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Review of Related Literature


In line with the positive effects of study habits. Kumari and Chamundeswari

(2015), In an effort to improve the academic success of students, it has become

necessary to examine all components of the educational process in order to maximize

the effectiveness of instruction within the classroom. These students may have the

desire to achieve and have the ability to accomplish the task, but feel the

accomplishment has too little or no value and feel doing it is not worthy. Others may

fear that they are not capable of completing the required task, so they do not


According to Chancell (2013), Begin with good notes, make time to study,

establish a routine, prepare for exam, wrap-up session. The process of learning and

studying differs from what they may have experienced in high school or other

undergraduate programs.

Based on Archer, Chetty, and Prinsloo (2019), This provides insights into how

academic business collaboration could allow an institution to be more dynamic and

flexible in supporting it’s population. Student success and retention is a primary goal

of higher education institutions across the world.

Stated by Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe, and Adedeji (2012), This study investigates the

reading interests and habits of Mass Communication and Library and Information.

Mendezabal (2013), This study aimed to investigate the relationship of students’

study habits and attitudes and their performance in licensure examinations. This could

be done through provision of developmental programs that will help students build
efficient and effective study habits and positive attitudes towards learning, in an early

stage of their studies.

According to Aguirre, Jimenez and Bellran (2020), Study habits are behaviours

that students learn by repetition during their academic training. Good habits help

achieve goals, as long as they are worked out properly. In order to study these

students, it is important that they concentrate. It is remarkable that before beginning

the study, the basic necessities of sleep, feeding and/or relaxation.

Bruck (2018), They seek the most used when it comes to studying textbooks and

new technologies is involved in this study using of textbook and technologies are both

useful but they most preferred text book for studying. Instructors in two-year college

settings develop an arsenal of homemade resources to be used alongside traditional

tools such as the textbook to assist students to successful course completion and assist

in retention.

Mubarak, Tallat, and Nasir (2017), In this study, the association between study

habits and academic performance of students is examined. The results showed that

there is significant relationship between study habits and academic performance of the


Kiran, Mansoor,and Irum (2019), In this study the characteristics of the medical

students can affect their performances in academic performance. The study concludes

that certain demographic characteristics and study habits of medical students have

strong association with their academic performance.

Chin, Sheard, Carbone and Laakso (2010),This study include the purpose of the

week’s content, some key objectives, and the relevant reading. The factors that

positively correlated with final results performance were programming experience

and lecture attendance, whereas visiting non-lecturer instructors, using the Internet,

working with others, and use of tutorial and tutorial solutions were negatively


Dr. Chand (2013), Study habits are defined as those techniques, such as

summarizing, note taking, outlining, or locating material which learners employ to

assist themselves in the efficient learning of the material at hand. There exist no

significant difference between secondary school students belonging to joint family on

different components of study habits.

Liles, Vuk, Tariq, and Liles (2018), In this study, an anonymous survey was sent

to first, second, and third year medical students that included various questions about

their study habits, as well as their course grades (A, B, C, or fail) and, if applicable,

their Step 1 score. Ideally these results can be used to help guide medical students

towards effective study habits early on in their medical education, which will allow

them to reach their full potential on Step 1and beyond.

Alzahrani, Yoon and Tekian (2018), Study habits of medical students contribute

to better understanding learner achievement and success. Given that students’

academic success is an important outcome for medical schools


In line with negative effects of study habits. Bilge, Filiz; Tuzgol Dost, Meliha,

Cetin, and Bayram (2014), Suggested that students with low self-efficacy beliefs had

higher burnout levels. In addition, students with inadequate study skills and those with

low self-efficacy beliefs were at higher risk of losing their beliefs. Students with

inadequate study skills and low self-efficacy beliefs were found to have high self-

efficacy. Students with adequate study skills and high self-efficacy beliefs also had

high school engagement levels.

According to Advokat, Lane, and Luo (2010), To examine the relationship

between ADHD medications, study habits, and academic achievement of ADHD-

diagnosed undergraduates. As previously shown for children and adolescents,

stimulant medications alone did not eliminate the academic achievement deficit of

ADHD undergraduates.

Chauhan (2013), The efforts for educating conscious individuals began to follow

a more meaningful trend, with appearance of metacognition and the studies done in

this connection. It includes knowledge about when and how to use particular

strategies for learning or for problem solving.


In line with neutral effects in study habits. Nonis and Hudson (2010). Empirical

research investigating the relationship that study time has with college student

performance has seen mixed results. Positive, negative, and no relationship between

the two variables. Study habits had a positive direct relationship on student

performance, but others had a negative direct relationship, study habit moderated the

relationship between study time and student performance positively, but another study

habit moderated the relationship negatively.

Based on Kaur and Pathania (2017), The present study is aimed to find any

significant relations between study habits and academic achievements among college

students between 17-22 years old. High achieving adolescents were found to perform

better in comprehension, task orientation and recording.

Oluwatimilehin and Owoyele (2012), this article investigates of the relationship

between study between study habits and students’ academic in coe subjects at the

junior secondary school level. From the study’s perspective, certain conclusions and
inferences are hereby drawn. There was a low positive correlation between study

habits subscales and students’ performance in English language.

Atsiayasiahi1 and Maiyo (2015), There was a clear finding that the teachers and

students seem not to take effort in developing good study habits. Students should not

be con demned but be encouraged and linked to teachers with whom they can

establish reflective

According to Acheaw and Larson (2014), The study sought to assess the reading

habits among students and their effects on their academic performance. The study

further found out that laziness is one of the basic hindrances to

reading among the respondents.

Atsiayasiahil and Maiyo (2015), There was a clear finding that the teachers and

students seem not to take effort in developing good study habits. Students should not

be con demned but be encouraged and linked to teachers with whom they can

establish reflective intellectual companionship that will help improve study habits.

Lawrence (2014), Most of them prove there is a significant relationship between

them and some of them prove that there is no significant relationship between them.

From the above study the investigator concluded that the level of study habits of the

higher secondary school students is moderate and their academic achievement is also


Yu (2011), Time spent studying, attendance in review classes conducted in

tutorial centers, motivation, and study habits have no significant effect. Upon further

analysis comparing high and low performers, study habits show up to be significant as

well. Since student perception of teacher effectiveness strongly influences accounting

performance, it is critical that hiring and training of accounting faculty be given

utmost importance.
Numan and Hasan (2017), The findings revealed that students having effective

study habits experience low level of test anxiety and perform better academically than

students having ineffective study habits. The study concluded that study habits of

undergraduate students had a significant effect on their level of test anxiety and


Khurshid, Tanveer and Qasmi (2012), Habit is a second nature; it is routine of a

person what he or she does in every condition. It cannot be changed; it may be good

or bad. It does not get affected by the changing of place or schedules. There is a

positive relationship between the study habits and the academic achievements in the

context of university education.

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