Year 9 Basic First Aid Exam Resus

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1) Before commencing First aid check DRABC. What does this abbreviation stand for:
D) R) A) B) C)

2) What must the First Aider do FIRST for any collapsed victim?

3) To clear the Airway the First Aider must have the patient in what body position?
or position

4) What is the name of the pulse located on the wrist?

5) After clearing the Airway the First Aider must FIRST check for:

6) If the patient is not breathing and unconscious the First Aider must:
a) b)

7) After checking the pulse and finding that it is present but the patient is not breathing the First
Aider must:

8) What is the FIRST step if a patient had a continuous bleed from a limb?

9) What would the First Aider do if the bandages applied to a wound were soaking in blood after a
few seconds?

10) What DON’T you do if the patient has a bleeding nose?

11)After the patient has been revived/given treatment and professional help has not arrived the
First Aider must always:

12)What is an adult ratio for CPR?

A) With one person? B) With two people?

13)What is the infant ratio for CPR?

14)What is CPR?

15)If a patient has a broken arm, a small area of bleeding, is unconscious &
has a pulse, What would you treat first, the arm or DRABC?

Final Score: / 20

1) Before commencing First aid check DRABC. What does this abbreviation stand for:
D) Danger
R) Response
A) Airways
B) Breathing
C) Circulation

2) What must the First Aider do FIRST for any collapsed victim? Check for danger

3) To clear the Airway the First Aider must have the patient in what body position?
Lateral / Recovery position

4) What is the name of the pulse located on the wrist? Radial Pulse

5) After clearing the Airway the First Aider must FIRST check for: Breathing

6) If the patient is not breathing and unconscious the First Aider must:
(a) Check pulse
(b) 2 effective breaths

7) After checking the pulse and finding that it is present but the patient is not breathing the First
Aider must: Check Airway again, & 2 effective breaths

8) What is the FIRST step if a patient had a continuous bleed from a limb?
Apply pressure

9) What would the First Aider do if the bandages applied to a wound were soaking in blood after a
few seconds? Place another bandage over it and apply more pressure

10) What DON’T you do if the patient has a bleeding nose? Tilt the patient’s head back

11)After the patient has been revived/given treatment and professional help has not arrived the
First Aider must always: Check DR ABC

12)What is an adult ratio for CPR?

A) With one person? 2:30
B) With two people? 2:30

13)What is the infant ratio for CPR? 2 puffs:30 taps

14)What is CPR? Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.

15)If a patient has a broken arm, a small area of bleeding, is unconscious &
has a pulse, What would you treat first, the arm or DRABC?
Commence DRABC

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