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Reading and Writing

Ellaine Bianca A. Carriedo, LPT

English Christian Academy
Types of Claim

1. Claim of Fact
2.Claim of Value
3.Claim of Policy
What is Claim?
It is a statement that is not
considered accepted by all. It may be
unverified or controversial to a
certain degree. It is usually related to
one side of the issue. It is also called
a position. A claim is argumentative
and specific.
Types of Claim
Claim of Fact
Claim of Fact (COF)
It refers to statements that can be
easily verified and not dependent on a
person's preference. It also asserts that a
condition has existed, is existing, or will exist
and are based on facts or data. *Facts that
are universally accepted are not considered
claim of fact but instead a statement of fact.
Claims of fact are often
qualified by such terms as
generally, probably, or as a rule.
And, to verify whether these
statements are claim of fact or
not, ask these questions : Is it
debatable? Is it verifiable? Is it
specific? Can it be solve
Types of Claim
Claim of Value
Claim of Value (COV)
Claim of Value involves judgments and
evaluations. It judges whether something
is good/bad, right/wrong, just/unjust,
ethical/non-ethical, etc. We judge the
worth of something. It attempts to prove
that some things are more or less
desirable than others.
Some claims of value are
simply expressions of taste,
preferences, and prejudices.
The most important in
proving claim of value is by
establishing standards of
Types of Claim
Claim of Policy
Claim of Policy (COP)
Advocates a specific course of
action. It asserts that specific policies
should be instituted as solutions to
problems. Claims of policy argue that
certain conditions should exist. Almost
always "should" or "ought to" or "must“
are included in this claim.
1. The use of civil disobedience during the
Civil Rights struggle was really reasonable,
moral, and necessary.
2. The private ownership of automatic and
semi-automatic weapons in the United
States should be banned.
3. The possibility of an asteroid or meteor
hitting Earth is great enough that the
Federal government should be finding
plans to prevent it.
4. The death penalty as used in the United
States is very ineffective and impractical.
5. The death penalty as applied in the
United States is immoral.
6. Recovered memory should be disallowed
as evidence in American courts.
7. Opera is not as entertaining as musical
8. Generally, public secondary schools in
America are not adequately preparing
students for college.
9. Fetal tissue research should not be
funded by the United States government.
10. Fetal tissue research is wrong.

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