Tutorial Unit 1 PDF

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Tutorial for Unit – 1

1. A periodic waveform f (t) is described as follows: f (t) = −4, 0 < t < 0.3; f (t) = 6, 0.3 < t < 0.4; f
(t) = 0, 0.4 < t < 0.5; T = 0.5. Evaluate a0, a3 and b1.
Answer: −1.200, 1.383, −4.44

2. Derive the expressions for a0, ak, and bk for the periodic voltage function shown if Vm = 9π V.
What is the frequency of the third harmonic in hertz? Also, write the Fourier series up to and
including the fifth harmonic.

3. Determine the Fourier series of a triangular waveform having maximum amplitude of 1 and time
period of 2π.

4. Determine the Fourier series of a saw tooth waveform having maximum amplitude of 1 and time
period of 2π.

5. Derive the Fourier series for the periodic voltage waveform shown below.


6. A linear RC circuit is excited by a periodic voltage as shown below. Determine the periodic
response vo(t).


7. If f (t)=-10 V, -0.2<t <-0.1 s, f (t)=10 V, 0.1<t <0.2 s, and f (t) = 0 for all other t, evaluate F(jω) for
ω equal to (a) 0; (b) 10π rad/s; (c) -10π rad/s; (d) 15π rad/s; (e) -20π rad/s.
Answer: 18.8: 0; j1.273 V/(rad/s); -j1.273 V/(rad/s); -j0.424 V/(rad/s); 0

8. If F(jω) = -10 V/(rad/s) for -4 < ω < -2 rad/s, +10 V/(rad/s) for 2 < ω < 4 rad/s, and 0 for all other
ω, find the numerical value of f (t) at t equal to (a) 10-4 s; (b) 10-2 s; (c) π/4 s; (d) π/2 s; (e) π s.
Answer: 18.9: j1.9099 × 10-3 V; j0.1910 V; j4.05 V; -j4.05 V; 0.

9. The impulse response of a certain linear network is h(t) = 6e-20tu(t). The input signal is 3e-6tu(t)
V. Find (a) H(jω); (b) Vi(jω); (c) Vo(jω); (d) vo(0.1); (e) vo(0.3); ( f ) vo,max.
Answer: 6/(20 + jω); 3/(6 + jω); 18/[(20 + jω)(6 + jω)]; 0.532 V; 0.209 V; 0.5372.

10. Find (a) F{5sin23t}; (b) F{Asinω0t}; (c) F{6cos(8t + 0.1π)}.

Answer: 2.5π[2δ(ω) - δ(ω + 6) - δ(ω - 6)]; jπ A[δ(ω + ω0) - δ(ω - ω0)];
[18.85/18o ]δ(ω - 8) + [18.85/-18o]δ(ω + 8).

11. Find the function f(t) whose Fourier Transform is as shown in figure below.

𝐴 cos 𝜔𝑜 𝑡
Answer: 𝑓(𝑡) = [1 − cos(2𝑎𝑡)]
𝑎𝑡 2 𝜋

12. Draw the magnitude plot of voltage transfer function of a two-port series RC network (R=1kΩ,
C= 2.65µF). The response vo(t) is the voltage across the capacitor. Find the cut-off frequency and
verify from the magnitude plot.
Answer: fc= 60 Hz.

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