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Lea atentamente los 30 textos que aparecen a continuación y conteste a las preguntas que se le plantean. Marque
en la hoja de respuestas la opción que considere correcta (A, B, C o D). Dispone de un tiempo máximo de 50 minutos
para la realización de esta prueba.

1. From an email

This email confirms your reservation for our Lincoln County Mental Health Association Annual Conference to be held
March 4-6. We are reserving space for you in each of the four substance abuse treatment workshops.
Please send your personal check or a money order covering the $50.00 conference registration fee and $75.00 for
each of the workshops to the Association address above. In order to secure your space at the four workshops, we
must receive your check or money order for $350.00 no later than February 28.
If you have any questions, please write or call.

The recipient is being asked to…------------------

A. confirm attendance to the workshops. B. attend a professional meeting.
C. confirm a spot at the conference. D. pay for the conference and workshops.

2. Working at a restaurant
I was waiting to get a promotion from a buser - a person who buses tables, washes dishes, serves food and stocks
coolers - to a server at a bar and grill.
When I got a tattoo on half of my arm, my boss immediately denied me the promotion he had promised, even
though some of my co-workers had much more visible tattoos and piercings. He didn't say it was because of my
tattoo, but the comments he made toward me made it clear he didn't like it. Then he said that I was better off in the
kitchen than as a waitress.
The woman was…
A. promoted to server. B. not given the promotion promised.
C. not allowed to get another tattoo. D. given new responsibilities.

3. A news story

A 4-year old boy has been freed after his arm was stuck in a vending machine.
The nearly six-hour ordeal began when the child tried to reach into the machine to get biscuits, and became trapped
by its anti-theft mechanism.
"We live in rural Australia, and I don't think he's seen a vending machine before," his father Aaron Shorthouse told
CNN affiliate 7 News.
Rescue workers distracted the child, Leo, by showing him cartoons on their phones and giving him a stuffed toy as
they worked to free him but he had to be sedated at times.
Leo was sent to hospital in a stable condition.
According to the article, the boy…
A. had to be sedated at hospital. B. was trying to buy a package of biscuits.
C. had been distracted when he got stuck. D. was unfamiliar with vending machines.

4. From a research study about sleep

Sixty percent of people sleep with another person. When one person has sleep issues, both can suffer. Certain sleep
disorders, like snoring, have been shown to reduce the quality of relationships, largely because the person hearing
the snoring wakes up a lot at night. Insomnia has also been linked to lower relationship satisfaction.
Research into couples’ sleeping patterns reveals a curious dynamic. When objective measures like brain waves or
eye movements are examined, people are found to generally sleep better when they sleep by themselves than when
they sleep with a bed partner. Yet when they’re asked about sleeping alone, people say they are less satisfied.
The results of research show that people….…
A. sleep better alone. B. prefer to sleep with a pet. C. sleep better with a partner. D. prefer to sleep alone.
5. Life in Saudi Arabia
In Saudi Arabia, spending time with someone of the opposite sex before marriage who isn’t a family member is
strictly forbidden by law, even if it’s out at a café. However, there are young people who secretly meet up with the
opposite sex before marriage. This happens a lot here in Saudi Arabia.
Young people don’t care about religion. I grew up with religion all around me, and I’m still Muslim, but I don’t believe
that true Islam is like this. Young people agree that the society we live in is wrong about this. Unfortunately, many
young men and women have to live a double life.
The author of the text……..
A. doesn’t care about religion. B. enjoys leading a double life.
C. offers a negative view of Saudi society. D. admits meeting secretly with the opposite sex.

6. A dinosaur in the news

A dinosaur was left in the middle of a high street thanks to some "drunken pranksters", it is believed. A 25ft (7.6m)
model triceratops had to be removed from High Street in Godshill on the Isle of Wight after it was dragged from the
Jurassic Garden shop property.
A photo of the obstruction was taken by Chris Hollingshead, who spotted it when he was driving home from work on
Saturday morning and later posted a photograph on social media. Staff from Island Roads, which operates road
maintenance on the island, returned the dinosaur to the Jurassic Garden and the road was reopened to traffic.
Who took the dinosaur back to the Jurassic Garden?
A. Chris Hollingshead. B. The Island Roads staff. C. Some drunken pranksters. D. The Jurassic Garden staff.

