feedback was
excellent but doesn't stress the feedback itself.
Id 2 g 3a 4e 5b 6c 7 f
2 A ll-T h is stresses the fact that there was no negative feedback.
3 that - This stresses the event itself.
4 think -T h is can give the feeling that you are not sure as it is just your opinion.
5 they - This stresses the people w ho were there.
1 good 2 unhelpful 3 absolutely 4 awful 5 absolutely/really 6 very/really
7 very/really/extremely 8 absolutely/really, very/really/extremely

Skills: Talking about facts and figures
Absolutely and extremely are the strongest. Really is generally stronger than very.
However, the sentence stress is also important. Compare: i
Our business relations are very good. 1 fell 2 fluctuate 3 rise 4 peak 5 plum m eted 6 recovered
Our business relations are really good
In this case they seem to be equal.
Skills: Setting goals and targets
Skills: Using encouraging and supporting language i
Id 2 f 3 e 4b 5a 6c
i 2
Id 2a 3 e 4 b 5c 1 expressing w hat has the highest priority 4a 2 giving a warning if change does
not take place 6c 3 giving a specific goal 5b 4 im plying that change is needed
R ead in g 5 Marketing su ccess 1d 5 explaining w hat is necessary to im plem ent 2f 6 explaining w hat is going to
be difficult 5b
la 2b 3a 4c 5a 6c
12 Finance
Vocabulary: Using vocabulary about investing
1 impulse 2 revolutionary 3 appealed to 4 visible 5 low-cost 6 double i
7 incredible 8 global Across 2 financial 4 lend 5 share 7 risk-adverse 8 annually 10 invest
4 Down 1 diversification 3 assess 6 speculation 9 level
I f 2d 3 h 4a 5c 6 e 7b 8g 2
5 1 buy shares 2 receive a dividend 3 earn interest 4 invest in a portfolio
1 incredible 2 revolutionary 3 beverages 4 appeal to 5 double 5 carry out an investment appraisal
6 sector 7 persuasive 8 saturated 9 global 3
1 buy shares 2 carry o u t an investment appraisal 3 invest in a portfolio
W riting 5 Responding to written 4 receive a dividend 5 earn interest

complaints Grammar: Making more exact comparisons

i 1
Id 2 f 3a 4b 5c 6 e 1 the highest 2 better 3 most popular 4 the worst
2 5 riskier 6 the most im portant 7 safer
1 3a 2 Sc 3 Id 4 4b 5 6e 6 2f 2
3 1 much 2 a bit 3 slightly 4 a great deal 5 much 6 a bit 7 a little 8 far
I 6e 2 3a 3 Id 4 2f 5 5c 6 4b

Grammar: Verbs which take gerunds and/or infinitives

I I Accounting i
1 staying after 6 pm 2 having long telephone conversations (if possible)
Vocabulary: Income and expenditure 3 my staff to w ork independently 4 dealing w ith challenges 5 my assistant to
i manage my appointm ents 6 my tim e (in the office) telephoning clients and giving
1 pay rent 2 sell products or services 3 receive interest on investments instructions to staff
4 purchase raw materials 5 buying machinery 6 payment o f salaries 2
1 finishing - to finish 2 te -s e e - seeing 3 / 4 to-move - moving
5 te -e a t- eating 6 / 7 to close - closing 8 / 9 meeting - to meet
Vocabulary: The profit and loss account and the balance
10 to -make - making
sheet 3
1 to meet 2 to lose 3 trying 4 to be 5 to rent 6 telling 7 closing
8 to finish 9 having
1 turnover 2 creditors 3 expenses 4 cost o f sales 5 gross profit 6 Debtors
7 net profit 8 Reserves 9 overdraft
Skills: How to ask people to do things
Vocabulary: Terms to describe cash flow i
lb 2b 3a 4a 5b
1 cash shortage / cash crisis / cash problems 2 cash payment / cash outflow
la 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b
3 cash flow 4 cash cow
1 cow 2 shortage 3 crisis 4 payment 5 flow 6 outflow Skills: Politely refusing requests
Grammar: Talking about obligation and giving advice 1 (E) 2 (A) 3 (B) 4 (D) 5 (C)

