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Dialogue, At the restaurant, At de restaurant, DOS AUDIO

1. Wilfrido: good afternoon, could you give me a table for one person.
2. Mesero: of corse, MR follow me please
3. Wilfrido tahank uou
4. Mesero: can I take your order. Sir
5. Wilfrido: You should show me the menu letter
6. Mesero: o.k one moment, please, I´II bring it for you, here you are
7. Wilfrido: I will have fish rice ant salad .
8. Meser: what would you like to drik?
9. Wilfrido: I would took the drinks menu
10. Mesero: of couse, here you are you must to choose borojo juice it´s very good
11. Wilfrido: it´s good. I shall have a glasa of borojo
12. Mesero: MAY I lift the dishes?
13. Yes, thanks Wilfrido
14. You welcome Mesero
15. Wilfrid: how much ought I to pay for the meal
16. Mesero: this is you account, sir
17. Take and you can keep the change
18. Thank you mesero
19. Wilfrido: might you atten me next time?
20. Mesero: yes, you are welcome

Presentacion personal VIDEO

My name is wilfrido

My occupation is free union

My marital status is free union

I consider that I am a nice person,

Cheerful, intellingent, humble and

Very respectful, and also very responsible and worker person

Sible and worker person

Frases con los comparativos

1. In vigia is hotter than bellavista

2. Vigia is bigger than bellavista
3. Bellavista is as pretty as vigia
4. Vigia people is happier than Bellavista people.
5. In Bellavista there are less people than vigia
6. My bed room is more alegant than the my son

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