7. A news story from China

On Friday morning, a rat was found running around the cabin shortly after a Loong Air flight left the city of Hangzhou
for Xishuangbanna, the airline said.
It wasn't clear how the rat gained access to the plane, although it seems it wasn't brought on board as a pet and may
have arrived with the meal service. Apart from worrying passengers, rats can damage a plane's electrical and other
"Considering the threat to passenger health posed by the rat and the possibility of endangering flight safety by biting
through wires, the captain flew back to port in Hangzhou," the airline said.
The article states that the rat…
A. caused a change in the flight plan. B. bit through cables on the airplane.
C. belonged to one of the passengers. D. was seen eating food from the meal service.

8. Online dating profile tips

First you should decide what you want. If you are a casual dater, let it be known; some of you may prefer to date
with more seriousness; let that be in your profile. Often online daters will say on their profiles, “I’m open to anything
playful or serious – whatever comes along.” Although that may be good and true for some, it could give the wrong
message to some people.
If you really are looking for something in between casual and serious dating, be more descriptive about what you
want. If you are more interested in something casual or serious, don’t be afraid to say it.
According to the tips, online dating profiles should……
A. describe who you want to date. B. reflect your personality.
C. describe who you are. D. reflect your dating preferences.

9. About an organization
Habitat for Humanity is an international, non-governmental, and nonprofit organization. It has been devoted to
building "simple, decent, and affordable" housing, a self-described "Christian housing ministry," and has addressed
the issues of poverty housing all over the world.
The organization’s mission statement is "Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people
together to build homes, communities and hope". Homes are built using volunteer labor and Habitat makes no profit
on the sales. Habitat has helped more than 4 million people construct, rehabilitate or preserve more than 800,000
homes since its founding in 1976, making Habitat the largest not-for-profit builder in the world.
Habitat for humanity… A. has 4 million volunteers. B. has a religious orientation.
C. has constructed more than 800,000 houses. the largest building company in the world.
10. Coffee or tea?

The biggest differences between coffee and tea may emerge once your head hits the pillow.

Comparing people drinking the same volume of tea or coffee over a single day, researchers at the University of
Surrey in the UK confirmed that although both drinks lend similar benefits to your attention during the day, coffee
drinkers tend to find it harder to fall asleep at night – perhaps because the higher caffeine content finally catches up
with you.

Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful sleep. Tea offers many of the benefits of coffee, without the
sleepless nights – a clear win.

According to the article, coffee and tea…

A. should be avoided before bed. B. affect people’s sleep differently. C. should be drunk in the morning.D.
influence sleep in a similar manner.

11. A review about a restaurant

I read good reviews about this restaurant so I decided to try it. My mum and I ordered drinks and the waiter
misunderstood us and brought red wine instead of white. When we were brought the correct drinks, there was
something floating in mine, so I sent it back.

The waiter then ignored us for the duration of our visit, sending other staff to our table, and standing with his back
towards us while talking to the other guests on either side of us, making us feel very uncomfortable. If service is
anything to go by, no wonder this place lost its Michelin star.

The author of the text was…

A. unhappy the restaurant was out of white wine. B. bothered by the clients at a nearby table.

C. annoyed that the waiter misunderstood her. D. upset with the way she was treated.

12. An advert

Charming, quiet one 1 bedroom flat (39 m2) in central Paris (parquet floors, big windows, marble fireplace, Wi- Fi
and TV, new bathroom) for one month to six weeks from mid-December 2016 to mid-January 2017. Dates flexible
with one month minimum. My place is located in a trendy neighborhood, directly south of Sacre Coeur and Place des
Abbesses near the Rue des Martyrs. You can find Paris’ best food, shopping, and restaurants all nearby.

I’m interested in a one bedroom, preferably in the centre of London but I’m flexible. Send me an email with pictures
and tell me about yourself if you are interested.