1 have to / m u s t 2 don't need to / don't have to 3 s h o u ld /o u g h t to 4 mustn't
5 m u s t/h a v e to 6 shouldn't /o u g h t not to /m u s tn 't
1 should / ought to bill their customers immediately. 2 m u s t/h a v e to stay within
my credit limit. 3 shouldn't take on too many projects at once. 4 m u s t/h a v e t o /
need to send out the invoices today. 5 shouldn't forget to pay your bills on time.
6 don't have to / need not finish the report this afternoon.
1 need to 2 should not 3 should 4 have to 5 ou ght to 6 should 7 must
R ead in g 6 Finance 1 were going to make major changes in the departm ent 2 c o u ld g e tth e
information to them later 3 hadn't seen him yet 4 was having lunch w ith a client
5 had been working on the report all day 6 was not tired / wasn't tired
lb 2a 3b 4c Sc
1 thought it was a good idea to invest some o f their/our profits into a charity organisation
Id 2 f 3a 4 e 5c 6b
2 agreed
3 had w ritten about their/our goals for corporate social responsibility in the annual
1 volatile 2 credible 3 interpret 4 bid(s) 5 capital 6 sustainable
7 confidence 8 impenetrable
4 agreed w ith Carol tha t it was a good idea
5 was interested in an organisation
Id 2 e 3a 4 f 5g 6c 7b
6 w ould need some information by the next meeting
5 7 should be possible
1 undermined the share price 2 long-term planning 3 cash calls 4 lost faith 8 looked like they/w e were moving in the right direction
5 credible business model 6 sustainable revenues 7 shareholder value 9 agreed and (that he) was looking forward to discussing the details in tw o weeks

W riting 6 Describing charts, graphs and Skills: Dealing with problems

1 e, f, g 2 c 3 a, b, d
Using adverbs and adjectives to describe changes and 2
aS bM cL d M e L f G gM
i Skills: Using idioms to talk about problems and solutions
1 a dramatic rise 2 a slight fluctuation 3 to increase gradually 4 to decline
steadily 5 a slow recovery 6 to fall rapidly 7 a sharp decrease 8 to slow down 1
significantly (note: the verb consists o f tw o words but the noun is w ritten together) 1 sit down [S] 2 figure out [P] 3 a bit tricky [P] 4 come up w ith [S] 5 messed
2 up [P] 6 closed-door approach [P]
1 has declined steadily 2 a rapid fall / a sharp decrease 3 a slight fluctuation
4 rose dramatically 5 are recovering slowly 6 is a significant slowdown
7 has increased gradually
14 The learning organisation
Vocabulary: The five disciplines of learning organisations
Describing and summarising graphs
i 1 causes 2 effects 3 measures 4 transparency 5 Social media
1 are soaring 2 static 3 fluctuating significantly 4 slow decrease 2
5 (have) plunged 6 gradual recovery
a team learning b mental models c shared vision d personal mastery
e systems thinking
13 Decision-making 3
1b 2a 3 e 4c 5 d
Vocabulary: Using SWOT related vocabulary/Verbs to
describe SWOT Grammar: Using delexicalised verbs

t 1
1 have 2 do 3 have 4 get 5 do 6 get
Id 2c 3 g 4 f 5b 6 h 7 e 8a
1 g o t a bus 2 do catering for parties 3 doing the bookkeeping 4 have a cold
1 lacks 2 facilitate 3 anticipate 4 oversimplify 5 undertake 6 encourage
5 g o t flowers 6 have breakfast 7 have a chat 8 g o t a letter
7 strategic 8 methodical
1 d 2a 3 g 4b 5c 6 f 7e
Vocabulary: The SWOT analysis
i Vocabulary: Key collocations for knowledge-
IS 2 W 3 S 4 0 5 T 6 W 7 0 8T management programmes
1 The next step is to determine w hat the most im portant points are and what l
planning choices the organisation has to make. 1 spread good practices 2 perform a health check 3 be worth the tim e and money
2 Finally, make sure the report is available to everyone concerned in the process. 4 develop initiatives 5 realise objectives 6 put in place
3 The data should then be gathered and recorded in a diagram. la 2 f 3d 4 b 5 e 6c
4 After that, the team should create a report on their findings.
5 Firstly the organisation needs to identify w hat data they need. Skills: Giving an opinion, agreeing and disagreeing
1 4 2 5 3 2 4 3 51 1
1 25 percent 2 tw o weeks 3 because he w ill have to pay his staff overtime if he is
to com plete the order on tim e 4 ten percent 5 No, she wants a discount o f
Grammar: Reported Speech
15 percent
1 2
1 was flying 2 had not been 3 had been planning 4 couldn't come Giving an opinion: 1 as far as I'm concerned ...
5 had m et 6 had been Agreeing: 1 That's right 2 That's true
Disagreeing: 1 You c a n 't... though, you know 2 yes, but we need to ...
Suggested answers
That's right Yes, exactly. Yes, absolutely. Brilliant, alright then. That's a good point.

