Introduction To H

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Introduction to Habits of Mind

Our objective for today : SWBAT d efin e Habits of Mi nd i n their own words .

DO NOW ('.GU tl r
1. Name positive characteristics t h a t ~ you? (i. e, persistent)

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Wh~cha~sti~~r~strengthened? (i.e, close minded)

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(Je1come to Habits of Mind 101. We are going to embark on a journey to uncover habits
,iJi{}C that will allow us to be successful in class and in 1i£e!
~r Habits of Mind are I{.... attributes necessary I ~; ~t¼. •·
· \J operate in society .~ your Habits of Mind ti.\ . /( tit.I; 1\.-J.d-,&\to"'
means kno~ng how to behave ,
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PYo!t~!;JWhen you do a /(,1,.,.:._
answer. ...-.........:• 9b""~i•M•'f
.. \"'i- jot
Directions:As we go through today's PowerPoint,
down synonyms or phrases for Habits of Mind you
learn today.

Remaining Open to Continuous Learning
Thinking About Thinking (METACOGNITION)

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Thinking Flexibly • / Persisting

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Finding Humor Strivin g fo r Acc uracy

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Listening with Understandin g and Empathy \/ Gath ering Data Th rough All Senses &,,

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Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Thinking Interdependently /

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Creating, Imaging and Innovating J Responding with Wonderment and Awe /

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Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations / Questioning and Posing Problems

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Managing Impulsivity / Taking Responsible Risks /

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Name: \,,,.VU.VA. I..•-------

Di r ec)t'ions: With a partner , write down :

~ bits of Mind you believe are most important in life .
of Mind that are a strength for you .
~H a b its of Mind you would like to work on during

Directions : Read each question below carefully, then s e l e ct t h e BEST resp o nse .

1. Choose the best definition of habits of mind?

a. Activities and beliefs that are formed in us when we interact with the
b. Activities and beliefs that are formed in us when we interact with the
~ ~ctivities and behaviors that are native to us at birth
....: : /.. one of the above

2. Sticking to the task at hand best describes which Habit of Mind?

a. Thinking about Thinking
.fb\ Persisting
V . Thinking Independently
d . Managing Impulsivity

3. Which o ~ e following i ~ a good habit of Mind.

good relatio~2s with other students to enhance teamwork
Scheule time to think deeply about complex issues
us intently on academics at the exclusion of relationships
Seek opportunities to communicate with people

4 . On

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