The author of the advert is looking for a…

A. room to share.B. flat to exchange. C. room to rent.D. flat to buy.

13. News from America

"Knockout game" is one of the many names given by American news media to assaults in which one or more of the
attacker(s) attempt to knock out an unsuspecting victim. This is done by punching someone in the head really hard
for the amusement of the attacker(s) and their accomplice(s). Other names given to assaults of this type include
"knockout king", "point 'em out", and "polar-bear hunting", allegedly called such when the victim is white. Serious
injuries and even deaths have been attributed to the "knockout game". Some news sources report that in some
cases, the attacker was charged with a hate crime.

The knockout game…

A. is done for entertainment.B. involves special boxing moves.

C. is practiced by professional boxers. D. specifically targets white people.
14. An advertisement

Looking for someone to share a spacious (700sq.ft), sunny 2 bedroom apartment available March 1st (moving date
flexible -- possibility to move in the weekend before). Current lease is up end of June but possibility to renew if
interested. The apartment is fully furnished and has wooden floors and high ceilings. The bedroom

available has a sofa, twin bed, and shelves –as well as a big closet. The kitchen is fully equipped with a dishwasher,
oven, fridge, freezer and microwave. The bathroom is clean, has cabinets and is a decent size. Washing machine and
dryer are located in the basement. The building has an elevator.

Which of the following statements is true?

A. The washer and dryer are in the kitchen. B. One bedroom includes a sofa-bed.

C. One bedroom is available to rent in March. D. The apartment is going up for rent in June.

15. A news report

An Australian mother woke to the sound of her son's screams and found a python wrapped around his belly. Tamara
Thurgood struggled to pull the snake off her son after it bit him repeatedly on the face while he slept,

relatives said.

Ms Thurgood told local media it was "like a nightmare" as she fought to free her son.

She said Tyler, 6, had his eyes closed during the ordeal and could not remember being bitten. Two male relatives
who were called to the property killed the snake.

Snake experts described the encounter with the snake as an "unfortunate chance meeting" as pythons do not eat

According to the report, the boy…

A. was not harmed by the snake.

B. woke up when the snake bit him.

C. managed to free himself from the snake. D. was sleeping when the snake bit him.

16. An article about a parrot

Parrot owner Pauline Smith has taught her five-year-old African grey, Skylar, to use the toilet. Skylar is believed to be
Scotland’s only toilet-trained parrot.

She can do more than just use the loo. She can bark like a dog, sound like a ringing telephone or imitate a car– and of
course, she can talk.

She says, “Mummy you’re so pretty... give me a kiss”. But, Skylar doesn’t always say nice things. She likes to sit next
to Pauline’s window and shout, “What the hell?” which sometimes scares passers-by.

And she’s also been known to yell “help” when there’s nothing wrong with her said Pauline. Source: dailyrecord
Which statement is true about Skylar the parrot?

A. She does naughty things.

B. She uses vulgar vocabulary.

C. She can imitate a toilet flushing.

D. She calls for help in emergencies.

17. Leap Day, February 29th

According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, Saint Brigid made a deal with Saint Patrick to allow women to
propose to men – and not just the other way around – every four years on leap day.

This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how
leap day balances the calendar. In some places, leap day has been known as “Bachelors’ Day” for the same reason. A
man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a dress or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on
leap day.

According to legend, on leap day a woman…

A. has to ask her boyfriend for marriage.

B. must pay a fine if she rejects a man´s proposal. C. has permission to ask a man to marry her.D. must say yes if
proposed to by a man.

18. An ad

Touro College Graduate Program in Speech-Language Pathology is seeking volunteer participants for a research
study. We are investigating how musical talent affects accents in Spanish-English speaking populations. We hope to
demonstrate the importance of music programming in schools and second-language learning.

In order to participate, you must be between 18 and 75 years old and speak Spanish as a first language. You must
have learned English after 12 years of age. The study is simple! We just ask you to fill out a demographic
questionnaire and provide a short speech sample. No compensation will be provided but you can participate from
home and it only takes 10-15 minutes.

