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Readng activity WE LIVE IN FLORENCE

Read the text and answer the following questions about Anna.

Hello, I’m Anna. I’m from Italy and I’m

twenty – five. I’m a secretary and I work in
an office. My husband’s name is Bruno
and we live in a flat in Florence. My
mother’s name is Francesca and my
father’s name is Alberto. My sister’s name
is Paola and she’s sixteen. They live in a
house in Fiesole.
1- Where is Anna from?
2- How old is she?
3- What´s her occupation?
4- Is she married or single?
5- What´s her husband´s name?

Circle the right response.

1- Where do Anna and Bruno live?

a- They live in Florence. b- They live in Rome.

2- Do they live in a flat or a house?

a- They live in a flat. b- They live in a house.

3- Where do Anna´s parents live?

a- They live in Athens. b- They live in Fiesole.

4- Do they live in a flat or a house?

a- They live in a flat. b- They live in a house.

6- Write the correct form using the verb “to be”

a) Julie _________ tall.
b) Peter and julie ____________big.
c) You ____________ big.
d) I _______tall.
e) Peter and I __________slim.
f) My name __________ Christopher.
g) I _______twenty years old.
h) How old _________ you?
i) What time __________it?
j) They __________restaurant managers.

REORDENA en las celdas estas cuatro oraciones.

a. breakfast / I / coffee / often / for / have

b. ever / fish / breakfast / you / do / eat / for?

c. we / Sunday / on / have / big / a / breakfast / always

d. dinner / usually / you / what / have / time / do?

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