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Game: ​Senenmut’s Quest​ - "​Daggers and Destiny"

The Idea
The game highlights exploration, conflict resolution, and character development all while
exposing the player to a historically rich playing environment. Set in Ancient Egypt,
during the reign of Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh during the 1400s BC, this game
follows the rise of her most trusted advisor, Senenmut, from a nondescript educated
Egyptian to the right hand of Hatshepsut.

The ultimate goal of the game is to get back to the present day by protecting the
pharaoh and rising in rank within the ancient Egyptian caste system. If successful
Senenmut will move up in rank as she collects knowledge by completing tasks in her
quest to aid the Pharaoh Hatshepsut. This is a single-player game.

This is intended to be played over multiple levels of Senenmut’s quest. Knowledge

currency in the form of scrolls is used to purchase a rise in rank within the game. Scrolls
are earned by the completion of tasks through each level.

The game will feel like ancient Egypt, with some of the realities of the society and the
caste system while using an isometric art style. The music would be based on the Oud
and evoke feelings of mystery and intrigue.

Main Objective
The player’s main objective is to collect intellectual (knowledge scrolls) and material
resources (fruit, potions, weapons) to further her station and improve her standing with
Hatshepsut. To achieve this objective, the player as Senenmut must ​outwit ​and ​escape
their enemies in order to save the pharaoh by defeating the unknown evil of the current
vizier. Defeating Senenmut’s enemies is the key to Hatshepsut and eventually finding
the way home.

The play can be described as action-adventure. As the player moves through the
environment, they encounter a variety of challenges including attacks from mysterious
henchmen, assaults from nefarious merchants, and an invasion by the Hittite empire.
They battle to save the kingdom and protect the throne of Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

The premise of ​Senenmut’s Quest ​is that the player is a character who is on a quest to
protect her pharoah and in the process, rise in position of the ancient Egyptian caste

Win Condition
The player must collect enough scrolls to level-up, solve the mystery, and defeat the
pharaoh's vizier, resurrect Hatshepsut, and become the new vizier.

● Protagonist - The player character takes on the role of Senenmut, a brave young
slave girl. She is clever, determined, and her sense of right and wrong propel her
to fulfill her destiny as champion of the pharaoh.
● Deuteragonist - The Pharaoh Hatshepsut is a supporting non-player character
(NPC) that guides our hero through the quest. Hatshepsut is a mysterious figure
whose intentions are only revealed at the end.
● Antagonist - The vizier named Useramen, is a non-player opponent (NPO) and
will serve as the boss at the conclusion. It is revealed to our hero that the vizier is
attempting to usurp the throne of the pharaoh through a mock invasion and a
fabricated crisis from which he can have the pharaoh removed. He is a Hittite
seeking revenge on the Egyptians.
● Supporting NPCs - Villagers and animals
● NPOs - Hittite spies and invaders. These NPOs are the primary obstacles for our
hero in the game.

Senenmut was sold to Hatshetsup’s household as a slave. Unlike other slaves,
Senenmut is literate. Her ability to read and write sets her apart from other slaves and
makes her an asset to Hatshepsut. She serves Hatshetsup by working through tasks
needed to run the kingdom. She is loyal to the Pharaoh and collects knowledge that she
uses to prove her worth as she navigates the hierarchy of the caste system with the
intent to gain the pharaoh's favor in order to find a way back to the present day.

Tension rises and the challenge increases as the player moves through the levels. The
vizier and his Hittite henchmen are the major antagonists in the game - outwitting them
and defending the kingdom are of utmost importance to Senenmut. The Hittites become
more numerous and more difficult to evade and defeat.


Invitation to Play
The player begins​ Senenmut’s Quest​ as a tourist in modern day Egypt. Approaching
Hatshetsup’s ​temple, the player walks towards an archway which serves as an entry
portal to level one. Upon entering, they are immediately transported to ancient Egypt.
The player finds themself in a dimly lit corridor, the soft sounds of distant drums and
mysterious music fill the air. The journey begins.

Number of Players
This game is designed for one player.

Roles of Players
In this game, the player takes on the role of seeker of truth, defender, fighter, and
ultimately the role of achiever. As the character Senenmut, the player must achieve the
goal of collecting knowledge scrolls to win the game.