Source: craigslist

To participate in the study you must…

A. have a talent for music. B. be bilingual from birth.

C. have learned English as an adult. D. be a native Spanish speaker.

19. The Canadian Athlete Assistance Program

The Athlete Assistance Program is a program where the Government of Canada provides funding assistance to elite
level Canadian athletes. Athletes who are receiving this assistance are called carded athletes.

To qualify the athlete has to be one of the top 16 in the world in their sport, or to have the potential of reaching the
top 16. Athletes are nominated by their National Sports Organization. Only athletes in sports that are funded by the
Government of Canada will be considered.

Monthly funding is provided directly to the athletes and the tuition at a post-secondary institution is also paid for.

According to the text, to receive funding, athletes…

A. must already be carded athletes.

B. can participate in any kind of sport.

C. need to be enrolled in post-secondary education.

D. have to be considered among the best in their sports.

20. A collection

In late 2008, a man sold the world's biggest collection of Scalextric models: a set of more than 1,000 cars, two- and-
a-half miles of racetrack and countless accessories. The collection includes a rare blue Bugatti Type 59 and a yellow
Ferrari Berlinetta GT250 and other 1,000 Scalextric models.

The owner acquired his first Scalextric in 1957, when the brand was launched, and has added to it over the last half
century. There are 80 boxed sets in the collection, including modern Spiderman and Knight Rider models. There is
even one of only three known prototype Batmobiles. The auction of this collection raised

£99,000. Source: oddee

The collection included…

A. all 1000 Scalextric models. B. both classic and modern models. C.

mostly classic cars from the fifties. D. a unique prototype Batmobile.

21. About a DJ

I go by the name Domester from Queens, New York. I'm an inspiring DJ who works all over New York City and the tri-
state area. I work hard to provide my customers with 100% satisfaction. I play all kinds of music and I’m specialized
in Hip-Hop, R&B, Dance, House, Bachata, Merengue, and Salsa. I have experience with events such as private parties,
weddings, babyshowers, birthdays, baptisms, and corporate events. I'm flexible and I'll work with your budget so you
can be comfortable with getting the price you can afford. I’m also bilingual with Spanish. If you have any questions
please text me.

Source: craigslist

The DJ…

A. has fixed prices.

B. will negotiate what he charges. C. has played at bridal showers.

D. is specialized in private parties.

22. A happy ending

Christine remembers the day she was helping her boyfriend Matt pack for his move to Hawaii, on the other side of
the world. She was worried that they wouldn’t be able to see each other a few times a year.

That day, Matt presented Christine with a sapphire promise ring that had been in his family for years, and asked her
to come to Hawaii on a fiancé visa. “It's the same ring that his dad gave to his mom,” Christine said. “His mom and I
both have September birthdays and sapphire is our birth stone. At that moment, I realized he really wanted us to be

Source: BBC


A. bought Christine a ring like his mom’s.

B. promised Christine a ring like his mom’s. C. proposed to Christine with his mom’s ring.

D. told Christine he would give her his mom’s ring.

23. House for rent

This four bedroom semi-detached villa is located in the popular residential area of Dingwall and will appeal to those
seeking a family home. Dingwall offers services and facilities which include shops, supermarkets, professional and
banking services, primary and recently re-built secondary school, and a leisure centre with swimming pool. The
accommodation consists of an entrance hall, a living room, big kitchen with white cabinets,

3 double bedrooms with a 4th bedroom/study and a shower room. The property benefits from gas central heating
and a garden front to back. No pets or smokers. Only by viewing can you appreciate the accommodation on offer.
References required. Deposit: £775.00

Source: rightmove

The property…

A. is conveniently located. B. has a swimming pool.

C. is in the business district.

D. has a separate dining room.

24. An advertisement

If you need help picking up items from Craigslist or need a ride to the airport, I can help. I have a Honda 04

Crv SUV. I am very negotiable with prices and do emergency moves if you need help right away. I also do rides to
transport items that you have bought at places like Ikea, Lowes, Costco, etc. I drive to places like Newark, JFK and
LaGuardia airports, as well as Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Long Island, and Staten Island. If you cannot
reach me, kindly leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Source: craigslist

The author of the ad…

A. needs a ride to the airport. B. would like help with moving.

C. must transport his own furniture. D. gives rides and transports things.

25. A revolutionary aircraft

Two German brothers – Walter and Reimar Horton – began designing aircraft in the early 1930s. One of their designs
was built and flown in Nazi Germany at the end of World War Two. That aircraft – the Horten Ho 229

–was so far ahead of its time that today, its aerodynamic secrets are still not completely understood. The aircraft
looks more like a flying saucer than a fighter plane – it doesn’t have the traditional tail fin at the back.

