Present Continuous

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Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continuous e as frases a seguir, responda à

pergunta abaixo:

I – The teachers are teaching about ecology.

II – You play soccer very well.

III – I am working in a big school.

IV – She loves to study.

Quantas frases estão no Present Continuous?


2. Complete as frases abaixo com o Present Continuous e, depois, reescreve-as nas

formas negativa e interrogativa.

a) The boy _____________ (read) a book.



b) My brothers ____________ (watch) television.



3. “Iago está morando em Salvador e ele não está trabalhando no momento.” Pode-se
traduzir essa frase para o inglês corretamente na alternativa:a) Iago lives in Salvador and
he is not works at the moment.

b) Iago are living in Salvador and he are not working at the moment.

c) Iago is living in Salvador and he is not working at the moment.

d) Iago is liveing in Salvador and he is worked at the momen


4. Complete o diálogo como o present continuous dos verbos to do e to play e to read


- What are Joana and Clara _______________?

- Joana is _____________ handball and Clara is _____________ a book.

5. Analise cada imagem e os verbos correspondentes, em seguida, produza frases em

inglês fazendo o uso correto do Present continuous:
a) to eat c) to play

d) to sing
b) to run


6. Complete as sentenças com o Presentt Continuous dos verbos entre parênteses. Não
se esqueça de usar am, is ou are + o verbo principal com ing.

a) Richard......................................... a book last night. (read)

b) The boys ....................................... in the park last Sunday. (run)

c) You ........................................... axé and funk at the ballad. (dance)

d) They ........................................ the stars yesterday at night. (look)

e) I............................................... the Jornal Nacional in my home. (watch)

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