Player Interaction Patterns

The structure in ​Senenmut’s Quest ​is a single-player versus game system. The game
includes non-player opponents in the form of Hittite spies, invaders, and traps to create


Starting Action
Play begins when the start button is pressed. The player enters the temple as a young
tourist in the present-day and is transported to the time of 1400BC as Senenmut.

Progression of Action ​ 1

The player begins the game in this new role in the first level. Navigating the temple as a
slave, Senenmut collects scrolls of knowledge as they become available via completed
tasks within the game. Once enough knowledge scrolls are obtained, they rise in rank
within the caste system and gain new abilities.

Level One
The player enters the temple, finds a scroll that informs them of a threat to overthrow
Hatshepsut, and starts the quest to save the pharaoh.

Level Two​:
The player is transported to a port market in Luxor where they have to navigate Hittite
attackers as they attempt to find the next scroll held by a mysterious person
(Hatshepsut in disguise). The scroll gives directions to Alexandria through a cut scene.
The player exits this level through another archway which leads them to level three, a

Level Three
The player is transported to Alexandria where they are walking through the library trying
to find the pharaoh's vizier. Again they must evade Hittites that are trying to stop them.
The player encounters the vizier and defeats him after he is exposed as a Hittite spy.
This information comes to light through the collection of knowledge scrolls by
Hatshepsut who reveals herself hiding in the library.

Resolving Actions
Once the player, as Senenmut, collects all the scrolls the player’s task is to present
them to Hatshepsut. In the final scene the player is confronted by the vizier. The player
is faced with the reality that he has murdered Hatshepsut. Channeling the power of Ra,
via the Ankh, the player resurrects the pharaoh. The pharaoh awakens and executes
the vizier.

Level One:
● To complete their task, the player, as Senenmut, must explore the temple looking
for an exit that will lead to the next level
● They must avoid Hittite attackers and traps
● To progress through the temple, they must flee or hide from Hittite attackers
while avoiding traps

● If the player is not successful and comes in contact with a Hittite, their dagger, or
falls in a trap, they will lose a life
● Midway through the level, the player may find a dagger (levelling up) that will
allow them to fight back
● The player must find and collect the scroll that helps them escape and provides
directions to level two through an archway

Level Two:
● The player must explore the market in search of a mysterious figure with the next
● Again they must avoid Hittite attackers, traps, and dangerous animals. Hittite
attackers will try to kill Senenmut with rolling barrels, runaway donkey carts, and
cobras in baskets.
● The player can power-up by collecting tangerines which they can hurl at

Level Three:
● The player must search the library to deliver the scrolls to the Pharaoh's vizier
● Here they must avoid Hittite soldiers, scorpions, and traps
● Upon finding the vizier they player also finds Hatshepsut dead
● They can power-up with the Ankh that allows the player to throw the power of Ra
in the form of light rays
● They player must revive Hatshepsut using their newly discovered power of Ra
● Hatshepsut kills the vizier and makes the player, Senenmut the new vizier


The player has 3 lives in ​Senenmut’s Quest. ​They will lose a life if they come in contact
with a NPO or an enemy object.

The player can flee from NPOs as well as hide behind non-penetrable objects such as
crates and stone blocks. The player will attack with a dagger and fruit that they can fling.
In the final resolution the player can use the ankh to revive the pharaoh.

There are opportunities for the player to receive a power-up boost during the game.
These will include coming into contact with a tangerine in level two and the Ankh in level

Special Terrain
Level 1: Hatshepsut’s Temple
● Advantage: weapon accrual (dagger)
● Challenge: pit traps and Hittites
Level 2: Port Market at Luxor
● Advantage: a collection of fruit as a weapon
● Challenge: avoid market traps barrels and Hittites
Level 3: Library in Alexandria
● Advantage: healing potion
● Challenge: find and defeat the vizier
● Wisdom: scrolls of knowledge
● Weapons: daggers & spears
● Power-Ups: weapon upgrade, fruit, potion, and the Ankh
● Lives: three lives

● Obstacles: boundaries created by the environment, walls, and traps
● Opponents: Hittites organized by the current pharaonic visier (unknown to the
player) are trying to prevent the player from thwarting their plan to overthrow the
pharaoh. They can take the player’s lives with collisions.
● Dilemmas: the player’s fate lies with the future of the pharaoh

● Collisions with opponents and traps. Not finding scrolls.

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