In fact, there’s a chief scientist at NASA still working to discover just how its creators managed to overcome the
considerable aerodynamic challenges that should have made it unflyable.

Source: BBC

The Horten Ho 229…

A. was designed by NASA. B. is being studied today.

C. was tested in both World Wars. D. is similar to a fighter plane.

26. From a dating profile

I just moved back to Rhode Island from New York City. I'm so excited to finally live in the Ocean State again and to be
around easy-going people! I love the beaches and the quiet, small town environment. It’s much nicer than NYC
which is always so noisy and stressful! I don’t know why I ever left!

I love taking long walks on the beach and doing lots of water sports. I like trying new foods, drinking coffee, and
eating ice cream! I also enjoy reading novels, traveling, and biking. I’d much rather spend a relaxing evening at a local
restaurant than partying at city nightclubs.

Source: sampleonlinedatingprofiles

The author of the profile…

A. is new to the area. B. likes big city life.

C. enjoys outdoor activities.

D. is keen on going to parties.

27. News about a popular doll

Barbie is getting a makeover! Three new body types – tall, curvy and petite – in a variety of skin tones, 22 eye colors
and 24 hair styles are now available. And yes, she finally has a flat foot.

"I think it's an important step because we've been living in a culture for far too long where beauty is coming in one
shape and one size" says Samantha DeCaro, licensed psychologist.

DeCaro says the changes offered by the Barbie manufacturer could help shift cultural views of what it means to be
beautiful and might help prevent people from suffering common eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.
Source: healthusnews

Which statement is true about the new Barbie dolls?

A. They come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. B. They have the same foot and body shape.

C. They reflect the classic idea of feminine beauty. D. They maintain their original body shape and size.

28. A news report

A Dutch man who spent two decades collecting Ecstasy pills of all colours and shapes as a hobby called the police for
help after they were stolen – because he says some of them are poisonous.

Police in the Netherlands say the man, who was not identified, decided to report the theft despite the illegal nature
of the collection because he was worried about someone swallowing one of the poisoned pills.

It was not clear why about 40 red-and-white pills out of the 2,400-pill-strong collection would be poisoned, but the
police say they fear the drugs could be lethal if swallowed.

The Dutch man reported the theft……..

A. with the hopes of getting his collection back. B. in order to try to find the thief.
C. because the collection was valuable. D. to prevent someone from falling ill.

29. A letter
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to request a copy of my graduation certificate awarded in last year’s spring commencement services.
Unfortunately, I lost the original when my briefcase was stolen from my car last weekend. I am enclosing a copy of
the police report to support my claim, along with a certified check for $27.50 to cover the replacement fee. My full
name and driver’s license number are included in the report. Please send the certificate to the address below. If you
need any additional information feel free to contact me by telephone at (401)-773-9145. Thank you for your

Sincerely, John Smith

Which of the following statements is true?

A. John is requesting a photocopy of his certificate. B. John lost his original certificate on graduation day.
C. John’s original certificate was stolen. D. John’s original certificate was in his stolen car.

30. Marry me!

I decided to propose to my boyfriend Diego in a square near our favourite bar. On the big night, we arrived at the bar
with some friends who knew about the surprise. Then I invented an excuse and left the bar. I went to the square
where our family and friends were hiding with heart balloons, and a microphone and sound system.
I'd already agreed things with the owner of the bar - a waiter came to the table and told Diego his car was involved
in a crash outside. So he left the bar to check on his car - and was surprised with my proposal!

