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Coho,$ T,a,he,, Ms. F"1,;~

Habits of Mind Self- Assessment
Directions: Read the foll o wing que s ti o n s , th e n pla ce a CHECK MARK i n the box that BEST J
describe s you . Mak e sur e to give HONEST r es p o n ses .

I. Ibiokiog ahont Thinking·

Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
Work with a plan, talk to yourself time
I can describe my previous learning and plan my learning to build upon it.

I can identify the areas ofmy learning that I need to develop. j

I can describe the new learning that I will be doing.

2. Bemaioiog Open to Caotio11011s I,eacoiog· Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
life-long learning, self-evaluating time

Learning is very important to me.

I am always looking to improve myself, and the learning that I am doing.

I see learning as an ongoing challenge throughout my life.

3. Ibiokiog Flexibly: Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet

Open mind, many answers time

I understand that there are different points of view on any one issue. j
I can put myself in the position of others to understand their point of view.
When I encounter a problem in my learning and work, I can think of
different ways of progressing.
4. Pecsistiog· Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
Never give up, persevere, focus time

I work at a task until it is finished.

Those around me do not easily distract me .
If something isn' t working, I don' t just give up, I think about different ways
of solving the problem.
5. Boding Humor.:
Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
lau-&h at yourself, funny side,

I can see the funny side of things that don't go as planned. 1can laugh at
I enjoy a good laugh in relationships and at work.
I don 't laugh at other people (at someone else's expense); I laugh with
them .
6. Striving for Accuracy: Most ofthe Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
check it, quality control time

I check that my infonnation is accurate.

I regularly review my plan to ensure the work I am completing matches

what has been planned.

I check and revise to ensure my writing and math are clear and accurate.

7. Listi:ning with I!ndi:rstanding and Empath;>:· Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
caring, attentive respect time

I can listen to others without interrupting them.

I listen to others and value their ideas.

I listen to others and then contribute my thoughts and ideas.

8. Gathi:ring Data through all thi: Si:nm: Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
sensing, sensitive, feeling time

I like to get actively involved in what is going on around me, regardless of

the activity.
. J
I learn in many different ways. j
Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
9. Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Pmision:
be correct time

I can give reasons for liking/dis liking such things as works of art.
I can .
give reaso

ns for agreeinni
. with
. a variety of opinions.

When I co . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -+-__::__--+-- ----4----+--~

Without h mmun1cate
. . my tiim
· k'mg and learni ng 10 others. I do it clearl y and /

-10. Thinki ,
ogotcrdcpcodco lly Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet

co-operate, collaborate, teamwork time

I hel P wit· 11 tasks that the group needs to perfonn. j

I listen to others when working in groups. I
I am happy to share my ideas with a group. I
I accept that when working in groups, others may not always agree with what
l have to say.

Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet

11. Cci:atiog, lmagioiog, aod l0001:atiog;
imagining, innovative, productive

I am willing to try different approaches when I am learning something new.

I can imagine the possibilities with my learning. /

I can see how learning changes the way I think about things happening
around me.
Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
12. 81:spoodiog n:itb Woudccmcot aod An:c:
passionate, wondrous, surprise

I often see the beauty in the things around me, and I am comfortable
describing it as such. J
I like to stop and wonder about nature, and about things that are happening
around me.
I enjoy finding things out and learning. I
13_- Alllll)'.iog fast Koon-:lf:d c to N. . . -
pnor knowledge g cw S1tuat w0Sl Not Yet
Most of the Frequently Sometimes
I can see how my new learning build .
experiences. s upon my previous learning

I think about my pr · . .
evious 1earning ex periences when planning new learning
I think about my .previo us Ieammg
· and 110w this
. a/Teets my new learning.
14. Questiooiog aod Posiog Problems; Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
interested, curious lime

I can ask questions to seek understanding of what I don't know.

I enjoy discovering what I need to find out more about and planning new
learning around this.
I look for different points of view or alternative answers to the questions I
have posed.
15. Maoagiog Impnlsivity; Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
Plan, think before you act time

I develop a plan before I start work and I see the importance of this.
I spend time thinking about ways of improving my learning plans.
I refer to my plan often, and follow what I have planned to do.
I accept suggestions/negotiations to improve my learning plans and my
Most of the Frequently Sometimes Not Yet
16. Taking Respaosihle Risks:
challenge, exploration, adventuresome time

I try out new things/learning, even when those around me are not willing to

do the same.

New challenges are what I look for in my learning.

I like to share my learning with those around me. j

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