Psychology Ug Program Criteria

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Satisfactory Commendable Outstanding

Fulfill the knowledge, Satisfy all expectations Satisfy all expectations for
skills, syllabi, and for Satisfactory plus: Satisfactory plus:
attendance commitments
for 3 undergraduate level Engage in at least two A. Engage in at least
courses per semester, or additional instructional three (2 from
the equivalent (such as activity per year such as: commendable and
graduate courses and a. teaching an one additional)
any course additional course (Psych instructional activities
releases/buyouts). UG or graduate, GSR, on- that are listed under
line, etc.) Commendable. At
Schedule and maintain at b. serving on two or least one of the
least 2 hours per week of more honors capstone, additional activities
office hours per 3 credit predissertation or should be of higher
course dissertation committees, quality/quantity than
c. Chairing/supervisi listed in
Satisfactory evaluation ng an honors thesis or Commendable or,
from in-class independent study,
observations when d. developing a new B. Provide evidence of
conducted course. outstanding teaching
e. attend teaching including a
Student evaluations are conference or workshop demonstration of how
predominantly at least f. Write or teaching assignments

Satisfactory. contribute to a grant and activities help

proposal to improve student reach course
Peer evaluations are teaching SLOs, high student
predominantly at least engagement and
Satisfactory Provide evidence of high learning or,
quality teaching including
a demonstration of how C. In class observation
teaching assignments ratings (when
and activities help conducted) are
student reach course predominantly at
SLOs, high student least in the range
engagement and between
learning. Commendable and
Satisfactory to
Commendable evaluation Student evaluations are
from in-class predominantly at least in the
observations when range between
conducted Commendable and
Receive student
evaluations that are Peer evaluations are
predominantly at least in predominantly at least in the
the range between range between
Satisfactory (3) and Commendable and
Commendable (4) Outstanding.
Satisfactory Commendable Outstanding
Engage in continuous Expectations for Satisfy all expectations for
professional development "Satisfactory" completed Satisfactory plus any of the
or plus any of the items items below:
Participate in scholarly below:
exchanges through
participation in Complete at least one Produce two or more

professional conferences substantial scholarly scholarly products

or product (such as a (publication or presentation
Engage in an ongoing submitted manuscript, completed) in high quality
program of research or technical report, or peer-reviewed venue(s)
scholarship (such as accreditation report) or
ongoing literature review, or Received funding for at least
data collection or Write or contribute to a one large internal (i.e.
analysis, proposal scholarly grant proposal Priority Grant) or external
development, manuscript or manage a funded grant
preparation) grant. or
or or Publication of a book,
Make satisfactory At least one presentation extensive monograph,
progress on completing at a national or regional and/or journal may be
PhD if not yet completed. professional conference. considered equivalent to
several individual articles,
(Note: presentations to depending upon the faculty
non-professional groups member's contributions (i.e.
such as parents are as author, co-author, editor,
typically listed under or co-editor).
“service” rather than
“scholarship while
presentations to For all areas, peer
professionals like evaluators are expected to
Psychologists or Teachers consider the quality and
can be considered impact of the scholarly
scholarship.) products, as well as the
Satisfactory Commendable Outstanding
Attend departmental and Expectations for Expectations for
program meetings "Satisfactory" completed "Satisfactory" completed
plus one of the following: plus at least one cell of this
Advise psychology column
majors and minors
A. Serve as an active Take a leadership role or a
Write letters of member on two position of responsibility in a
recommendation for program, demanding, ongoing
undergraduate students departmental, university, college,
for graduate school college, or departmental, or program
admission and university-wide activity.
employment committees or
B. Regularly share Serve on one time-intensive
Attend program, expertise with on- or or very demanding
department-sponsored, off-campus groups University committee.
and university-sponsored and individuals or
events during normal (through giving Serve on three or more
university hours. presentations to lay committees at the
audiences, departmental, university
consultation, or and/or professional level.
providing or

information) Provide additional significant

C. Active involvement service, such as:
in a professional -leadership role in a
organization (e.g., professional organization
APA, ADARA, APS) -significant service to deaf
by serving on community organizations
committees or other reflective of the faculty
programs. member’s expertise
D. Provide service to -other significant community
the deaf community service reflective of the
via outreach, faculty member’s expertise
educational services,
psychological Or
consultation, etc. Three or more items from
E. Write or contribute Commendable
to a grant proposal
of value to the
department or
university OR
manage a funded

Teaching S/CA/R Service Sign Additional

Years 1-2
Years 3-5

Show an average Show an average Show an average Refer to The sum of average
DRE score of 2 or DRE score of 1.5 or DRE score of 2 Faculty points for the most
better across all years better across all or better across Handbook recent three years
being evaluated. years being all years being (or less if applying
evaluated. evaluated for early tenure) in
(excluding the all three areas
Tenure would first year’s DRE) should be 6 or better
require a minimum (averaged from
of six scholarly previous annual
products (2 of which DREs).
must be peer
reviewed products). 6 years (or less if

Exceptions may be specified in letter of

made for individuals hire) appointment to
given credit toward the department.
tenure at hire, with
an average of at 2/3 of eligible
least one scholarly department faculty
product per year of (as defined by
evaluation. Faculty Guidelines)
supporting tenure

Three letters of
support from outside
the department.
Show an average Completion of Have at least Refer to 2/3 vote of eligible

Assistant Professor
DRE score of 2 or terminal satisfactory Faculty faculty (as defined
better across all years degree/Ph.D. ratings in all Handbook by Faculty
Promotion to

being evaluated in years evaluated. Guidelines)

Two letters of
support from outside
the dept (can use
letters of
submitted prior to
Show an average Show an average Show an average Refer to At least 4 years in
DRE score of 2 or DRE score of 1.5 or DRE score of Faculty rank of Assistant
better across all years better across all 1.5 or better Handbook Professor (unless
Promotion to Associate

being evaluated. years being across all years credit is given in

evaluated. being evaluated. letter of hire)

Must have at least 2 2/3 vote of eligible

scholarly products faculty (as defined
while at GU by Faculty

Two letters of
support from outside
the dept. that attests
to your areas of

Show an average Show an average Show an average Refer to At least 4 years in

DRE score of 2 or DRE score of 2 or DRE score of Faculty the rank of
better across all years better across all 2 or better across Handbook Associate Professor
Promotion to Full Professor

being evaluated years being all years being (unless credit given
evaluated. evaluated. in letter of hire)

Must have at least 4 2/3 vote of eligible

scholarly products faculty (as defined
while at GU since by Faculty
the last promotion Guidelines)

Three letters of
support from outside
the dept. that attests
to your areas of
One of which must
be from outside the

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