According to the article, …….…

A. the bar staff helped with the surprise. B. Diego left the bar to meet friends.
C. the bar staff first noticed the accident. D. Diego was surprised his car had been hit.


1D 2B 3D 4A 5C 6B 7A 8D 9B 10B
11D 12B 13A 14C 15D 16A 17C 18D 19D 20B
21B 22C 23A 24D 25B 26C 27A 28D 29C 30A


Lea atentamente las 30 frases que aparecen a continuación y complete los huecos con una de las opciones
propuestas. Marque en la hoja de respuestas la opción que considere correcta (A, B, C o D). Dispone de un tiempo
máximo de 50 minutos para su realización.

51) When I arrived I was …………… into Sally’s office.

A) show B) showed C) showing D) shown

52) The interviewer asked me some questions - …………… , did I have children and so on.
A) did I married B) got I married C) married I D) was I married

53) I opened the door and managed to find the cupboard. ……………everything was going fine.
A) And then B) Meaningfully C) So far D) Wonderfully

54) You would like to live in Australia, ……………

A) shall we? B) will we? C) won’t you? D) wouldn’t you?

55) When I saw the lady’s face I knew it was …………… serious.
A) barely B) hardly C) mostly D) very

56) I knew I was hurting him but I carried on …………… my fingers down his throat.
A) push B) pushed C) pushing D) to push

57) If the sting is …………… the body, put ice on it for about ten minutes.
A) about B) at C) in D) on

58) I …………… killed him because of my ignorance.

A) already B) nearly C) rarely D) willingly

59) …………… having a large brain, Neanderthals were characterized by having a short period of development.
A) Despite B) Even though C) However D) In spite

60) Growing up …………… had a great childhood because of the poverty of my family.
A) both my brother nor I B) either my brother nor I C) neither my brother nor I D) nor my brother nor I

61) Mr Reynolds was not invited to the party, ……………

A) did he? B) didn’t he? C) was he? D) wasn’t he?

62) …………… that I could not even walk, so I had to stay home all day.
A) It was much painful B) It was painful too C) It was so painful D) It was too many painful

63) When Mary worked as a manager she …………… drive a company car.
A) can B) may C) use to D) would
64) The more jobs you apply for, the …………… you will get one.
A) easy B) more easy C) soon D) sooner

65) Marianne has …………… attended a graduate course.

A) however B) recently C) since D) yet

66) Be careful, you …………… over that carpet.

A) are going to trip B) are tripping C) should trip D) will be tripping

67) This time …………… he will be living in a new city.

A) at the next week B) in the next week C) next week D) the next week

68) You can borrow my bicycle but you …………… bring it back before 5 pm.
A) can B) may C) must D) will

69) Don’t be late …………… school, Pete!

A) at B) for C) off D) on

70) This essay …………… before the end of July.

A) must be finish B) must be finished C) must finish it D) must finished it

71) The present was …………… expensive that Pamela felt embarrassed.
A) either B) neither C) so D) such

72) …………… the bad weather, we had a great time shopping in town.
A) Although B) Despite C) However D) Since

73) Take-off was …………… for over an hour because of the strike.
A) delayed B) missed C) retarded D) suppressed

74) Last year we had the …………… to travel to Indonesia.

A) benefit B) occasion C) opening D) opportunity

75) We reached the airport with plenty of time to …………… .

A) free B) let C) spare D) use

76) We …………… down outside Leeds and had to wait for an hour before someone came.
A) broke B) came C) fell D) gone

77) This is Stan, ………… brother works with me.

A) what B) which C) who D) whose

78) Violet does not study …………… Joanne.

A) as hard as B) harder as C) hardest as D) hardest than

79) It is the first time …………… to Paris.

A) we did ever go B) we ever went C) we have ever been D) we went

80) I was trapped and started to shout …………… but it was useless.
A) definitely B) frantically C) naturally D) usefully

51D 52D 53A 54D 55D 56C 57D 58B 59A 60C
61C 62C 63D 64D 65D 66A 67C 68C 69B 70B
71C 72B 73A 74D 75C 76A 77D 78A 79C 80B


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