Skills: Strategies for disagreeing 4
1 fringe benefits 2 appraisal system 3 pay rise 4 severance package
i 5 effort-reward balance 6 glass ceiling 7 annual leave 8 career opportunities
IB 2 N 3 T 5
2 1 th e a 2 / 3 fe w little 4 many much 5 tttttefew 6 motivations
1 Well, we m ight be able to come down a little further. We could perhaps w ait a little motivation 7 / 8 th e a n 9 th e 10 /
lo n g e r... 6
2 I com pletely agree, that's a fantastic offer, but if we have to w a it.... INote: contractions are possible]
3 I don't think we can come down that low because if we do we w on't be making 1 will take 2 am going to apply for 3 Are, going 4 are going to hire
enough profit 5 am meeting / am going to meet 6 will work 7 are going to have 8 will help
R ead in g 7 Helping young p eo p le to 1C 2A 3F 4E 5B 6D

su cceed Progress Test 2

i i
1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 False 6 True
1 delegate 2 innovate 3 collaborate 4 coordinate 5 direct 6 create
1 Urban Alliance empowers under-resourced youth to aspire, w ork and succeed
through paid internships, formal training, and mentorship.
1 were 2 focused on 3 have grown 4 knew 5 have become 6 have
2 In 2010 only 33 percent o f Washington's youth were able to find viable employment.
3 ... and partnered w ith more than 100 local businesses.
4 Urban Alliance interns are selected after a rigorous application process.
5 They will also have graduated from high school and solidified a post-secondary plan
IE 2 A 3 F 4 B 5D 6 C

to either attend college or a jo b training programme. 4

6 Some o f the possibilities for them include... and networking w ith other Urban 1 visited D 2 is B 3 will buy E 4 would tell C 5 will not o rd e r/w o n 't order A
Alliance alumni. 5
2 1 provide 2 implemented 3 come up w ith 4 involve 5 resulted in
1 helps 2 governm ent 3 training programme for a jo b 4 position 6
5 dependable 1 Has Brian finished 2 has been working 3 has not had 4 have all been
3 preparing 6 have also been sitting 6 have taken 7 have already told
1c 2 e 3 h 4a 5 d 6 g 7b 8 f 7
4 1 USP 2 the end user 3 target market 4 premium pricing strategy
1a 2b 3 e 4 d 5c 5 controllable variables
5 8
1 m inority 2 drop o ut rate 3 mentorship 4 peer 5 proficiency 1 had gone in to /w o u ld have made 2 w ould g e t/w e n t up 3 re d u ce d /w o u ld
consider 4 would have done / had managed
W riting 7 Business proposals 1 record-breaking 2 loss-making 3 product-pricing 4 profit-sharing
Responding to a request for a proposal 1 was t elling told 2 had announced announced 3 / 4 worked was working
5 already started had already started
a meet b use, customers c details d field, experience e options
f forward g carry out, requirements h enquiry
Progress Test 3
Correct order: h, d, a, e, b, g, c, f
IB 2 F 3 C 4 G 5 D 6A 7E
Making an attractive offer 2
1 must 2 should 3 need to 4 should not 5 should 6 need to
1 c 2d 3 e 4 b 5a
1C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B
1 This proposal is in response to your enquiry o f 20 March
1 friendliest 2 less popular 3 most innovative 4 riskier 5 more useful
2 With our research you will be able to identify your customer
3 Details o f our packages and methods can be found below 5
4 The final price depends on the methods 1 far 2 much 3 less 4 much
5 We will be pleased to meet you 6
1 searching for 2 selling 3 earn 4 buy 5 hold 6 speaking 7 learn
8 invest 9 come up
Progress Test 1
1 1 He said that the SWOT analysis was a useful tool, but (that) they would have to
1 Are, looking 2 is 3 know 4 support 5 Do, have 6 Does, speak 7 Are, undertake the process on a regular basis.
living 8 do, prefer 9 Are, bringing 10 are, waiting 2 She replied (that) last year it had enabled the management team to focus on
2 strengths and find opportunities.
1 Low masculinity dimension 2 High uncertainty avoidance 3 Collectivist 3 He said he guessed it could help them to anticipate developments w hich miqht
4 Short-term orientation 5 High power distance 6 Long-term orientation affect them in the future.
7 Individualistic 8 High masculinity dimension 9 Low power distance 4 She said tha t she really tho ugh t that it facilitated an understanding o f the overall
10 Low uncertainly avoidance picture o f the company.
3 8
1 are developed are being developed have been developed 2 aimed at being 1 g e tC 2 doing A 3 having D 4 had B
aimed at 3 were not seen 4 was set up 5 has been replaced 6 have taken 9
over 1 develop 2 spread 3 pu t 4 perform 5 realise 6 be

