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Sea Urchin Sushi: Guide to Common

Sea urchin sushi is made from delicious uni or sea urchin that is found in every ocean in the
world. And is a prized food of Japanese cuisines.

Is Sea Urchin Sushi Poisonous?

Sea urchin sushi or uni sushi made with raw quail
eggs are not poisonous. However, you must be
careful with sea urchins themselves. Because they
have spines which can be very dangerous and
contain harmful toxins.

Especially a few known species of sea urchins are

known to have venomous “bites” that can have
potent deadly effects. Furthermore sea urchins can
cause allergic reactions that can be quite deadly for
some individuals.

But the most dangerous is one specie of sea urchin

known as ​Flower Urchin​ or ​Toxopneustes pileolus
that is very widespread and commonly found. And
can deliver a super painful sting when touched.

However sea urchin sushi made from uni are not

only not dangerous they are also edible meats that
can deliver great health benefits. And is a rich
source of protein that helps repair and build muscle

Nonetheless, it is also a great source of Vitamin A

which will promote healthy skin and eyesight.
Further along has a ton of Zinc which is important for
healing wounds.

And it is not just used with sushi rice to make nigiri

rolls, there are also a variety of different usage for
this prized food. Including being spread like butter
onto food to being added as sashimi to rice and

Although it’s a sublime delicacy that is frequently

used in Japanese cuisine. It’s also a delicacy of the
sea that is very hard to catch. Since only selected
few types of non-poisonous species are used for sea
urchin sushi.

But this is definitely not a great idea that you should

just go out and try to find out what’s edible. Because
there are over 950 species of urchin that are found
all over the world and in a range of depth zones.
However only 18 of them ​are edible​ and are used in

What does sea urchin sushi taste like?

Firstly for first time eaters, the sushi uni has a very
strong smell of the ocean sea. Generally the sea
urchin sushi is described as a taste of the “butter of
the sea”.

And it really is like tasting a small bite of the ocean,

since it got this nice creamy taste to the sushi.
Moreover there’s this strong rich delicate flavor that
simply melts in your mouth.

Furthermore it is very light and sweet making your

tongue tingle. But it may take time to get used to the
briney and fishy mineral taste.

However not everybody likes the custardy flavor of

the sea. Moreover when it is not fresh it starts to
become very slimy and drippy.
And bad sea urchin uni that is not fresh has this
ammonia metallic taste from its minerals that is very
repulsive. So if you want to try some uni make sure it
is a traditional restaurant that specializes in this type
of sea urchin sushi.

How much is sea urchin sushi?

Firstly in Japan the uni themselves is a delicacy that
can be quite expensive. And a plate of nigiri sushi
from uni can cost ranging from ​¥300 to ¥600.

Now in the US, it can also add up to be quite

expensive. Generally with prices ranging on average
$4.00 to $6.00 per plate.
Why Is It So Expensive?

But the high expense is due to the difficulty that

arises from farm harvesting which only yields a small
amount of uni meat. Additionally there’s been a
surge in demand for edible sea urchins.

However, sea urchin farms are not very productive

since these sea animals require a very specific
climate and water environment. Also there are limits
to harvesting from fishing and diving in many fishing

Nonetheless the best place to taste uni is in Santa

Barbara and Hokkaido where the environment is
best. Though it is still hard to harvest them for
cooking. Because even an hour or so can cause the
uni to have a distinctly different flavor to freshly
harvested uni.

In the past most urchins came from importation. But

freezing doesn’t fully preserve the taste, and will
alter the creamy sea taste.
Cost of Importation

Contrary to expectations, the cost for high quality

sea urchins can be very expensive. For example, the
average cost for a pound of urchins in 2014 ranges
from $.76 to $.84.
Now in 2017 the numbers have surge to more higher
levels than before. With ​data​ putting the cost to
average prices at $1.53 per pound.

Sea Urchin Sushi Preparation

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