A cknowledgem ents

The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's most
o f copyright material and are grateful for the permissions widely used dictionary for learners o f English. Including all the
granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always words and phrases that learners are likely to come across, it also
been possible to identify the sources o f all the material used, has easy-to-understand definitions and example sentences to
or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought show how the word is used in context.The Cambridge Advanced
to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate Learner's Dictionary is available online at
acknowledgements on reprinting. © Cambridge University Press,Third Edition, 2008, reproduced with
The adapted text on p. 20, p. 38 and p. 56 is taken from Business: The permission.
Ultimate Resource © A&C Black, a member of the Bloomsbury The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to
Group, 2006; reproduce copyright photographs and material:
Red Bull Case Study on p. 47, Reproduced by permission o f Cengage iStockphoto /©Ulrich Koch for p. 38, /©Mel Stoutsenberger for p. 47,
Learning EMEA Ltd.; /©Jacob Wackerhausen for p. 56, Getty Images /©Justin Sullivan for
Urban Alliance for the adapted text on p. 65, © Urban Alliance p. 11 & p. 12, /©AFP for p. 29 & p. 30, Shutterstock /©Mikael Damkier
Foundation; for p. 20

Trading Economics for the graph on p. 52,'Euro Area Interest Rate' Photos on p. 65 & p. 66 supplied by and used with kind permission of
Trading Economics © 2011; The Urban Alliance, Washington, DC.

Development o f this publication has made use o f the Cambridge Cover photo: iStock/©Nikada
English Corpus (CEC).The CEC is a computer database of Photos sourced by: Joanne Robinson
contemporary spoken and written English, which currently stands at Proofreader: Rachel Restall
over one billion words. It includes British English, American English
The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that
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the URLs for external websites referred to in this book are
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correct and active at the tim e of going to press. However, the
ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built up the
publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make
CEC to provide evidence about language use that helps to produce
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M arjorie R o se n b e rg

Business Advantage
Business Advantage is the course for university and The Personal Study Book is designed to help learners review
in-company learners, equipping them with the language and reinforce the grammar, vocabulary and skills they have
they need to succeed in a business environment. learned in Business Advantage. It contains:
■ reading sections based on authentic texts, looking
Business Advantage is based on a unique syllabus that
at the theories and issues students learn about in the
combines current business theory, business in practice and
Student's Book
business skills - all presented using authentic, expert input.
The course contains specific business-related outcomes, ■ writing sections providing further practice o fth e writing
making the material highly relevant and engaging. skills developed in the Student's Book
■ tests to enable learners to check their progress
The course is informed by the Cambridge Business Corpus
■ further opportunities for learners to improve their
and the Cambridge and Nottingham Spoken Business English
pronunciation and speaking skills
Corpus - both part o fth e Cambridge English Corpus, a multi­
billion word collection of real spoken and written English. It ■ a wide range of listening practice on the audio CD
is the first business course to benefit from a spoken business ■ a handy grammar reference with overviews o fth e
English corpus, further guaranteeing that the language learnt grammar points covered in the Student's Book
is both natural and up-to-date. ■ wordlists of all the key vocabulary in the Student's Book
■ a list of CEF 'Can Do' statements for each unit o fth e
The Student's Book comes with a free DVD of video case
book, related to the learning outcomes of each lesson
in the Student's Book
Teachers can find more activities to accompany the course
on the Business Advantage website:

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Business Advantage is the course for tomorrow's
business leaders.

Student's Book with DVD

r 978 0 521 13220 6
CEF level: Business Advantage ^ Personal Study Book
r i with Audio CD
978 1 107 69264 0
C1-C2 Advanced
L j Teacher's Book
r ^— 978 1 107 63770 2
B2 Upper-intermediate
L a Audio CDs
978 0 521 13221 3
B1 Intermediate plus online material


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The C ambridge English Corpus is a
m ulti-billion w ord collection o f w ritten
! H C a m b r id g e
I' nglish and spoken English. It includes the l|g p U N I V E R S IT Y PRESS
C am bridge Learner Corpus, a unique
bank of exam candidate papers.
O u r authors study the Corpus to see how English is
really used, and to identify typical learner mistakes.
This m eans th at C am brid ge m aterials help stu dents to
avoid mistakes, and you can be confident the language
taught is useful, natural and fully u p-to-date.
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ISBN 978 0 521 12250 4 ISBN 978 0 521 74862 9

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